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The mechanisms behind increased breast tissue proliferation and a possibly increased breast cancer risk in women using hormonal contraception (HC) and hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) are incompletely understood. We analyzed breast tissue from 20 premenopausal and seven postmenopausal women undergoing reduction mammoplasties for estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) content as well as mRNA levels for ER, PR and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). The receptor values were correlated to IGF-1 mRNA concentrations and levels of steroid and peptide hormones and SHBG. In women using HC, we found significantly lower ER values (p=0.02) but non-significantly lower ER mRNA levels compared to those in naturally cycling women. PR and PR mRNA were no different. Women on HC displayed a higher breast tissue proliferation (p=0.05) expressed as Ki-67, MIB-1 positivity, which was correlated with IGF-1 mRNA (rs=0.82, p=0.04). Since the concentration of sex steroid receptors in breast tissue is comparatively low and steroid receptors are down-regulated during hormonal treatment, mechanisms other than direct sex steroid receptor action are likely to be present. Our results suggest a role for IGF-1 in the proliferative response of breast tissue during exogenous hormonal treatment.  相似文献   
The 400-MHz 1H NMR spectra of the subunit B2 of ribonucleotide reductase from Escherichia coli show paramagnetically shifted resonances at 24 ppm (exchangeable protons) and at 19 ppm (nonexchangeable protons). The protein contains an antiferromagnetically coupled dimeric iron center and a tyrosyl free radical. The paramagnetically shifted resonances must be due to the iron center, since they remain essentially unchanged in protein B2 with and without free radical. In analogy with recently published results for hemerythrin from Phascolopsis gouldii, which has a similar iron center, the 24-ppm resonance is suggested to arise from histidine ligands to the iron ions.  相似文献   
Glucose 1,6-bisphosphate (G-1,6-P2) is a potent activator of phosphofructokinase (PFK) and an inhibitor of hexokinase in vitro. It has been suggested that increases in G-1,6-P2 are a main means by which PFK can achieve significant catalytic function in vivo despite falling pH and that increases in G-1,6-P2 will inhibit hexokinase in vivo. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether contraction-induced changes in flux through PFK and hexokinase are associated with changes in G-1,6-P2 in skeletal muscle. Ten men performed bicycle exercise for 10 min at 40 and 75% of maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) and to fatigue [4.8 +/- 0.6 (SE) min] at 100% VO2max. Biopsies were obtained from the quadriceps femoris muscle at rest and after each work load and analyzed for G-1,6-P2. G-1,6-P2 averaged 111 +/- 13 mumol/kg dry wt at rest and 121 +/- 16, 123 +/- 15, and 123 +/- 11 mumol/kg dry wt after the low-, moderate-, and high-intensity exercise bouts, respectively (P less than 0.05 for all means vs. rest). Flux through PFK was estimated to increase exponentially as the exercise intensity increased and muscle pH decreased at the higher work loads, whereas flux through hexokinase was estimated to increase during exercise at 40 and 75% VO2max but decrease sharply at 100% VO2max. These data demonstrate that flux through neither PFK nor hexokinase is mediated by changes in G-1,6-P2 in human skeletal muscle during short-term dynamic exercise.  相似文献   
Iron K-edge X-ray absorption spectra were obtained on the protein B2, the small subunit of ribonucleotide reductase from Escherichia coli. Protein B2 contains a binuclear iron center with many properties in common with the iron center of oxidized hemerythrins. The extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) measurements on protein B2 were analyzed and compared with published data for oxyhemerythrin. In protein B2 there are, in the first coordination shell around each Fe atom, five or six oxygen or nitrogen atoms that are directly coordinated ligands. In oxyhemerythrin there are six ligands to each iron. As in oxyhemerythrin, one of the ligands in the first shell of protein B2 is at a short distance, about 1.78 A, confirming the existence of a mu-oxo bridge. The other atoms of the first shell are at an average distance of 2.04 A, which is about 0.1 A shorter than in oxyhemerythrin. In protein B2 the Fe-Fe distance is in the range 3.26-3.48 A, and the bridging angle falls between 130 and 150 degrees. On the basis of these data, there is no direct evidence for any histidine ligands in protein B2, but the noise level leaves way for the possibility of a maximum of about three histidines for each Fe pair. The X-ray absorption spectrum of a hydroxyurea-treated sample was not significantly different from that of the native protein B2, which implies that no significant alteration in the structure of the iron site occurs upon destruction of the tyrosine radical.  相似文献   
Eight healthy men cycled at a work load corresponding to approximately 70% of maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) to fatigue (exercise I). Exercise to fatigue at the same work load was repeated after 75 min of rest (exercise II). Exercise duration averaged 65 and 21 min for exercise I and II, respectively. Muscle (quadriceps femoris) content of glycogen decreased from 492 +/- 27 to 92 +/- 20 (SE) mmol/kg dry wt and from 148 +/- 17 to 56 +/- 17 (SE) mmol/kg dry wt during exercise I and II, respectively. Muscle and blood lactate were only moderately increased during exercise. The total adenine nucleotide pool (TAN = ATP + ADP + AMP) decreased and inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) increased in the working muscle during both exercise I (P less than 0.001) and II (P less than 0.01). Muscle content of ammonia (NH3) increased four- and eight-fold during exercise I and II, respectively. The working legs released NH3, and plasma NH3 increased progressively during exercise. The release of NH3 at the end of exercise II was fivefold higher than that at the same time point in exercise I (P less than 0.001, exercise I vs. II). It is concluded that submaximal exercise to fatigue results in a breakdown of the TAN in the working muscle through deamination of AMP to IMP and NH3. The relatively low lactate levels demonstrate that acidosis is not a necessary prerequisite for activation of AMP deaminase. It is suggested that the higher average rate of AMP deamination during exercise II vs. exercise I is due to a relative impairment of ATP resynthesis caused by the low muscle glycogen level.  相似文献   
Muscle biopsies taken from the musculus quadriceps femoris of man were analysed for pH, ATP, ADP, AMP, creatine phosphate, creatine, lactate and pyruvate. Biopsies were taken at rest, after circulatory occlusion and after isometric contraction. Muscle pH decreased from 7.09 at rest to 6.56 after isometric exercise to fatigue. Decrease in muscle pH was linearly related to accumulation of lactate plus pyruvate. An increase of 22mumol of lactate plus pyruvate per g of muscle resulted in a fall of 0.5pH unit. The apparent equilibrium constant of the creatine kinase reaction (apparent K(CK)) increased after isometric contraction and a linear relationship between log(apparent K(CK)) and muscle pH was obtained. The low content of creatine phosphate in muscle after contraction as analysed from needle-biopsy samples is believed to be a consequence of an altered equilibrium state of the creatine kinase reaction. This in turn is attributed mainly to a change in intracellular pH.  相似文献   
The active form of protein B2, the small subunit of ribonucleotide reductase, contains two dinuclear Fe(III) centers and a tyrosyl radical. The inactive metB2 form also contains the same diferric complexes but lacks the tyrosyl radical. We now demonstrate that incubation of metB2 with hydrogen peroxide generates the tyrosyl radical. The reaction is optimal at 5.5 nM hydrogen peroxide, with a maximum of 25-30% tyrosyl radical being formed after approximately 1.5 hr of incubation. The activation reaction is counteracted by a hydrogen peroxide-dependent reduction of the tyrosyl radical. It is likely that the generation of the radical proceeds via a ferryl intermediate, as in the proposed mechanisms for cytochrome P-450 and the peroxidases.  相似文献   
Protein R2 of ribonucleotide reductase contains a dinuclear ferric iron center adjacent to a tyrosyl radical in the interior of the protein matrix. A patch of hydrophobic residues surrounds the iron-radical cofactor. Its importance during the oxidative generation of the iron-radical cofactor was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis of Phe-208 to tyrosine. The mutant protein R2 F208Y has prominent absorption bands at 460 and 720 nm reminiscent of those in ferric-catecholate complexes. Resonance Raman spectroscopy shows that the iron center of R2 F208Y contains a bidentate catechol ligand. The mechanism for generation of this protein-derived dihydroxyphenylalanine may be similar to the catalytic cycle of methane monooxygenase.  相似文献   


Today’s chemical society use and emit an enormous number of different, potentially ecotoxic, chemicals to the environment. The vast majority of substances do not have characterisation factors describing their ecotoxicity potential. A first stage, high throughput, screening tool is needed for prioritisation of which substances need further measures.


USEtox characterisation factors were calculated in this work based on data generated by quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models to expand substance coverage where characterisation factors were missing. Existing QSAR models for physico-chemical data and ecotoxicity were used, and to further fill data gaps, an algae QSAR model was developed. The existing USEtox characterisation factors were used as reference to evaluate the impact from the use of QSARs to generate input data to USEtox, with focus on ecotoxicity data. An inventory of chemicals that make up the Swedish societal stock of plastic additives, and their associated predicted emissions, was used as a case study to rank chemicals according to their ecotoxicity potential.

Results and discussion

For the 210 chemicals in the inventory, only 41 had characterisation factors in the USEtox database. With the use of QSAR generated substance data, an additional 89 characterisation factors could be calculated, substantially improving substance coverage in the ranking. The choice of QSAR model was shown to be important for the reliability of the results, but also with the best correlated model results, the discrepancies between characterisation factors based on estimated data and experimental data were very large.


The use of QSAR estimated data as basis for calculation of characterisation factors, and the further use of those factors for ranking based on ecotoxicity potential, was assessed as a feasible way to gather substance data for large datasets. However, further research and development of the guidance on how to make use of estimated data is needed to achieve improvement of the accuracy of the results.
Mutations within the amyloid-beta (Abeta) domain of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) typically generate hemorrhagic strokes and vascular amyloid angiopathy. In contrast, the Arctic mutation (APP E693G) results in Alzheimer's disease. Little is known about the pathologic mechanisms that result from the Arctic mutation, although increased formation of Abeta protofibrils in vitro and intraneuronal Abeta aggregates in vivo suggest that early steps in the amyloidogenic pathway are facilitated. Here we show that the Arctic mutation favors proamyloidogenic APP processing by increased beta-secretase cleavage, as demonstrated by altered levels of N- and C-terminal APP fragments. Although the Arctic mutation is located close to the alpha-secretase site, APP harboring the Arctic mutation is not an inferior substrate to a disintegrin and metalloprotease-10, a major alpha-secretase. Instead, the localization of Arctic APP is altered, with reduced levels at the cell surface making Arctic APP less available for alpha-secretase cleavage. As a result, the extent and subcellular location of Abeta formation is changed, as revealed by increased Abeta levels, especially at intracellular locations. Our findings suggest that the unique clinical symptomatology and neuropathology associated with the Arctic mutation, but not with other intra-Abeta mutations, could relate to altered APP processing with increased steady-state levels of Arctic Abeta, particularly at intracellular locations.  相似文献   
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