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Light, fluorescence and electron microscopical analysis of therooted freshwater plantRanunculus trichophyllusrevealed a peculiaranatomical feature. In addition to the true endodermis encirclingthe root stele, endodermis-like sheaths occurred around eachvascular bundle of the leaf segments and of the eustelic stemwith its large central cavity, which assumed an anatomical featureresembling that of some pteridophyte stems. These impermeablesheaths, whose cells differentiate suberized walls, can playa major role in hampering the apoplastic leakage of the pressurizedwater solution which flows throughout the plant in xylem vesselsand contains the mineral nutrients taken up by the roots fromthe sediment. Moreover, these sheaths can function in preventingflooding of the aerenchymatic cavities of the submerged organs.In this way the endodermis-like sheaths preserve the correctcirculation of gas and nutrient solution through the entireorganism and assume great significance as a structural mechanismevolved by this species to survive and grow underwater.Copyright1999 Annals of Botany Company. Ranunculus trichophyllus,freshwater macrophyte, submerged angiosperm, anatomy, endodermis, endodermis-like sheaths, light microscopy, fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   
We used partial sequences of mitochondrial 16S and cytochrome oxidase I genes to perform a phylogenetic study of collared frogs (Anura: Aromobatidae: Mannophryne ), a genus endemic to Venezuela and the islands of Trinidad and Tobago. We analysed 1.2 kb from 13 of the 15 described species of Mannophryne . Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses support the monophyly of Mannophryne . Mannophryne consists of three deeply differentiated clades that split from each other in a relatively short period of time. The diversification of Mannophryne occurred well before the glacial-interglacial periods of the Quaternary. Our data support the taxonomic validity of M. olmonae , a species endemic to Tobago Island. Mannophryne olmonae is more closely related to the continental species Mannophryne riveroi than to the Trinidad island endemic Mannophryne trinitatis . As in most tropical clades of frogs, molecular evidence indicates that species richness in Mannophryne is largely underestimated and, consequently, current priorities for conservation are inadequate.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 185–199.  相似文献   


The increase in availability of genomic sequences for a wide range of organisms has revealed gene duplication to be a relatively common event. Encounters with duplicate gene copies have consequently become almost inevitable in the context of collecting gene sequences for inferring species trees. Here we examine the effect of incorporating duplicate gene copies evolving at different rates on tree reconstruction and time estimation of recent and deep divergences in butterflies.  相似文献   
Bioprinting is an emerging technology in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. The process consists of simultaneous deposition of cells, biomaterial and/or growth factors under pressure through a micro-scale nozzle. Cell viability can be controlled by varying the parameters like pressure and nozzle diameter. The process itself can be a very useful tool for evaluating an in vitro cell injury model. It is essential to understand the cell responses to process-induced mechanical disturbances because they alter cell morphology and function. We carried out analysis and quantification of the degree of cell injury induced by bioprinting process. A parametric study with different process parameters was conducted to analyze and quantify cell injury as well as to optimize the parameters for printing viable cells. A phenomenological model was developed correlating the percentage of live, apoptotic and necrotic cells to the process parameters. This study incorporates an analytical formulation to predict the cell viability through the system as a function of the maximum shear stress in the system. The study shows that dispensing pressure has a more significant effect on cell viability than the nozzle diameter. The percentage of live cells is reduced significantly (by 38.75%) when constructs are printed at 40 psi compared to those printed at 5 psi.  相似文献   
Sex differences in immune function are relatively well studied in vertebrate animals, although the patterns are not always clear in birds. The study of immune responses in nestlings of wild bird populations may constitute an appropriate way to investigate inherent intersexual differences while controlling for environmental conditions such as parasitism that affect male and female individuals growing in the same nest. We studied whether the cell‐mediated immune response, as measured by phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) injection, and the levels of circulating antibodies differ between sexes of Pied Flycatcher nestlings Ficedula hypoleuca. No sex differences in nestling cell‐mediated immune response were found, but females showed significantly higher levels of plasma immunoglobulins than males did. Although nestling birds may not have a fully functional humoral immune defence, our study indicates that sex differences in the humoral component exist at this early stage of life. Given the importance of antibodies in the fight against parasite, bacterial and viral infections, the intrinsic sex disparity in circulating antibodies may have important implications for the life history of each sex.  相似文献   
Readily available chemical fertilizers have resulted in a decline in the use of organic manure (e.g., green manures), a traditionally sustainable source of nutrients. Based on this, we applied urea at the rate of 270 kg ha−1 with and without green manure in order to assess nitrogen (N) productivity in a double rice cropping system in 2017. In particular, treatment combinations were as follows: winter fallow rice-rice (WF-R-R), milk vetch rice-rice (MV-R-R), oil-seed rape rice-rice (R-R-R) and potato crop rice-rice (P-R-R). Results revealed that green manure significantly (p ≤ 0.05) improved the soil chemical properties and net soil organic carbon content increased by an average 117.47%, total nitrogen (N) by 28.41%, available N by 26.64%, total phosphorus (P) by 37.77%, available P by 20.48% and available potassium (K) by 33.10% than WF-R-R, however pH was reduced by 3.30% across the seasons. Similarly, net dry matter accumulation rate enhanced in green manure applied treatments and ranked in order: P-R-R > R-R-R > MV-R-R > WF-R-R. Furthermore, the total leaf dry matter transport (t ha−1 ) for the P-R-R in both seasons was significantly higher by an average 11.2%, 7.2% and 36 % than MV-R-R, R-R-R, and WF-R-R, respectively. In addition, net total nitrogen accumulation (kg ha−1 ) was found higher in green manure applied plots compared to the control. Yield and yield attributed traits were observed maximum in green manure applied plots, with treatments ranking as follows: P-R-R > R-R-R > MV-R-R > WF-R-R. Thus, results obtained highlight ability of green manure to sustainably improve soil quality and rice yield.  相似文献   
Background: Celiac disease (CD) and immunosuppression are the two risk factors for gastrointestinal, as well as non-gastrointestinal, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (NHL). Recent large retrospective studies confirm that celiac disease significantly increases risk of developing small bowel lymphomas by 30 to 40 percent and other gut malignancies by 83-fold. Case Report: A 75-year-old man with a history of CD of two-year duration presented with pallor, fatigue, and 20-pound weight loss of three weeks duration. There was a vague non-tender mass in the right hypochondrium, and his stools tested positive for occult blood. The lab values were within normal range, except for hemoglobin of 11mg/dL, MCV 75, mildly elevated SGOT of 61 IU/L, and LDH of about 5000 IU/L. Work-up including computerized tomography (CT) scan, positron emission tomography (PET) scan, and colonoscopy were performed. Results: A CT scan of the abdomen showed extensive carcinomatosis, scattered lymphadenopathy, and small pleural effusions. PET scan results coincided with CT findings. Colonoscopy revealed a friable nodular mass in the hepatic flexure, histopathology of which confirmed a high-grade B-cell lymphoma. Flow cytometry following immunostaining was positive for CD10, CD19, CD20, CD45, CD79a, and Ki-67. FISH assay demonstrated t (14:18) translocation and bcl-2 rearrangement. The bone marrow biopsy showed evidence of disease. The patient was treated with rituximab, plus cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin, vincristine, and prednisone (CHOP-R), with intrathecal methotrexate prophylaxis. Currently, the patient remains in remission. Conclusion: This is the first case of aggressive Burkitt-like lymphoma (BLL) occurring in a patient with celiac disease in his eighth decade of life. It is possible that chronic inflammation, profound immunosuppression, and nutritional deficit could lead to development of high-grade B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders. Further molecular studies are warranted to the investigate the link between certain polymorphisms of human leukocyte antigens (HLA) in B-cell populations in the gut, and this might be useful to identify high-risk individuals in the population of patients with CD.  相似文献   
Aspects of the crystal structures of the hetero-oligomeric cytochrome bc(1) and b(6)f ("bc") complexes relevant to their electron/proton transfer function and the associated redox reactions of the lipophilic quinones are discussed. Differences between the b(6)f and bc(1) complexes are emphasized. The cytochrome bc(1) and b(6)f dimeric complexes diverge in structure from a core of subunits that coordinate redox groups consisting of two bis-histidine coordinated hemes, a heme b(n) and b(p) on the electrochemically negative (n) and positive (p) sides of the complex, the high potential [2Fe-2S] cluster and c-type heme at the p-side aqueous interface and aqueous phase, respectively, and quinone/quinol binding sites on the n- and p-sides of the complex. The bc(1) and b(6)f complexes diverge in subunit composition and structure away from this core. b(6)f Also contains additional prosthetic groups including a c-type heme c(n) on the n-side, and a chlorophyll a and β-carotene. Common structure aspects; functions of the symmetric dimer. (I) Quinone exchange with the bilayer. An inter-monomer protein-free cavity of approximately 30? along the membrane normal×25? (central inter-monomer distance)×15? (depth in the center), is common to both bc(1) and b(6)f complexes, providing a niche in which the lipophilic quinone/quinol (Q/QH(2)) can be exchanged with the membrane bilayer. (II) Electron transfer. The dimeric structure and the proximity of the two hemes b(p) on the electrochemically positive side of the complex in the two monomer units allow the possibility of two alternate routes of electron transfer across the complex from heme b(p) to b(n): intra-monomer and inter-monomer involving electron cross-over between the two hemes b(p). A structure-based summary of inter-heme distances in seven bc complexes, representing mitochondrial, chromatophore, cyanobacterial, and algal sources, indicates that, based on the distance parameter, the intra-monomer pathway would be favored kinetically. (III) Separation of quinone binding sites. A consequence of the dimer structure and the position of the Q/QH(2) binding sites is that the p-side QH(2) oxidation and n-side Q reduction sites are each well separated. Therefore, in the event of an overlap in residence time by QH(2) or Q molecules at the two oxidation or reduction sites, their spatial separation would result in minimal steric interference between extended Q or QH(2) isoprenoid chains. (IV) Trans-membrane QH(2)/Q transfer. (i) n/p-side QH(2)/Q transfer may be hindered by lipid acyl chains; (ii) the shorter less hindered inter-monomer pathway across the complex would not pass through the center of the cavity, as inferred from the n-side antimycin site on one monomer and the p-side stigmatellin site on the other residing on the same surface of the complex. (V) Narrow p-side portal for QH(2)/Q passage. The [2Fe-2S] cluster that serves as oxidant, and whose histidine ligand serves as a H(+) acceptor in the oxidation of QH(2), is connected to the inter-monomer cavity by a narrow extended portal, which is also occupied in the b(6)f complex by the 20 carbon phytyl chain of the bound chlorophyll.  相似文献   
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