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During the period 1990-1998, 99 cases of human cystic hydatidosis (12.4 cases per year) were surgically treated at the two main hospitals in Arbil province, northern Iraq, and from this the human occurence for the province was estimated to be 2 per 100,000 inhabitants. In the same area, 1270 sheep, 550 goats and 320 cattle were examined at slaughter for hydatid cysts and prevalence rates were found to be 15.0%, 6.2% and 10.9%, respectively. A decreasing tendency in livestock prevalences was found towards the end of the study period. As in humans, most of the hydatid cysts in livestock were located in the liver. Fertility of sheep cysts, i.e. those containing protoscoleces, was found to be significantly higher (64%) than that of goats (35.7%) and cattle (29.8%). The percentage of fertile cysts containing viable protoscoleces varied between 63 and 82% in the livers and between 72 and 79% in the lungs of the different animal species. A total of 97 stray dogs were examined post-mortem in the years 1991, 1992 and 1998, and Echinococcus granulosus worms were found in the intestines of 48 dogs (49.5%). High worm burdens (> 1000) were observed in 37% of the dogs, medium worm burdens (200-1000) in 41%, and low worm burdens (< 200) in 22%. In 1998, the prevalence of canine echinococcosis (24.3%) was found to be significantly lower than in 1991 (70.4%) and 1992 (60.6%). The prevalence of human hydatidosis did not differ significantly over the years, but the study confirmed that hydatidosis is endemic in northern Iraq, and that housewives, labourers and farmers appear to be at the greatest risk of infection.  相似文献   
Co-immobilization was applied to combine complementary enzyme reactions. Therefore, trypsin was co-immobilized together with both, lipase and alpha-amylase, onto the surface of non-woven polyester material. The progress of the immobilization reaction was directly monitored by investigating covalent fixation of the enzymes to the polyester flees using (1)H-MAS-NMR. Co-immobilization of the different types of enzymes to the polyester support showed retained enzymatic activity. However, a competition of binding to the support was observed. Increasing amounts of one type of enzyme reduced the degree of immobilization for the other type. In order to investigate the distribution of trypsin and alpha-amylase on the polyester support, the flees was treated with a mixture of rhodamine isothiocyanate labeled with anti-trypsin antibodies and fluorescein isothiocyanate labeled with anti-alpha-amylase antibodies. Using fluorescence microscopy, the co-immobilization was analyzed by selective excitation of both chromophores at 480 and 530 nm, respectively. In addition, fluorescence spectroscopy was applied by direct labeling of trypsin and lipase prior to co-immobilization to the polyester support. A special prism of plexiglass was constructed, which fit into a 10 x 10 mm fluorescence cuvette in that way that a diagonal plane was formed within the cuvette. The non-woven support was fixed in the cuvette and fluorescence spectra were obtained to characterize the amount of different enzymes linked to the support. Using FRET it was demonstrated that a uniform distribution of the various enzyme species was achieved, where the different enzyme activities are bound on the support in close neighborhood to one another.  相似文献   
The first successful cryopreservation of fish embryos was reported in the Japanese flounder by vitrification [Chen and Tian, Theriogenology, 63, 1207-1219, 2005]. Since very high concentrations of cryoprotectants are needed for vitrification and fish embryos have a large volume, Japanese flounder embryos must have low sensitivity to cryoprotectant toxicity and high permeability to water and cryoprotectants. So, we investigated the sensitivity and the permeability of Japanese flounder embryos. In addition, we assessed the survival of flounder embryos after vitrification with solutions containing methanol and propylene glycol, following Chen and Tian's report. The embryos were relatively insensitive to the toxicity of individual cryoprotectants at lower concentrations, especially methanol and propylene glycol as their report. Although their permeability to water and cryoprotectants could not be measured from volume changes in cryoprotectant solutions, the embryos appeared to be permeable to methanol but less permeable to DMSO, ethylene glycol, and propylene glycol. Although vitrification solutions containing methanol and propylene glycol, which were used in Chen and Tian's report, were toxic to embryos, a small proportion of embryos did survived. However, when vitrified with the vitrification solutions, no embryos survived after warming. The embryos became opaque during cooling with liquid nitrogen, indicating the formation of intracellular ice during cooling. When embryos had been kept in vitrification solutions for 60 min after being treated with the vitrification solution, some remained transparent during cooling, but became opaque during warming. This suggests that dehydration and/or permeation by cryoprotectants were insufficient for vitrification of the embryos even after they had been over-treated with the vitrification solutions. Thus, Chen and Tian's cryopreservation method lacks general application to Japanese flounder embryos.  相似文献   
Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease, onset and severity of which are controlled by multiple genetic factors; aberrant expression of and responses to several cytokines including IFN-alpha/IFN-beta and IFN-gamma are associated with this "type 1" disease. However, it remains unclear whether genetic regulation influences these cytokine-related abnormalities. Mice deficient for IFN regulatory factor-2 (IRF-2) on the C57BL/6 background (IRF-2(-/-)BN mice) exhibited accelerated IFN-alpha/IFN-beta responses leading to a psoriasis-like skin inflammation. In this study, we found that this skin phenotype disappeared in IRF-2(-/-) mice with the BALB/c or BALB/c x C57BL/6 F(1) backgrounds. Genome-wide scan revealed two major quantitative trait loci controlled the skin disease severity. Interestingly, these loci were different from that for the defect in CD4(+) dendritic cells, another IFN-alpha/IFN-beta-dependent phenotype of the mice. Notably, IFN-gamma expression as well as spontaneous IFN-alpha/IFN-beta responses were up-regulated several fold spontaneously in the skin in IRF-2(-/-)BN mice but not in IRF-2(-/-) mice with "resistant" backgrounds. The absence of such IFN-gamma up-regulation in IRF-2(-/-)BN mice lacking the IFN-alpha/IFN-beta receptor or beta(2)-microglobulin indicated that accelerated IFN-alpha/IFN-beta signals augmented IFN-gamma expression by CD8(+) T cells in the skin. IFN-gamma indeed played pathogenic roles as skin inflammation was delayed and was much more infrequent when IRF-2(-/-)BN mice lacked the IFN-gamma receptor. Our current study thus revealed a novel genetic mechanism that kept the skin immune system under control and prevented skin inflammation through regulating the magnitude of IFN-alpha/IFN-beta responses and downstream IFN-gamma production, independently of CD4(+) dendritic cells.  相似文献   
We previously found that endothelin-2/vasoactive intestinal contractor (ET-2/VIC) greatly increased in mouse epidermis after birth. In the present study, we evaluated whether ET-2/VIC expression was associated with the calcium-induced differentiation of cultured mouse keratinocytes. The differentiation induction was revealed by morphological change, cornified envelope (CE) formation, and involucrin and transglutaminase 1 (TG 1) expressions. ET-2/VIC gene expression and peptide production subsequently increased in the induction of the differentiation. We also found that Y-27632, a Rho-associated coiled-coil forming protein serine/threonine kinase (ROCK) inhibitor, suppressed up-regulation of ET-2/VIC gene expression, the induction of morphological change, the CE formation, and TG 1 expression, but not involucrin expression. These results indicate new three findings, (1) ET-2/VIC expression increases and has potential as a differentiation marker, (2) ET-2/VIC expression is mediated by ROCK, and (3) the ROCK regulated TG 1 expression, on the calcium-induced differentiation of mouse keratinocytes.  相似文献   
Oils were extracted from fully ripen Pinus pinea L. and Pinus halepensis Mill seeds and fatty acid composition has been established by capillary gas chromatography. Seeds are rich in lipids, 34.63-48.12% on a dry weight basis. Qualitatively, fatty acid composition of both species is identical. For P. halepensis linoleic acid is the major fatty acid (56.06% of total fatty acids) followed by oleic (24.03%) and palmitic (5.23%) acids. For P. pinea, the same fatty acids are found with the proportions 47.28%, 36.56%, and 6.67%, respectively. Extracted fatty acids from both species are mainly unsaturated, respectively, 89.87% and 88.01%. Pinus halepensis cis-5 olefinic acids are more abundant (7.84% compared to 2.24%). Results will be important as a good indication of the potential nutraceutical value of Pinus seeds as new sources of fruit oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and cis-5 olefinic acids.  相似文献   
Maastrichtian-early Paleocene foraminiferal palaeobathymetry, palaeodiversity and vertical facies changes of Gebel El Sharawna, south Luxor, Egypt have been studied to determine the depositional sequences, their relationships to global records and/or tectonic signatures. Five benthonic assemblages are recorded and replicated in the present study reflect fluctuation in palaeo-water depth from restricted marginal marine to outer shelf palaeoenvironments. Four sequence boundaries that coincide with the Campanian/Maastrichtian, intra-early Maastrichtian, Early/Late Maastrichtian, Cretaceous/Palaeogene (K/Pg) and intra-Danian were recognized based upon sharp vertical facies changes, foraminiferal assemblage changes, hiatuses, mineral hard ground and reworking. The K/Pg unconformity reveals an unexpected ca. 4.2 Myr time gap as indicated by the absence of the CF2 Zone through lower part of the P1c Zone. It is easily distinguished in the field by conglomeration and winnowing of phosphate and glauconite in the lower Paleocene. These sequence boundaries defined five third-order depositional sequences mainly developed as the result of the eustatic sea-level changes, coupled with the Arabian–Nubian shield tectonic uplift at the southern edge of the Tethys Ocean.  相似文献   
Of 67 dogs examined in 11 localities in Arbil Province, northern Iraq, 53 (79.1%) were found infected with Echinococcus granulosus. The infection rates in the 11 localities ranged from 66.7% to 100%. Infections were light (1-200 worms) in 37.7% of infected dogs, medium (201-1,000 worms) in 20.8% and heavy (over 1,000 worms) in 41.5%. The heaviest burden was detected in 13 dogs, in which 3,000 to 8,000 worms each were counted. Infection rates were slightly higher in male dogs (81.1%) than in bitches (76.7%).  相似文献   
This article examines attacks on black academics as an analytical apparatus for connecting histories of U.S. racial violence to the current state of white backlash against black advancement. Through an anatomy of these attacks – of which the author herself was targeted – this essay explores two processes: First, what these attacks do to blackness and, second, what this violence does for whiteness. In the former, this work explains that attacks on black academics are first and foremost anti-black attacks, not dissimilar to attacks on visible African- Americans in other arenas. The intention is to terrorize black progress on the whole. In the latter process, the generative nature of these attacks reproduces collective white identities across region, age, and newly digitized spaces. In the current political moment this digitized mob violence ritualistically reaffirms white hegemony. This essay concludes with an explanation for why the author believes these attacks will continue with regularity.  相似文献   
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