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Summary Exocytotic release of the secretory granules of the endocrine cells in the midgut of a cockroach, Periplaneta americana, was studied by means of fixation with tannic acid in combination with glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide. A sequence of images indicative of exocytosis suggests the following steps in this process: (1) A delicate connection appears between the granule-limiting membrane and the plasma membrane. (2) The plasma membrane approaches the granule, forming a concave indentation. (3) The granule-limiting membrane fuses with the plasma membrane and opens to give rise to an omega profile. (4) The granule content is voided into extracellular space. Exocytosis occurs not only at the base of the cell but occasionally at its side facing adjacent cells. (5) The exocytotic invagination after release becomes smaller and narrower; sometimes a coated pit with bristles appears. Multiple exocytosis, and exocytosis in the endocrine cells of the nidus, i.e., the regenerative cell mass, are also described.  相似文献   
Using BrdU-labeling and acridine orange staining, the behavior of X-chromosome replication was studied in 28 XXX and 19 XXY digynous mouse triploids. In some of these the paternal and maternal X chromosome could by cytologically distinguished. Such embryos were obtained by mating chromosomally normal females with males carrying Cattanach's X chromosome which contains an autosomal insertion that substantially increases the length of this chromosome. In the XXX triploids there were two distinct cell lines, one with two late-replicating X chromosomes, and the other with only one late-replicating X. The XXY triploids were also composed of two cell populations, one with a single late-replicating X and the other with no late replicating X chromosome. Assuming that the late-replicating X is genetically inactive, in both XXX and XXY triploids, cells from the embryonic region tended to have only one active X chromosome, whereas those from the extra-embryonic membranes tended to have two active X chromosomes. The single active X chromosome was either paternal or maternal in origin, but two active X chromosomes were overwhelmingly maternal in origin, suggesting paternal X-inactivation in extra-embryonic tissues.  相似文献   
Effects of an orally active angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitor, SQ 14225, on the actions of angiotensin I (AI) infused intravenously for 120 to 390 min were studied in 5 normal men. When 20 ng/kg/min of AI infusion was started immediately after a single oral administration of 100 mg of SQ 14225, a significant rise in blood pressure (BP) was observed for the first 15 min, but BP began to fall from 17 min and returned to the pretreatment level at 45 min. This BP level continued at least to 120 min and in one subject to 180 min. In this subject BP began to rise again from 185 min and reached the level of 15 min at 390 min. Plasma AI level increased gradually from 45 min. At 15 min plasma renin activity (PRA) decreased and plasma aldosterone (PA) increased, but then PRA began to increase and PA began to decrease. At 120 min the values of PRA and PA were similar to the pretreatment values. In one subject plasma AI and PRA began to decrease and PA began to increase after 120 or 180 min. On the other hand, in the 5 men sole AI infusion caused a continued BP rise, PRA decrease and PA increase, and sole SQ 14225 administration caused increases in plasma AI and PRA and a decrease in PA but no BP change. From these results it was concluded that complete blockade and partial inhibition of AI conversion by 100 mg of oral SQ 14225 lasted for about 2.5 and 6.5 hr, respectively and that BP rise, PRA suppression and aldosterone stimulation after AI infusion were entirely due to the actions of angiotensin II converted from AI.  相似文献   
Corelike structures, which were interpreted as straight, large cylinders containing ribosome-like particles surrounded by an amorphous substance of low electron density, were found in a stable L-form ofStreptococcus pyogenes grown in the absence of antibiotics.  相似文献   
A heat stable globulin present in the cotyledons of pumpkinseeds was prepared as crystals which were soluble in a dilutesaline solution below pH 4.5 or in a solution with a high ionicstrength at neutral pHs. The protein was nearly homogeneousby ultracentrifuge analysis, and had a molecular weight of about112,000 daltons. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisseparated the globulin into two subunits, and ß,corresponding to molecular weights of about 63,000 and 56,000daltons, respectively. By reduction of disulfide bonds, thetwo subunits were each separated into two polypeptide chainswith molecular weights of around 36,000 and 22,000 daltons,judged by gel electrophoresis. The amino acid composition ofwhole globulin indicated high contents of arginine, glutamicacid and aspartic acid. The total number of half-cystine residuewas nine and only one residue was shown to be free. The subunitstructure of the globulin is discussed. The protein has beenshown to have oxaloacetate decarboxylase activity, and thisfact was confirmed. However, the activity decreased markedlyat pH 4.5 in a fairly short period. It did not require Mn++,and the Km for oxaloacetate was determined to be 4.1 mM. (Received April 9, 1976; )  相似文献   
Inhibitory effect of 44 species of fatty acids on cholesterol synthesis has been examined with a rat liver enzyme system. In the case of saturated fatty acids, the inhibitory activity increased with chain length to a maximum at 11 to 14 carbons, after which activity decreased rapidly. The inhibition increased with the degree of unsaturation of fatty acids. Introduction of a hydroxy group at the alpha-position of fatty acids abolished the inhibition, while the inhibition was enhanced by the presence of a hydroxy group located in an intermediate position of the chain. Branched chain fatty acids having a methyl group at the terminal showed much higher activity than the corresponding saturated straight chain fatty acids with the same number of carbons. With respect to the mechanism for inhibition, tridecanoate was found to inhibit acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase specifically without affecting the other reaction steps in the cholesterol synthetic pathway. The highly unsaturated fatty acids, arachidonate and linoleate, were specific inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA synthase. On the other hand, ricinoleate (hydroxy acid) and phytanate (branched-chain acid) diminished the conversion of mevalonate to sterols by inhibiting a step or steps between squalene and lanosterol.  相似文献   
Embryonic chick fibroblasts were incubated with [14C]proline and puromycin in the low concentrations of 1 to 3 mug/ml. The molecular weight of the synthesized procollagen chains, as measured by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate, was progressively reduced by increasing concentrations of puromycin in this range. For example, at 3 mug/ml the great majority of the [14C]proline was contained in procollagen chains having an average molecular weight of about 95,000 instead of the control value of 125,000. Associated with this decrease in molecular weight there was a marked decrease in the incorporation of cysteine although [14C]proline incorporation was relatively unaffedted. Disulfide bond formation was drastically inhibited as was triple helix formation as measured by resistance of the procollagen to pepsin digestion. Although the shortened procollagen chains were of normal hydroxyproline content, they nevertheless were secreted much more slowly than normal procollagen. Based upon these findings, we postulate that: (a) low concentrations of puromycin terminate procollagen chains before a COOH-terminal extension is completed, (b) these COOH-terminal extensions are required for normal assembly of the three individual procollagen chains and for triple helix formation, and (c) only assembled, triple helical procollagen molecules are selected for normal secretion.  相似文献   
Quantitative determination of the sulfated glycoproteins present in tissue and secretion fluid was performed. After digestion of the specimen with pronase in order to convert glycoproteins to glycopeptides, the sulfated glycopeptides were separated from a mixture of acidic glycans (glycosaminoglycans, sialoglycopeptides and sulfated glycopeptides) by two-dimensional electrophoresis on cellulose acetate membrane [(1986) J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 12, 239-246]. After staining with alcian blue, the spot of sulfated glycopeptide on the cellulose acetate membrane was cut out, and then only the dye bound to the sulfated glycopeptide was extracted with a 5% cetylpyridinium chloride solution at 100 degrees C for 15 min. The extract was then measured by absorbance at 615 nm using an authentic sulfated glycopeptide as a standard. This method facilitated the determination of sulfated glycopeptides, which were separated from other acidic glycans, within the range 0-25 micrograms.  相似文献   
PCR-based Landmark Unique Gene (PLUG) markers are EST-PCR markers developed based on the orthologous gene conservation between rice and wheat, and on the intron polymorphisms among the three orthologous genes derived from the A, B and D genomes of wheat. We designed a total of 960 primer sets from wheat ESTs that showed high similarity with 951 single-copy rice genes. When genomic DNA of Chinese Spring wheat was used as a template, 872 primer sets amplified one to five distinct products. Out of these 872 PLUG markers, 531 were assigned to one or more chromosomes by nullisomic-tetrasomic analysis. For each wheat chromosome, the number of loci detected ranged from 32 for chromosome 6A to 73 for chromosome 7D, with an average of 48 loci per chromosome. Several novel synteny perturbations were identified using deletion bin-mapping of markers. Furthermore, we demonstrated that PLUG markers can be used as probes to simultaneously identify BAC clones that contain homoeologous regions from all three genomes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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