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In endothelium, NO is derived from endothelial NO synthase (eNOS)-mediated L-arginine oxidation. Endogenous guanidinomethylated arginines (MAs), including asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) and NG-methyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA), are released in cells upon protein degradation and are competitive inhibitors of eNOS. However, it is unknown whether intracellular MA concentrations reach levels sufficient to regulate endothelial NO production. Therefore, the dose-dependent effects of ADMA and L-NMMA on eNOS function were determined. Kinetic studies demonstrated that the Km for L-arginine is 3.14 microM with a Vmax of 0.14 micromol mg-1 min-1, whereas Ki values of 0.9 microM and 1.1 microM were determined for ADMA and L-NMMA, respectively. EPR studies of NO production from purified eNOS demonstrated that, with a physiological 100 microM level of L-arginine, MA levels of >10 microM were required for significant eNOS inhibition. Dose-dependent inhibition of NO formation in endothelial cells was observed with extracellular MA concentrations as low 5 microm. Similar effects were observed in isolated vessels where 5 microm ADMA inhibited vascular relaxation to acetylcholine. MA uptake studies demonstrated that ADMA and L-NMMA accumulate in endothelial cells with intracellular levels greatly exceeding extracellular concentrations. L-arginine/MA ratios were correlated with cellular NO production. Although normal physiological levels of MAs do not significantly inhibit NOS, a 3- to 9-fold increase, as reported under disease conditions, would exert prominent inhibition. Using a balloon model of vascular injury, approximately 4-fold increases in cellular MAs were observed, and these caused prominent impairment of vascular relaxation. Thus, MAs are critical mediators of vascular dysfunction following vascular injury.  相似文献   
The use of triarylmethyl (trityl) free radical, TAM OX063, for detection of superoxide in aqueous solutions by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was investigated. TAM is paramagnetic (EPR active), highly soluble in water and exhibits a single sharp EPR peak in aqueous media. It is also highly stable in presence of many oxidoreductants such as ascorbate and glutathione that are present in the biological systems. TAM reacts with superoxide with an apparent second order rate constant of 3.1 × 103 M−1 s−1. The specific reactivity of TAM with superoxide, which leads to loss of EPR signal, was utilized to detect the generation of superoxide in various chemical (light/riboflavin/electron/donor), enzymatic (xanthine/xanthine oxidase), and cellular (stimulated neutrophils) model systems. The changes in the EPR line-width, induced by molecular oxygen, were utilized in the simultaneous determination of consumption of oxygen in the model systems. The effects of flux of superoxide and concentration of TAM on the efficiency of detection of superoxide were studied. The use of TAM for detection of superoxide offers unique advantages namely, (i) the utilization of very low concentration of the probe, (ii) its stability to bioreduction, and (iii) its use in the simultaneous determination of concentrations of superoxide and oxygen.  相似文献   
Xanthine oxidase (XO)-catalyzed nitrite reduction with nitric oxide (NO) production has been reported to occur under anaerobic conditions, but questions remain regarding the magnitude, kinetics, and biological importance of this process. To characterize this mechanism and its quantitative importance in biological systems, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, chemiluminescence NO analyzer, and NO electrode studies were performed. The XO reducing substrates xanthine, NADH, and 2,3-dihydroxybenz-aldehyde triggered nitrite reduction to NO, and the molybdenum-binding XO inhibitor oxypurinol inhibited this NO formation, indicating that nitrite reduction occurs at the molybdenum site. However, at higher xanthine concentrations, partial inhibition was seen, suggesting the formation of a substrate-bound reduced enzyme complex with xanthine blocking the molybdenum site. Studies of the pH dependence of NO formation indicated that XO-mediated nitrite reduction occurred via an acid-catalyzed mechanism. Nitrite and reducing substrate concentrations were important regulators of XO-catalyzed NO generation. The substrate dependence of anaerobic XO-catalyzed nitrite reduction followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics, enabling prediction of the magnitude of NO formation and delineation of the quantitative importance of this process in biological systems. It was determined that under conditions occurring during no-flow ischemia, myocardial XO and nitrite levels are sufficient to generate NO levels comparable to those produced from nitric oxide synthase. Thus, XO-catalyzed nitrite reduction can be an important source of NO generation under ischemic conditions.  相似文献   
Nitrite (NO(2)-), being a product of metabolism of both nitric oxide (NO(*)) and nitrate (NO(3)-), can accumulate in tissues and regenerate NO() by several mechanisms. The effect of NO(2)- on ischemia/reperfusion injury was also reported. Nevertheless, the mechanisms of intracellular NO(2)- accumulation are poorly understood. We suggested significant role of nitrite penetration through biological membranes in the form of undissociated nitrous acid (HNO(2)). This hypothesis has been tested using large unilamellar phosphatidylcholine liposomes and several spectroscopic techniques. HNO(2) transport across the phospholipid bilayer of liposomes facilitates proton transfer resulting in intraliposomal acidification, which was measured using pH-sensitive probes. NO(2)(-)-mediated intraliposomal acidification was confirmed by EPR spectroscopy using membrane-impermeable pH-sensitive nitroxide, AMC (2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-1-yloxy-2,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-3-ium-4-yl)-aminomethanesulfonic acid (pK 5.25), and by (31)P NMR spectroscopy using inorganic phosphate (pK 6.9). Nitrite accumulates inside liposomes in concentration exceeding its concentration in the bulk solution, when initial transmembrane pH gradient (alkaline inside) is applied. Intraliposomal accumulation of NO(2)- was observed by direct measurement using chemiluminescence technique. Perfusion of isolated rat hearts with buffer containing 4 microM NO(2)- was performed. The nitrite concentrations in the effluent and in the tissue, measured after 1 min perfusion, were close, supporting fast penetration of the nitrite through the tissue. Measurements of the nitrite/nitrate showed that total concentration of NO(x) in myocardium increased from initial 7.8 to 24.7 microM after nitrite perfusion. Physiological significance of passive transmembrane transport of NO(2)- and its coupling with intraliposomal acidification are discussed.  相似文献   
While the Fe2+–dithiocarbamate complexes have been commonly used as NO traps to estimate NO production in biological systems, these complexes can undergo complex redox chemistry. Characterization of this redox chemistry is of critical importance for the use of this method as a quantitative assay of NO generation. We observe that the commonly used Fe2+ complexes of N-methyl-D-glucamine dithiocarbamate (MGD) or diethyldithiocarbamate (DETC) are rapidly oxidized under aerobic conditions to form Fe3+ complexes. Following exposure to NO, diamagnetic NO–Fe3+ complexes are formed as demonstrated by the optical, electron paramagnetic resonance and gamma-resonance spectroscopy, chemiluminescence and electrochemical methods. Under anaerobic conditions the aqueous NO–Fe3+–MGD and lipid soluble NO–Fe2+–DETC complexes gradually self transform by reductive nitrosylation into paramagnetic NO–Fe2+–MGD complexes with yield of up to 50% and the balance is converted to Fe3+–MGD and nitrite. In dimethylsulfoxide this process is greatly accelerated. More efficient transformation of NO–Fe3+–MGD into NO–Fe2+–MGD (60–90% levels) was observed after addition of reducing equivalents such as ascorbate, hydroquinone or cysteine or with addition of excess Fe2+–MGD. With isotope labeling of the NO–Fe3+–MGD with 57Fe, it was shown that these complexes donate NO to Fe2+–MGD. NO–Fe3+–MGD complexes were also formed by reversible oxidation of NO–Fe2+–MGD in air. The stability of NO–Fe3+–MGD and NO–Fe2+–MGD complexes increased with increasing the ratio of MGD to Fe. Thus, the iron–dithiocarbamate complexes and their NO derivatives exhibit complex redox chemistry that should be considered in their application for detection of NO in biological systems.  相似文献   
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