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When clonal populations of human cells are exposed to apoptosis-inducing agents, some cells die and others survive. This fractional killing arises not from mutation but from preexisting, stochastic differences in the levels and activities of proteins regulating apoptosis. Here we examine the properties of cells that survive treatment with agonists of two distinct death receptors, tumor necrosis factor–related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) and anti-FasR antibodies. We find that “survivor” cells are highly resistant to a second ligand dose applied 1 d later. Resistance is reversible, resetting after several days of culture in the absence of death ligand. “Reset” cells appear identical to drug-naive cells with respect to death ligand sensitivity and gene expression profiles. TRAIL survivors are cross-resistant to activators of FasR and vice versa and exhibit an NF-κB–dependent inflammatory phenotype. Remarkably, reversible resistance is induced in the absence of cell death when caspase inhibitors are present and can be sustained for 1 wk or more, also without cell death, by periodic ligand exposure. Thus stochastic differences in cell state can have sustained consequences for sen­sitivity to prodeath ligands and acquisition of proinflammatory phenotypes. The important role played by periodicity in TRAIL exposure for induction of opposing apoptosis and survival mechanisms has implications for the design of optimal therapeutic agents and protocols.  相似文献   
ObjectiveOlder adults who have recently fallen demonstrate increased postural sway compared with non-fallers. However, the differences in postural control between older adults who were seriously injured (SI) as a result of a fall, compared with those who fell but were not injured (NSI) and non-fallers (NFs), has not been investigated. The objective of the present study was to investigate the underlying postural control mechanisms related to injuries resulting from a fall.MethodsBoth traditional postural sway measures of foot center-of-pressure (CoP) displacements and fractal measures, the Stabilogram-Diffusion Analysis (SDA), were used to characterize the postural control. One hundred older adults aged 65–91 years were tested during narrow base upright stance in eyes closed condition; falls were monitored over a 1-year period.ResultsForty-nine older adults fell during the 1-year follow-up, 13 were seriously injured as a result of a fall (SI), 36 were not injured (NSI), and 49 were non-fallers (NFs); two passed away. The SDA showed significantly higher short-term diffusion coefficients and critical displacements in SI in the anterior–posterior direction compared with both NSI and NF. However, in the medio-lateral direction there were no statistically significant differences between groups. For the traditional measures of sway, the average anterior–posterior CoP range was also larger in SI individuals.ConclusionsThis work suggests that older fallers with a deterioration of anterior–posterior postural control may be at higher risk of serious injury following fall events.  相似文献   
This study was planned to evaluate structural damages in adsorbed vaccines affected by freezing using scanning electron microscopy and X-ray analysis of the elements. Randomly selected 42 vials of eight different types of WHO pre-qualified adsorbed freeze-sensitive vaccines from 10 manufacturers were included in the study. Vaccines were kept at 5 °C. Selected numbers of vials from each type were then exposed to ?25 °C for 24 h periods. All samples were evaluated for their structure using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray analysis of the elements and precipitation time. Scanning electron microscopy of vaccines affected by freezing showed either smooth or rough surfaced conglomerates associated with phosphate content of the precipitate. These vaccines precipitated 2–15 times faster compared to non-frozen samples. Non-frozen samples showed uniform flocculent structure either dense or dispersed. X-ray analysis of precipitates in frozen samples confirmed that the precipitate is mainly aluminium clutters. Scanning electron microscopy confirmed that the lattice structure of bonds between adsorbent and the antigen is broken and aluminium forms conglomerates that grow in size and weight. The precipitation time of vaccines affected by freezing is 4.5 times faster on average compared to non-frozen samples. These facts form the basis of the "shake test".  相似文献   

During research directed towards the employment of the biological resources of the North Adriatic lagoons, from January 1991 to December 1992, in both tidal phases, a survey was carried out on the phytoplankton and the chemico-physical parameters of the Scardovari lagoon. Data analyses allowed two different areas to be distinguished: one inner, which was generally characterized by high phytoplanktonic densities (St. 3–4), the other outer, which was more influced by marine load (St. 1–2). Photosynthetic picoplankton was dominant in terms of cell number in most samples. Phytoplanktonic fraction >2 μm was represented mainly by diatoms, which showed the higher species number. During the sample observation, some dinoflagellates, considered toxic or potentially toxic, were found. Their presence was important because of their effect on the bivalve mollusc cultures.  相似文献   
Propofol (2,6-diisopropylphenol), some substituted phenols (2,6-dimethylphenol and 2,6-ditertbutylphenol) and their 4-nitrosoderivatives have been compared for their scavenging ability towards 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl and for their inhibitory action on lipid peroxidation. These products were also compared to the classical antioxidants butylated hydroxytoluene and butylated hydroxyanisole. When measuring the reactivity of the various phenolic derivatives with 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl the following order of effectiveness was observed: butylated hydroxyanisole>propofol>2,6-dimethylphenol>2,6-di-tertbutylphenol?>?butylated hydroxytoluene. In cumene hydroperoxide-dependent microsomal lipid peroxidation, propofol acts as the most effective antioxidant, while butylated hydroxyanisole, 2,6-di-tertbutylphenol and butylated hydroxytoluene exhibit a rather similar effect, although lower than propofol. In the iron/ascorbate-dependent lipid peroxidation propofol, at concentrations higher than 10?μM, exhibits antioxidant properties comparable to those of butylated hydroxytoluene and butylated hydroxyanisole. 2,6-Dimethylphenol is scarcely effective in both lipoperoxidative systems. The antioxidant properties of the various molecules depend on their hydrophobic characteristics and on the steric and electronic effects of their substituents. However, the introduction of the nitroso group in the 4-position almost completely removes the antioxidant properties of the examined compounds. The nitrosation of the aromatic ring of antioxidant molecules and the consequent loss of antioxidant capacity can be considered a condition potentially occurring in vivo since nitric oxide and its derivatives are continuously formed in biological systems.  相似文献   
Exercise training has demonstrated cardioprotection effects. However, the exact mechanism behind this effect is not is clear. The present study evaluated the effects of 12 weeks of previous treadmill training on the levels of oxidative damage, antioxidant enzyme activity and injury in the myocardium of rats submitted to infarction induced by isoproterenol (ISO). Isoproterenol treatment (80 mg/kg given over 2 days in two equal doses) caused arrhythmias and 60% mortality within 24 h of the last injection in the control group (C + ISO) group when compared with the saline control group (saline). Creatine Kinase ? MB levels were markedly increased in hearts from ISO-treated animals in the C + ISO group. Twelve weeks of treadmill training reduced superoxide production, lipid peroxidation levels and protein carbonylation in these animals, as well as increasing the activities and expressions of SOD and CAT. Previous training also reduced CK-MB levels and numbers of deaths by 40%, preventing the deleterious effects of ISO. Based on the data obtained in this study, it is suggested that 12-week treadmill training increases antioxidant enzymes, decreases oxidative damage and reduces the degree of infarction induced by ISO in the hearts of male rats.  相似文献   
A microarray (LungCaGxE), based on Illumina BeadChip technology, was developed for high-resolution genotyping of genes that are candidates for involvement in environmentally driven aspects of lung cancer oncogenesis and/or tumor growth. The iterative array design process illustrates techniques for managing large panels of candidate genes and optimizing marker selection, aided by a new bioinformatics pipeline component, Tagger Batch Assistant. The LungCaGxE platform targets 298 genes and the proximal genetic regions in which they are located, using ∼13,000 DNA single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which include haplotype linkage markers with a minimum allele frequency of 1% and additional specifically targeted SNPs, for which published reports have indicated functional consequences or associations with lung cancer or other smoking-related diseases. The overall assay conversion rate was 98.9%; 99.0% of markers with a minimum Illumina design score of 0.6 successfully generated allele calls using genomic DNA from a study population of 1873 lung-cancer patients and controls.  相似文献   
Due to the increasing development of anthelmintic resistance in nematodes worldwide, it is important to search for anthelmintic compounds with new modes of action and also to investigate the possibility to combine compounds with possible synergistic effects. There might also be the chance to take advantage of the fact that nematode populations which have developed resistance against one anthelmintic class might respond hypersusceptibly to another drug class. The aim of this study was to investigate responses of Caenorhabditis elegans populations with mutations in neuro-muscular ion channels to different anthelmintic classes. Furthermore, potential synergistic effects between two anthelmintic compounds from different classes, i.e. emodepside and tribendimidine, were studied. Although there was neither a synergistic nor an antagonistic effect between emodepside and tribendimidine, other types of interactions could be identified. The C. elegans GABAA-receptor (GABAA-R) unc-49 mutants, showing decreased emodepside susceptibility, were more susceptible to tribendimidine than wild-type C. elegans. In contrast, the reverse phenomenon – hypersusceptibility to emodepside in tribendimidine resistant acetylcholine-receptor (AChR) loss of function mutants – was not observed. Moreover, the slo-1 mutant strain (completely emodepside resistant) also showed hypersusceptibility to piperazine. Interestingly, neither the GABAA-R unc-49 mutants nor the AChR mutants showed decreased susceptibility against piperazine, although there were some studies that indicated an involvement of GABAA-R or AChR in the piperazine mode of action. In conclusion, the present study provides evidence suggesting that interactions between commercially available anthelmintic drugs with different modes of action might be a relatively common phenomenon but this has to be carefully worked out for each anthelmintic and each anthelmintic drug combination. Moreover, results obtained in C. elegans will have to be confirmed using parasitic nematodes in the future.  相似文献   
Following microbial pathogen invasion, the human immune system of activated phagocytes generates and releases the potent oxidant hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which contributes to the killing of menacing microorganisms. Though tightly controlled, HOCl generation by the myeloperoxidase-hydrogen peroxide-chloride system of neutrophils/monocytes may occur in excess and lead to tissue damage. It is thus of marked importance to delineate the molecular pathways underlying HOCl cytotoxicity in both microbial and human cells. Here, we show that HOCl induces the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), apoptotic cell death and the formation of specific HOCl-modified epitopes in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Interestingly, HOCl cytotoxicity can be prevented by treatment with ROS scavengers, suggesting oxidative stress to mediate the lethal effect. The executing pathway involves the pro-apoptotic protease Kex1p, since its absence diminishes HOCl-induced production of ROS, apoptosis and protein modification. By characterizing HOCl-induced cell death in yeast and identifying a corresponding central executor, these results pave the way for the use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in HOCl research, not least given that it combines both being a microorganism as well as a model for programmed cell death in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   
Although lung disease is the major cause of mortality in cystic fibrosis (CF), gastrointestinal (GI) manifestations are the first hallmarks in 15–20% of affected newborns presenting with meconium ileus, and remain major causes of morbidity throughout life. We have previously shown that cGMP-dependent phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors rescue defective CF Transmembrane conductance Regulator (CFTR)-dependent chloride transport across the mouse CF nasal mucosa. Using F508del-CF mice, we examined the transrectal potential difference 1 hour after intraperitoneal injection of the PDE5 inhibitor vardenafil or saline to assess the amiloride-sensitive sodium transport and the chloride gradient and forskolin-dependent chloride transport across the GI tract. In the same conditions, we performed immunohistostaining studies in distal colon to investigate CFTR expression and localization. F508del-CF mice displayed increased sodium transport and reduced chloride transport compared to their wild-type littermates. Vardenafil, applied at a human therapeutic dose (0.14 mg/kg) used to treat erectile dysfunction, increased chloride transport in F508del-CF mice. No effect on sodium transport was detected. In crypt colonocytes of wild-type mice, the immunofluorescence CFTR signal was mostly detected in the apical cell compartment. In F508del-CF mice, a 25% reduced signal was observed, located mostly in the subapical region. Vardenafil increased the peak of intensity of the fluorescence CFTR signal in F508del-CF mice and displaced it towards the apical cell compartment. Our findings point out the intestinal mucosa as a valuable tissue to study CFTR transport function and localization and to evaluate efficacy of therapeutic strategies in CF. From our data we conclude that vardenafil mediates potentiation of the CFTR chloride channel and corrects mislocalization of the mutant protein. The study provides compelling support for targeting the cGMP signaling pathway in CF pharmacotherapy.  相似文献   
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