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A high-throughput bacterial biofilm retention screening method has been augmented to facilitate the rapid analysis and down-selection of fouling-release coatings for identification of promising candidates. Coatings were cast in modified 24-well tissue culture plates and inoculated with the marine bacterium Cytophaga lytica for attachment and biofilm growth. Biofilms retained after rinsing with deionised water were dried at ambient laboratory conditions. During the drying process, retained biofilms retracted through a surface de-wetting phenomenon on the hydrophobic silicone surfaces. The retracted biofilms were stained with crystal violet, imaged, and analysed for percentage coverage. Two sets of experimental fouling-release coatings were analysed with the high-throughput biofilm retention and retraction assay (HTBRRA). The first set consisted of a series of model polysiloxane coatings that were systematically varied with respect to ratios of low and high MW silanol-terminated PDMS, level of cross-linker, and amount of silicone oil. The second set consisted of cross-linked PDMS-polyurethane coatings varied with respect to the MW of the PDMS and end group functionality. For the model polysiloxane coatings, HTBRRA results were compared to data obtained from field immersion testing at the Indian River Lagoon at the Florida Institute of Technology. The percentage coverage calculations of retracted biofilms correlated well to barnacle adhesion strength in the field (R2 = 0.82) and accurately identified the best and poorest performing coating compositions. For the cross-linked PDMS-polyurethane coatings, the HTBRRA results were compared to combinatorial pseudobarnacle pull-off adhesion data and good agreement in performance was observed. Details of the developed assay and its implications in the rapid discovery of new fouling-release coatings are discussed.  相似文献   
Cytolysin A (ClyA) is an α-pore forming toxin from pathogenic Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Salmonella enterica. Here, we report that E. coli ClyA assembles into an oligomeric structure in solution in the absence of either bilayer membranes or detergents at physiological temperature. These oligomers can rearrange to create transmembrane pores when in contact with detergents or biological membranes. Intrinsic fluorescence measurements revealed that oligomers adopted an intermediate state found during the transition between monomer and transmembrane pore. These results indicate that the water-soluble oligomer represents a prepore intermediate state. Furthermore, we show that ClyA does not form transmembrane pores on E. coli lipid membranes. Because ClyA is delivered to the target host cell in an oligomeric conformation within outer membrane vesicles (OMVs), our findings suggest ClyA forms a prepore oligomeric structure independently of the lipid membrane within the OMV. The proposed model for ClyA represents a non-classical pathway to attack eukaryotic host cells.  相似文献   
It is often claimed that conserving evolutionary history is more efficient than species‐based approaches for capturing the attributes of biodiversity that benefit people. This claim underpins academic analyses and recommendations about the distribution and prioritization of species and areas for conservation, but evolutionary history is rarely considered in practical conservation activities. One impediment to implementation is that arguments related to the human‐centric benefits of evolutionary history are often vague and the underlying mechanisms poorly explored. Herein we identify the arguments linking the prioritization of evolutionary history with benefits to people, and for each we explicate the purported mechanism, and evaluate its theoretical and empirical support. We find that, even after 25 years of academic research, the strength of evidence linking evolutionary history to human benefits is still fragile. Most – but not all – arguments rely on the assumption that evolutionary history is a useful surrogate for phenotypic diversity. This surrogacy relationship in turn underlies additional arguments, particularly that, by capturing more phenotypic diversity, evolutionary history will preserve greater ecosystem functioning, capture more of the natural variety that humans prefer, and allow the maintenance of future benefits to humans. A surrogate relationship between evolutionary history and phenotypic diversity appears reasonable given theoretical and empirical results, but the strength of this relationship varies greatly. To the extent that evolutionary history captures unmeasured phenotypic diversity, maximizing the representation of evolutionary history should capture variation in species characteristics that are otherwise unknown, supporting some of the existing arguments. However, there is great variation in the strength and availability of evidence for benefits associated with protecting phenotypic diversity. There are many studies finding positive biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships, but little work exists on the maintenance of future benefits or the degree to which humans prefer sets of species with high phenotypic diversity or evolutionary history. Although several arguments link the protection of evolutionary history directly with the reduction of extinction rates, and with the production of relatively greater future biodiversity via increased adaptation or diversification, there are few direct tests. Several of these putative benefits have mismatches between the relevant spatial scales for conservation actions and the spatial scales at which benefits to humans are realized. It will be important for future work to fill in some of these gaps through direct tests of the arguments we define here.  相似文献   
In this protocol, we present a standard method for extracting DNA from cells of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. While this procedure is similar to other phenol:chloroform-based purification methods, it is modified to account for the high level of carbohydrate and nucleases found in Dictyostelium cells. Genomic DNA can be isolated from wild-type and genetically modified cells using the described protocol, allowing molecular genetic analyses to be performed. Following cell lysis, nucleic acid extraction, and precipitation, the isolated DNA is suitable for digestion by restriction enzymes, amplification by PCR and Southern blotting. This procedure takes approximately 3 h to complete.  相似文献   
Here we present a protocol for the extraction of RNA from Dictyostelium discoideum. Dictyostelium is a social amoeba that undergoes a basic developmental program, and therefore analysis of RNA levels over a time course is a commonly used technique. This procedure is similar to other guanidine thiocyanate-based methods; however, it has been adjusted because of the large quantities of carbohydrate and nucleases found in Dictyostelium cells. After cell lysis and phenol:chloroform extraction, the resulting high-quality RNA isolated with the described protocol allows the molecular genetic analysis of wild-type and genetically modified cells. The purified RNA can be used for analyses such as northern blotting, RT-PCR and microarrays. This procedure requires approximately 2 h to complete.  相似文献   
Extracellular vesicles are small (~50–200 nm diameter) membrane-bound structures released by cells from all domains of life. While vesicles are abundant in the oceans, their functions, both for cells themselves and the emergent ecosystem, remain a mystery. To better characterize these particles – a prerequisite for determining function – we analysed the lipid, protein, and metabolite content of vesicles produced by the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus. We show that Prochlorococcus exports a diverse array of cellular compounds into the surrounding seawater enclosed within discrete vesicles. Vesicles produced by two different strains contain some materials in common, but also display numerous strain-specific differences, reflecting functional complexity within vesicle populations. The vesicles contain active enzymes, indicating that they can mediate extracellular biogeochemical reactions in the ocean. We further demonstrate that vesicles from Prochlorococcus and other bacteria associate with diverse microbes including the most abundant marine bacterium, Pelagibacter. Together, our data point toward hypotheses concerning the functional roles of vesicles in marine ecosystems including, but not limited to, possibly mediating energy and nutrient transfers, catalysing extracellular biochemical reactions, and mitigating toxicity of reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   
The current classification of the Monocotylidae (Monogenea) is based on a phylogeny generated from morphological characters. The present study tests the morphological phylogenetic hypothesis using molecular methods. Sequences from domains C2 and D1 and the partial domains C1 and D2 from the 28S rDNA gene for 26 species of monocotylids from six of the seven subfamilies were used. Trees were generated using maximum parsimony, neighbour joining and maximum likelihood algorithms. The maximum parsimony tree, with branches showing less than 70% bootstrap support collapsed, had a topology identical to that obtained using the maximum likelihood analysis. The neighbour joining tree, with branches showing less than 70% support collapsed, differed only in its placement of Heterocotyle capricornensis as the sister group to the Decacotylinae clade. The molecular tree largely supports the subfamilies established using morphological characters. Differences are primarily how the subfamilies are related to each other. The monophyly of the Calicotylinae and Merizocotylinae and their sister group relationship is supported by high bootstrap values in all three methods, but relationships within the Merizocotylinae are unclear. Merizocotyle is paraphyletic and our data suggest that Mycteronastes and Thaumatocotyle, which were synonymized with Merizocotyle after the morphological cladistic analysis, should perhaps be resurrected as valid genera. The monophyly of the Monocotylinae and Decacotylinae is also supported by high bootstrap values. The Decacotylinae, which was considered previously to be the sister group to the Calicotylinae plus Merizocotylinae, is grouped in an unresolved polychotomy with the Monocotylinae and members of the Heterocotylinae. According to our molecular data, the Heterocotylinae is paraphyletic. Molecular data support a sister group relationship between Troglocephalus rhinobatidis and Neoheterocotyle rhinobatidis to the exclusion of the other species of Neoheterocotyle and recognition of Troglocephalus renders Neoheterocotyle paraphyletic. We propose Troglocephalus incertae sedis. An updated classification and full species list of the Monocotylidae is provided.  相似文献   
Susceptibility of porcine endothelial cells to human natural killer (NK) cell lysis was found to reflect surface expression of ligands containing Gal alpha(1,3)Gal beta(1,4)GlcNAc [corrected], the principal antigen on porcine endothelium recognized by xenoreactive human antibodies. Genetically modifying expression of this epitope on porcine endothelium by transfection with the alpha(1,2)-fucosyltransferase gene reduced susceptibility to human NK lysis. These results indicate that surface carbohydrate remodeling profoundly affects target cell susceptibility to NK lysis, and suggest that successful transgenic strategies to limit xenograft rejection by NK cells and xenoreactive antibodies will need to incorporate carbohydrate remodeling.  相似文献   
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