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The Faguibine system, northern Mali, consists of a series of interconnected floodplains of which the flooded surface area declined from about 1 000 km² in the late 19th century to only some 90 km² in 2010. Flood extent depends on the height of the Niger River flood peak at Diré. Satellite imagery analysis indicated that a phase shift may have occurred in the year 2000, probably as a delayed consequence of the Sahelian drought of the 1970s compounded by the collapse of societal controls on water use during recent civil conflict. An economic evaluation of the system in 2011 showed US$100 000 per year of net income per flooded km² in Lake Faguibine, allowing vulnerable people to practise recession agriculture, to fish and to graze livestock. An intensive investment phase, combined with an approach of rebuilding local governance systems and environmental management capacity, could yield net benefits to the user communities of the order of ten times the maintenance costs, contributing to human well-being. The system is currently threatened by the building of the Fomi Dam in Guinea and by the planned expansion of irrigation upstream. There is also a risk of the return of a prolonged drought linked to the Atlantic multi-decadal oscillation index.  相似文献   
Profilin controls actin nucleation and assembly processes in eukaryotic cells. Actin nucleation and elongation promoting factors (NEPFs) such as Ena/VASP, formins, and WASP-family proteins recruit profilin:actin for filament formation. Some of these are found to be microtubule associated, making actin polymerization from microtubule-associated platforms possible. Microtubules are implicated in focal adhesion turnover, cell polarity establishment, and migration, illustrating the coupling between actin and microtubule systems. Here we demonstrate that profilin is functionally linked to microtubules with formins and point to formins as major mediators of this association. To reach this conclusion, we combined different fluorescence microscopy techniques, including superresolution microscopy, with siRNA modulation of profilin expression and drug treatments to interfere with actin dynamics. Our studies show that profilin dynamically associates with microtubules and this fraction of profilin contributes to balance actin assembly during homeostatic cell growth and affects micro­tubule dynamics. Hence profilin functions as a regulator of microtubule (+)-end turnover in addition to being an actin control element.  相似文献   
A statistical analysis of the nucleotide sequence variability in 14 published hepatitis B virus (HBV) genomes was carried out using parametric and nonparametric methods. A parametric statistical model revealed that the different regions of the genome differed significantly in their variability. The conclusion was supported by a nonparametric kernel-density model of the HBV genome. Genes S, C, and P, region X, the precore region, and the pre-S2/pre-S1 regions were ranked in order of increasing variability. In many instances, conserved regions of the genome identified with sequences of known function in HBV biology. However, other characterized regions (such as pre-S) showed much variability despite the involvement of their encoded peptides in specific functions. Point mutations that may result in the formation of stop codons and amino acid changes may affect the clinical picture of HBV infection and may be reflected in atypical serological patterns.   相似文献   
In 1985 unusual mortality was observed among the 3- to 4-yr-old white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) on Anticosti Island, Québec (Canada). A viral pathogen was suspected to be the cause of the deaths. Thus, a serologic survey for bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV-1), bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus and parainfluenza-3 (PI-3) virus was conducted. We examined 396 deer sera from 1985. Results indicated that the high mortality mainly afflicted 3- to 4-yr-old deer. In 1985, 57% of deer sampled were seropositive for viral neutralizing antibodies against BHV-1. Prevalences decreased over the next 2 yr of the survey. Prevalence of antibodies against PI-3 virus, determined by hemagglutination inhibition test, remained high (82% to 84%) for the 3 yr period. No deer were seropositive for neutralizing antibodies against BVD virus during the survey period. Analysis of antibodies against BHV-1 and PI-3 viruses according to sex, age and antibody titers revealed that an epizootic BHV-1 infection occurred in 1985; PI-3 infection appears to be enzootic in Anticosti deer.  相似文献   
Kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) plants exhibiting foliar yellow mosaic symptoms and some leaf crumpling were identified in the Al Batinah region of Oman. Rolling circle amplification and polymerase chain reaction identified a bipartite begomovirus (family Geminiviridae) and a betasatellite in association with the symptomatic plants. Analysis of full‐length sequences showed the virus to be Mungbean yellow mosaic Indian virus (MYMIV) and the betasatellite Tomato leaf curl betasatellite (ToLCB). This is the first identification of a legume‐adapted begomovirus in Oman and the first identification of MYMIV in association with the betasatellite ToLCB. The isolate of MYMIV from Oman shows the greatest levels of sequence identity to isolates occurring in South Asia and South‐East Asia, suggesting that the virus has only recently been introduced. The significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   
To what extent the thymus is needed to preserve the virus-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response of lentivirus-infected adults is unclear. Presented here is the first definitive study using thymectomized (ThX) animals to directly evaluate the contribution of thymic function to lentivirus-specific CTL response and the control of lentivirus infections. ThX and mock-ThX cats were inoculated with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and monitored for their FIV-specific CTL responses. Early in infection, both FIV-ThX and FIV-mock-ThX cats produced similar CTL responses, but surprisingly, after 20 weeks, the FIV-ThX cats showed a statistically significant loss of FIV-specific CTL activity, while FIV-infected cats with intact thymuses continued to maintain FIV-specific CTL. The loss of CTL did not affect plasma virus load, which remained elevated for both groups. These results emphasize the importance of thymic integrity in maintaining immunity to lentiviruses, but also bring into question the notion that virus load is regulated predominantly by the virus-specific CTL response.  相似文献   
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