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A simple procedure to label individual tRNA species in a total tRNA preparation has been developed. The principle of the method is as follows: total crude tRNA (from E. coli) is incubated in the presence of a crude aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase preparation, containing most aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and only one specific amino acid corresponding to the tRNA species which is intended to be labelled. This achieves the purpose of charging the desired tRNA species thereby protecting its 3'OH-terminus; obviously all the other tRNA species will have a free 3'OH group. Periodate oxidation, followed by beta-elimination, destroys any free 3'OH. After deacylation of the specific aminoacylated tRNA at pH 8.8 the only free 3'OH group will be the one of the desired tRNA species. High specific activity (32P)-pCp is ligated to this 3'OH by means of T4-RNA ligase. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PGE) and sequence analysis of the isolated tRNA show that the method is very specific. Individually labelled tRNA species can be used as probes for cloning tRNA genes.  相似文献   
[3H]-cocaine, [3H]-norcocaine, [3H]-benzoylecgonine and [3H]-benzoylnorecgonine were administered i.c. in equi-potent pharmacologic doses and the intracellular disposition and metabolism of each drug determined. Norcocaine and cocaine rapidly entered and egressed from the brain so that 4.8–6.1% of the radioactivity present in brain at one minute was observed at 30 minutes. The highest levels of subcellular radioactivity were generally found in the microsomal plus supernatant, followed by the nuclear and shocked mitochondrial fractions. No apparent localization of the radioactivity occured in synaptic membranes. The brain/plasma (B/P) ratio curves for cocaine and norcocaine were similar; however, the norcocaine values were considerably higher at each time interval. Benzoylecgonine and benzoylnorecgonine had higher comparative B/P ratios than cocaine or norcocaine and persisted in brain for a longer period of time so that 0.6–2.1% of the radioactivity present in brain at 1 hour was detected at 24 hours. Cocaine and norcocaine were extensively metabolized to the benzoylmetabolites. Benzoylecgonine was metabolized to benzoylnorecgonine and benzoylnorecgonine was unmetabolized. The brain disposition data and B/P ratios agreed quite well with the overall pharmacologic action of cocaine and its metabolites.  相似文献   
The two hallmark pathologies of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are amyloid plaques, composed of the small amyloid-beta (Abeta) peptide, and neurofibrillary tangles, comprised aggregates of the microtubule binding protein, tau. The molecular linkage between these two lesions, however, remains unknown. Based on human and mouse studies, it is clear that the development of Abeta pathology can trigger tau pathology, either directly or indirectly. However, it remains to be established if the interaction between Abeta and tau is bidirectional and whether the modulation of tau will influence Abeta pathology. To address this question, we used the 3xTg-AD mouse model, which is characterized by the age-dependent buildup of both plaques and tangles. Here we show that genetically augmenting tau levels and hyperphosphorylation in the 3xTg-AD mice has no effect on the onset and progression of Abeta pathology. These data suggest that the link between Abeta and tau is predominantly if not exclusively unidirectional, which is consistent with the Abeta cascade hypothesis and may explain why tauopathy-only disorders are devoid of any Abeta pathology.  相似文献   
p53 is a human tumour suppressor which regulates multiple cellular processes, including cell growth, genomic stability and cell death. Recent works have demonstrated the bacterial redox protein azurin to enter cancer cells and induce apoptosis through p53 stabilization, resulting in a tumour growth regression. Azurin has been shown to bind p53 although many details of the complex formed by these two proteins are still poorly characterized. Here, we get insight into the kinetics of this complex formation, by exploring the interaction between p53 and azurin in their environment by single molecule force spectroscopy. To this aim, azurin has been linked to the atomic force microscope tip, whereas p53 has been immobilized onto a gold substrate. Therefore, by performing force-distance cycles we have detected specific recognition events between p53 and azurin, displaying unbinding forces of around 70 pN for an applied loading rate of 3 nN s(-1). The specificity of these events has been assessed by the significant reduction of their frequency observed after blocking the p53 sample by an azurin solution. Moreover, by measuring the rupture force as a function of the loading rate we have determined the dissociation rate constant of this complex to be approximately 0.1 s(-1). Our findings are here discussed in connection with results obtained in bulk experiments, with the aim of clarifying some molecular details of the p53-azurin complex that may help designing new anticancer strategy.  相似文献   
Cultivated and wild potato species synthesize a wide variety of steroidal glycoalkaloids (GA) that may affect either human health or biotic stress resistance. Therefore, GA composition must be a major criterion in the evaluation of breeding products when species genomes are merged and/or manipulated. This work reports the results of GA analysis performed on unique haploid (2n=2x=24) plants obtained from tetraploid (2n=4x=48) Solanum bulbocastanumS. tuberosum hybrids through in vitro anther culture. Glycoalkaloids were extracted from tubers and analyzed by HPLC. Haploids generally showed the occurrence of parental GA. However, in several cases loss of parental GA and gain of new GA lacking in the parents was observed. It may be hypothesized that new GA profiles of our haploids is the result of either genetic recombination or combinatorial biochemistry events. To highlight differences between haploids and parents, soluble proteins and antioxidant activities were also determined. Both were always higher in haploids compared to their parents. The nature of the newly formed GAs will be further investigated, because they may represent new metabolites that can be used against pest and diseases, or are useful for human health.  相似文献   
The direct HPLC separation of three chiral carbinols of general formula Mesityl-CH(OH)-Aryl has been achieved using Pirkle (R)-DNBPG ionic or covalent columns and, for Aryl = o-tolyl, on a Chiralpak OP(+) phase. It is apparent that steric hindrance and hydrogen bonding play important roles in chiral recognition. Two compounds structurally very similar but lacking the hydroxyl group were not resolved in their enantiomeric pairs. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Hox genes are key regulators of anterior-posterior axis patterning and have a major role in hindbrain development. The zebrafish Hox4 paralogs have strong overlapping activities in hindbrain rhombomeres 7 and 8, in the spinal cord and in the pharyngeal arches. With the aim to predict enhancers that act on the hoxa4a, hoxb4a, hoxc4a and hoxd4a genes, we used sequence conservation around the Hox4 genes to analyze all fish:human conserved non-coding sequences by reporter assays in stable zebrafish transgenesis. Thirty-four elements were functionally tested in GFP reporter gene constructs and more than 100 F1 lines were analyzed to establish a correlation between sequence conservation and cis-regulatory function, constituting a catalog of Hox4 CNEs. Sixteen tissue-specific enhancers could be identified. Multiple alignments of the CNEs revealed paralogous cis-regulatory sequences, however, the CNE sequence similarities were found not to correlate with tissue specificity. To identify ancestral enhancers that direct Hox4 gene activity, genome sequence alignments of mammals, teleosts, horn shark and the cephalochordate amphioxus, which is the most basal extant chordate possessing a single prototypical Hox cluster, were performed. Three elements were identified and two of them exhibited regulatory activity in transgenic zebrafish, however revealing no specificity. Our data show that the approach to identify cis-regulatory sequences by genome sequence alignments and subsequent testing in zebrafish transgenesis can be used to define enhancers within the Hox clusters and that these have significantly diverged in their function during evolution.  相似文献   
Experimental studies suggest that the magnitude of chondrocyte deformation is much smaller than expected based on the material properties of extracellular matrix (ECM) and cells, and that this result could be explained by a structural unit, the chondron, that is thought to protect chondrocytes from large deformations in situ. We extended an existing numerical model of chondrocyte, ECM and pericellular matrix (PCM) to include depth-dependent structural information. Our results suggest that superficial zone chondrocytes, which lack a pericellular capsule (PC), are relatively stiff, and therefore are protected from excessive deformations, whereas middle and deep zone chondrocytes are softer but are protected by the PC that limits cell deformations in these regions. We conclude that cell deformations sensitively depend on the immediate structural environment of the PCM in a depth-dependent manner, and that the functional stiffness of chondrocytes in situ is much larger than experiments on isolated cells would suggest.  相似文献   

Preliminary ecological observations on Petagnia saniculifolia Guss., a rare sicilian endemism. — The Authors present the preliminary results of some observations on the anatomy and ecology of Petagnia saniculifolia Guss. and a synthetic phytosociological table in which some species of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea and Querco-Fagetea are present. The particular needs of this species and the precarious environmental conditions are pointed out.  相似文献   
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