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BACKGROUND: We report on the potential DNA binding modes and spectral characteristics of the cell-permeant far red fluorescent DNA dye, DRAQ5, in solution and bound within intact cells. Our aim was to determine the constraints for its use in flow cytometry and bioimaging. METHODS: Solution characteristics and quantum yields were determined by spectroscopy. DRAQ5 binding to nuclear DNA was analyzed using fluorescence quenching of Hoechst 33342 dye, emission profiling by flow cytometry, and spectral confocal laser scanning microscopy of the complex DRAQ5 emission spectrum. Cell cycle profiling utilized an EGFP-cyclin B1 reporter as an independent marker of cell age. Molecular modeling was used to explore the modes of DNA binding. RESULTS: DRAQ5 showed a low quantum yield in solution and a spectral shift upon DNA binding, but no significant fluorescence enhancement. DRAQ5 caused a reduction in the fluorescence intensity of Hoechst 33342 in live cells prelabeled with the UV excitable dye, consistent with molecular modeling that suggests AT preference and an engagement of the minor groove. In vivo spectral analysis of DRAQ5 demonstrated shifts to longer wavelengths upon binding with DNA. Analysis of spectral windows of the dual emission peaks at 681 and 707 nm in cells showed that cell cycle compartment recognition was independent of the far red-near IR emission wavelengths monitored. CONCLUSIONS: The study provides new clues to modes of DNA binding of the modified anthraquinone molecule in vivo, and its AT base-pair selectivity. The combination of low quantum yield but high DNA affinity explains the favorable signal-to-noise profile of DRAQ5-nuclear fluorescence. The robust nature of cell cycle reporting using DRAQ5, even when restricted spectral windows are selected, facilitates the analysis of encroaching spectral emissions from other fluorescent reporters, including GFP-tagged proteins.  相似文献   
水分和磷调控的澳大利亚桉树林林下植物群落组合对二氧化碳浓度升高的响应 鉴于林下植物群落具有的关键性功能作用和全球范围内巨大的森林覆盖面积,研究林下群落对 CO2浓度升高(eCO2)的响应以及土壤资源在这些响应中的作用,对于了解CO2浓度升高对森林生态系统造成的影响非常重要。本研究评估了在澳大利亚东部磷有限的桉树林林下群落中,两种限制性的资源(即水分和磷)在发芽、物候、覆盖率、群落组成和叶片性状等方面对eCO2响应的作用。我们收集了含有当地土壤种子库的土壤,在温室条件下种植实验性的林下植物群落。研究结果表明,添加磷提高了植物的总体覆盖率,特别是在生长期的最初4 周以及水分含量高的条件下,而且该响应是由植物群落中的类禾本科植物所驱动。然而,随着实验的进行,不同处理方法之间的差异逐渐减小,所有处理在大约11周后均达到了80%左右的植物覆盖率。相反,植物覆盖率并未受到eCO2 的影响。多元分析结果反映出植物群落组成随时间的变化,盆栽从以裸土为主变为以高覆盖率的多样化群落为主。但是在实验过程中,磷的添加以及水分可利用性和CO2之间的相互作用都对植物群落随时间的变化轨迹有所影响。CO2浓度的升高也增加了群落水平的比叶面积,这表明植物群落对eCO2的功能适应可能发生在成分响应开始之前。鉴于我们用种子库培育的林下群落对eCO2 的响应随着时间的推移而有 所变化,并且受到与磷和水分可利用性的相互作用的调节。我们的结果表明,在水分含量有限的系统中, 特别是在土壤养分可利用性低所导致的生产力响应受限的情况下,CO2浓度的升高在塑造植物群落方面作用有限。  相似文献   
Testosterone promotes male-typical neural and behavioral development in non-human mammals. There is growing evidence that testosterone exerts similar influences on human development, although the range of behaviors affected is not completely known. This study examined the hypothesis that autistic traits are increased following prenatal exposure to abnormally high levels of testosterone caused by congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Sixty individuals with CAH (34 female, 26 male) and 49 unaffected relatives (24 female, 25 male) completed the Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ). Females with CAH scored significantly higher than unaffected females on total AQ score, largely due to enhanced scores on subscales measuring social skills and imagination. These results suggest that prenatal exposure to high levels of testosterone influences some autistic traits and that hormonal factors may be involved in vulnerability to autism.  相似文献   
The drivers behind evolutionary innovations such as contrasting life histories and morphological change are central questions of evolutionary biology. However, the environmental and ecological contexts linked to evolutionary innovations are generally unclear. During the Pleistocene glacial cycles, grounded ice sheets expanded across the Southern Ocean continental shelf. Limited ice‐free areas remained, and fauna were isolated from other refugial populations. Survival in Southern Ocean refugia could present opportunities for ecological adaptation and evolutionary innovation. Here, we reconstructed the phylogeographic patterns of circum‐Antarctic brittle stars Ophionotus victoriae and Ohexactis with contrasting life histories (broadcasting vs brooding) and morphology (5 vs 6 arms). We examined the evolutionary relationship between the two species using cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) data. COI data suggested that Ovictoriae is a single species (rather than a species complex) and is closely related to Ohexactis (a separate species). Since their recent divergence in the mid‐Pleistocene, Ovictoriae and Ohexactis likely persisted differently throughout glacial maxima, in deep‐sea and Antarctic island refugia, respectively. Genetic connectivity, within and between the Antarctic continental shelf and islands, was also observed and could be linked to the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and local oceanographic regimes. Signatures of a probable seascape corridor linking connectivity between the Scotia Sea and Prydz Bay are also highlighted. We suggest that survival in Antarctic island refugia was associated with increase in arm number and a switch from broadcast spawning to brooding in Ohexactis, and propose that it could be linked to environmental changes (such as salinity) associated with intensified interglacial‐glacial cycles.  相似文献   
Protein serine/threonine phosphatase 4 (PP4c) is an essential polypeptide involved in critical cellular processes such as microtubule growth and organization, DNA damage checkpoint recovery, apoptosis, and tumor necrosis factor alpha signaling. Like other phosphatases of the PP2A family, PP4c interacts with regulatory proteins, which specify substrate targeting and intracellular localization. The identification of these regulatory proteins is, therefore, key to fully understanding the function of this enzyme class. Here, using a sensitive affinity purification/mass spectrometry approach, we identify a novel, stable cytosolic PP4c interacting partner, KIAA1622, which we have renamed PP4R4. PP4R4 displays weak sequence homology with the A (scaffolding) subunit of the PP2A holoenzyme and specifically associates with PP4c (and not with the related PP2Ac or PP6c phosphatases). The PP4c.PP4R4 interaction is disrupted by mutations analogous to those abrogating the association of PP2Ac with PP2A A subunit. However, unlike the PP2A A subunit, which plays a scaffolding role, PP4R4 does not bridge PP4c with previously characterized PP4 regulatory subunits. PP4c.PP4R4 complexes exhibit phosphatase activity toward a fluorogenic substrate and gammaH2AX, but this activity is lower than that associated with the PP4c.PP4R2.PP4R3 complex, which itself is less active than the free PP4c catalytic subunit. Our data demonstrate that PP4R4 forms a novel cytosolic complex with PP4c, independent from the complexes containing PP4R1, PP4R2.PP4R3, and alpha4, and that the regulatory subunits of PP4c have evolved different modes of interaction with the catalytic subunit.  相似文献   
Exercise markedly influences pulse wave morphology, but the mechanism is unknown. We investigated whether effects of exercise on the arterial pulse result from alterations in stroke volume or pulse wave velocity (PWV)/large artery stiffness or reduction of pressure wave reflection. Healthy subjects (n = 25) performed bicycle ergometry. with workload increasing from 25 to 150 W for 12 min. Digital arterial pressure waveforms were recorded using a servo-controlled finger cuff. Radial arterial pressure waveforms and carotid-femoral PWV were determined by applanation tonometry. Stroke volume was measured by echocardiography, and brachial and femoral artery blood flows and diameters were measured by ultrasound. Digital waveforms were recorded continuously. Other measurements were made before and after exercise. Exercise markedly reduced late systolic and diastolic augmentation of the peripheral pressure pulse. At 15 min into recovery, stroke volume and PWV were similar to baseline values, but changes in pulse wave morphology persisted. Late systolic augmentation index (radial pulse) was reduced from 54 +/- 3.9% at baseline to 42 +/- 3.7% (P < 0.01), and diastolic augmentation index (radial pulse) was reduced from 37 +/- 1.8% to 25 +/- 2.9% (P < 0.001). These changes were accompanied by an increase in femoral blood flow (from 409 +/- 44 to 773 +/- 48 ml/min, P < 0.05) and an increase in femoral artery diameter (from 8.2 +/- 0.4 to 8.6 +/- 0.4 mm, P < 0.05). In conclusion, exercise dilates muscular arteries and reduces arterial pressure augmentation, an effect that will enhance ventricular-vascular coupling and reduce load on the left ventricle.  相似文献   
Glycosylation is the most abundant and diverse posttranslational modification of proteins. While several types of glycosylation can be predicted by the protein sequence context, and substantial knowledge of these glycoproteomes is available, our knowledge of the GalNAc‐type O‐glycosylation is highly limited. This type of glycosylation is unique in being regulated by 20 polypeptide GalNAc‐transferases attaching the initiating GalNAc monosaccharides to Ser and Thr (and likely some Tyr) residues. We have developed a genetic engineering approach using human cell lines to simplify O‐glycosylation (SimpleCells) that enables proteome‐wide discovery of O‐glycan sites using ‘bottom‐up’ ETD‐based mass spectrometric analysis. We implemented this on 12 human cell lines from different organs, and present a first map of the human O‐glycoproteome with almost 3000 glycosites in over 600 O‐glycoproteins as well as an improved NetOGlyc4.0 model for prediction of O‐glycosylation. The finding of unique subsets of O‐glycoproteins in each cell line provides evidence that the O‐glycoproteome is differentially regulated and dynamic. The greatly expanded view of the O‐glycoproteome should facilitate the exploration of how site‐specific O‐glycosylation regulates protein function.  相似文献   


This cluster randomised trial evaluated an intervention to decrease x-ray referrals and increase giving advice to stay active for people with acute low back pain (LBP) in general practice.


General practices were randomised to either access to a guideline for acute LBP (control) or facilitated interactive workshops (intervention). We measured behavioural predictors (e.g. knowledge, attitudes and intentions) and fear avoidance beliefs. We were unable to recruit sufficient patients to measure our original primary outcomes so we introduced other outcomes measured at the general practitioner (GP) level: behavioural simulation (clinical decision about vignettes) and rates of x-ray and CT-scan (medical administrative data). All those not involved in the delivery of the intervention were blinded to allocation.


47 practices (53 GPs) were randomised to the control and 45 practices (59 GPs) to the intervention. The number of GPs available for analysis at 12 months varied by outcome due to missing confounder information; a minimum of 38 GPs were available from the intervention group, and a minimum of 40 GPs from the control group. For the behavioural constructs, although effect estimates were small, the intervention group GPs had greater intention of practising consistent with the guideline for the clinical behaviour of x-ray referral. For behavioural simulation, intervention group GPs were more likely to adhere to guideline recommendations about x-ray (OR 1.76, 95%CI 1.01, 3.05) and more likely to give advice to stay active (OR 4.49, 95%CI 1.90 to 10.60). Imaging referral was not statistically significantly different between groups and the potential importance of effects was unclear; rate ratio 0.87 (95%CI 0.68, 1.10) for x-ray or CT-scan.


The intervention led to small changes in GP intention to practice in a manner that is consistent with an evidence-based guideline, but it did not result in statistically significant changes in actual behaviour.

Trial Registration

Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN012606000098538  相似文献   
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