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Filamins are large proteins that cross-link actin filaments and connect to other cellular components. The C-terminal rod 2 region of FLNa (filamin A) mediates dimerization and interacts with several transmembrane receptors and intracellular signalling adaptors. SAXS (small-angle X-ray scattering) experiments were used to make a model of a six immunoglobulin-like domain fragment of the FLNa rod 2 (domains 16-21). This fragment had a surprising three-branched structural arrangement, where each branch was made of a tightly packed two-domain pair. Peptides derived from transmembrane receptors and intracellular signalling proteins induced a more open structure of the six domain fragment. Mutagenesis studies suggested that these changes are caused by peptides binding to the CD faces on domains 19 and 21 which displace the preceding domain A-strands (18 and 20 respectively), thus opening the individual domain pairs. A single particle cryo-EM map of a nine domain rod 2 fragment (domains 16-24), showed a relatively compact dimeric particle and confirmed the three-branched arrangement as well as the peptide-induced conformation changes. These findings reveal features of filamin structure that are important for its interactions and mechanical properties.  相似文献   
A link between sites of cell adhesion and the cytoskeleton is essential for regulation of cell shape, motility, and signaling. Migfilin is a recently identified adaptor protein that localizes at cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix adhesion sites, where it is thought to provide a link to the cytoskeleton by interacting with the actin cross-linking protein filamin. Here we have used x-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, and protein-protein interaction studies to investigate the molecular basis of migfilin binding to filamin. We report that the N-terminal portion of migfilin can bind all three human filamins (FLNa, -b, or -c) and that there are multiple migfilin-binding sites in FLNa. Human filamins are composed of an N-terminal actin-binding domain followed by 24 immunoglobulin-like (IgFLN) domains and we find that migfilin binds preferentially to IgFLNa21 and more weakly to IgFLNa19 and -22. The filamin-binding site in migfilin is localized between Pro(5) and Pro(19) and binds to the CD face of the IgFLNa21 beta-sandwich. This interaction is similar to the previously characterized beta 7 integrin-IgFLNa21 interaction and migfilin and integrin beta tails can compete with one another for binding to IgFLNa21. This suggests that competition between filamin ligands for common binding sites on IgFLN domains may provide a general means of modulating filamin interactions and signaling. In this specific case, displacement of integrin tails from filamin by migfilin may provide a mechanism for switching between different integrin-cytoskeleton linkages.  相似文献   
Homozygosity was induced in transgenic barley by microspore culture. Spikes of transgenic barley plants carrying microspores in the late uni-nucleate stage were cold pretreated. Teflon rod maceration and a density of 100 000 viable micropores per plate were used. The developed calli were regenerated and plantlets were treated with colchicine. The microspore culture of 16 mother plants (three transgenic lines) resulted in 927 green regenerants. Of these plants, 476 were transferred to soil, 380 were transgenic, 358 reached maturity and 350 were fertile with a normal seed-set carrying a yield of 6.9 kg. A production efficiency of 0.8 fertile transgenic doubled haploid barley plants per spike used for microspore isolation was recorded. The produced transgenic seeds were used in malting experiments.  相似文献   
Oat (Avena sativa) is unusual in comparison with other cereals since there are varieties with up to 18% oil content. The lipid content and fatty acid composition in different parts of the grain during seed development were characterized in cultivars Freja (6% oil) and Matilda (10% oil), using thin-layer and gas chromatography, and light and electron microscopy. The majority of lipids (86-90%) were found in the endosperm. Ninety-five per cent of the higher oil content of cv. Matilda compared with cv. Freja was due to increased oil content of the endosperm. Up to 84% of the lipids were deposited during the first half of seed development, when seeds where still green with a milky endosperm. Microscopy studies revealed that whereas oil bodies of the embryo and scutellum still contained a discrete shape upon grain maturation, oil bodies of the endosperms fused upon maturation and formed smears of oil.  相似文献   
The number of plant pests that may be transported to new areas with international trade is too great for subjecting all of them to a full scale pest risk assessment. There is therefore a need for a quick risk assessment procedure that also ranks the pests according to their risk. The FinnPRIO model can be used to assess the risk of alien plant pests for Finland. It follows the basic structure of a full scale pest risk assessment, i.e. it can be used to separately estimate the probabilities of entry, establishment (including spread), and the likely impacts. The model also includes a section for assessing preventability and controllability of a pest invasion. The model consists of multiple-choice questions with answer options yielding a different number of points. For each question the most likely answer option and the plausible minimum and maximum options are chosen. The total risk score is simulated using a PERT distribution, providing a scale of potential risk for each pest and indicating the level of uncertainty associated with the assessment. The model is accompanied by a guide for the interpretation of the questions and answer options. The model’s functionality has been tested through simulations, and it has been validated by comparing pest rankings produced using the model to those obtained in expert workshops. To date, 95 pests have been assessed with the model. The results indicate that the model is well capable of differentiating pests based on their estimated risk.  相似文献   
Much cell‐to‐cell communication is facilitated by cell surface receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). These proteins phosphorylate their downstream cytoplasmic substrates in response to stimuli such as growth factors. Despite their central roles, the functions of many RTKs are still poorly understood. To resolve the lack of systematic knowledge, we apply three complementary methods to map the molecular context and substrate profiles of RTKs. We use affinity purification coupled to mass spectrometry (AP‐MS) to characterize stable binding partners and RTK–protein complexes, proximity‐dependent biotin identification (BioID) to identify transient and proximal interactions, and an in vitro kinase assay to identify RTK substrates. To identify how kinase interactions depend on kinase activity, we also use kinase‐deficient mutants. Our data represent a comprehensive, systemic mapping of RTK interactions and substrates. This resource adds information regarding well‐studied RTKs, offers insights into the functions of less well‐studied RTKs, and highlights RTK‐RTK interactions and shared signaling pathways.  相似文献   
Autonomous parvoviruses encode at least two nonstructural proteins, NS1 and NS2. While NS1 is linked to important nuclear processes required for viral replication, much less is known about the role of NS2. Specifically, the function of canine parvovirus (CPV) NS2 has remained undefined. Here we have used proximity-dependent biotin identification (BioID) to screen for nuclear proteins that associate with CPV NS2. Many of these associations were seen both in noninfected and infected cells, however, the major type of interacting proteins shifted from nuclear envelope proteins to chromatin-associated proteins in infected cells. BioID interactions revealed a potential role for NS2 in DNA remodeling and damage response. Studies of mutant viral genomes with truncated forms of the NS2 protein suggested a change in host chromatin accessibility. Moreover, further studies with NS2 mutants indicated that NS2 performs functions that affect the quantity and distribution of proteins linked to DNA damage response. Notably, mutation in the splice donor site of the NS2 led to a preferred formation of small viral replication center foci instead of the large coalescent centers seen in wild-type infection. Collectively, our results provide insights into potential roles of CPV NS2 in controlling chromatin remodeling and DNA damage response during parvoviral replication.  相似文献   
An extensive drinking water-associated gastroenteritis outbreak took place in the town of Nokia in Southern Finland in 2007. 53% of the exposed came down with gastroenteritis and 7% had arthritis-like symptoms (joint swelling, redness, warmth or pain in movement) according to a population-based questionnaire study at 8 weeks after the incident. Campylobacter and norovirus were the main pathogens.A follow-up questionnaire study was carried out 15 months after the outbreak to evaluate the duration of gastrointestinal and joint symptoms. 323 residents of the original contaminated area were included. The response rate was 53%. Participants were inquired about having gastroenteritis during the outbreak and the duration of symptoms.Of those with gastroenteritis, 43% reported loose stools and abdominal pain or distension after the acute disease. The prevalence of symptoms declined promptly during the first 3 months but at 15 months, 11% reported continuing symptoms. 32% of the respondents with gastroenteritis reported subsequent arthritis-like symptoms. The disappearance of arthritis-like symptoms was more gradual and they levelled off only after 5 months. 19% showed symptoms at 15 months. Prolonged gastrointestinal symptoms correlated to prolonged arthritis-like symptoms.High proportion of respondents continued to have arthritis-like symptoms at 15 months after the epidemic. The gastrointestinal symptoms, instead, had declined to a low level.  相似文献   
Evaluation of structure and morphology of extruded wheat gluten (WG) films showed WG protein assemblies elucidated on a range of length scales from nano (4.4 ? and 9 to 10 ?, up to 70 ?) to micro (10 μm). The presence of NaOH in WG films induced a tetragonal structure with unit cell parameters, a = 51.85 ? and c = 40.65 ?, whereas NH(4)OH resulted in a bidimensional hexagonal close-packed (HCP) structure with a lattice parameter of 70 ?. In the WG films with NH(4)OH, a highly polymerized protein pattern with intimately mixed glutenins and gliadins bounded through SH/SS interchange reactions was found. A large content of β-sheet structures was also found in these films, and the film structure was oriented in the extrusion direction. In conclusion, this study highlights complexities of the supramolecular structures and conformations of wheat gluten polymeric proteins in biofilms not previously reported for biobased materials.  相似文献   
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