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Summary Eleven families with X-linked dominant hypophosphataemic rickets (HPDR) have been typed for a series of X chromosome markers. Linkage with probe 99.6 (DXS41) was demonstrated with a peak lod score of 4.82 at 10% recombination. Multilocus linkage analysis showed that HPDR maps distal to 99.6; this probe has previously been located at Xp22.31-p21.3 by in situ hybridisation. In the mouse hypophosphataemia (Hyp) maps to the distal part of the X chromosome; our location in man is consistent with a scheme which relates the mouse and human X chromosomes by two rearrangements. No marker has yet been found which shows no recombination with HPDR.  相似文献   
Chemically simple and physically well-defined dinitrophenyl derivatives of polyethylene oxide (DNP-PEO) can be prepared in a wide range of forms and sizes. These materials were used to investigate the molecular basis of immunogenicity and the binding of the antigens to membrane-bound receptors. Both di- and multivalent DNP-PEO activate normal murine B lymphocytes to yield primary anti-DNP antibody response in vitro. The immunogenicity is dependent on the carrier chain length but independent of T cells. Responses comparable to those induced by DNP-conjugated polymerized flagellin are induced by divalent linear materials of medium molecular weights of about 60,000. A highly multivalent material is moderately immunogenic, but at much lower antigen doses than divalent materials. The carrier PEO does not affect B-cell responses to DNP-PEO or T-cell response to succinyl concanavalin A. Moreover, it shows no polyclonal mitogenicity at concentrations as high as 1 mg/ml. Studies of antigen binding to cell surface DNP receptors show that the strongly immunogenic materials of medium molecular weights have an appreciable tendency to bind bivalently and thus potentially to crosslink receptors. The binding of smaller, less immunogenic antigen appears predominantly monovalent.  相似文献   
The functional properties of the anaerobic responsive element (ARE) of the maize Adh1 gene have been analysed using a transient expression assay in electroporated maize protoplasts. The ARE functions in both orientations although inversion of the ARE sequence relative to the TATA box element produces slightly weaker promoter activity under anaerobic conditions and elevated expression under aerobic conditions. Promoter activity under anaerobic conditions is proportional to the number of complete ARE sequences in the Adh1 promotor. The ARE contains two sub-regions and dimers of sub-region II are as efficient as the wild-type sequence in activating gene expression under anaerobic conditions. However, sub-region I dimers do not appear capable of inducing gene expression in response to anaerobic stress. We conclude that sub-region II is essential for anaerobic induction of gene expression. Reporter gene expression remains constant when the spacing between sub-regions of the ARE is increased up to at least 64 bp, but increased spacing of 136 bp or greater abolishes expression in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, indicating that a close association of the two sub-regions is required both for anaerobic responsiveness and for maximal levels of aerobic gene expression. When the ARE is placed upstream of position –90 of the CaMV 35S promoter, the ARE produces a high level of expression in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The general enhancement of gene expression driven by the hybrid ARE/35S promoter in aerobic conditions requires an intact sub-region II motif since mutation or deletion of sub-region II from the hybrid promoter reduces the level of expression to that observed for the truncated 35S promoter alone. In addition, mutation of the sub-region I sequences in the ARE/35S hybrid promoter does not significantly reduce expression in aerobic conditions, relative to pARE/35S(-90), suggesting that sub-region I does not contribute to this general enhancer function.  相似文献   
Population declines of disturbance-dependent species due to suppression of natural disturbances are realized across ecosystems. The piping plover (Charadrius melodus; plover), a disturbance-dependent and conservation-reliant shorebird that nests on sandy beaches and barrier islands on the Atlantic Coast, was listed under the United States Endangered Species Act in 1986. In 2012, Hurricane Sandy landed on Fire and Westhampton islands, barrier island nesting sites for plovers in New York, USA. Hurricane Sandy was a natural disturbance in this system, creating abundant nesting habitat. The number of chicks produced by a pair, or a population, is a direct measure of reproductive output, and gaining a better understanding of productivity and chick behavior following large-scale habitat creation may improve plover habitat management and potentially species persistence. We evaluated the effects of landscape features on habitat selection, behavior, and survival of plover broods using logistic regression, generalized linear mixed effects models, and survival models. Plover broods selected flatter sites with less dense vegetation than available at random. Chick foraging rates were highest in moist substrates and were lower in areas of higher nesting plover density. Chick survival was greater for broods that hatched earlier in the breeding season and increased as chicks aged. Generally, providing access to sites with flatter, moist substrates will likely result in higher quality brood rearing habitat on the landscape. Ultimately, vegetation removal and habitat management may be needed to reduce plover nesting density and ensure sufficient habitat, which may in turn improve plover chick survival. Moreover, sustaining natural landscape disturbances such as those resulting from storms, and not taking actions to prevent hurricane-created overwash, will allow these landscape features to persist.  相似文献   
Propulsive movements of the caudal oscillating flukes produce large forces that could induce equally large recoil forces at the cranial end of the animal, and, thus, affect stability. To examine these vertical oscillations, video analysis was used to measure the motions of the rostrum, pectoral flipper, caudal peduncle, and fluke tip for seven odontocete cetaceans: Delphinapterus leucas, Globicephala melaena, Lagenorhynchus obliquidens, Orcinus orca, Pseudorca crassidens, Stenella plagiodon , and Tursiops truncatus. Animals swam over a range of speeds of 1.4–7.30 m/sec. For each species, oscillatory frequency of the fluke tip increased linearly with swimming speed. Peak-to-peak amplitude at each body position remained constant with respect to swimming speed for all species. Mean peak-to-peak amplitude ranged from 0.02 to 0.06 body length at the rostrum and from 0.17 to 0.25 body length at the fluke tip. The phase relationships between the various body components remain constant with respect to swimming speed. Oscillations of the rostrum were nearly in phase with the fluke tip with phase differences out of—9.4°-33.0° of a cycle period of 360°. Pectoral flipper oscillations trailed fluke oscillations by 60.9°-123.4°. The lower range in amplitude at the rostrum compared to the fluke tip reflects increased resistance to vertical oscillation at the cranial end, which enhances the animal's stability. This resistance is likely due to both active and passive increased body stiffness, resistance on the flippers, phased movements of body components, and use of a lift-based propulsion. Collectively, these mechanisms stabilize the body of cetaceans during active swimming, which can reduce locomotor energy expenditure and reduce excessive motions of the head affecting sensory capabilities.  相似文献   
Inhibition of cholinesterase (ChE) activity produced by a single acute intraperitoneal administration of dimethoate was studied in the wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus, and the common shrew, Sorex araneus, under laboratory conditions. ChE values from serum and whole blood were compared with those obtained from brain in order to obtain a non-destructive tool for predicting the severity of brain acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition. In addition, serum and brain inhibition following oral exposure to dimethoate was also measured in the wood mouse. Normal ChE activity was higher in the brain and whole blood of the shrews than in wood mice. There was no difference between species in serum ChE activity. Exposure to dimethoate caused a dose-dependent reduction in ChE activity and there was a significant recovery in activity with increasing time after administration. In both species, serum and whole blood were more sensitive than brain for revealing organophosphate-induced ChE inhibition and serum was more sensitive than whole blood. Statistically significant relationships were defined between whole blood and brain ChE activity and between serum and brain ChE activity. Compared with serum, whole blood ChE activity was the more accurate predictor of brain AChE levels. The relationships between brain and serum ChE activity did not appear to be affected by the route of administration of the pesticide.  相似文献   
Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacteria that replicate within a non-acidified vacuole called an inclusion. Chlamydia psittaci (strain GPIC) produces a 39 kDa protein (IncA) that is localized to the inclusion membrane. While IncA is present as a single 39 kDa species in purified reticulate bodies, two additional higher M r forms are found in C. psittaci -infected cells. This finding suggested that IncA may be post-translationally modified in the host cell. Here we present evidence that IncA is a serine/threonine phosphoprotein that is phosphorylated by host cell enzymes. This conclusion is supported by the following experimental findings: (i) treatment of infected cells with inhibitors of host cell phosphatases or kinases altered the electrophoretic migration pattern of IncA; (ii) treatment with calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase eliminated the multiple-banding pattern of IncA, leaving only the protein band with the lowest relative molecular weight; and (iii) radioimmunoprecipitation of lysates of [32P]-orthophosphate-labelled infected HeLa cells with anti-IncA antisera demonstrated that the two highest M r IncA bands were phosphorylated. A vaccinia-virus recombinant expressing incA was used to determine if HeLa cells can phosphorylate IncA in the absence of a chlamydial background. IncA in lysates of these cells migrated identically to that seen in C. psittaci -infected cells, indicating the host cell was responsible for the phosphorylation of the protein. Microinjection of fluorescently labelled anti-IncA antibodies into C. psittaci -infected HeLa cells resulted in immunostaining of the outer face of the inclusion membrane. Collectively, these results demonstrate that IncA is phosphorylated by the host cell, and regions of IncA are exposed at the cytoplasmic face of the inclusion.  相似文献   
Sera from 129 squirrel monkeys, Saimiri sciureus, were analyzed for 15 chemical constituents. The values obtained were then analyzed for statistical significance causing the following sets of variables: (1) colony-bred versus noncolony-bred, (2) karyotype (3) vendor, (4) sex and (5) dietary iodine supplementation versus nonsupplementation. Calcium, inorganic phosphorous, albumin, uric acid, blood urea nitrogen, glucose, alkaline phosphatase and potassium were high in colony-bred animals. Cholesterol, total protein and chloride were lower in colony-bred animals than in noncolony-bred animals. No differences were seen in total bilirubin, lactic dehydrogenase, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase and sodium. When the noncolony-bred animals were separated by karyotype, total protein was higher and chloride was lower between animals from Peru versus from Guyana. Colombian animals had total protein values lower than Peruvian and lactic dehydrogenase values higher than Peruvian. Colony-bred Peruvian monkeys had serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase values higher than colony-bred Colombian monkeys. No differences were observed between monkeys from different vendors. Chemical constituents higher between noncolony-bred males and females were calcium and alkaline phosphatase. There were no differences observed for colony-bred males and females. Dietary iodine supplementation appeared to increase both total bilirubin and calcium.  相似文献   
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