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Two new metabolites of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3], namely 1,25(OH)2-24-oxo-vitamin D3 and 1,23,25(OH)3-24-oxo-vitamin D3, have been prepared in vitro using chick intestinal mucosal homogenates. To investigate the binding of 1,25(OH)2-[23-3H]-24-oxo-D3 and 1,23,25(OH)3-[23-3H]-24-oxo-D3 to the chick intestinal receptor we have isolated both metabolites in radioactive form using an incubation system containing 1,25(OH)2-[23,24-3H))-D3 with a specific radioactivity of 5.6 Ci/mmol. Both metabolites were highly purified by using Sephadex LH-20 chromatography followed by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Sucrose density gradient sedimentation analysis showed specific binding of both tritium-labeled metabolites to the chick intestinal cytosol receptor. Experiments were carried out to determine the relative effectiveness of binding to the chick intestinal mucosa receptor for 1,25(OH)2D3. The results are expressed as relative competitive index (RCI), where the RCI is defined as 100 for 1,25(OH)2D3. Whereas the RCI obtained for 1,25(OH)2-24-oxo-D3 was 98 +/- 2 (SE), the RCI for 1,23,25(OH)3-24-oxo-D3 was only 28 +/- 6 (SE). Also, the biological activity of both new metabolites was assessed in vivo in the chick. In our assay for intestinal calcium absorption, 1,25(OH)2-24-oxo-D3 was active at a dose level of 1.63 and 4.88 nmol/bird (at 14 h), whereas 1,23,25(OH)3-24-oxo-D3 showed only weak biological activity in this system. In our assay for bone calcium mobilization, administration of both new metabolites showed modest activity at the 4.88-nmol dose level, which was reduced at the 1.63-nmol dose level. The results indicate that biological activity declines as 1,25(OH)2D3 is metabolized to 1,24R,25(OH)3D3, 1,25(OH)2-24-oxo-D3, and then 1,23,25(OH)3-24-oxo-D3.  相似文献   
Assembly of F1-ATPase in isolated mitochondria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The assembly of the proton-translocating ATPase complex was studied in isolated mitochondria by incubating yeast mitochondria with radiolabeled precursors of mitochondrial proteins which had been made in a cell-free protein synthesis system. Following such an incubation, the ATPase complex (F1F0) was isolated. Newly assembled F1-ATPase was detected by autoradiography of the isolated enzyme, only peptide subunits which had been made in vitro and imported into the isolated mitochondria could be radioactive. Incorporation of radiolabeled ATPase subunits into the enzyme does not occur in the presence of an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation or of a divalent metal chelator, nor does it occur in submitochondrial particles rather than intact mitochondria. Incorporation of labeled ATPase subunits into the enzyme can be completed by unlabeled subunits, provided the unlabeled proteins are added before the mitochondria are incubated with radioactive precursors. These findings suggest that F1-ATPase is assembled from a pool of subunits in mitochondria.  相似文献   
Several proteins, including microtubule proteins, have been isolated from the oral apparatus of the ciliate Tetrahymena. The synthesis of these proteins has been studied in relation to formation of this organelle system by the cell. Electron microscopy has shown that the isolated oral apparatus consists primarily of basal bodies, pellicular membranes, and a system of subpellicular microtubules and filaments. Cilia were removed during the isolation; therefore none of the proteins studied was from these structures. Evidence was obtained from the study of total oral apparatus protein which indicates that at least some of the proteins involved in formation of this organelle system may be synthesized and stored in the cytoplasm for use over long periods. This pattern of regulation was found for three individual proteins isolated from the oral apparatus fraction after extraction with a phenol-acetic acid solvent. A different pattern of regulation was found for microtubule proteins isolated from the oral apparatus of Tetrahymena. The data suggest that microtubule proteins, at least in logarithmically growing cells, are not stored in a cytoplasmic pool but are synthesized in the same cell cycle in which they are assembled into oral structures.  相似文献   
Extensive genetical and biochemical studies have been performed with revertants and secondary arom-2 mutants induced in two different primary non-complementing mutants which map within the arom gene cluster of Neurospora crassa. These studies indicate that mutant M54 but not M25 can revert by super-suppressor mutations in unlinked genes, thus confirming previous evidence that M54 contains a nonsense codon. At least three new super suppressors of M54 have been detected. All four super suppressors (including one previously detected) when combined with M54 result in high levels of all five of the arom enzymic activities in the form of arom multienzyme complexes very similar to (but not necessarily identical with) that in wild type (WT).-Evidence has also been obtained that the two non-complementing mutants can yield revertants which appear to result from true back mutations and produce arom aggregates essentially indistinguishable from that of WT. In addition, M25, but not M54, when plated on quinic acid yields revertants (secondary mutants) some of which are phenotypically indistinguishable from arom-2 primary mutants and others of which, although also mapping within the arom-2 gene, exhibit unusual properties. Genetic evidence indicates that the M25 secondary mutants are localized within the arom-2 gene, but that they arise from mutational events more complex than ones resulting in single base pair changes in the M25 codon.-The recovery of secondary arom-2 mutants as revertants of non-complementing arom mutants provides strong evidence, independent of earlier recombination data, that non-complementing arom mutants are located within the arom-2 structural gene of the arom gene cluster. In addition, the occurrence and characteristics of these secondary arom-2 mutants provide strong evidence, independent of the results with nonsense suppressors, that the arom gene cluster is transcribed, beginning with the arom-2 gene, as a single polycistronic messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) molecule which is subsequently translated into the arom multienzyme complex.  相似文献   
Thorotrast (colloidal ThO2) is incorporated into coated vesicles, various agranular vesicles and sacs, and a surface-associated system of membranous channels in times as short as 1 min by single cultured glial and heart cells. Thorotrast appears in ‘C’-shaped bodies and in small, dense bodies of the lysosomal series within ca. 25 min. With longer chase periods, thorotrast ‘clears’ from all cytoplasmic organelles except the lysosomal series. The technique of applying thorotrast and using varying chase periods fails to distinguish a class of membranous organelles, located close to the cell periphery, that might serve as a source of new cell surface during locomotory activity. Similarly, thorotrast (colloidal ThO2) is incorporated into almost all classes of membrane-bounded organelles of growth cones and axons of single nerve cells in vitro in times as short as 1 min. This includes elements of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. No thorotrast enters the lysosomal granules in this short time. During various chase periods, the tracer disappears from the initial sites of incorporation and accumulates in dense bodies of the lysosome series within growth cones and axons. ‘C’-shaped bodies may be an intermediate in that process. No unique sites of endocytotic activity or of a complete absence of endocytosis were observed that could be correlated with growth cone function and axonal elongation, though the presence of the tracer in agranular sacs of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum in growth cones could reflect hypothesized cycling of cell surface (Bray, 1973).  相似文献   
If an implantable artificial heart can be developed, it should prove beneficial to a significant group of patients. A variety of energy sources, such as biologic, electromagnetic, and nuclear, are under evaluation. Currently, biologic fuel cell technology is not sufficiently advanced to permit its extrapolation to the power levels required for implantable circulatory support systems. Electromagnetic systems have the disadvantage of heavy batteries of considerable bulk requiring frequent recharging. Radioisotope-fueled thermal engine systems have the potential of providing degrees of freedom not possible with rechargeable units. However, radiosotope circulatory support systems subject their recipients to prolonged intracorporeal radiation, add to environmental background radiation, and constitute an exceedingly small, but finite, hazard due to possible violation of fuel containment.  相似文献   
The feasibility of radioisotope-fueled circulatory support systems depends on the ability of the body to dissipate the reject heat from the power source driving the blood pump as well as to tolerate chronic intracorporeal radiation. Our studies have focused on the use of the circulating blood as a heat sink. Initial in vivo heat transfer studies utilized straight tube heat exchangers (electrically and radioisotope energized) to replace a segment of the descending aorta. More recent studies have used a left ventricular assist pump as a blood-cooled heat exchanger. This approach minimizes trauma, does not increase the area of prosthetic interface with the blood, and minimizes system volume. Heat rejected from the thermal engine (vapor or gas cycle) is transported from the nuclear power source in the abdomen to the pump in the thoracic cavity via hydraulic lines. Adjacent tissue is protected from the fuel capsule temperature (900 to 1200 degrees F) by vacuum foil insulation and polyurethane foam. The in vivo thermal management problems have been studied using a simulated thermal system (STS) which approximates the heat rejection and thermal transport mechanisms of the nuclear circulatory support systems under development by NHLI. Electric heaters simulate the reject heat from the thermal engines. These studies have been essential in establishing the location, suspension, surgical procedures, and postoperative care for implanting prototype nuclear heart assist systems in calves. The pump has a thermal impedance of 0.12 degrees C/watt. Analysis of the STS data in terms of an electrical analog model implies a heat transfer coefficient of 4.7 x 10(-3) watt/cm(2) degrees C in the abdomen compared to a value of 14.9 x 10(-3) watt/cm(2) degrees C from the heat exchanger plenum into the diaphragm.  相似文献   
Separation and properties of human brain hexosaminidase C   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Hexosaminidase C was separated from human brain supernatant by immunoadsorption of the A and B forms on to a column of immobilized antibody followed by preparative starch-block electrophoresis. There were some differences in the properties of hexosaminidase C preparations after each of these stages, shown by comparison of their heat-inactivation characteristics and filtration through Bio-Gel P-200. The C form prepared by both separation steps had properties which differed markedly from those of the A and B isoenzymes; its molecular weight was much larger, greater than 200000, it had optimum activity between pH6 and 7 and could not be successfully eluted from DEAE-cellulose, even with high salt concentrations, or from Sephadex G-200. These results seem to support the proposal that the C form is under a separate genetic control from the others.  相似文献   
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