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Abstract Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) are able to differentiate into mature cells of various mesenchymal tissues. Recent studies have reported that hMSC may even give rise to cells of ectodermal origin. This indication of plasticity makes hMSC a promising donor source for cell-based therapies. This study explores the differentiation potential of hMSC in a tissue-specific microenvironment simulated in vitro . HMSC were cultured air-exposed on dermal equivalents (DEs) consisting of collagen types I and III with dermal fibroblasts and subjected to conditions similar to those used for tissue engineering of skin with keratinocytes. Culture conditions were additionally modified by pre-treating the cells with 5-azacytidine or supplementing the medium with all trans retinoic acid (RA). HMSC were capable of adaptation to epidermis-specific conditions without losing their mesenchymal multipotency. However, despite the viability and evident three-dimensional epidermis-like growth pattern, hMSC showed a persistent expression of mesenchymal but not of epithelial markers, thus indicating a lack of epidermal (trans) differentiation. Further, electron microscopy and immunohistochemical analyses demonstrated that hMSC cultured under epidermis-specific conditions adopted a myofibroblastic phenotype and function, promoted in particular by air exposure. In conclusion, multipotent hMSC failed to differentiate into E-cadherin- or cytokeratin-expressing cells under optimized organotypic culture conditions for keratinocytes but differentiated into myofibroblast-like cells contracting the extracellular matrix, a phenomenon that was enhanced by RA and 5-azacytidine. These results indicate that hMSC might contribute to wound-healing processes by extracellular matrix reorganization and wound contraction but not by differentiation into keratinocytes.  相似文献   
Wheat production will be impacted by increasing concentration of atmospheric CO2 [CO2], which is expected to rise from about 400 μmol mol?1 in 2015 to 550 μmol mol?1 by 2050. Changes to plant physiology and crop responses from elevated [CO2] (e[CO2]) are well documented for some environments, but field‐level responses in dryland Mediterranean environments with terminal drought and heat waves are scarce. The Australian Grains Free Air CO2 Enrichment facility was established to compare wheat (Triticum aestivum) growth and yield under ambient (~370 μmol?1 in 2007) and e[CO2] (550 μmol?1) in semi‐arid environments. Experiments were undertaken at two dryland sites (Horsham and Walpeup) across three years with two cultivars, two sowing times and two irrigation treatments. Mean yield stimulation due to e[CO2] was 24% at Horsham and 53% at Walpeup, with some treatment responses greater than 70%, depending on environment. Under supplemental irrigation, e[CO2] stimulated yields at Horsham by 37% compared to 13% under rainfed conditions, showing that water limited growth and yield response to e[CO2]. Heat wave effects were ameliorated under e[CO2] as shown by reductions of 31% and 54% in screenings and 10% and 12% larger kernels (Horsham and Walpeup). Greatest yield stimulations occurred in the e[CO2] late sowing and heat stressed treatments, when supplied with more water. There were no clear differences in cultivar response due to e[CO2]. Multiple regression showed that yield response to e[CO2] depended on temperatures and water availability before and after anthesis. Thus, timing of temperature and water and the crop's ability to translocate carbohydrates to the grain postanthesis were all important in determining the e[CO2] response. The large responses to e[CO2] under dryland conditions have not been previously reported and underscore the need for field level research to provide mechanistic understanding for adapting crops to a changing climate.  相似文献   
The current study focused on galectins (-1, -3, -4, -7, and –8) and deliberately performed immunohistochemical fingerprinting to explore their complexity in a context of experimental renal carcinogenesis. The diethylstilbestrol (DES)-induced renal tumors in male Syrian hamster kidney (SHKT) represent a unique animal model for the study of estrogen-dependent renal malignancies. Kidney sections of DES-treated hamsters (3 days to 11 months of DES exposure) were analyzed by immunohistochemistry using a panel of non-crossreactive antibodies raised against galectins-1, -3, -4, -7, and -8. Levels of expression were quantitatively determined by using computer-assisted microscopy on immunostained tissue sections. Except for galectin-4, all above mentioned galectins were expressed in kidney tumors. Small clusters of galectin-1-positive, most likely preneoplastic cells at the corticomedullary junction were already evident 1 week after DES administration. Galectin-1 and -3 expression was apparently associated with the first steps of the neoplastic transformation, because small tumorous buds were found to be positive after 1 month of treatment. In contrast, galectins-7 and -8 were detected in large tumors and medium-sized tumors, respectively, thereby indicating an involvement in later stages of DES-induced SHKT. Galectins-1, -3, -7, and -8 were also detected by immunofluorescence staining in the HKT-1097 cell line established from SHKT, thus illustrating the stability of galectin expression in tumor cells. Our data document the presence and differential regulation of galectins in the course of renal tumorigenesis in the model of DES-induced SHKT.  相似文献   
Baculoviruses are widely used for protein production in insect cells, and their potential for gene transfer to mammalian cells is increasingly being recognized. Here we describe a baculovirus vector with a bicistronic mammalian expression cassette and demonstrate its suitability for efficient transient and stable protein expression in human glioblastoma cells. Bicistronic baculovirus vectors are safe, cost efficient, and easy to produce; thus, they represent an excellent gene transfer system for mammalian cells.  相似文献   
Pristine peatlands covered by Histosols (bogs and fens) with high water table and a restricted oxygen (O2) availability are known to have low emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) but may be a significant source for atmospheric methane (CH4) which are both important greenhouse gases. For the first time N2O and CH4 fluxes of a pristine slope mire in the German Harz Mountains have been monitored. Previously reported peatlands are characterised by anaerobic conditions due to high water table levels. Slope mires monitored here receive O2 through slope water inflow. Gas fluxes have been monitored deploying closed chamber method on a central non-forested area and a forested area at the periphery of the slope mire. By means of groundwater piezometers water table levels, ammonium and nitrate contents as well as hydro-chemical variables like oxygen content and redox potential of the mire pore water have been concurrently measured with trace gas fluxes at both monitoring sites of the slope mire. The slope mire took up small amounts of atmospheric methane at a rate of −0.02 ± 0.01 kg C ha−1 year−1 revealing no significant difference between the forested and non-forested site. Higher uptake rates were observed during low water table level. In contrast to pristine peatlands influx of oxygen containing pore water into slope mire does limit reduction processes and resultant CH4 emission. N2O fluxes of the forested and non-forested sites of the slope mire did not differ and amounted to 0.25 ± 0.44 kg N ha−1 year−1. Higher emissions were observed at low water table levels and during thawing periods. In spite of favourable conditions N2O fluxes of the slope mire have been comparable to those of pristine peatlands.  相似文献   
In cyanobacteria and many chemolithotrophic bacteria, the CO(2)-fixing enzyme ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) is sequestered into polyhedral protein bodies called carboxysomes. The carboxysome is believed to function as a microcompartment that enhances the catalytic efficacy of RubisCO by providing the enzyme with its substrate, CO(2), through the action of the shell protein CsoSCA, which is a novel carbonic anhydrase. In the work reported here, the biochemical properties of purified, recombinant CsoSCA were studied, and the catalytic characteristics of the carbonic anhydrase for the CO(2) hydration and bicarbonate dehydration reactions were compared with those of intact and ruptured carboxysomes. The low apparent catalytic rates measured for CsoSCA in intact carboxysomes suggest that the protein shell acts as a barrier for the CO(2) that has been produced by CsoSCA through directional dehydration of cytoplasmic bicarbonate. This CO(2) trap provides the sequestered RubisCO with ample substrate for efficient fixation and constitutes a means by which microcompartmentalization enhances the catalytic efficiency of this enzyme.  相似文献   
Biochemical studies have demonstrated that dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (DHOdehase; EC or is the sole enzyme of de novo pyrimidine synthesis in mitochondria, whereas the rest of the pathway takes place in the cytosol. The dehydrogenation of dihydroorotate to orotate is linked to the respiratory chain via ubiquinone. In this study, we show for the first time the ultrastructural localization of DHOdehase. Since the purified enzyme was found to act both as dehydrogenase and as oxidase, the cerium capture technique for detecting enzymatically generated hydrogen peroxide could be applied to pin-point the in situ activity of DHOdehase oxidase in mitochondria of rat heart and kidney cortex. Cerium perhydroxide as the final reaction product was detected predominantly in the matrix with some focal condensation along the inner membrane, but not in the intermembrane space. From this pattern of localization, it is concluded that the active site of the membrane-bound enzyme could face the mitochondrial matrix similar to succinate dehydrogenase. The reliability of the applied method for the demonstration of DHOdehase oxidase was demonstrated by the addition of Brequinar sodium to the incubation medium. This quinoline-carboxylic acid derivative is a potent inhibitor of DHOdehase and has proven anti-proliferative activity. The present observations do not ascertain whether the oxidase is permanently active as a constant portion of the enzyme in vivo, similar to xanthine oxidase/dehydrogenase. However, DHOdehase should be considered as a source of radical oxygen species under pathophysiological conditions.  相似文献   
Climate warming is supposed to enlarge the area climatically suitable to the naturalization of alien garden plants in temperate regions. However, the effects of a changing climate on the spread of naturalized ornamentals have not been evaluated by spatially and temporarily explicit range modelling at larger scales so far. Here, we assess how climate change and the frequency of cultivation interactively determine the spread of 15 ornamental plants over the 21st century in Europe. We coupled species distribution modelling with simulations of demography and dispersal to predict range dynamics of these species in annual steps across a 250 × 250 m raster of the study area. Models were run under four scenarios of climate warming and six levels of cultivation intensity. Cultivation frequency was implemented as size of the area used for planting a species. Although the area climatically suitable to the 15 species increases, on average, the area predicted to be occupied by them in 2090 shrinks under two of the three climate change scenarios. This contradiction obviously arises from dispersal limitations that were pronounced although we assumed that cultivation is spatially adapting to the changing climate. Cultivation frequency had a much stronger effect on species spread than climate change, and this effect was non‐linear. The area occupied increased sharply from low to moderate levels of cultivation intensity, but levelled off afterwards. Our simulations suggest that climate warming will not necessarily foster the spread of alien garden plants in Europe over the next decades. However, climatically suitable areas do increase and hence an invasion debt is likely accumulating. Restricting cultivation of species can be effective in preventing species spread, irrespective of how the climate develops. However, for being successful, they depend on high levels of compliance to keep propagule pressure at a low level.  相似文献   
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