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Integrated chorda tympani nerve responses to NaCl were studied in two mouse strains, an NaCl-preferring NZB/B1NJ and an NaCl-avoiding CBA/J. The NaCl responses of both strains had similar magnitude and were suppressed by amiloride to a similar extent. This suggests that peripheral gustatory responsiveness to NaCl is not the only mechanism underlying mouse strain variation in NaCl acceptance.   相似文献   
The aim of the present study is to assess the possible protective effects of thymol and carvacrol against cisplatin (CP)‐induced nephrotoxicity. A single dose of CP {6 mg/kg, intraperitoneally (i.p.)} injected to male rats revealed significant increases in serum urea, creatinine, and tumor necrosis factor alpha levels. It also increased kidney contents of malondialdehyde and caspase‐3 activity with significant reduction in serum albumin, kidney content of reduced glutathione as well as catalase, and superoxide dismutase activity as compared to that of the control group. In contrast, administration of thymol {20 mg/kg, orally (p.o.)} and/or carvacrol (15 mg/kg, p.o.) for 14 days before CP injection and for 7 days after CP administration restored the kidney function and examined oxidative stress parameters. In conclusion, thymol was more effective nephroprotective than carvacrol. Moreover, a combination of thymol and carvacrol had a synergistic nephroprotective effect that might be attributed to antioxidant, anti‐inflammatory, and antiapoptotic activities.  相似文献   


Two main classes of peripheral sensory neurons contribute to thermal pain sensitivity: the unmyelinated C fibers and thinly myelinated Aδ fibers. These two fiber types may differentially underlie different clinical pain states and distinctions in the efficacy of analgesic treatments. Methods of differentially testing C and Aδ thermal pain are widely used in animal experimentation, but these methods are not optimal for human volunteer and patient use. Thus, this project aimed to provide psychophysical and electrophysiological evidence that whether different protocols of infrared diode laser stimulation, which allows for direct activation of nociceptive terminals deep in the skin, could differentially activate Aδ or C fiber thermonociceptors in volunteers.


Short (60 ms), high intensity laser pulses (SP) evoked monomodal "pricking" pain which was not enhanced by topical capsaicin, whereas longer, lower power pulses (LP) evoked monomodal "burning" pain which was enhanced by topical capsaicin. SP also produced cortical evoked EEG potentials consistent with Aδ mediation, the amplitude of which was directly correlated with pain intensity but was not affected by topical capsaicin. LP also produced a distinct evoked potential pattern the amplitude of which was also correlated with pain intensity, which was enhanced by topical capsaicin, and the latency of which could be used to estimate the conduction velocity of the mediating nociceptive fibers.


Psychophysical and electrophysiological data were consistent with the ability of short high intensity infrared laser pulses to selectively produce Aδ mediated pain and of longer pulses to selectively produce C fiber mediated thermal pain. Thus, the use of these or similar protocols may be useful in developing and testing novel therapeutics based on the differential molecular mechanisms underlying activation of the two fiber types (e.g., TRPV1, TRPV2, etc). In addition, these protocol may be useful in determining the fiber mediation of different clinical pain types which may, in turn be useful in treatment choice.  相似文献   


Breast cancer survivors, particularly those treated with chemotherapy, are at significantly increased risk for long-term cognitive and neurobiologic impairments. These deficits tend to involve skills that are subserved by distributed brain networks. Additionally, neuroimaging studies have shown a diffuse pattern of brain structure changes in chemotherapy-treated breast cancer survivors that might impact large-scale brain networks.


We therefore applied graph theoretical analysis to compare the gray matter structural networks of female breast cancer survivors with a history of chemotherapy treatment and healthy age and education matched female controls.


Results revealed reduced clustering coefficient and small-world index in the brain network of the breast cancer patients across a range of network densities. In addition, the network of the breast cancer group had less highly interactive nodes and reduced degree/centrality in the frontotemporal regions compared to controls, which may help explain the common impairments of memory and executive functioning among these patients.


These results suggest that breast cancer and chemotherapy may decrease regional connectivity as well as global network organization and integration, reducing efficiency of the network. To our knowledge, this is the first report of altered large-scale brain networks associated with breast cancer and chemotherapy.  相似文献   
Normal pregnancy is associated with uterine relaxation to accommodate the stretch imposed by the growing fetus; however, the mechanisms underlying the relationship between pregnancy-associated uterine stretch and uterine relaxation are unclear. We hypothesized that increased uterine stretch during pregnancy is associated with upregulation of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which in turn cause inhibition of myometrium contraction and promote uterine relaxation. Uteri from virgin, midpregnant (day 12), and late-pregnant rats (day 19) were isolated, and myometrium strips were prepared for measurement of isometric contraction and MMP expression and activity using RT-PCR, Western blot analysis, and gelatin zymography. Oxytocin caused concentration-dependent contraction of myometrium strips that was reduced in mid- and late-pregnant rats compared with virgin rats. Pretreatment with the MMP inhibitors SB-3CT (MMP-2/MMP-9 Inhibitor IV), BB-94 (batimastat), or Ro-28-2653 (cipemastat) enhanced contraction in myometrium of pregnant rats. RT-PCR, Western blot analysis, and gelatin zymography demonstrated increased mRNA expression, protein amount, and activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in myometrium of late-pregnant>midpregnant>virgin rats. Prolonged stretch of myometrium strips of virgin rats under 8 g basal tension for 18 h was associated with reduced contraction and enhanced expression and activity of MMP-2 and MMP-9, which were reversed by MMP inhibitors. Concomitant treatment of stretched myometrium of virgin rats with 17β-estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4), or E2+P4 was associated with further reduction in contraction and increased MMP expression and activity. MMP-2 and MMP-9 caused significant reduction of oxytocin-induced contraction of myometrium of virgin rat. Thus, normal pregnancy is associated with reduced myometrium contraction and increased MMPs expression and activity. The results are consistent with the possibility that myometrium stretch and concomitant increase in sex hormones during pregnancy are associated with increased expression/activity of specific MMPs, which in turn inhibit uterine contraction and promote uterine relaxation.  相似文献   
Background. Helicobacter pylori CagA is injected into the host cell and tyrosine‐phosphorylated. We examined tyrosine‐phosphorylation sites of CagA, as well as the function of CagA proteins in vivo and in vitro. Methods. After proteolytic digestion of CagA with lysyl endopeptidase, CagA tyrosine‐phosphorylation sites were determined using quadropolar time‐of‐flight (Q‐TOF) mass spectrometry analysis. Specific anti‐pY CagA polyclonal and anti‐CagA monoclonal antibodies were used to examine gastric mucosal biopsy specimens from H. pylori infected patients. Results. Mass spectrometry identified five crucial tyrosine‐phosphorylation sites of CagA at Tyr893, Tyr912, Tyr965, Tyr999, and Tyr1033 within the five repeated EPIYA sequences of H. pylori (NCTC11637)‐infected AGS cells. CagA protein also had an immuno‐receptor tyrosine‐based activation motif (ITAM)‐like amino acid sequences in the 3′ region of the cagA, E PIY ATI x27EIY ATI , which closely resembled the ITAM. CagA proteins: (i) were localized to the 1% TritonX‐100 resistant membrane fraction (lipid rafts); (ii) formed a cluster of phosphorylated CagA protein complexes; (iii) associated with tyrosine‐phosphorylated GIT1/Cat1 (G protein‐coupled receptor kinase‐interactor 1/Cool‐associated tyrosine‐phosphorylated 1), substrate molecules of receptor type protein‐tyrosine phosphatase (RPTPζ/β), which is the receptor of VacA; and (iv) were involved in a delay and negative regulation of VacA‐induced signal. Furthermore, immunohistochemical staining of gastric mucosal biopsy specimens provided strong evidence that tyrosine‐phosphorylated CagA is found together with CagA at the luminal surface of gastric foveola in vivo. Conclusion. These findings suggest an important role for CagA containing ITAM‐like sequences in the pathogenesis of H. pylori‐related disease.  相似文献   
An intelligent bed-care system has been developed for monitoring patient movements and behavior in the hospital and at home in order to prevent injuries from falls, a major problem in health care facilities. Falls, as well as patient activity immediately preceding falls (i.e. exiting the bed), are especially dangerous when infusion extubation also occurs. This new system detects in-bed infusion fluid leaks, bleeding due to infusion-tube pullout, and urine resulting from incontinence. It employs stainless steel tape and wire noncontacting electrodes, several linear integrated circuits, and a low-power, 8-bit single-chip microcomputer The electrodes are installed between the bed mattress and sheet to record changes in an always-present alternating current (AC) voltage, which is induced on the patient's body by electrostatic coupling from a 100-V, 60-Hz alternating current power line around the bed. The microcomputer uses changes in the induced alternating current voltage to detect the patient's movements before and after leaving the bed, as well as any fluid leakage. The microcomputer alerts the nursing station, via the nurse call system or personal handy phone (PHS), that the patient is in an active state; has a dangerous posture on the bed; is contaminating the sheet due to leaking, bleeding or incontinence; or is out of bed.  相似文献   
Nonuniform effects of histamine on small pulmonary vessels in cats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In in vivo cat lung, using an X-ray TV system, we analyzed responses in internal diameter (ID), flow velocity, and volume flow of arteries and veins (100-500 microns ID) to histamine (8-15 micrograms/kg iv) under three conditions. With histamine alone, three types of ID response (constriction, dilatation, and no change) occurred in parallel-arranged arteries. Relative frequency and magnitude of constriction were maximum in arteries of 300-400 micron ID, whereas those of dilatation were maximum in arteries of 100-200 micron ID. In veins, relatively uniform constriction occurred. Under H2-blockade, histamine caused greater constriction than that with histamine alone in arteries and veins of 300-500 micron ID. Under beta-blockade, with histamine, ID of all vessels decreased significantly below the ID sizes under the above two conditions, and no dilatation occurred. In two parallel arteries that showed opposite ID changes to histamine, flow velocity increased, but volume flow decreased in a constricted artery while it increased in a dilated one. Those data indicated that, with histamine, qualitatively and quantitatively nonuniform ID response was induced in both parallel- and series-arranged small pulmonary arteries and, in turn, produced heterogeneous flow distribution. Factors to cause the nonuniformity may be partly explained by difference in density of H2- and beta-receptors in vascular walls.  相似文献   
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