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Summary Carotid body tissue from horse and dog has been investigated ultrastructurally. Several cell types are recognized: glomus cells which are regarded as chemoreceptors, sustentacular cells which enclose the glomus cells, and nerve fibers.The glomus cells contain electron dense granules which are interpreted as packages of biogenic monoamines. There are both dark and light glomus cells, the former containing more granules and ribosomes. Invaginations of the plasma membranes as well as free coated vesicles are often seen in the cytoplasm of glomus cells. Nerves within the glomus lobules are generally wrapped by sustentacular cells, but nerve endings are also seen in close contact with the glomus cells. Some endings contain synaptic vesicles as well as a great concentration of mitochondria. The corresponding fibers are thought to be efferent. Another type of contact is interpreted as en passant synapses of afferent fibers.The author wishes to express his gratitude to Professor L. Nicander who initiated this project and took most of the micrographs and to Professor Nils Obel and associate Professor Gustav Björk at the Royal Veterinary College for their valuable help with the surgical procedure and to Dr. Martin Ritzén of the Royal Medical College for making the tests for biogenic monoamines.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die neurophysiologischen Grundlagen der taxisspezifischen Ermüdung beim Beutefang der Erdkröte (Bufo bufo L.) mit Hilfe von Hirnausschaltungen näher untersucht. Die Befunde wurden mathematisch-statistisch ausgewertet.Nach wiederholter Auslösung der Richtbewegung durch Reizung eines konstanten Retinabereiches mit einer bewegten Beuteattrappe sinkt die Reaktionsbereitschaft ab. Das Maß für die Bereitschaft ist die Anzahl vergeblicher Richtbewegungen dieser Reizserie. Innerhalb einer Reizserienfolge (mehrere Reizserien, getrennt durch Erholungspausen konstanter Dauer) zeigt die Abnahme der Reaktionsanzahlen je Reizserie einen exponentiellen, periodisch gedämpften Verlauf. Dem periodischen Ausschwingen der Reaktionsbereitschaft innerhalb einer Reizserienfolge kann die Verknüpfung von zwei Vorgängen zugrunde liegen: einem stetig abklingenden, exponentiellen, und einem periodischen Vorgang (Oszillation).Der exponentielle Verlauf läßt sich durch Variation der Erholungspausen ändern. Bei kurzen Erholungspausen sinken die Reaktionsanzahlen in aufeinanderfolgenden Reizserien schneller ab als bei langen Pausen.Durch triebbestimmende Faktoren, wie Jahreszeit, Tageszeit und Sättigungsgrad, läßt sich die allgemeine Reaktionshöhe verändern. Einflüsse auf den exponentiellen Verlauf konnten meistens nicht nachgewiesen werden.Nach partiellen Vorderhirnexstirpationen sinken die Reaktionsanzahlen im Verlauf der Reizserienfolge schneller als vor der Operation. Die Amplitude der Oszillation hat sich gegenüber den Normaltieren erhöht. Vorderhirnlose Kröten versagen beim Beutefang; das Fluchtverhalten bleibt jedoch erhalten.Nach Defekten im dorsalen Bereich des Zwischen- und des Mittelhirns (tammhirndefekte) vermindern sich die Reaktionsanzahlen innerhalb einer Reizserienfolge oft sehr viel langsamer als bei intakten Tieren. Amplitude, Frequenz und Dämpfung der Oszillation haben sich häufig verringert. Stammhirndefekte Kröten zeigen gesteigerte (enthemmte) Beutefangreaktionen. Sie schnappen nach beliebig großen, bewegten Gegenständen. Das Fluchtverhalten fällt aus. Je nach der Größe und der Lage des Defektes kann das Beuteverhalten selektiv für ein Auge, für beide Augen oder auch für getrennte Retinabereiche enthemmt werden. In gleicher Weise reagieren auch stammhirndefekte vorderhirnlose Kröten.Die taxisspezifische Ermüdung der Erdkröte (Bufo bufo L.) läßt sich als Folge einer reizspezifischen Nachwirkung deuten, die während einer Reizserie laufend zunimmt und die Ausführung der zugeordneten Reaktion hemmt. Das zentrale Wirkungsgefüge wird erörtert.
Investigations on central nervous actions to the taxis-specific fatigue in the prey-catching behaviour of the common toad (Bufo bufo L.)
Summary In the experiments described in the present paper, the author tried, by means of brain lesions to become nearer acquainted with the neurophysiological fundamentals of the taxis-specific fatigue in the prey-catching behaviour of the Common Toad (Bufo bufo L.). In statistical analyses, the results could be treated.When the release of the turning movements, by stimulating a constant part of the retina with a moving prey-dummy, is repeated, the responsiveness decreases (Fig. 4). Index of this responsiveness is the number of futile turning movements in a certain stimulus series. Within a sequence of series (several stimulus series separated by recovery intervals of constant duration), the decrease of response numbers in each series takes an exponential (Figs. 6 and 18 b normal), periodically (Figs. 6 and 18c normal) quenched course. This leads to the conclusion that an exponential process interferes with an oscillation.The exponential course can be altered by varying the recovery intervals. When the intervals are short, the response numbers decrease, in successive stimulus series, faster than when the pauses are long (Fig. 6).The general level of reaction can be changed by factors which determine the motivation, e.g. by season, temperature, and degree of satiation. Influences upon the exponential course could, mostly, not be ascertained.After the telencephalon has been partially extirpated, the response numbers diminish faster than before the operation (Figs. 10 and 11). The amplitude of the oscillation is higher than it is with normal individuals (Fig. 18a–c VH/E2 and VH/E3). Toads having no telencephalon fail to catch prey; the escape behaviour, however, is maintained.As a result of lesions in the dorsal regions of the diencephalon and mesencephalon (STH-lesions, Fig. 3), the response numbers often diminish, within a sequence of stimulus series, much slower than they do with intact animals (Fig. 12 STH/D1). Amplitude, frequency and quenching of the oscillation often have decreased (Fig. 19a–c Sth/D 1+VH). Toads operated in this way show excessive prey catching reactions. They snap at moving objects of whatever size (Fig. 15). The escape behaviour fails. According to the size and localization of the defect, the prey-catching behaviour can be intensified selectively for one eye, for both of them, or for separated parts of the retina. Toads defective in the dorsal regions of their diencephalon and mesencephalon (STH-lesion) and deprived of their telencephalon, react in the same manner (Figs. 13 and 20 STH/D1, 2-VH).The taxis-specific fatigue of Bufo bufo L. can be interpreted as a consequence of a stimulus-specific after-effect (Fig. 17), which increases continuously during a series of stimuli and inhibits the realization of the coordinated reaction. Finally, the author discusses the central meachnism (Fig. 16).

Zum Teil mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ew 7/1 a u. b und Ew 7/2).  相似文献   
The fermentation of uniformly labeled glucose-C14, glucose-1-C14, -2-C14, and -6-C14, xylose-1-C14, cellulose-1-C14, -2-C14, and -6-C14, and lactate-2-C14 by rumen fluids from cows fed all-hay, hay and concentrate (50:50), and all-concentrate diets was investigated. The results obtained suggested that the Embden-Meyerhof glycolytic pathway is the major pathway of hexose utilization, that the major pathway of xylose fermentation involves hexose synthesis, and that the contributions of the nonrandomizing (acrylate) pathway of propionate formation during glucose, xylose, and cellulose fermentations are 4.5, 8.0, and 10.5%, and 24.6, 25.8, and 17.2%, respectively, by rumen fluids from the cows fed all-hay and all-concentrate rations.  相似文献   
B?ck, August (Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.), and Frederick C. Neidhardt. Isolation of a mutant of Escherichia coli with a temperature-sensitive fructose-1,6-diphosphate aldolase activity. J. Bacteriol. 92:464-469. 1966.-A mutant of Escherichia coli was isolated which was able to grow in rich medium at 30 C but not at 40 C. Upon exposure to 40 C, the cells immediately stopped ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis, but protein synthesis continued at a diminished rate for a short time. Addition of chloramphenicol did not release RNA synthesis from inhibition at 40 C. Synthesis of beta-galactosidase could be induced at high temperature despite the presence of glucose in the medium, indicating a lesion in glucose catabolism. Of many catabolic enzymes tested in cell-free extracts, only fructose-1,6-diphosphate aldolase activity appeared to be altered in the mutant cells. No activity was demonstrable in extracts of mutant cells grown at either 30 or 40 C, but determination of glucose-oxidation patterns revealed that the enzyme is probably active in vivo at 30 C. Temperature-resistant secondary mutants were found to have partially or fully restored aldolase activity, and temperature-resistant recombinants had normal aldolase activity, indicating that the growth pattern and the altered aldolase had a common genetic basis. Linkage data permitted the assignment of an approximate map location for the mutated aldolase gene.  相似文献   
Summary The idea of trade-offs among antiherbivore defences in plants is examined using data from a South American blackberry (Rubus bogotensis). Two distinct morphs of R. bogotensis, one with glandular trichomes and one without, were compared with respect to leaf toughness, number of prickles and prickle length. The two morphs were sympatric and grew under similar environmental conditions. The morph lacking trichomes had significantly tougher leaves and also tended to have more and longer prickles. Bioassay showed that Ithomiid larvae fed to a lesser extent on tough leaves than on more tender ones. Correlations between antiherbivore defences within each phenotype revealed three significant or almost significant negative relationships. The comparisons support the hypothesis that trade-offs exist among antiherbivore defences.  相似文献   
Emission of volatile sulfur compounds from spruce trees   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Spruce (Picea Abies L.) trees from the same clone were supplied with different, but low, amounts of plant available sulfate in the soil (9.7-18.1 milligrams per 100 grams of soil). Branches attached to the trees were enclosed in a dynamic gas exchange cuvette and analyzed for the emission of volatile sulfur compounds. Independent of the sulfate supply in the soil, H2S was the predominant reduced sulfur compound continuously emitted from the branches with high rates during the day and low rates in the night. In the light, as well as in the dark, the rates of H2S emission increased exponentially with increasing water vapor flux from the needles. Approximately 1 nanomole of H2S was found to be emitted per mole of water. When stomata were closed completely, only minute emission of H2S was observed. Apparently, H2S emission from the needles is highly dependent on stromatal aperture, and permeation through the cuticle is negligible. In several experiments, small amounts of dimethylsulfide and carbonylsulfide were also detected in a portion of the samples. However, SO2 was the only sulfur compound consistently emitted from branches of spruce trees in addition to H2S. Emission of SO2 mainly proceeded via an outburst starting before the beginning of the light period. The total amount of SO2 emitted from the needles during this outburst was correlated with the plant available sulfate in the soil. The diurnal changes in sulfur metabolism that may result in an outburst of SO2 are discussed.  相似文献   
Thymocyte growth peptide (TGP) initiates DNA synthesis in immature thymocytes and has previously been characterized as an acidic peptide isolated from calf thymus. We now report the isolation of TGP from sheep thymus and show it to be a nonapeptide with a large N-terminal blocking moiety characterized by high UV absorbance. The amino acid composition is identical to FTS, consisting of 2 Gly, 2 Ser, 2 Glx, 1 Ala, 1 Lys, 1 Asx. In contrast to FTS, TGP is acidic with an apparent isoelectric point of 4.2 and a high UV absorbance at 270–280 nm. Reverse phase chromatography of TGP at an acidic pH results in a change of the molecule and the appearance of two new compounds TGP-A and TGP-B, both with less than 50% of the original TGP activity. Full activity could be restored by the addition of ZnCl2 to TGP-A. Both TGP-A and B have some amino acid composition and high UV absorbance as native TGP. We propose that TGP consists of a non-peptide moiety bound to the N-terminal of the nonapeptide Glu-Ala-Lys-Ser-Gln-Gly-Gly-Ser-Asn and that the active molecule is stabilized by Zn2+.  相似文献   
Summary Zoogloea ramigera 115 was immobilized into beads of calcium-alginate and placed into batch air-bubbled column reactors. In the absence of any added nutrients the immobilized bacterium adsorbed Cd from solutions containing levels of 2 and 20 g ml–1 per day, over a period of 21 and 20 days, respectively. Adsorption of Cd from solutions containing 20 g ml–1 Cd was better than 90% for 16 days. Beads treated with Cd at 2 g ml–1 never adsorbed less than 95% of the metal. Alginate adsorbed Cd as well, but inclusion of cells changed the effectiveness of adsorption. Of a 250 g ml–1 Cd solution, alginate adsorbed 70.4% Cd in 60 min whereas alginate plus cells adsorbed 90.5% in the same time span. Temperature had no effect on adsorption by immobilized cells at levels of 2 and 10 g ml–1 Cd. However at higher concentrations, binding was enhanced as temperature increased.Z. ramigera beads were stable during all treatments and for prolonged periods of time (21 days).  相似文献   
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