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Abstract When given in a critical dietary dose range, the insecticidal bisacylhydrazine ecdysteroid agonists RH‐5849 or tebufenozide (RH‐5992) cause fifth stage Manduca sexta (L.) larvae to moult to a supernumerary sixth‐stage giant larva. The effect is dependent on exposure to the chemicals immediately after the previous ecdysis. Previous removal of the corpora allata does not interfere with the induction of premature moulting by RH‐5849 but completely prevents the formation of supernumerary larvae. The juvenilizing effect is therefore due to the interaction of the moult‐promoting effect of the ecdysteroid agonists with the high titre of endogenous Juvenile Hormone that is present just after ecdysis to the fifth stage in this insect. The ecdysteroid agonists themselves appear to have no intrinsic Juvenile Hormone‐agonist properties. Sixth‐stage larvae resulting from exposure to critical dietary concentrations of RH‐5849 are morphologically completely larval in character. When transferred to diet without the ecdysteroid agonist, they feed normally and gain weight, growing much larger than control fifth stage insects. At the end of the supernumerary stage, they cease to feed, wander in the usual way, and form a normal pupal cuticle but then die as pharate pupae without shedding the sixth‐stage larval cuticle.  相似文献   
1. Feedbacks between vegetation and geomorphic processes can generate alternative stable states and other nonlinear behaviours in ecological systems, but the consequences of these biogeomorphic interactions for other ecosystem processes are poorly understood. In this study, we describe the changes in the hydrological, geomorphic and biogeochemical characteristics of the hyporheic zone of a Sonoran desert stream (Sycamore Creek, Arizona, U.S.A.) in response to a transition from an unvegetated gravel‐bed state to densely vegetated wetlands (ciénegas). 2. A survey of the entire length of Sycamore Creek indicated that ciénegas occupied c. 18% of the stream, and were disproportionately represented in constrained canyons rather than wide, unconstrained valleys. 3. Vegetated patches were characterized by low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) and nitrate and high concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane in the hyporheic zone. In contrast to unvegetated areas, hyporheic DO in ciénegas exhibited no relationship with vertical hydraulic gradients. 4. Increases in hyporheic DO following removal of vegetation by floods supports the hypothesis that these reduced conditions were the result of biogeochemical and geomorphic changes associated with vegetation establishment. In locations where vegetation persisted, hyporheic DO exhibited no response to flooding; in sections where vegetation was removed hyporheic DO closely tracked post‐flood increases in surface stream DO. 5. Shallow sediments in vegetated patches were finer and more organic‐rich than in unvegetated patches, due to increased deposition during floods. Conservative tracer additions indicated that hydrological exchange between the surface stream and hyporheic zone was much lower in ciénegas than in gravel‐bed reaches. 6. Vegetation establishment in desert streams not only alters the physical and chemical characteristics of the hyporheic zone, but also the nature of interactions between surface and hyporheic subsystems.  相似文献   
We discuss a log-linear model for series of regular bird counts taken at a number of survey sites. The model is parameterized in terms of annual growth rates rather than actual indices of abundance, as is more frequently done. This not only permits easy estimation of and inference about these rates, but also allows us to model the effects upon population growth of covariates, such as the local presence of a competitor or predator, which may themselves vary in space and over time. A recursive relationship permits the expected count at a site to be functionally dependent upon the expected count at the previous visit. We discuss the advantages of using this relationship, rather than replacing the latter with their observed counterparts, as has been used previously.  相似文献   
Electric shock can create parabiotic fusions of living Tetrahymena cells. In this study, cells were mated and successful pairs were electrofused with either vegetatively growing cells or other mating pairs. In particular, we electrofused pairs from normal [diploid x diploid] matings with vegetatively dividing cells in G- or M-phase of the cell cycle. We also fused [diploid x diploid] conjugants with mating pairs involving an aneuploid partner [diploid x "star"], which typically undergo an abortive conjugal pathway termed genomic exclusion. Using such parabiotic fusions we identified and characterized two developmentally critical landmarks: 1) the "abort" signal, which is initiated in pairs with nuclear defects (this first becomes evident soon after the completion of Meiosis I or the beginning of Meiosis II); and 2) the "terminal commitment point", a developmental stage in normal [diploid x diploid] pairs after which conjugation no longer responds to a parabiotically transmitted abort signal (this correlates with the onset of the second postzygotic nuclear division). Finally we demonstrate that a conjugal-arrest-activity varies with the vegetative cell cycle, reaching its highest level of activity during M-phase and dropping just after cytokinesis.  相似文献   
Male Phragmatobia fuliginosa and Pyrrharctia Isabella evert tubular abdominal scent-organs (coremata: during courtship. The coremata secrete a pheromone that is derived from pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) obtained during larval feeding. Field-collected males vary widely in the amount of pheromone they possess. The courtship behaviour of these species was studied to determine whether this variation among males serves as a basis for mate choice by females, in a wind-tunnel a male approaches a pheromone-releasing female from downwind with his coremata everted in flight. A female perceiving the pheromone responds by fluttering her wings and emitting a clicking sound. This response did not occur in all courtships, and successful copulation was not dependent on its occurrence. Males denied access as larvae to the PA-precursors of the corematal pheromone (PA-denicd males' mated as rapidly as males allowed access to pheromone precursor (PA-supplied males). Moreover, antennectomized females mated as rapidly as normal females. Comparative analyses of transitional probabilities indicated no differences among courtships involving ! I': PA-denicd males and normal females, (II) PA-supplied males and normal females, or antennectomized females and normal males of unspecified feeding history. Field observations of courtship interactions between laboratory-reared females and wild males indicated that males having little or no pheromone succeed in mating in a natural setting as do males having a relativelv large amount of pheromone. It is hypothesized that the failure of female Ph. fuliginosa and Py, Isabella to enforce the display of PA-derived pheromone is related to an cvolutionarv trend away from an ancestral larval host-range restricted to PA-containing plants toward the polyphagv shown by manv temperate and arctic arctiids in the lineage (subfamily Arctiinae: tribe Arctiini) to which Ph. fuliginosa and Py. Isabella belong. Parallels in other moth groups are cited to support the notion that a plesiomorphic courtship pheromone system could persist in a vestigial state, despite the loss of its adaptive raison dêtre.  相似文献   
The genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have become the target of choice for studies wishing to examine adaptively important genetic diversity in natural populations. Within Molecular Ecology alone, there have been 71 papers on aspects of MHC evolution over the past few years, with an increasing year on year trend. This focus on the MHC is partly driven by the hypothesized links between MHC gene dynamics and ecologically interesting and relevant traits, such as mate choice and host–parasite interactions. However, an ability to pin down the evolutionary causes and ecological consequences of MHC variation in natural populations has proven challenging and has been hampered by the very issue that is attractive about MHC genes – their high levels of diversity. Linking high levels of MHC diversity to ecological factors in inherently complex natural populations requires a level of experimental design and analytical rigour that is extremely difficult to achieve owing to a plethora of potentially confounding and interacting variables. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Smith et al. (2010) elegantly overcome the challenge of detecting complex interactions in complex systems by using an intricate analytical approach to demonstrate a role for MHC in the reproductive ability of a natural population of the European hare Lepus europaeus ( Fig. 1 ). Also in this issue, Oppelt et al. (2010) demonstrate a role for MHC variation in determining levels of hepatic coccidian infection in the European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus ( Fig. 2 ).
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint The European hare (Lepus europaeus).  相似文献   
Predicting plant community responses to changing environmental conditions is a key element of forecasting and mitigating the effects of global change. Disturbance can play an important role in these dynamics, by initiating cycles of secondary succession and generating opportunities for communities of long‐lived organisms to reorganize in alternative configurations. This study used landscape‐scale variations in environmental conditions, stand structure, and disturbance from an extreme fire year in Alaska to examine how these factors affected successional trajectories in boreal forests dominated by black spruce. Because fire intervals in interior Alaska are typically too short to allow relay succession, the initial cohorts of seedlings that recruit after fire largely determine future canopy composition. Consequently, in a dynamically stable landscape, postfire tree seedling composition should resemble that of the prefire forest stands, with little net change in tree composition after fire. Seedling recruitment data from 90 burned stands indicated that postfire establishment of black spruce was strongly linked to environmental conditions and was highest at sites that were moist and had high densities of prefire spruce. Although deciduous broadleaf trees were absent from most prefire stands, deciduous trees recruited from seed at many sites and were most abundant at sites where the fires burned severely, consuming much of the surface organic layer. Comparison of pre‐ and postfire tree composition in the burned stands indicated that the expected trajectory of black spruce self‐replacement was typical only at moist sites that burned with low fire severity. At severely burned sites, deciduous trees dominated the postfire tree seedling community, suggesting these sites will follow alternative, deciduous‐dominated trajectories of succession. Increases in the severity of boreal fires with climate warming may catalyze shifts to an increasingly deciduous‐dominated landscape, substantially altering landscape dynamics and ecosystem services in this part of the boreal forest.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. The direct contribution of fungal biomass to the carbon needs of a freshwater isopod (Lirceus sp.) was measured using 14C-labelled fungi on leaf material. 14C-glucose was added to fungus-inoculated leaf discs periodically throughout the growth of the fungus. Amount of label incorporated into fungal biomass, radioactivity appearing in Lirceus after feeding on labeled fungus and the standing stock of fungus were used to calculate incorporation of fungal C by the consumer.
2. Incorporation rates ranged from 0.06 to 70 ng fungal C mg wet wt isopod-1h-1. These rates of incorporation represent from 0.05 to 57% of C respired by the isopod.
3. Fungal C does not meet the carbon needs of this consumer and the role of fungi as modifiers of the leaf substrate may be more significant than their role as a food source.  相似文献   
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