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Computational analysis of alternative splicing using EST tissue information   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from normal and tumor tissues have been deposited in public databases. These ESTs and all mRNA sequences were aligned with the human genome sequence using LEADS, Compugen's alternative splicing modeling platform. We developed a novel computational approach to analyze tissue information of aligned ESTs in order to identify cancer-specific alternative splicing and gene segments highly expressed in particular cancers. Several genes, including one encoding a possible pre-mRNA splicing factor, displayed cancer-specific alternative splicing. In addition, multiple candidate gene segments highly expressed in colon cancers were identified.  相似文献   
The eukaryotic genome is divided into well-defined DNA regions that are programmed to replicate at different times during S phase. Active genes are generally associated with early replication, whereas inactive genes replicate late. This expression pattern might be facilitated by the differential restructuring of chromatin at the time of replication in early or late S phase.  相似文献   
The migration of T cells into extravascular sites of inflammation is regulated by information derived from the molecular structure of the invaded tissue and from chemokine and cytokine gradients in the context of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Although recent studies have highlighted the role of particular chemoattractants in leukocyte migration, to date little is known about how specific combinations of contextual signals control the migration of leukocytes and their localization at sites of inflammation. Here we studied the interplay between a pleiotropic cytokine, TNF-alpha, and two prototypic chemoattractants, RANTES and stromal cell-derived factor-1alpha (SDF-1alpha), on human CD45RO+ T cells migrating within an ECM-like context. For this purpose, we used a newly constructed three-dimensional gel system designed to follow, in real time, the migration of individual leukocytes along chemotactic gradients in vitro. We found that TNF-alpha, which binds the ECM protein fibronectin and lacks adhesion- and migration-promoting effects of its own, can act as a proadhesive cytokine on T cells exposed to RANTES and SDF-1alpha. Furthermore, fibronectin-complexed TNF-alpha provided anchorage signals to the T cells as they moved directionally along chemoattractive gradients. This effect of TNF-alpha required an intact TNF-alpha receptor II subtype on the migrating T cells. The anchoring effect of TNF-alpha appears to be specific; IL-2, an integrin-activating proadhesive cytokine, does not transmit stoppage signals to T cell migration induced by RANTES. Thus, TNF-alpha present in the ECM at sites of inflammation may function to anchor T cells recruited to these sites by chemotactic signals.  相似文献   
Heterogeneous cell populations form an interconnected network that determine their collective output. One example of such a heterogeneous immune population is tumor‐infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), whose output can be measured in terms of its reactivity against tumors. While the degree of reactivity varies considerably between different TILs, ranging from null to a potent response, the underlying network that governs the reactivity is poorly understood. Here, we asked whether one can predict and even control this reactivity. To address this we measured the subpopulation compositions of 91 TILs surgically removed from 27 metastatic melanoma patients. Despite the large number of subpopulations compositions, we were able to computationally extract a simple set of subpopulation‐based rules that accurately predict the degree of reactivity. This raised the conjecture of whether one could control reactivity of TILs by manipulating their subpopulation composition. Remarkably, by rationally enriching and depleting selected subsets of subpopulations, we were able to restore anti‐tumor reactivity to nonreactive TILs. Altogether, this work describes a general framework for predicting and controlling the output of a cell mixture.  相似文献   
Multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is an extension of the standard PCR protocol in which primers for multiple DNA loci are pooled together within a single reaction tube, enabling simultaneous sequence amplification, thus reducing costs and saving time. Potential cost saving and throughput improvements directly depend on the level of multiplexing achieved. Designing reliable and highly multiplexed assays is challenging because primers that are pooled together in a single reaction tube may cross-hybridize, though this can be addressed either by modifying the choice of primers for one or more amplicons, or by altering the way in which DNA loci are partitioned into separate reaction tubes. In this paper, we introduce a new graph formalism called a multi-node graph, and describe its application to the analysis of multiplex PCR scalability. We show, using random multi-node graphs that the scalability of multiplex PCR is constrained by a phase transition, suggesting fundamental limits on efforts to improve the cost-effectiveness and throughput of standard multiplex PCR assays. In particular, we show that when the multiplexing level of the reaction tubes is roughly theta(log (sn)) (where s is the number of primer pair candidates per locus and n is the number of loci to be amplified), then with very high probability we can 'cover' all loci with a valid assignment to one of the tubes in the assay. However, when the multiplexing level of the tube exceeds these bounds, there is no possible cover and moreover the size of the cover drops dramatically. Simulations using a simple greedy algorithm on real DNA data also confirm the presence of this phase transition. Our theoretical results suggest, however, that the resulting phase transition is a fundamental characteristic of the problem, implying intrinsic limits on the development of future assay design algorithms.  相似文献   
Cortical neurons can respond to glutamatergic stimulation with regenerative N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA)-spikes. NMDA-spikes were initially thought to depend on clustered synaptic activation. Recent work had shown however a new variety of a global NMDA-spike, which can be generated by randomly distributed inputs. Very little is known about the factors that influence the generation of these global NMDA-spikes, as well the potentially distinct rules of synaptic integration and the computational significance conferred by the two types of NMDA-spikes. Here I show that the input resistance (RIN) plays a major role in influencing spike initiation; while the classical, focal NMDA-spike depended upon the local (dendritic) RIN, the threshold of global NMDA-spike generation was set by the somatic RIN. As cellular morphology can exert a large influence on RIN, morphologically distinct neuron types can have dissimilar rules for NMDA-spikes generation. For example, cortical neurons in superficial layers were found to be generally prone to global NMDA-spike generation. In contrast, electric properties of cortical layer 5b cells clearly favor focal NMDA-spikes. These differences can translate into diverse synaptic integration rules for the different classes of cortical cells; simulated superficial layers neurons were found to exhibit strong synaptic interactions between different dendritic branches, giving rise to a single integrative compartment mediated by the global NMDA-spike. In these cells, efficiency of postsynaptic activation was relatively little dependent on synaptic distribution. By contrast, layer 5b neurons were capable of true multi-unit computation involving independent integrative compartments formed by clustered synaptic input which could trigger focal NMDA-spikes. In a sharp contrast to superficial layers neurons, randomly distributed synaptic inputs were not very effective in driving firing the layer 5b cells, indicating a possibility for different computation performed by these important cortical neurons.  相似文献   


To further our understanding of the association between self-reported childhood learning disabilities (LDs) and atypical dementia phenotypes (Atypical Dementia), including logopenic primary progressive aphasia (L-PPA), Posterior Cortical Atrophy (PCA), and Dysexecutive-type Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).


This retrospective case series analysis of 678 comprehensive neuropsychological assessments compared rates of self-reported LD between dementia patients diagnosed with Typical AD and those diagnosed with Atypical Dementia. 105 cases with neuroimaging or CSF data available and at least one neurology follow-up were identified as having been diagnosed by the neuropsychologist with any form of neurodegenerative dementia. These cases were subject to a consensus diagnostic process among three dementia experts using validated clinical criteria for AD and PPA. LD was considered Probable if two or more statements consistent with prior LD were documented within the Social & Developmental History of the initial neuropsychological evaluation.


85 subjects (Typical AD n=68, Atypical AD n=17) were included in the final analysis. In logistic regression models adjusted for age, gender, handedness, education and symptom duration, patients with Probable LD, compared to patients without Probable LD, were significantly more likely to be diagnosed with Atypical Dementia vs. Typical AD (OR 13.1, 95% CI 1.3-128.4). All three of the L-PPA cases reporting a childhood LD endorsed childhood difficulty with language. By contrast, both PCA cases reporting Probable childhood LD endorsed difficulty with attention and/or math.


In people who develop dementia, childhood LD may predispose to atypical phenotypes. Future studies are required to confirm whether atypical neurodevelopment predisposes to regional-specific neuropathology in AD and other dementias.  相似文献   
We explore the maximum parsimony (MP) and ancestral maximum likelihood (AML) criteria in phylogenetic tree reconstruction. Both problems are NP-hard, so we seek approximate solutions. We formulate the two problems as Steiner tree problems under appropriate distances. The gist of our approach is the succinct characterization of Steiner trees for a small number of leaves for the two distances. This enables the use of known Steiner tree approximation algorithms. The approach leads to a 16/9 approximation ratio for AML and asymptotically to a 1.55 approximation ratio for MP.  相似文献   


Type-II MI is defined as myocardial infarction (MI) secondary to ischemia due to either increased oxygen demand or decreased supply. This categorization has been used for the last five years, yet, little is known about patient characteristics and clinical outcomes. In the current work we assessed the epidemiology, causes, management and outcomes of type II MI patients.


A comparative analysis was performed between patients with type-I and type-II MI who participated in two prospective national Acute Coronary Syndrome Israeli Surveys (ACSIS) performed in 2008 and 2010.


The surveys included 2818 patients with acute MI of whom 127 (4.5%) had type-II MI. The main causes of type-II MI were anemia (31%), sepsis (24%), and arrhythmia (17%). Patients with type-II MI tended to be older (75.6±12 vs. 63.8±13, p<0.0001), female majority (43.3% vs. 22.3%, p<0.0001), had more frequently impaired functional level (45.7% vs. 17%, p<0.0001) and a higher GRACE risk score (150±32 vs. 110±35, p<0.0001). Patients with type-II MI were significantly less often referred for coronary interventions (36% vs. 89%, p<0.0001) and less frequently prescribed guideline-directed medical therapy. Mortality rates were substantially higher among patients with type-II MI both at thirty-day (13.6% vs. 4.9%, p<0.0001) and at one-year (23.9% vs. 8.6%, p<0.0001) follow-ups.


Patients with type-II compared to type-I MI have distinct demographics, increased prevalence of multiple comorbidities, a high-risk cardiovascular profile and an overall worse outcome. The complex medical condition of this cohort imposes a great therapeutic challenge and specific guidelines with recommended medical treatment and invasive strategies are warranted.  相似文献   
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