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Closely related species often show adjacent geographic distributions, albeit with some overlap. This contiguity is thought to result from secondary contact between (spatially separated) diverging groups or from parapatric speciation. Fights between males of closely related species will affect their chance to mate with females of the other species, which in turn may promote their spatial segregation and drive their speciation. Stigmaeopsis miscanthi is a social spider mite that lives in a group within self-woven nests on leaves of Chinese silver grass. This mite shows lethal male–male fight as a means to maintain a harem, and has two forms showing differences in the levels of male–male aggression, diapause intensity in females and the relative length of the first to third legs. The two forms show parapatric distributions. We found that males of one form readily engage themselves in lethal fight with males of the other form, thereby acquiring the nests and gaining access to females of this other form. Males of the aggressive form tend to win the fights with males of the other form. Their first legs are longer which may provide them with a better weapon and which also indicate a larger body width. However, another determinant of who wins the fight is the length of the third legs which can be a proxy for body length. Based on these results, we hypothesize that male killing behavior is one of the mechanisms maintaining parapatry (instead of sympatry) of the two spider mite forms apart from difference in diapause attributes.  相似文献   
Oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) is associated with human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV-positive OPSCC is considered a distinct molecular entity with a better prognosis than HPV-negative cases of OPSCC. However, the exact pathogenic mechanisms underlying the differences in clinical and molecular behavior between HPV-positive and HPV-negative OPSCC remain poorly understood. Epigenetic events play an important role in the development of cancer. Hypermethylation of DNA in promoter regions and global hypomethylation are 2 epigenetic changes that have been frequently observed in human cancers. It is suggested that heterogeneous epigenetic changes play a role in the clinical and biological differences between HPV-positive and HPV-negative tumors. Unraveling the differences in methylation profiles of HPV-associated OPSCC may provide for promising clinical applications and may pave the road for personalized cancer treatment. This systematic review aims to assess the current state of knowledge regarding differences in promoter hypermethylation and global methylation between HPV-positive and HPV-negative OPSCC.  相似文献   
In well-mixed populations of predators and prey, natural selection favors predators with high rates of prey consumption and population growth. When spatial structure prevents the populations from being well mixed, such predators may have a selective disadvantage because they do not make full use of the prey's growth capacity and hence produce fewer propagules. The best strategy then depends on the degree to which predators can monopolize the exploitation of local prey populations, which in turn depends on the spatial structure, the number of migrants, and, in particular, the stochastic nature of the colonization process. To analyze the evolutionary dynamics of predators in a spatially structured predator-prey system, we performed simulations with a metapopulation model that has explicit local dynamics of nonpersistent populations, keeps track of the number of emigrants entering the migration pool, assumes individuals within local populations as well as within the migration pool to be well mixed, and takes stochastic colonization into account. We investigated which of the predator's exploitation strategies are evolutionarily stable and whether these strategies minimize the overall density of prey, as is the case in Lotka-Volterra-type models of competitive exclusion. This was analyzed by pairwise invasibility plots based on short-term simulations and tested by long-term simulation experiments of competition between resident and mutant predator-types that differed in one of the following parameters: the prey-to-predator conversion efficiency, the per capita prey consumption rate, or the per capita emigration rate from local populations. In addition, we asked which of these three strategies are most likely to evolve. Our simulations showed that under selection for conversion efficiency the predator-prey system always goes globally extinct yet persists under selection for consumption or emigration rates and that the evolutionarily stable (ES) exploitation strategies do not maximize local population growth rates. The most successful exploitation strategy minimizes the overall density of prey but does not make it settle exactly at the minimum. The system did not settle at the point where the mean time to co-invasion (i.e., immigration of a second predator in a local prey population) equals the mean local interaction time (an idea borne out from studies on host exploitation strategies in host-pathogen systems) but rather where the mean time to co-invasion was larger. The ES exploitation strategies represent more prudent strategies than the ones that minimize prey density. Finally, we show that-compared to consumption-emigration is a more likely target for selection to achieve prudent exploitation and that prudent exploitation strategies can evolve only provided the prey-to-predator conversion efficiency is subject to constraints.  相似文献   
When predation risk varies in space and time and with predator species, successful prey defence requires specific responses to each predator. In cassava fields in Africa, the herbivorous cassava green mite (Mononychellus tanajoa) is attacked by three predatory mite species that are segregated within the plant: the leaf-dwelling Typhlodromalus manihoti and Euseius fustis occur on the middle leaves, whereas the apex-inhabiting T. aripo migrates from the apex to the top leaves only during the night. We found that differential distributions of these predators allow prey to escape predation by vertical migration to other plant strata. We studied the role of odours in the underlying prey behaviour on predator-free plants placed downwind from plants with predators and prey or with prey only. Prey showed increased vertical migration in response to predator-related odours. Moreover, these responses were specific: when exposed to odours associated with T. manihoti, prey migrated upwards, irrespective of the plant stratum where they were placed. Odours associated with T. aripo triggered a flexible response: prey on the top leaves migrated downwards, whereas prey on the middle leaves migrated upwards. Odours associated with E. fustis, a low-risk predator, did not elicit vertical migration. Further experiments revealed that: (1) prey migrate up or down depending on the stratum where they are located, and (2) prey discrimination among predators is based upon the perception of predator species-specific body odours. Thus, at the scale of a single plant, odour-based enemy specification allows herbivorous mites to escape predation by vertical migration.  相似文献   
We study the combined evolutionary dynamics of herbivore specialization and ecological character displacement, taking into account foraging behavior of the herbivores, and a quality gradient of plant types. Herbivores can adapt by changing two adaptive traits: their level of specialization in feeding efficiency and their point of maximum feeding efficiency along the plant gradient. The number of herbivore phenotypes, their levels of specialization, and the amount of character displacement among them are the result of the evolutionary dynamics, which is driven by the underlying population dynamics, which in turn is driven by the underlying foraging behavior. Our analysis demonstrates broad conditions for the diversification of a herbivore population into many specialized phenotypes, for basically any foraging behavior focusing use on highest gains while also including errors. Our model predicts two characteristic phases in the adaptation of herbivore phenotypes: a fast character-displacement phase and a slow coevolutionary niche-shift phase. This two-phase pattern is expected to be of wide relevance in various consumer-resource systems. Bringing together ecological character displacement and the evolution of specialization in a single model, our study suggests that the foraging behavior of herbivorous arthropods is a key factor promoting specialist radiation.  相似文献   
To find suitable candidates for biological control of the bulb mite, Rhizoglyphus robini Claparède (Acari: Astigmata) on lilies, exploration was undertaken in areas where the bulb mite is an established pest (The Netherlands, Taiwan and Japan). Among the predators, found in association with R. robini in the field and under storage conditions, mesostigmatic mites predominate. The most abundant species were Hypoaspis aculeifer (Canestrini), Lasioseius bispinosus Evans and Parasitus fimetorum (Berlese). These predators appeared to feed and reproduce on a diet of exclusively R. robini and they were able to control the bulb mite in small-scale population experiments initiated with a 1:20 predator-prey ratio. Under laboratory conditions corresponding to lily bulb propagation (lily scales mixed with vermiculite and stored at 23°C and >90% RH) the laelapid mite, H. aculeifer, was the most effective predator; the ascid predator, L. bispinosus, was much less effective, but being relatively small and being successful in attacking the juvenile stages of the bulb mite it may be better able to search for bulb mites hidden inside the lily bulb. The parasitid predator, P. fimetorum, failed to control the bulb mite when vermiculite was used as a medium, but turned out to suppress this prey when peat was used instead. Various strains of H. aculeifer or closely related species were compared with respect to their impact and performance on bulb mites as prey: two Dutch strains, one obtained from Breezand and the other from 'tZand, a Taiwanese strain, a German strain that in contrast to the previously mentioned strains was not collected from lily bulbs, but from agricultural areas near Bremen and, in addition, a Canadian strain of a related species (Hypoaspis miles Berlese), known to control sciarid fly larvae. These comparative experiments showed that H. miles died out without noticeable impact on the bulb mite population whereas all strains of H. aculeifer were able to suppress the bulb mites to very low numbers. However, the numerical responses of the H. aculeifer strains differed in that those collected in association with the pest (Breezand > Taiwan > 'tZand) were superior to the strain from Bremen. These results do not provide support to the Hokkanen and Pimentel hypothesis, which states that predators forming an evolutionary new association with the pest are often more effective in biological control.  相似文献   
We have investigated patterns of evolution in the nonrecombining portion of the Y chromosome in mice by comparing levels of polymorphism within Mus domesticus with levels of divergence between M. domesticus and M. spretus. A 1,277-bp fragment of noncoding sequence flanking the sex determining locus (Sry) was PCR amplified, and 1,063 bases were sequenced and compared among 20 M. domesticus and 1 M. spretus. Two polymorphic base substitutions and two polymorphic insertion/deletion sites were identified within M. domesticus; nucleotide diversity was estimated to be 0.1%. Divergence between M. domesticus and M. spretus for this region (1.9%) was slightly lower than the average divergence of single-copy nuclear DNA for these species. Comparison of levels of polymorphism and divergence at Sry with levels of polymorphism and divergence in the mitochondrial DNA control region provided no evidence of a departure from the expectations of neutral molecular evolution. These findings are consistent with the presumed lack of function for much of the Y chromosome.   相似文献   
Tomato varieties used at present for commercial production in Dutch glasshouses have a high density of glandular trichomes on the stem, but a very low density on the leaves. The two-spotted spider mite,Tetranychus urticae Koch, and the predatory mite,Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot, usually disperse from leaf to leaf via the stem, thereby incurring high risks of entrapment (and death) in the exudate of the glandular trichomes. These risks have been quantified on the tomato cv. Turbo and an accession ofLycopersicon peruvianum almost free of glandular trichomes. The possible consequences for biological control are discussed and new perspectives for predator release strategies and for plant breeding are considered.  相似文献   
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