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Summary Calcium and intracellular Ca2+-binding proteins are possibly involved in hormone production and spermatogenesis in rat testis. Parvalbumin, calbindin D-28K, S-100 proteins and calmodulin were localized in the Leydig cells, which are sites of testosterone synthesis. Only the appearance of parvalbumin-immunoreactivity is closely correlated to testosterone production during development of the testes. Calbindin D-28K-immunoreactivity persisted in foetal-type Leydig cells and in adult-type Leydig cells at all stages of development. S-100-immunoreactivity was low during all foetal stages, absent between birth and puberty, and increased thereafter. Calmodulin staining is most prominent in the cytoplasm of developing spermatocytes and of maturing spermatids. All four proteins co-exist in the seminiferous tubules. The distinct localization and developmental appearance of these proteins suggests different regulatory roles in Leydig cell function and spermatogenesis.  相似文献   
Summary The immunocytochemical localization of several substances with putative neurotransmitter or modulator properties was investigated in the retinae of three urodele species. Gamma-aminobutyric acid-like immunoreactive labelling appeared in different types of amacrine and horizontal cells. In addition, labelled fibres in the optic nerve were detected. It was not possible to determine whether these fibres were ganglion-cell axons or part of an efferent projection. Endogenous serotonin was found in several populations of amacrine cells including stratified and diffuse types. Glucagon-like immunoreactivity appeared in one bistratified amacrine cell type, and neurotensin-like immunoreactivity was detected in a single monostratified amacrine cell type. Metenkephalin-like-immunoreactive labelling was rare but found in several sublaminae of the inner plexiform layer. Thus each peptide-like-immunoreactive cell type makes up a distinct and unique population of cells and probably has a special functional role in retinal processing. There are striking similarities in the peptide-like immunoreactive patterns of Triturus alpestris and Necturus maculosus whereas in Ambystomatidae the peptide-like-immunoreactive systems appear to be differently organized. This supports the hypothesis that Salamandridae and Proteidae are more closely related to each other than to the Ambystomatidae.Abbreviations GABA gamma-aminobutyric acid - GCL ganglion cell layer - Glu glucagon - HRP horseradish peroxidase - INL inner nuclear layer - IPL inner plexiform layer - IR immunoreactive or immunoreactivity - M-enk metenkephalin - Neu neurotensin - OFL optic fibre layer - ONL outer nuclear layer - OPL outer plexiform layer - Ser serotonin This work forms part of the doctoral thesis of Gaby Gläsener, Faculty of Biology, Technical University of Darmstadt, Federal Republic of Germany. Supported by a research grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Hi 306/1-1)  相似文献   
Summary Ventral thoracic neurosecretory cells (VTNCs) of the blowflies, Calliphora erythrocephala and C. vomitoria, innervating thoracic neuropil and the dorsal neural sheath of the thoracico-abdominal ganglion have been shown to be immunoreactive to a variety of mammalian peptide antisera. In the neural sheath the VTNC terminals form an extensive neurohaemal network that is especially dense over the abdominal ganglia. The same areas are invaded by separate, ut overlapping serotonin-immunoreactive (5-HT-IR) projections derived from neuronal cell bodies in the suboesophageal ganglion. Immunocytochemical studies with different antisera, applied to adjacent sections at the lightmicroscopic level, combined with extensive cross-absorption tests, suggest that the perikarya of the VTNCs contain co-localized peptides related to gastrin/cholecystokinin (CCK), bovine pancreatic polypeptide (PP), Met- and Leuenkephalin and Met-enk-Arg6-Phe7 (Met-enk-RF). Electron-microscopic immunogold-labeling shows that some of the terminals in the dorsal sheath react with several of the individual peptide antisera, whilst others with similar cytology are non-immunoreactive. In the same region, separate terminals with different cytological characteristics contain 5-HT-IR. Both 5-HT-IR and peptidergic terminals are localized outside the cellular perineurium beneath the acellular permeable sheath adjacent to the haemocoel. Hence, we propose that various bioactive substances may be released from thoracic neurosecretory neurons into the circulating haemolymph to act on peripheral targets. The same neurons may also interact by synaptic or modulatory action in the CNS in different neuropil regions of the thoracic ganglion.  相似文献   
Summary Two -glucosidase genes, designatedbglA andbglB, were isolated from a gene bank ofClostridium thermocellum DSM 1237. The coding sequences forbglA andbglB were located on non-homologous DNA fragments of 3.2– and 3.4-kb, respectively. Both genes direct inEscherichia coli the synthesis of cytoplasmic -glucosidases, which differ with respect to substrate specificity and temperature profile. The properties of thebglA-encoded -glucosidase A closely resemble that of a -glucosidase previously isolated fromC. thermocellum cultures.  相似文献   
Summary -Amylase production with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens was investigated in two different aqueous two-phase systems and in polyethylene glycol (PEG) 600 solutions of different concentrations. The cells did not partition totally to the bottom phases of the aqueous two-phase systems, and the enzyme production was repressed in both systems as well as in PEG 600 solutions. Concomitantly, the cultivation time was prolonged, indicating an increased maintenance metabolism. The surface properties of cells grown in 200 g/kg PEG 600 were investigated by phase partitioning and compared to the surface properties of Bacillus subtilis, which under these conditions showed increased -amylase production. The cells of B. amyloliquefaciens partitioned to the top phase in a PEG-dextran system, whereas the cells of B. subtilis partitioned to the bottom phase. The results are discussed in relation to water activity, oxygen transfer rate and PEG-induced changes of the surface properties of the cells. The possible role of PEG as an uncoupler of the proton motive force at high concentrations is also discussed.  相似文献   
Summary In a newly constructed one-vessel dialysis fermentor, a strain of Staphylococcus carnosus TM300 carrying the lipase secretion plasmid pLipPS1 was used to investigate exoenzyme and biomass production. The bacterial culture grows in an inner compartment of 21 volume, separated from a 101 nutrient broth compartment by a conventional dialysis membrane. In order to avoid substrate depletion and to prolong the growth phase, a highly concentrated nutrient broth was used. The biomass production reached 60 g cell dry weight/l. The increase in extracellular lipase concentration was directly coupled with the increase of cell mass and reached a value of 230 mg/l culture supernatant. Harvesting the cells in the late growth phase, the lipase content was about 30% of the total exoproteins in the supernatant.  相似文献   
Nick P  Schafer E 《Planta》1988,173(2):213-220
The influence of gravitropic stimulation upon blue-light-induced first positive phototropism for stimulations in the same (light source and center of gravity opposite to each other) and in opposing directions was investigated in maize cole-optiles by measuring fluence-response patterns. As a result of gravitropic counterstimulation, phototropic bending was transient with maximum curvature occurring 100 min after stimulation. On a horizontal clinostat, however, the seedlings curved for 20 h. Gravistimulation in the opposite direction acted additively upon blue-light curvature. Gravistimulation in the same direction as phototropic stimulation produced a complex behaviour deviating from simple additivity. This pattern can be explained by a gravitropically mediated sensitization of the phototropic reaction, an optimal dependence of differential growth on the sum of photo-and gravistimulation, and blue-light-induced inhibition of gravitropic curvature at high fluences. These findings indicate that several steps of photo-and gravitransduction are separate. Preirradiation with red light desensitized the system independently of applied gravity-treatment, indicating that the site of red-light interaction is common to both transduction chains.Abbreviations BL blue light - G+ stimulation by light and gravity in the same direction (i.e. light source and center of gravity opposite to each other) - G- stimulation by light and gravity in opposing directions  相似文献   
A serum free medium was developed, that could be used for the large scale propagation of various cell lines in bioreactors. The medium is based on a 1:1 mixture of Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's Medium and Ham's Medium F12, supplemented with transferrin, insulin and a BSA/oleic acid complex. Several myelomas, hybridomas derived from different myelomas and spleen cells, and other lymphoid and non-lymphoid cell lines were cultivated at growth rates comparable to those observed using serum-supplemented media. There was furthermore no reduction in the formation of products such as monoclonal antibodies or recombinant human interleukin-2.Abbreviations Ag8 Mouse myeloma cell line P3-X63-Ag8.653 - BME Basal Medium Eagle - BSA Bovine Serum Albumin - DMEM Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium - EDTA Ethylenediaminete-traacetic Acid - e-PC Phosphatidyl choline from egg yolk - FCS Fetal Calf Serum - FGF Fibroblast Growth Factor - GHL Glycyl-histidyl-lysine - HDL High Density Lipoprotein - HPL Human Plasma Lipid - IF 1:1 mixture of IMDM and Ham's F12 - IMDM Iscove's Modified Dulbecco's medium - LDL Low Density Lipoprotein - NS1 Mouse myeloma cell line NSI-1-Ag4-1 - PBS Phosphate Buffered Saline - s-PC Phosphatidylcholine from soy beans - s-PE Phosphatidylethanolamine from soy beans - s-lecithin lecithin from soy beans  相似文献   
Summary To define the role of endogenously synthesized cholesterol in the differentiation of adrenocortical cells in primary culture, fetal rat adrenal cells were cultured in the presence of exogenous cholesterol (serum-supplemented medium) or in the absence of it (serum-free medium or lipoprotein-free medium). Ultrastructurally the cells had features of glomerulosa cells: mitochondria were oval or rod shaped with lamellar inner membranes. The amount of smooth endoplasmic reticulum was small, and lipid droplets were few. When the cells were cultured in serum-free medium some intracytoplasmic vacuoles were seen. The undifferentiated zona glomerulosa-like cells secreted low amounts of corticosterone and 18-OH-deoxycorticosterone (18-OH-DOC) in all three media (serum-supplemented medium, serum-free medium, and lipoprotein-free medium). Stimulation of the adrenocortical cells with ACTH induced the ultrastructural features of differentiated zona fasciculata-like cells. Mitochondrial inner membranes were well developed in lipoprotein-free medium, but not in serum-free medium. The amount of intracellular lipids was increased in both media devoid of cholesterol. In the ACTH stimulated cultures the presence of exogenous cholesterol resulted in increased secretions of corticosterone and 18-OH-DOC. In the absence of an exogenous source of cholesterol, the amounts of steroids secreted were only half of that secreted in the presence of serum-supplemented medium. Endogenously synthesized cholesterol is sufficient for the morphologic differentiation of fetal rat adrenocortical cells under ACTH stimulation. However, without exogenously provided cholesterol, the steroid production accounts only for half of the maximal output achieved using serum-supplemented medium. This work was supported by Finnish Culture Foundation.  相似文献   
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