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Forty-two extracts of folk medicinal plant organs from Pakistan were tested in competition binding assays for their interaction with the specific ligand recognition sites on the human alpha2-adrenoceptor subtypes alpha2A, alpha2B and alpha2C Strong binding of the extracts (40 mg/ml) from Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile leaves (88-98% displacement of radiolabel) and Peganum harmala seeds (89-96% displacement) on three subtypes prompted us to extract these plant materials with 40% and 80% methanol, ethanol, and acetone. The extraction results indicated an absence of alpha2-adrenoceptor binding activity in the stalk of A. nilotica and A. tortils, whereas the leaves of both plants contained activity. The extracts of A. nilotica leaves showed a slight, but consistent, preference for the alpha2C-adrenoceptor, whereas the leaves of A. tortils were slightly more active on the alpha2B subtype. The extract of P. harmala stalks was less active than that of its seeds. The binding activities of A. nilotica leaves and P. harmala seeds were mainly concentrated in the water and 30% methanol fractions and further sub-fractions. In a functional activity assay, the active fractions inhibited epinephrine-stimulated 35S-GTPyS binding, thus indicating a predominantly antagonistic nature of the compounds with alpha2-adrenoceptor affinity in these fractions. Among the known major alkaloids of P. harmala (demissidine, harmaline, harmine, 6-methoxyharmalan, and norharmane), only 6-methoxyharmalan showed moderate affinity (dissociation constant (Ki) of 530 +/- 40 nm for alpha2A subtype). This study is a first systematic attempt towards the discovery of potential drug candidates from these plant materials for treating alpha2-adrenoceptor related diseases.  相似文献   
Summary Barley leaf blade protoplasts accumulate malonaldehyde, a product of lipid peroxidation, during culture. In addition, glutathione levels fall after protoplast isolation and the proportion of glutathione in the oxidized state rises. These data indicate oxidative stress after protoplast isolation and during culture. The cause of this phenomenon is revealed by data showing that the activities of enzymes associated with antioxidative processes including glutathione reductase and ascorbate peroxidase decrease after barley protoplast isolation. In contrast, protoplasts isolated from suspension cultured cells of bromegrass and soybean exhibit little evidence for oxidative stress and increased activities of glutathione reductase and ascorbate peroxidase. We suggest that an antioxidative response is associated with mitosis and colony formation from protoplasts, as exhibited by bromegrass and soybean. Conversely, failure of an antioxidative response is associated with low viability and absence of mitosis, as in barley. Increased viability of barley leaf protoplasts cultured on feeder layer cells is correlated with increased glutathione content and higher glutathione reductase activity.  相似文献   
Most damaging plant diseases have been caused by viruses in the entire world. In tropical and subtropical areas, the damage caused by plant virus leads to great economic and agricultural losses. Single stranded DNA viruses (geminiviruses) are the most perilous pathogens which are responsible for major diseases in agronomic and horticultural crops. Significantly begomoviruses and mastreviruses are the biggest genus of plant infecting viruses, transmitted though Bemisia tabaci and members of Cicadellidae respectively. Plants possesses some naturally existing chemicals term as phyto-chemicals which perform important functions in the plant. Some antioxidant enzymes are used by plants for self-defense upon foreign invasion of infection. This review explains the present perceptive of influence of viral infections on phyto-chemicals, oxidative enzymes and biochemical changes occurring in the plant. Viral infection mediated phyto-chemical changes in plants mainly includes: up and down regulation of photosynthetic pigment, increase in the concentration of phenolic compounds, elevation of starch content in the leaf and up & down regulation of anti-oxidative enzymes including (GPX) guaiacol peroxidase, (PPO) polyphenol oxidase, (APX) ascorbate peroxidase, (SOD) superoxide dismutase and (CTA) catalase. These changes lead to initiation of hypersensitive response, by thicken of the leaf lamina, lignification under the leaf surface, blocking to stomatal openings, systematic cell death, generation of reactive oxidative species (ROS), activation of pathogen mediated resistance pathways i.e., production of salicylic acid and jasmonic acid. Collectively all the physiological changes in the plant due to viral infection supports the activation of defense mechanism of the plant to combat against viral infection by limiting virus in specific area, followed with the production of barriers for pathogen, accumulation of starch in the leaf and excess production of (ROS). These strategies used by the plant to prevent the spread of virus in whole plant and to minimize the risk of severe yield loss.  相似文献   
Sialoglycoproteins make a significant contribution to the negative charge of the glomerular anionic glycocalyx—crucial for efficient functioning of the glomerular permselective barrier. Defects in sialylation have serious consequences on podocyte function leading to the development of proteinuria. The aim of the current study was to investigate potential mechanisms underlying puromycin aminonucleosisde (PAN)-induced desialylation and to ascertain whether they could be corrected by administration of free sialic acid.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of sirtuin 1 (SirT1) in exercise- and resveratrol (RSV)-induced skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis. Using muscle-specific SirT1-deficient (KO) mice and a cell culture model of differentiated myotubes, we compared the treatment of resveratrol, an activator of SirT1, with that of exercise in inducing mitochondrial biogenesis. These experiments demonstrated that SirT1 plays a modest role in maintaining basal mitochondrial content and a larger role in preserving mitochondrial function. Furthermore, voluntary exercise and RSV treatment induced mitochondrial biogenesis in a SirT1-independent manner. However, when RSV and exercise were combined, a SirT1-dependent synergistic effect was evident, leading to enhanced translocation of PGC-1α and SirT1 to the nucleus and stimulation of mitochondrial biogenesis. Thus, the magnitude of the effect of RSV on muscle mitochondrial biogenesis is reliant on SirT1, as well as the cellular environment, such as that produced by repeated bouts of exercise.  相似文献   
Phenol is a commonly found organic pollutant in industrial wastewaters. Its ecotoxicological significance is well known and, therefore, the compound is often required to be removed prior to discharge. In this study, plant-bacterial synergism was established in floating treatment wetlands (FTWs) in an attempt to maximize the removal of phenol from contaminated water. A common wetland plant, Typha domingensis, was vegetated on a floating mat and augmented with three phenol-degrading bacterial strains, Acinetobacter lwofii ACRH76, Bacillus cereus LORH97, and Pseudomonas sp. LCRH90, to develop FTWs for the remediation of water contaminated with phenol. All of the strains are known to have phenol-reducing properties, and grow well in FTWs. Results showed that T. domingensis was able to remove a small amount of phenol from the contaminated water; however, bacterial augmentation enhanced the removal potential significantly, i.e., 0.146 g/m2/day vs. 0.166 g/m2/day, respectively. Plant biomass also increased in the presence of bacterial consortia; and inoculated bacteria displayed successful colonization/survival in the rhizosphere, root interior and shoot interior of the plant. Similarly, highest reduction in chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), and total organic carbon (TOC) was achieved by the combined application of plants and bacteria. The study demonstrates that the plant-bacterial synergism in a FTW may be a more effective approach for the remediation of phenol-contaminated water.  相似文献   
Human recombinant vascular endothelial growth factor-A121 (hrVEGF-A121) has applications in pharmaceutical industry especially in regenerative medicine. Here, we report the expression, purification, and characterization of hrVEGF-A121 in Escherichia coli expression system using human small ubiquitin-related modifier-3 (hSUMO3) fusion partner. Total RNA was isolated from healthy human gingival tissue, VEGF-A121 gene was RT-PCR amplified, and hSUMO3 gene was tagged at N-terminus. The fusion gene (SUMO3-VEGF-A121) was cloned in pET-22b(+) expression vector and transferred into E. coli strains; BL21 codon?+?and Rosetta-gami B(DE3). The hrVEGF-A121 expression was optimized for temperature, IPTG concentration, and time in Terrific Broth (TB). The positive transformants were sequenced and hrVEGF-A121 nucleotide sequence was submitted to Genbank (Accession No. KT581010). Approximately 40% of total cell protein expression was observed in soluble form on 15% SDS-PAGE. The hSUMO3 was cleaved from hrVEGF-A121 with SUMO protease and purified by Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography using anionic Hi-trap Resource Q column. From 100 ml TB, ~?25.5% and ~?6.8 mg of hrVEGF-A121 protein was recovered. The dimerized hrVEGF-A121 was characterized by Native PAGE and Western blot, using human anti-VEGF-A antibody and ESI-MS showed dimeric hrVEGF-A121 at 31,015 Da. The biological activity of hrVEGF-A121 was assessed in vitro by MTT and cell viability assay and observed to be bioactive.  相似文献   
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Plants face different types of biotic and abiotic stresses during their life span. Heavy metal (HM) stress is considered as one of the most challenging and...  相似文献   
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