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Because the calmodulin in postsynaptic densities (PSDs) activates a cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, we decided to explore the possibility that the PSD also contains a calmodulin-activatable protein kinase activity. As seen by autoradiographic analysis of coomassie blue-stained SDS polyacrylamide gels, many proteins in a native PSD preparation were phosphorylated in the presence of [γ-(32)P]ATP and Mg(2+) alone. Addition of Ca(2+) alone to the native PSD preparation had little or no effect on phosphorylation. However, upon addition of exogenous calmodulin there was a general increase in background phosphorylation with a statistically significant increase in the phosphorylation of two protein regions: 51,000 and 62,000 M(r). Similar results were also obtained in sonicated or freeze thawed native PSD preparations by addition of Ca(2+) alone without exogenous calmodulin, indicating that the calmodulin in the PSD can activate the kinase present under certain conditions. The calmodulin dependency of the reaction was further strengthened by the observed inhibition of the calmodulin-activatable phosphorylation, but not of the Mg(2+)-dependent activity, by the Ca(2+) chelator, EGTA, which also removes the calmodulin from the structure (26), and by the binding to calmodulin of the antipsychotic drug chlorpromazine in the presence of Ca(2+). In addition, when a calmodulin-deficient PSD preparation was prepared (26), sonicated, and incubated with [γ-(32)P]ATP, Mg(2+) and Ca(2+), one could not induce a Ca(2+)-stimulation of protein kinase activity unless exogenous calmodulin was added back to the system, indicating a reconstitution of calmodulin into the PSD. We have also attempted to identify the two major phosphorylated proteins. Based on SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, it appears that the major 51,000 M(r) PSD protein is the one that is phosphorylated and not the 51,000 M(r) component of brain intermediate filaments, which is a known PSD contaminant. In addition, papain digestion of the 51,000 M(r) protein revealed multiple phosphorylation sites different from those phosphorylated by the Mg(2+)-dependent kinase(s). Finally, although the calmodulin-activatable protein kinase may phosphorylate proteins I(a) and I(b), the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, which definitely does phosphorylate protein I(a) and I(b) and is present in the PSD, does not phosphorylate the 51,000 and 62,000 M(r) proteins, because specific inhibition of this kinase has no effect on the levels of the phosphorylation of these latter two proteins.  相似文献   
In human neutrophils stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) or with the chemotactic factor N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLF) a number of proteins are phosphorylated, including proteins recovered in the membrane fraction corresponding to molecular masses of 130, 78, 46, 40, and 34 kDa and proteins recovered in the cytosol fraction corresponding to molecular masses of 65, 55, 48, 38, 36, 30, and 22 kDa. Phosphorylation of the membrane proteins was fourfold greater in cells stimulated with PMA, as compared to cells stimulated with fMLF, whereas both activators induced similar phosphorylation of proteins recovered in the cytosol fraction. Phosphorylation of membrane proteins appeared to be mediated by native protein kinase C (PKC) translocated from the cytosol to the plasma membrane. Thus phosphate incorporation was inhibited by retinal and a similar pattern of incorporation was reproduced in a reconstituted system composed of isolated cell membranes and purified PKC. Phosphorylation of cytosol proteins, on the other hand, appeared to be mediated by the proteolytically modified form of PKC. In this case, phosphate incorporation was inhibited by leupeptin, which prevents the conversion of native PKC to the proteolytically modified form, The phosphorylation pattern was reproduced when isolated cytosol fractions were incubated with the proteolytically modified form of the enzyme but not with the native PKC. These results demonstrate that responses to stimuli such as PMA or fMLF are mediated by different forms of PKC and that the proteolytically modified form is responsible for the major responses elicited by fMLF.  相似文献   
Plant genomes encode large numbers of nucleotide binding and leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) proteins, some of which mediate the recognition of pathogen-encoded proteins. Following recognition, the initiation of a resistance response is thought to be mediated by the domains present at the N termini of NB-LRR proteins, either a Toll and Interleukin-1 Receptor or a coiled-coil (CC) domain. In order to understand the role of the CC domain in NB-LRR function, we have undertaken a systematic structure-function analysis of the CC domain of the potato (Solanum tuberosum) CC-NB-LRR protein Rx, which confers resistance to Potato virus X. We show that the highly conserved EDVID motif of the CC domain mediates an intramolecular interaction that is dependent on several domains within the rest of the Rx protein, including the NB and LRR domains. Other conserved and nonconserved regions of the CC domain mediate the interaction with the Ran GTPase-activating protein, RanGAP2, a protein required for Rx function. Furthermore, we show that the Rx NB domain is sufficient for inducing cell death typical of hypersensitive plant resistance responses. We describe a model of CC-NB-LRR function wherein the LRR and CC domains coregulate the signaling activity of the NB domain in a recognition-specific manner.  相似文献   
The EAV-HP group of chicken endogenous retrovirus elements was previously shown to be defective, with large deletions of the pol gene. In this report, we demonstrate that genomes of other Gallus species also maintain EAV-HP elements with similar deletions. The chicken EAV-HP1 locus was detected in both red (Gallus gallus gallus) and Sonnerat's (Gallus sonneratii) jungle fowl with identical integration sites, indicating that these elements had integrated before separation of the Gallus species. Furthermore, we demonstrate for the first time that the G. sonneratii genome carries EAV-HP elements with intact pol regions.  相似文献   
The diversity of abundant mRNA sequences in various parts of 4-d etiolated pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L. var. Rondo CB) was compared by a cell-free translation of the mRNAs in the presence of [35S]methionine and by an analysis of the products by two-dimensional electrofocussing/ electrophoresis (2D separation). The various parts of the seedlings were also examined for the pattern of protein synthesis in vivo. Proteins were labeled by injection of [35S]methionine into the cotyledons, followed by 2D separation of the products. Over 95% of the abundant mRNA sequences and newly synthesized abundant polypeptides were shared by all parts of etiolated seedlings, including the cotyledons. However, a few distinct differences were observed when comparing mRNAs of roots and shoots; the most prominent among these were a group of six abundant mRNA sequences found exclusively in shoots. Only about 30% of the polypeptides synthesized on isolated RNA could be traced in equivalent positions on the gels as the polypeptides synthesized in vivo. Analysis of total RNA from light-grown pea seedlings showed the appearance of some twenty-five translation products not found with total RNA from etiolated seedlings, while about nine other translation products disappeared. At least ten of the light-induced RNA sequences were also present after growth in low-intensity red light (>600 nm) and are therefore thought to be controlled by the phytochrome system. Comparison of 11-d light-grown pea plants with 4-d light-grown seedlings did not reveal additional translatable RNA sequences, indicating that the major morphogenetic changes that occur after 4 d are not accompanied by significant changes in the pattern of abundant RNA sequences.  相似文献   
The freshwater turtles of the genus Emys and some leech species of the family Glossiphoniidae are the only Palaearctic representatives of primarily Nearctic taxa, which jointly colonized Eurasia and the Maghreb during the Miocene. The strict trophic relationships occurring between the glossiphoniid parasite leech Placobdella costata and its host, the emydid Emys orbicularis, make them a prime example of host–parasite cophylogenetic evolution. In the light of the discovery of the Sicilian cryptic endemic species Emys trinacris, which is the sister species to the widespread Palaearctic E. orbicularis, the possible cophylogenetic divergence of the turtle hosts and their leech parasites was investigated. In spite of the deep divergence scored between the two pond turtle species and of their allopatric distribution, their leech parasites proved to be conspecific and indistinguishable based on the implemented molecular marker. This unexpected decoupling might likely be ascribed to the different dispersal abilities of the two taxa and/or to the recent, human‐mediated introduction of the leech parasites in Sicily. If this last scenario is confirmed, the long‐term effects of the introduced leech parasite on the endemic Sicilian pond turtle Emys trinacris should be carefully monitored. In the frame of this study, representatives of the widely spread predatory leech Helobdella stagnalis were observed on E. trinacris. Molecular analyses of their stomach content allowed to rule out the possibility of the existence of a trophic relationships between these two taxa, in contrast to what was previously suspected, and suggest that H. stagnalis specimens were rather attached to the turtles for non‐nutritional reasons.  相似文献   
Megamelus scutellaris Berg (Delphacidae) and Taosa (Cuernavaca) longula Remes Lenicov (Dictyopharidae) are specialist planthoppers that feed and reproduce on the invasive aquatic weed, Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) Solms-Laubach (Pontederiaceae). They overlap geographically in several regions of South America and may, therefore, interact and compete for food and microhabitat. Preliminary observations indicated that both species do not feed on the same part of the plant. We hypothesized that they partition the resource; hence, we studied (1) the feeding mechanism at the tissue level and (2) the spatial distribution of both species on the water hyacinth plant. Salivary sheaths were detected through histological sections of plant tissues using light microscopy. The location of either planthopper species on the plant was recorded when in the presence or absence of the other species. Both species produced true salivary sheaths, mostly branched (M. scutellaris: 82%; T. longula: 84%), ending in phloem (M. scutellaris: 56%; T. longula: 52%), and xylem tissues (M. scutellaris: 24%; T. longula: 28%). They resided on different parts of the water hyacinth plant even when they did not coexist; nymphs of T. longula occurred primarily on the back side of the leaf laminas, while nymphs of M. scutellaris occupied the basal zone of the petioles. This study shows that these planthoppers complement each other and could be used in combination as control agents for water hyacinth. Further experimental studies and field observations are necessary to quantify interactions.  相似文献   
This study compared the effect of four different intensities of initial eccentric exercise (ECC1) on optimum angle shift and extent of muscle damage induced by subsequent maximal eccentric exercise. Fifty-two male students were placed into 100%, 80%, 60%, or 40% groups (n = 13 per group), performing 30 eccentric actions of the elbow flexors of 100%, 80%, 60%, or 40% of maximal isometric strength [maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)] for ECC1, followed 2-3 wk later by a similar exercise (ECC2) that used 100% MVC load. MVC at six elbow joint angles, range of motion, upper arm circumference, serum creatine kinase activity, myoglobin concentration, and muscle soreness were measured before and for 5 days following ECC1 and ECC2. A rightward shift of optimum angle following ECC1 was significantly (P < 0.05) greater for the 100% and 80% than for the 60% and 40% groups, and it decreased significantly (P < 0.05) from immediately to 5 days postexercise. By the time ECC2 was performed, only the 100% group kept a significant shift (4 degrees). Changes in most of the criterion measures following ECC1 were significantly greater for the 100% and 80% groups compared with the 60% and 40% groups. Changes in the criterion measures following ECC2 were significantly (P < 0.05) greater for the 40% group compared with other groups. Although the magnitude of repeated bout effect following ECC2 was significantly (P < 0.05) smaller for the 40% and 60% groups, all groups showed significantly (P < 0.05) reduced changes in criterion measures following ECC2 compared with the ECC1 100% bout. We conclude that the repeated-bout effect was not dependent on the shift of optimum angle.  相似文献   
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