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The Hjc protein of Pyrococcus furiosus is an endonuclease that resolves Holliday junctions, the intermediates in homologous recombination. The amino acid sequence of Hjc is conserved in Archaea, however, it is not similar to any of the well-characterized Holliday junction resolvases. In order to investigate the similarity and diversity of the enzymatic properties of Hjc as a Holliday junction resolvase, highly purified Hjc produced in recombinant Escherichia coli was used for detailed biochemical characterizations. Hjc has specific binding activity to the Holliday-structured DNA, with an apparent dissociation constant (Kd) of 60 nM. The dimeric form of Hjc binds to the substrate DNA. The optimal reaction conditions were determined using a synthetic Holliday junction as substrate. Hjc required a divalent cation for cleavage activity and Mg2+ at 5–10 mM was optimal. Mn2+ could substitute for Mg2+, but it was much less efficient than Mg2+ as the cofactor. The cleavage reaction was stimulated by alkaline pH and KCl at ~200 mM. In addition to the high specific activity, Hjc was found to be extremely heat stable. In contrast to the case of Sulfolobus, the  Holliday junction resolving activity detected in P.furiosus cell extract thus far is only derived from Hjc.  相似文献   

Microbiological characteristics of bentonite deposits were investigated as a natural analogue of microbial behavior in the buffer material for geological disposal of radioactive waste. Distributions of microorganisms in bentonite were examined at four sites in two different bentonite deposits in Japan. The sites included pond bottom, wetland, and wet mine gallery environments where bentonite layers have been left undisturbed for 2 to 30 years. Excavation was performed without using drilling water and the center parts of the cores were used for microbial examination. Plate counts with R2A medium of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria at the drilling mouth ranged from 105 to 107/g DW (dry weight) and from 103 to 106/g DW, respectively. The CFDA-AM (Carboxyfluorescein diacetate acetoxymethyl ester) cell counts ranged from 106 to 109/g DW. Bacterial numbers in the bentonite layers declined with distance from the drilling mouth; both aerobes and anaerobes were less than 102/g DW and CFDA-AM cell counts less than 106/g DW for core samples taken from approximately 1 m depth, except at the pond bottom. These results suggest that microbial activity in natural bentonite is lower than in typical soils and aquatic sediments and does not spread easily.  相似文献   
A protease from the lotus seed (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn) was purified by acid-treatment, ammonium sulfate-fractionation, ethylalcohol-fractionation, TEAE-cellulose-treatment and Sephadex G-100 gel-filtration.

The enzyme was purified about 870-fold and was homogeneous in electrophoretic and ultracentrifugal analyses.

Purified lotus seed protease is an acid protease with a pH optimum at 3.8 toward urea-denatured casein. It is active for casein and hemoglobin. But other proteins such as edestin, zein, lotus seed globulin and soybean casein are slightly hydrolyzed and egg albumin is hardly hydrolyzed. This enzyme is most stable at pH 4.0 below 40°C. The enzyme is not a thiol protease, and its activity was completely inhibited by potassium permanganate, remarkably inhibited by sodium dodecylsulfate and accelerated by hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   
Two C-type cytochromes and ferredoxin were isolated and purifiedfrom the thermophilic blue-green alga Synechococcus sp. Theirheat-stabilities were studied in relation to the thermophilyof the alga. (Received May 23, 1979; )  相似文献   
The dynamic properties of protein molecules are involved in the relationship between their structure and function. Time-resolved X-ray observation enables capturing the structures of biomolecules with picometre-scale precision. However, this technique has yet to be implemented in living animals. Here, we examined diffracted X-ray blinking (DXB) and diffracted X-ray tracking (DXT) to observe the dynamics of a protein located on intestinal cells in adult Caenorhabditis elegans. This in vivo tissue-specific DXB was examined at temperatures from 20 °C to ?10 °C for a recombinant ice-binding protein from Antarctomyces psychrotrophicus (AnpIBP) connected with the cells through a transmembrane CD4 protein equipped with a glycine-serine linker. AnpIBP inhibits ice growth at subzero temperatures by binding to ice crystals. We found that the rotational motion of AnpIBP decreases at ?10 °C. In contrast, the motion of the AnpIBP mutant, which has a defective ice-binding ability, did not decrease at ?10 °C. The twisting and tilting motional speeds of AnpIBPs measured above 5 °C by DXT were always higher than those of the defective AnpIBP mutant. These results suggest that wild-type AnpIBP is highly mobile in solution, and it is halted at subzero temperatures through ice binding. DXB and DXT allow for exploring protein behaviour in live animals with subnano resolution precision.  相似文献   
Microbial assemblages can be found drifting/floating in lake water and being washed ashore in continental Antarctica. Two field studies in early and late January 2008 measured the light utilization properties and photosynthetic responses of these assemblages, which were then compared with those of pelagic and benthic microbial communities to evaluate the ecological implications of this phenomenon. The nutrient concentrations were low in the lake water, indicating oligotrophic conditions. Based on microscopic and pigment analysis, both the floating and benthic communities were mainly composed of Oedogonium sp. (Chlorophyceae), followed by cyanobacteria, diatoms, and dinoflagellates. Floating assemblages had a firmer and denser structure, and possessed more rich carotenoids than the benthic community. Measurements of photosynthesis conducted in early January indicated that the activities of the floating assemblages were considerably low. In late January almost all floating assemblages on the lakeshore turned white because of freezing and drying by the ambient temperature decrease, and had no photosynthetic signals. These results suggest that the floating assemblages could spontaneously lift off from the lakebed because of the bubbles created by photosynthesis and then repeatedly roll, flip, sink, or float depending on buoyancy. In addition, this phenomenon seemed to greatly change the cycling of matter by transporting the lake’s photosynthetic products to the surrounding ecosystems, then give the benthic subsurface communities in dark regions a chance to reactivate such as gap regeneration in the case of climax forest, and also allow the floating assemblages to restart photosynthesis at the top of the lakebed by resinking.  相似文献   
Tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), a serine protease well known for generating plasmin, has been demonstrated to induce matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) gene expression and protein secretion in renal interstitial fibroblasts. However, exactly how tPA transduces its signal into the nucleus to control gene expression is unknown. This study investigated the mechanism by which tPA induces MMP-9 gene expression. Both wild-type and non-enzymatic mutant tPA were found to induce MMP-9 expression in rat kidney interstitial fibroblasts (NRK-49F), indicating that the actions of tPA are independent of its proteolytic activity. tPA bound to the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein-1 (LRP-1) in NRK-49F cells, and this binding was competitively abrogated by the LRP-1 antagonist, the receptor-associated protein. In mouse embryonic fibroblasts (PEA-13) lacking LRP-1, tPA failed to induce MMP-9 expression. Furthermore, tPA induced rapid tyrosine phosphorylation on the beta subunit of LRP-1, which was followed by the activation of Mek1 and its downstream Erk-1 and -2. Blockade of Erk-1/2 activation by the Mek1 inhibitor abolished MMP-9 induction by tPA in NRK-49F cells. Conversely, overexpression of constitutively activated Mek1 induced Erk-1/2 phosphorylation and MMP-9 expression. In mouse obstructed kidney, tPA, LRP-1, and MMP-9 were concomitantly induced in the renal interstitium. Collectively, these results suggest that besides its classical proteolytic activity, tPA acts as a cytokine that binds to the cell membrane receptor LRP-1, induces its tyrosine phosphorylation, and triggers intracellular signal transduction, thereby inducing specific gene expression in renal interstitial fibroblasts.  相似文献   
Parasporin-2, a new crystal protein derived from noninsecticidal and nonhemolytic Bacillus thuringiensis, recognizes and kills human liver and colon cancer cells as well as some classes of human cultured cells. Here we report that a potent proteinase K-resistant parasporin-2 toxin shows specific binding to and a variety of cytocidal effects against human hepatocyte cancer cells. Cleavage of the N-terminal region of parasporin-2 was essential for the toxin activity, whereas C-terminal digestion was required for rapid cell injury. Protease-activated parasporin-2 induced remarkable morphological alterations, cell blebbing, cytoskeletal alterations, and mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum fragmentation. The plasma membrane permeability was increased immediately after the toxin treatment and most of the cytoplasmic proteins leaked from the cells, whereas mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum proteins remained in the intoxicated cells. Parasporin-2 selectively bound to cancer cells in slices of liver tumor tissues and susceptible human cultured cells and became localized in the plasma membrane until the cells were damaged. Thus, parasporin-2 acts as a cytolysin that permeabilizes the plasma membrane with target cell specificity and subsequently induces cell decay.  相似文献   
Receptor activator of NF-kappaB ligand (RANKL) is a transmembrane glycoprotein that has an essential role in the development of osteoclasts. The extracellular portion of RANKL is cleaved proteolytically to produce soluble RANKL, but definite RANKL sheddase(s) and the physiologic function of RANKL shedding have not yet been determined. In the present study, we found that matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) 14 and a disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM) 10 have strong RANKL shedding activity. In Western blot analysis, soluble RANKL was detected as two different molecular weight products, and RNA interference of MMP14 and ADAM10 resulted in a reduction of both the lower and higher molecular weight products. Suppression of MMP14 in primary osteoblasts increased membrane-bound RANKL and promoted osteoclastogenesis in cocultures with macrophages. Soluble RANKL produced by osteoblasts from MMP14-deficient mice was markedly reduced, and their osteoclastogenic activity was promoted, consistent with the findings of increased osteoclastogenesis in vivo. RANKL shedding is an important process that down-regulates local osteoclastogenesis.  相似文献   
A plausible explanation for many MHC-linked diseases is lacking. Sequencing of the MHC class I region (coding units or full contigs) in several human and nonhuman primate haplotypes allowed an analysis of single nucleotide variations (SNV) across this entire segment. This diversity was not evenly distributed. It was rather concentrated within two gene-rich clusters. These were each centered, but importantly not limited to, the antigen-presenting HLA-A and HLA-B/-C loci. Rapid evolution of MHC-I alleles, as evidenced by an unusually high number of haplotype-specific (hs) and hypervariable (hv) (which could not be traced to a single species or haplotype) SNVs within the classical MHC-I, seems to have not only hitchhiked alleles within nearby genes, but also hitchhiked deleterious mutations in these same unrelated loci. The overrepresentation of a fraction of these hvSNV (hv1SNV) along with hsSNV, as compared to those that appear to have been maintained throughout primate evolution (trans-species diversity; tsSNV; included within hv2SNV) tends to establish that the majority of the MHC polymorphism is de novo (species specific). This is most likely reminiscent of the fact that these hsSNV and hv1SNV have been selected in adaptation to the constantly evolving microbial antigenic repertoire.  相似文献   
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