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Understanding the ecology of drug-resistant pathogens is essential for devising rational programs to preserve the effective lifespan of antimicrobial agents and to abrogate epidemics of drug-resistant organisms. Mathematical models predict that strain fitness is an important determinant of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission, but the effects of strain diversity have been largely overlooked. Here we compared the impact of resistance mutations on the transmission of isoniazid-resistant M. tuberculosis in San Francisco during a 9-y period. Strains with a KatG S315T or inhA promoter mutation were more likely to spread than strains with other mutations. The impact of these mutations on the transmission of isoniazid-resistant strains was comparable to the effect of other clinical determinants of transmission. Associations were apparent between specific drug resistance mutations and the main M. tuberculosis lineages. Our results show that in addition to host and environmental factors, strain genetic diversity can influence the transmission dynamics of drug-resistant bacteria.  相似文献   
Methylphenidate (MPH) is frequently prescribed for the treatment of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. It was previously demonstrated that MPH altered brain metabolic activity. Most cell energy is obtained through oxidative phosphorylation, in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. However, there are still few studies about MPH effects on the brain of adult rats. Thus, in the present study we evaluated the effect of acute or chronic administration of MPH on the activities of mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes I–IV in the brain of adult rats. For acute administration, a single injection of MPH was given to 60-day-old rats. For chronic administration, MPH injections were given to 60-day-old rats once daily for 28 days. Our results showed that complexes I, II, III and IV were inhibited after acute or chronic MPH administration in the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, striatum and cerebral cortex. On the other hand, cerebellum was not affected.  相似文献   
Novel swine-origin influenza viruses of the H1N1 subtype were first detected in humans in April 2009. As of 12 August 2009, 180,000 cases had been reported globally. Despite the fact that they are of the same antigenic subtype as seasonal influenza viruses circulating in humans since 1977, these viruses continue to spread and have caused the first influenza pandemic since 1968. Here we show that a pandemic H1N1 strain replicates in and transmits among guinea pigs with similar efficiency to that of a seasonal H3N2 influenza virus. This transmission was, however, partially disrupted when guinea pigs had preexisting immunity to recent human isolates of either the H1N1 or H3N2 subtype and was fully blocked through daily intranasal administration of interferon to either inoculated or exposed animals. Our results suggest that partial immunity resulting from prior exposure to conventional human strains may blunt the impact of pandemic H1N1 viruses in the human population. In addition, the use of interferon as an antiviral prophylaxis may be an effective way to limit spread in at-risk populations.A pandemic of novel swine-origin influenza virus (H1N1) is developing rapidly. As of 12 August 2009, nearly 180,000 cases had been reported to the WHO from around the globe (36). Sustained human-to-human transmission has furthermore been observed in multiple countries, prompting the WHO to declare a public health emergency of international concern and to raise the pandemic alert level to phase 6 (7).Swine are a natural host of influenza viruses, and although sporadic incidences of human infection with swine influenza viruses occur (8, 9, 14, 29, 35), human-to-human transmission is rare. H1N1 influenza viruses have likely circulated in swine since shortly after the 1918 human influenza pandemic (38). From the 1930s, when a swine influenza virus was first isolated, to the late 1990s, this classical swine lineage has remained relatively stable antigenically (34). In the late 1990s, however, genetic reassortment between a human H3N2 virus, a North American avian virus, and a classical swine influenza virus produced a triple reassortant virus, which subsequently spread among North American swine (34). Further reassortment events involving human influenza viruses led to the emergence in pigs of triple reassortants of the H1N1 and H1N2 subtypes (34). None of these swine viruses have demonstrated the potential for sustained human-to-human transmission.The swine-origin influenza viruses now emerging in the human population possess a previously uncharacterized constellation of eight genes (28). The NA and M segments derive from a Eurasian swine influenza virus lineage, having entered pigs from the avian reservoir around 1979, while the HA, NP, and NS segments are of the classical swine lineage and the PA, PB1, and PB2 segments derive from the North American triple reassortant swine lineage (13). This unique combination of genetic elements (segments from multiple swine influenza virus lineages, some of them derived from avian and human influenza viruses) may account for the improved fitness of pandemic H1N1 viruses, relative to that of previous swine isolates, in humans.Several uncertainties remain about how this outbreak will develop over time. Although the novel H1N1 virus has spread over a broad geographical area, the number of people known to be infected remains low in many countries, which could be due, at least in part, to the lack of optimal transmission of influenza viruses outside the winter season; thus, it is unclear at this point whether the new virus will become established in the long term. Two major factors will shape the epidemiology of pandemic H1N1 viruses in the coming months and years: the intrinsic transmissibility of the virus and the degree of protection offered by previous exposure to seasonal human strains. Initial estimates of the reproductive number (R0) have been made based on the epidemiology of the virus to date and suggest that its rate of spread is intermediate between that of seasonal flu and that of previous pandemic strains (3, 11). However, more precise estimates of R0 will depend on better surveillance data in the future. The transmission phenotype of pandemic H1N1 viruses in a ferret model was also recently reported and was found to be similar to (16, 27) or less efficient (25) than that of seasonal H1N1 strains. The reason for this discrepancy in the ferret model is unclear.Importantly, in considering the human population, the impact of immunity against seasonal strains on the transmission potential of pandemic H1N1 viruses is not clear. According to conventional wisdom, an influenza virus must be of a hemagglutinin (HA) subtype which is novel to the human population in order to cause a pandemic (18, 38). Analysis of human sera collected from individuals with diverse influenza virus exposure histories has indicated that in those born in the early part of the 20th century, neutralizing activity against A/California/04/09 (Cal/04/09) virus is often present (16). Conversely, serological analyses of ferret postinfection sera (13) and human pre- and postvaccination sera (4a) revealed that neutralizing antibodies against recently circulating human H1N1 viruses do not react with pandemic H1N1 isolates. These serological findings may explain the relatively small number of cases seen to date in individuals greater than 65 years of age (6). Even in the absence of neutralizing antibodies, however, a measure of immune protection sufficient to dampen transmission may be present in a host who has recently experienced seasonal influenza (10). If, on the other hand, transmission is high and immunity is low, then pandemic H1N1 strains will likely continue to spread rapidly through the population. In this situation, a range of pharmaceutical interventions will be needed to dampen the public health impact of the pandemic.Herein we used the guinea pig model (4, 21-24, 26, 30) to assess the transmissibility of the pandemic H1N1 strains Cal/04/09 and A/Netherlands/602/09 (NL/602/09) relative to that of previous human and swine influenza viruses. To better mimic the human situation, we then tested whether the efficiency of transmission is decreased by preexisting immunity to recent human H1N1 or H3N2 influenza viruses. Finally, we assessed the efficacy of intranasal treatment with type I interferon (IFN) in limiting the replication and transmission of pandemic H1N1 viruses.  相似文献   
Studies have demonstrated that oxidative stress is associated with amphetamine-induced neurotoxicity, but little is known about the adaptations of antioxidant enzymes in the brain after amphetamine exposure. We studied the effects of acute and chronic amphetamine administration on superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activity, in a rodent model of mania. Male Wistar rats received either a single IP injection of d-amphetamine (1 mg/kg, 2 mg/kg, or 4 mg/kg) or vehicle (acute treatment). In the chronic treatment rats received a daily IP injection of either d-amphetamine (1 mg/kg, 2 mg/kg, or 4 mg/kg) or vehicle for 7 days. Locomotor behavior was assessed using the open field test. SOD and CAT activities were measured in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and striatum. Acute and to a greater extent chronic amphetamine treatment increased locomotor behavior and affected SOD and CAT activities in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and striatum. Our findings suggest that amphetamine exposure is associated with an imbalance between SOD and CAT activity in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and striatum.  相似文献   
Tetrastichus giffardii Silvestri is a gregarious eulophid endoparasitoid of several tephritid fruit fly species. Host stage suitability was studied using nine age groups of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), namely, eggs less than 24 h and between 24 and 48 h old, and 1- to 7-day-old larvae. Life table studies for T. giffardii using C. capitata as host were done at 26 ± 5 °C and 55–60% RH. Egg load in relation to age of the female parasitoid was also assessed as was the effect of host deprivation on adult longevity. Host acceptance and suitability were examined with respect to eight species of tephritids. Potential hosts so tested were five Ceratitis species, the Medfly, C. capitata, the mango fruit fly, Ceratitis cosyra (Walker), the Natal fruit fly, Ceratitis rosa Karsch, Ceratitis fasciventris (Bezzi), and Ceratitis anonae Graham; two Bactrocera species, the melon fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) and the newly invasive Bactrocera invadens Drew, Tsuruta, and White; and one Dacus species, the lesser pumpkin fly, Dacus ciliatus Loew. No parasitoids were obtained from eggs while all larval stages were suitable though at varying degrees. Parasitism and number of progeny was related to host age in a curvilinear manner with maxima at 4- to 5-day-old larvae. By contrast, development time decreased with age of host larvae while sex ratio was not affected. The intrinsic rate of increase was 0.17 ± 0.01; gross and net reproductive rates were 64.9 ± 4.3 and 44.9 ± 3.8, respectively. Non-ovipositing females lived significantly longer than ovipositing ones. The females accepted all host species tested, but only C. capitata, D. ciliatus and, to a much lesser extent, C. cosyra were suitable. In the remaining host species, most eggs were encapsulated. In C. capitata and D. ciliatus, percent parasitism was similar, but number of progeny was lower and the sex ratio, as the proportion of females, was higher when the parasitoid was reared on D. ciliatus. Progeny per puparium were also similar for the two hosts. In the light of these results it can be concluded that T. giffardii has a narrow host range, but it attacks and successfully develops in larvae representing a wide range of ages.  相似文献   
Delineating structures of the transition states in protein folding reactions has provided great insight into the mechanisms by which proteins fold. The most common method for obtaining this information is Φ-value analysis, which is carried out by measuring the changes in the folding and unfolding rates caused by single amino acid substitutions at various positions within a given protein. Canonical Φ-values range between 0 and 1, and residues displaying high values within this range are interpreted to be important in stabilizing the transition state structure, and to elicit this stabilization through native-like interactions. Although very successful in defining the general features of transition state structures, Φ-value analysis can be confounded when non-native interactions stabilize this state. In addition, direct information on backbone conformation within the transition state is not provided. In the work described here, we have investigated structure formation at a conserved β-bulge (with helical conformation) in the Fyn SH3 domain by characterizing the effects of substituting all natural amino acids at one position within this structural motif. By comparing the effects on folding rates of these substitutions with database-derived local structure propensity values, we have determined that this position adopts a non-native backbone conformation in the folding transition state. This result is surprising because this position displays a high and canonical Φ-value of 0.7. This work emphasizes the potential role of non-native conformations in folding pathways and demonstrates that even positions displaying high and canonical Φ-values may, nevertheless, adopt a non-native conformation in the transition state.  相似文献   
This study reports the interaction between furosemide and human carbonic anhydrase II (hCA II) using fluorescence, UV-vis and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Fluorescence data indicated that furosemide quenches the intrinsic fluorescence of the enzyme via a static mechanism and hydrogen bonding and van der Walls interactions play the major role in the drug binding. The binding average distance between furosemide and hCA II was estimated on the basis of the theory of F?rster energy transfer. Decrease of protein surface hydrophobicity was also documented upon furosemide binding. Chemical modification of hCA II using N-bromosuccinimide indicated decrease of the number of accessible tryptophans in the presence of furosemide. CD results suggested the occurance of some alterations in α-helical content as well as tertiary structure of hCA II upon drug binding.  相似文献   
In 2003, a new fruit fly pest species was recorded for the first time in Kenya and has subsequently been found in 28 countries across tropical Africa. The insect was described as Bactrocera invadens, due to its rapid invasion of the African continent. In this study, the morphometry and DNA Barcoding of different populations of B. invadens distributed across the species range of tropical Africa and a sample from the pest''s putative aboriginal home of Sri Lanka was investigated. Morphometry using wing veins and tibia length was used to separate B. invadens populations from other closely related Bactrocera species. The Principal component analysis yielded 15 components which correspond to the 15 morphometric measurements. The first two principal axes contributed to 90.7% of the total variance and showed partial separation of these populations. Canonical discriminant analysis indicated that only the first five canonical variates were statistically significant. The first two canonical variates contributed a total of 80.9% of the total variance clustering B. invadens with other members of the B. dorsalis complex while distinctly separating B. correcta, B. cucurbitae, B. oleae and B. zonata. The largest Mahalanobis squared distance (D2 = 122.9) was found to be between B. cucurbitae and B. zonata, while the lowest was observed between B. invadens populations against B. kandiensis (8.1) and against B. dorsalis s.s (11.4). Evolutionary history inferred by the Neighbor-Joining method clustered the Bactrocera species populations into four clusters. First cluster consisted of the B. dorsalis complex (B. invadens, B. kandiensis and B. dorsalis s. s.), branching from the same node while the second group was paraphyletic clades of B. correcta and B. zonata. The last two are monophyletic clades, consisting of B. cucurbitae and B. oleae, respectively. Principal component analysis using the genetic distances confirmed the clustering inferred by the NJ tree.  相似文献   
The potential requirement of either the Prion or Shadoo protein for early mouse embryogenesis was recently suggested. However, the current data did not allow to precise the developmental process that was affected in the absence of both proteins and that led to the observed early lethal phenotype. In the present study, using various Prnp transgenic mouse lines and lentiviral vectors expressing shRNAs that target the Shadoo-encoding mRNA, we further demonstrate the specific requirement of at least one of these two PrP-related proteins at early developmental stages. Histological analysis reveals developmental defect of the ectoplacental cone and important hemorrhage surrounding the Prnp-knockout-Sprn-knockdown E7.5 embryos. By restricting the RNA interference to the trophoblastic cell lineages, the observed lethal phenotype could be attributed to the sole role of these proteins in this trophectoderm-derived compartment. RNAseq analysis performed on early embryos of various Prnp and Sprn genotypes indicated that the simultaneous down-regulation of these two proteins affects cell-adhesion and inflammatory pathways as well as the expression of ectoplacental-specific genes. Overall, our data provide biological clues in favor of a crucial and complementary embryonic role of the prion protein family in Eutherians and emphasizes the need to further evaluate its implication in normal and pathological human placenta biology.  相似文献   
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