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The electrical properties of the frog taste cells during gustatory stimulations with distilled water and varying concentrations of NaCl were studied with intracellular microelectrodes. Under the Ringer adaptation of the tongue, two types of taste cells were distinguished by the gustatory stimuli. One type, termed NaCl-sensitive (NS) cells, responded to water with hyperpolarizations and responded to concentrated NaCl with depolarizations. In contrast, the other type of cells, termed water-sensitive (WS) cells, responded to water depolarizations and responded to concentrated NaCl with hyperpolarizations. The membrane resistance of both taste cell types increased during the hyperpolarizing receptor potentials and decreased during the depolarizing receptor potentials, Reversal potentials for the depolarizing and hyperpolarizing responses in each cell type were a few millivolts positive above the zero membrane potential. When the tongue was adapted with Na-free Ringer solution for 30 min, the amplitude of the depolarizing responses in the NS cells reduced to 50% of the control value under normal Ringer adaptation. On the basis of the present results, it is concluded (a) that the depolarizing responses of the NS and WS cells under the Ringer adaptation are produced by the permeability increase in some ions, mainly Na+ ions across the taste cell membranes, and (b) that the hyperpolarizing responses of both types of taste cells are produced by a decrease in the cell membrane permeability to some ions, probably Na+ ions, which is slightly enhanced during the Ringer adaptation.  相似文献   
Mouse t haplotypes are variant forms of chromosome 17 that exist at high frequencies in worldwide populations of two species of commensal mice. To determine both the relationship of t haplotypes to each other and the species within which they exist, 35 representative t haplotypes were analyzed by means of 10 independent molecular probes, including five DNA clones and five polypeptide spots identified by means of two- dimensional gel electrophoresis. All of the tested haplotypes were found to share restriction fragments and polypeptide spots that are absent in mice carrying wild-type forms of chromosome 17. This observation provides the first direct evidence that all of the known t haplotypes are descendents of a single ancestral chromosome. The absence of variation among t haplotypes could mean that this ancestral chromosome existed relatively recently, in which case it would be necessary to postulate introgressions of t haplotypes across species lines to explain their presence in both Mus domesticus and M. musculus. Alternatively, it is possible that the ancestral chromosome existed prior to the split between M. domesticus and M. musculus and that, by chance, our probes fail to detect polymorphisms that exist among the t haplotypes. A further result of our analysis is the characterization of a partial t haplotype in a wild population of Israeli mice.   相似文献   
A parsimony analysis was performed on restriction sites at the Hba-ps4 pseudogene locus within one of four inversions associated with mouse t haplotypes. The results suggest that all t haplotypes form a monophyletic group and that the in (17)4 inversion originated before the radiation of the Mus musculus species complex but after the divergence of the lineages leading to M. spretus, M. abbotti, and M. hortulanus. A time frame based on the evolutionary rate of mouse pseudogenes places the origin of this t haplotype inversion at 1.5 Mya, or approximately 1.5 Myr after the origin of the more proximal t complex inversion, in (17)2. The accumulated evidence indicates that complete t haplotypes have been assembled in a stepwise manner, with each of these inversions occurring on separate chromosomal lineages and at different evolutionary times. In addition, the evolutionary relationships of pseudogene sequences resulting from genetic exchange between wild-type and t haplotype alleles were examined. Analysis of sequences from the 5' and 3' sides of a putative site of recombination resulted in cladograms with different topologies. The implications for hypotheses concerning the evolutionary forces acting on t haplotypes and their rapid propagation throughout worldwide populations of mice are discussed.   相似文献   


EtrA in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, a model organism for study of adaptation to varied redox niches, shares 73.6% and 50.8% amino acid sequence identity with the oxygen-sensing regulators Fnr in E. coli and Anr in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, respectively; however, its regulatory role of anaerobic metabolism in Shewanella spp. is complex and not well understood.  相似文献   
We have now sufficient evidence that using electrical biosignals in the field of Alternative and Augmented Communication is feasible. Additionally, they are particularly suitable in the case of people with severe motor impairment, e.g. people with high-level spinal cord injury or with locked-up syndrome. Developing solutions for them implies that we find ways to use sensors that fit the user's needs and limitations, which in turn impacts the specifications of the system translating the user's intentions into commands. After devising solutions for a given user or profile, the system should be evaluated with an appropriate method, allowing a comparison with other solutions. This paper submits a review of the way three bioelectrical signals - electromyographic, electrooculographic and electroencephalographic - have been utilised in alternative communication with patients suffering severe motor restrictions. It also offers a comparative study of the various methods applied to measure the performance of AAC systems.  相似文献   
Mexico is the main producer, consumer and exporter of avocado in the world, being Michoacan the main producer state contributing more than 80% of the national production. There are phytopathogens that decimate the production causing the death of the tree. Root samples were collected in avocado trees that showed the characteristic symptomatology of the disease known as avocado sadness, the sampling was carried out in four of the main avocado producing towns, in the state of Michoacan, Mexico. The isolation consisted in sowing root tissue in Petri dishes with V8®-PARPH culture medium, subsequently they were identified morphologically and for species level it was determined by molecular biology, with the PCR-ITS technique. Pathogenicity tests were performed in triplicate with avocado seedlings with more than six leaves. After 24 hours, the inoculated plants expressed decay in the apical part, after 120 hours the leaves showed yellowing and after 15 days there was a generalized wilt on the stem and leaves, re-isolating the phytopathogen Phytopythium vexans. This study confirms the first report of the oomycete P. vexans affecting avocado trees in the most important producing region of the Mexican Republic.  相似文献   


Milk contains too little arginine for normal growth, but its precursors proline and glutamine are abundant; the small intestine of rodents and piglets produces arginine from proline during the suckling period; and parenterally fed premature human neonates frequently suffer from hypoargininemia. These findings raise the question whether the neonatal human small intestine also expresses the enzymes that enable the synthesis of arginine from proline and/or glutamine. Carbamoylphosphate synthetase (CPS), ornithine aminotransferase (OAT), argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS), arginase-1 (ARG1), arginase-2 (ARG2), and nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) were visualized by semiquantitative immunohistochemistry in 89 small-intestinal specimens.  相似文献   
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