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The exothermic thermal denaturation transition of band 3, the anion transporter of the human erythrocyte membranes, has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry, in ghost membranes and in nonionic detergent micelles. In detergent micelles the transmembrane domain of band 3 gave an irreversible denaturation transition (C transition). However, no thermal transition was observed for the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain when band 3 was solubilised in detergent micelles. A reduction in enthalpy (190-300 kcal mol-1) with an accompanying decrease in thermal denaturation temperatures (48-60 degrees C) for the C transition was observed in detergent solubilised band 3 when compared with ghost membranes. Unlike ghost membranes, two thermal transitions for band 3 in detergent micelles were observed for the C transition when in the presence of excess covalent inhibitor, 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulphonate (DIDS), which derive from the thermal unfolding of a single protein with two different thermal stabilities; DIDS-stabilised (75 degrees C) and DIDS-insensitive (62 degrees C). A reduction in the denaturation temperature for the transmembrane domain of band 3 was observed when compared with intact band 3 although no significant differences was observed in the corresponding enthalpy values. This indicates some cooperativity of the two domains of band 3 in maintaining the transmembrane conformation. The results presented in this study show that detergents of intermediate micelle size (e.g. Triton X-100 and C12E8) are required for optimal thermal stability of band 3.  相似文献   
Abstract: We tested whether cerebral noradrenaline (NA) may play a central role in mediating the increased production of free fatty acids (FFAs) during cerebral ischemia. Levels of FFAs, cyclic AMP, and NA, as well as ATP, ADP, and AMP, were measured in cerebral cortex during decapitation ischemia in rats 2 weeks after unilateral locus ceruleus lesion. Comparisons were made between the results obtained from the contralateral cortex with normal NA content and the NA-depleted ipsilateral cortex. Although NA depletion was associated with a diminished transient rise of cyclic AMP in response to ischemia, it failed to influence the magnitude of FFA increase or the decline of energy state within the 15-min period of ischemia. A more than twofold increase of total FFAs (sum of palmitic, stearic, oleic, arachidonic, and docosahexaenoic acids) was observed in both hemispheres at 1 min after decapitation, when energy failure became manifest. The increased production of FFAs continued throughout the 15 min of ischemia, with a preferential rise in the levels of stearic and arachidonic acids. There was an inverse correlation between FFA levels and total adenylate pool. The results do not support a major role for NA and cyclic AMP in increasing cortical FFAs during complete ischemia. Instead, they are consistent with the view that impaired oxidative phosphorylation activates deacylating enzymes. Disturbance of reacylation due to energy depletion is probably another factor contributing to the continuous increase of FFAs during prolonged ischemia.  相似文献   
In mid-fifth-instar larvae of the southern armyworm, Spodoptera eridania, the subcellular distribution of four antioxidant enzymes—superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPOX), and glutathione reductase (GR)—were examined. Two-thirds (4.26 units ·mg protein?1) of the SOD activity was found in the cytosol, and one-thirds (2.13 units ·mg protein?1) in the mitochondria. CAT activity was unusually high and not restricted to the microsomal fraction where peroxisomes are usually isolated. The activity was distributed as follows: cytosol (163 units) mitochondria (125 units) and microsomes (119 units). Similar to CAT, the subcellular compartmentalization of both GPOX and GR was unusual. No activity was detected in the cytosol, but in mitochondria and microsomes, GR levels were 5.49 and 3.09 units. Although GPOX activity exhibited 14–16-fold enrichment in mitochondria and microsomes, respectively, over the 850g crude homogenate, the level was negligible (mitochondria = 1.4 × 10?3 units; microsomes = 1.6 × 10?3 units), indicating that this enzyme is absent. The unusual distribution of CAT has apparently evolved as an evolutionary answer to the absence of GR from the cytosol, and the lack of GPOX activity.  相似文献   
Vascular smooth muscle relaxation by several vasodilators, including acetylcholine (Ach) and ATP, depends on the presence of intact endothelium. Ach is thought to activate muscarinic receptors on endothelium to release an endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) which brings about relaxation of smooth muscle. In order to assess the role of free radicals in the endothelium-dependent relaxation of blood vessel, we have studied the effect of a spin-trapping agent, phenyl t-butyl nitrone (PBN). on Ach-, ATP-, and sodium nitroprusside-induced relaxation of guinea pig pulmonary artery. Arterial strips were mounted in a 5-ml organ bath containing Krebs solution equilibrated with 95% O2 and 5% CO2 at 37°C. After increasing vascular tone by a synthetic prostaglandin endoperoxide analog (50 ng/ml), the strips relaxed dose-dependently in response to Ach (5 × 10-8M), ATP (1.5 × 10-6M) or sodium nitroprusside (6 × 10-9 M). Removal of the endothelium abolished the relaxation by Ach or ATP, but did not affect the relaxation by sodium nitroprusside. PBN inhibited Ach-induced relaxation of pulmonary artery dose-dependently, but had no effect on relaxations by ATP or sodium nitroprusside. PBN did not block radioligand binding to muscarinic cholinergic membrane receptors on both chick embryonic heart and guinea pig pulmonary artery endothelial cells indicating that it does not block the muscarinic receptors. Spin trapping in combination with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectral analysis revealed a carbon-centered radical with hyperfine splitting constants of aN = 16.0 G and aβH: = 3.85 G in the lipid extracts of pulmonary artery (0.2-0.4g) incubated with PBN (14mM) and Ach (3 × 10-6M) for 20min. No signal was detected when endothelium was removed. Our data suggest that the endothelium-dependent relaxation of pulmonary artery by Ach is associated with the generation of a free-radical and can be prevented by a spin-trapping agent. ATP, however, relaxes the arterial smooth muscle by a different mechanism.  相似文献   
Sections from tissues fixed in a 10% solution of formalin in 90% alcohol were treated with lead tetraacetate (PbAc4) in different solvents: glacial acetic acid, dilute acetic acid, methanol, ethanol, toluene and benzene. The excess reagent was removed with a 2% solution of ethylene diamine tetraacetate (EDTA) at pH 8. The sections were then stained with Schiff's reagent for 20 minutes. The chemical stability of PbAc4 in different solvents, the effect of its concentration and the time of exposure on the intensity of the Schiff reaction, were studied. A 0.023 N solution of PbAc4 in benzene with a reaction time of 5 minutes is recommended. The stability of PbAc4 in benzene permitted such solutions to be used for 3-4 days. Satisfactory results were obtained with mammalian tissues, algae, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Some of the preparations obtained by using the technics described are illustrated in an accompanying plate of photomicrographs.  相似文献   
A simple, sensitive and specific RNA capture method is described for the detection of Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV) in infected grapevines. This method consists of hybridizing GFLV-RNAs to oligoprobes immobilized on nylon membranes, followed by RT-PCR amplification of targeted viral sequences. The RNA oligoprobe capture RT-PCR method is 10-fold more sensitive than IC-RT-PCR. The efficiency of the RNA oligoprobe capture RT-PCR and the reuse of immobilized oligoprobe membranes without loss of efficiency could make this procedure suitable for the routine diagnosis of GFLV in grapevines.  相似文献   
We report the results on the expression in Escherichia coli of a functional neurotoxin LqqV from the scorpion Leiurus quinquestriatus quinquestriatus. The gene for LqqV was synthesized using recursive PCR and expressed as a poly-histidine-tagged fusion protein in thioredoxin mutant E. coli strain [AD494(DE3)pLysS], thus permitting disulfide-bond formation. When cultured at 37 degrees C, about 50% of the expressed protein is contained as a monomer in the soluble fraction of the E. coli extract. The fusion protein from the soluble fraction was purified and the His-tag was cleaved by thrombin, resulting in a yield of about 1.5 mg/liter. The globular structure of the purified protein was confirmed by NMR and CD spectroscopy. Patch-clamp measurements using native sodium channels in guinea pig ventricular myocytes reveal (1) a slowing of inactivation and (2) a decrease in peak current upon application of toxin, thus confirming the alpha-toxin activity of the purified recombinant protein.  相似文献   
We modified the stable isotope mixing model MixSIR to infer primary producer contributions to consumer diets based on their fatty acid composition. To parameterize the algorithm, we generated a ‘consumer-resource library’ of FA signatures of Daphnia fed different algal diets, using 34 feeding trials representing diverse phytoplankton lineages. This library corresponds to the resource or producer file in classic Bayesian mixing models such as MixSIR or SIAR. Because this library is based on the FA profiles of zooplankton consuming known diets, and not the FA profiles of algae directly, trophic modification of consumer lipids is directly accounted for. To test the model, we simulated hypothetical Daphnia comprised of 80% diatoms, 10% green algae, and 10% cryptophytes and compared the FA signatures of these known pseudo-mixtures to outputs generated by the mixing model. The algorithm inferred these simulated consumers were comprised of 82% (63-92%) [median (2.5th to 97.5th percentile credible interval)] diatoms, 11% (4-22%) green algae, and 6% (0-25%) cryptophytes. We used the same model with published phytoplankton stable isotope (SI) data for δ13C and δ15N to examine how a SI based approach resolved a similar scenario. With SI, the algorithm inferred that the simulated consumer assimilated 52% (4-91%) diatoms, 23% (1-78%) green algae, and 18% (1-73%) cyanobacteria. The accuracy and precision of SI based estimates was extremely sensitive to both resource and consumer uncertainty, as well as the trophic fractionation assumption. These results indicate that when using only two tracers with substantial uncertainty for the putative resources, as is often the case in this class of analyses, the underdetermined constraint in consumer-resource SI analyses may be intractable. The FA based approach alleviated the underdetermined constraint because many more FA biomarkers were utilized (n < 20), different primary producers (e.g., diatoms, green algae, and cryptophytes) have very characteristic FA compositions, and the FA profiles of many aquatic primary consumers are strongly influenced by their diets.  相似文献   
BackgroundSchistosomiasis (SCH) and soil-transmitted helminthiasis (STH) are known to be endemic in Yemen. However, the distribution of both diseases had not previously been assessed by a well-structured national mapping study covering all governorates. The main aim of this study was, therefore, to map the prevalence of SCH and STH in Yemen in order to better inform implementation of effective national control and elimination interventions. The assessment of the distribution of anaemia was also included as a well-known consequence of infection with both SCH and STH. Secondarily, the study aimed to provide a broad indication of the impact of large-scale treatment on the distribution of infection.Methodology and principal findingsTo achive these aims, 80,432 children (10–14 years old) from 2,664 schools in 332 of Yemen’s 333 districts were included, in 2014, into this national cross-sectional survey. Countrywide, 63.3% (210/332) and 75.6% (251/332) of districts were found to be endemic for SCH and STH respectively. More districts were affected by intestinal than urogenital SCH (54.2% and 31.6% respectively). SCH infection was mostly mild and moderate, with no districts reporting high infection. One quarter (24.4%) of Yemeni districts had high or moderate levels of Ascaris lumbricoides infection. Infection with Trichuris trichiura was the second most common STH (44.9% of districts infected) after A. lumbricoides (68.1%). Hookworm was the least prevalent STH (9.0%).Anaemia was prevalent in 96.4% of districts; it represented a severe public health problem (prevalence ≥ 40%) in 26.5% of districts, and a mild to moderate problem in two thirds of the districts (33.7% and 36.1% respectively).ConclusionThis study provided the first comprehensive mapping of SCH, STH, and anaemia across the country. This formed the basis for evaluating and continuing the national control and elimination programme for these neglected tropical diseases in Yemen.  相似文献   
Heavy metal stress is one of the major abiotic stresses that cause environmental pollution in recent decades. An elevated concentration of these heavy metals is highly toxic to plant. Chromium (Cr) is one of the heavy metals whose concentration in the environment is still increasing alarmingly. It is harmful for plant growth and achene yield. To check out the growth and protein alternation towards pollutants, two sunflower varieties (RA-713 and AHO-33) were subjected to different chromium concentrations (control, 200 ppm, 400 ppm) by soil application. This study has elaborated that 400 ppm Cr resulted in a reduction of various growth parameters. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was used to enhance the understanding of plant proteomic modulation under Cr stress. Different protein bands like 48 and 49, 26 kDa have newly appeared, and three 60, 47, and 42 kDa, and two protein bands 49 and 13 kDa were up-regulated in seeds of RA-713 and AHO-33, respectively. Some proteins (52, 16 kDa) are down-regulated in leaf tissues of both varieties. Only 6 and 81 kDa protein showed up-regulation and 154 kDa down-regulation behavior in the shoot in response to stress. The finding s of study might support the selection of tolerant genotype under Cr contamination and the discovery of new protein biomarkers that can use as monitoring tools in heavy metal stress biology.  相似文献   
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