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1. Prey organisms can perceive cues to predation hazard and adopt low‐risk behaviours to increase survival. Animals with complex life cycles, such as insects, can exhibit such anti‐predatory behaviours in multiple life stages. 2. Cues to predation risk may induce ovipositing females to choose habitats with low predation risk. Cues to predation risk may also induce larvae to adopt facultative behaviours that reduce risk of predation. 3. One hypothesis postulates that anti‐predation behaviours across adult and larval stages may be negatively associated because selection for effective anti‐predator behaviour in one stage leads to reduced selection for avoidance of predators in other stages. An alternative hypothesis suggests that selection by predation favours multi‐component defences, with both avoidance of oviposition and facultative adoption of low‐risk behaviours by larvae. 4. Laboratory and field experiments were used to determine whether defensive responses of adult and larval mosquitoes are positively or negatively associated. The study tested effects of waterborne cues from predatory Toxorhynchites theobaldi on oviposition choices and larval behaviours of three of its common prey: Culex mollis, Limatus durhamii and Aedes albopictus. 5. Culex mollis shows strong anti‐predator responses in both life stages, consistent with the hypothesis of a multi‐component behavioural defence. The other two species showed no detectable responses to waterborne predator cues in either adult or larval stages. Larvae of these unresponsive species were significantly more vulnerable to this predator than was C. mollis. 6. For these mosquitoes, species appear either to have been selected for multi‐component defences against predation or to act in ways that could be called predator‐naïve.  相似文献   
Here we describe 13 polymorphic, dinucleotide microsatellite loci for Trachinotus carolinus (Florida pompano), isolated by using PIMA, a polymerase chain reaction‐based technique. The number of alleles at each locus ranged from 3 to 29 (mean = 11.4) in 45 specimens collected from bay and nearshore waters around St Petersburg, Florida. Levels of expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.15 to 0.94 (mean = 0.69) and from 0.16 to 0.98 (mean = 0.70), respectively. No significant departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium expectations were observed. In exact tests for genotypic disequilibrium, there was no evidence of linkage for any pair of loci. The ability of these markers to cross‐amplify in two congeneric Trachinotus species —T. falcatus (permit) and T. goodei (palometa) — was also assessed. The loci were well‐resolved, highly polymorphic, and independently segregating in these taxa, also suggesting a general utility for intraspecific studies, species identification, and investigation of interspecific hybridization.  相似文献   
The newly described molossid bat, Chaerephon atsinanana Goodman et al., 2010, endemic to eastern Madagascar, shows notably high levels of phylogeographic and genetic structure compared with allopatric Chaerephon leucogaster Grandidier, 1869 from western Madagascar. Such highly significant structuring of haplotypes among altitudinally and latitudinally stratified population groups is contrary to the expected panmixia in strong flying bats. The null model of concordance in historical demographic patterns across these two Chaerephon species was not supported. Mismatch and Bayesian skyline analyses indicated ancient stable C. atsinanana populations of constant size during the last two major Pleistocene glacial periods, making retreat into and expansion from glacial refugia an unlikely explanation for such high levels of structure, in accordance with expectations for tropical bats. Analyses were consistent with post‐refugial population expansion in the less diverse and structured C. leucogaster during the end of the last Pleistocene glacial period. We hypothesise that the pronounced genetic structuring in C. atsinanana may result from female philopatry. Furthermore, differing demographic histories of the two species may have been shaped by differing climate or habitat preferences, consistent with evidence from MaxEnt ecological niche modelling, which shows differences in variables influencing the current predicted distributions. Fossil Quaternary pollen deposits further indicate greater stability in past climatic patterns in eastern versus western Madagascar. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 18–40.  相似文献   
Variation in traits across species distribution ranges is often indicative of diversifying evolution that can lead to speciation. Of particular interest is whether traits vary clinally or abruptly because the latter pattern can be indicative of incipient speciation. Understanding of intraspecific variation in chemical traits is still in its infancy because studies of population variation have tended to focus on morphology or neutral genetic markers. To address these issues, the composition of cone volatile odours was examined in ten populations of the South African cycad Encephalartos villosus across its range in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal using headspace sampling and analysis by gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. Because volatiles play a key role in attracting pollinators to cones of Encephalartos cycads and may thus reflect local adaptation to pollinators, pollinator assemblages were also investigated in the ten populations of E. villosus. Volatile compounds from populations in the north of the distribution range were dominated by unsaturated hydrocarbons, whereas, in the southern populations, nitrogen‐containing compound and terpenoids were the major compounds. A shift between southern and northern populations appeared to occur at the Umtamvuna River, where populations had odour profiles with components of both the northern and southern populations. However, one population in the north (Vernon Crookes Nature Reserve) had a quantitatively similar odour profile to the populations in the extreme south of the range. These results reveal strong interpopulation variation in the cone scent of E. villosus, including variation in the relative emission of dominant compounds that may play key functional role in this pollination system. However, pollinator assemblages did not differ across the different populations, which suggest that these patterns were produced by co‐evolution or drift, rather than by pollinator shifts. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 514–527.  相似文献   
The lightly compressed achenes of Centaurea eriophora L. beara pappus composed of stiff bristles at their apex and have anelaiosome appendage at their base. The pappus is ineffectivein keeping the achene wind-borne but does serve to regulatethe movement of the achene on the ground in response to wind.In wind the achene swivels like a weather vane with the baseof the achene pointing into the wind. In weak wind the pappusbristles prevent the achene from blowing away. In stronger windthe bristles move due to their flattened, flexible, hinge-likebases and act like ratchets against the substratum, thus enablingthe achene to move upwind. In either case achenes remain ingroups. Ants are attracted to the elaiosome and disperse theachenes. Wind-induced movement was explored by testing acheneson various substrata in a wind tunnel at free-stream speedsbetween 2 and 7 m s-1. Wind dispersal; Centaurea eriophora ; seeds; achenes  相似文献   
Erwinia amylovora is a plant pathogenic enterobacterium that causes fire blight disease of apple, pear and other rosaceous plants. A type III (T3) secretion system, encoded by clustered, chromosomal hrp genes (hypersensitive response and pathogenicity), is essential for infection, but only a few proteins are known that are secreted through this pathway (the T3 'secretome'). We developed an efficient protocol for purification and concentration of extracellular proteins and used it to characterize the T3 secretome of E. amylovora Ea273 by comparing preparations from the wild-type strain with those from mutants defective in hrp secretion, regulation, or in genes encoding putative T3-secreted proteins. Proteins were resolved by gel electrophoresis and identified using mass spectrometry and a draft sequence of the E. amylovora genome. Twelve T3-secreted proteins were identified, including homologues of known effector and helper proteins, and HrpJ, a homologue of YopN of Yersinia pestis . Several previously uncharacterized T3-secreted proteins were designated as Eops for Erwinia outer proteins. Analysis of the secretome of a non-polar hrpJ mutant demonstrated that HrpJ is required for accumulation of wild-type levels of secreted harpins. HrpJ was found to be essential for pathogenesis, and to play a major role in elicitation of the hypersensitive reaction in tobacco.  相似文献   
When reproductive barriers break down, interspecific hybridization can lead to gene flow between evolutionarily distinct species. Studying the fate of these introgressing elements can offer valuable insights into the factors contributing to reproductive isolation. We have identified a population of false map turtles (Graptemys pseudogeographica) that hybridized historically with the common map turtle (Graptemys geographica), but were subsequently isolated from interbreeding for several generations by unique geological events. Although many studies conclude that genic interactions involving sex chromosomes impact the introgression of mitochondrial or nuclear genomes, Graptemys turtles have environmental sex determination, and thus introgression can be explored while controlling for the effects of sex‐specific heterogameity. We identified and sequenced a species‐specific mitochondrial control region marker, as well as two nuclear markers (ODC and HNFAL), in turtles from across the ranges of these species. We found both nuclear and mitochondrial introgression in our study population, and present evidence consistent with the proposed time range of reproductive contact and isolation. We also report an absence of cytonuclear or linkage disequilibrium among markers, indicating that some important pre‐ and postzygotic barriers to gene flow that characterize other systems are absent in Graptemys. Finally, we show that Graptemys turtles have a complex molecular evolutionary history, and that leaks in reproductive barriers probably occur frequently. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 405–417.  相似文献   
Nazareno & Jump (2012) highlight potential issues with using small sample sizes in population genetic studies. By reanalysing allelic richness data from our recent publication on habitat fragmentation (Struebig et al. 2011), they assert that the observed relationship has been driven by three sites with the lowest number of individuals sampled. While sample size issues have been raised before in the genetic literature, Nazareno & Jump’s (2012) comment serves as a useful reminder to us all. Nevertheless, we disagree that our findings were significantly biased by sampling limitations. Here, we demonstrate by jackknifing that, contrary to the claims of Nazareno & Jump (2012), our correlations of allelic richness and fragment area are not driven solely by sites with low sample sizes. We maintain that small sample sizes can be accounted for in fragmentation studies and that sampling limitations should not detract from undertaking conservation genetic research.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Estimating abundance of carnivore populations is problematic because individuals typically are elusive, nocturnal, and dispersed across the landscape. Rare or endangered carnivore populations are even more difficult to estimate because of small sample sizes. Considering behavioral ecology of the target species can drastically improve survey efficiency and effectiveness. Previously, abundance of the black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) was monitored by spotlighting and generating indices of relative abundance because reintroduced populations were slow to establish. Indices, however, lack variance estimates and are costly to generate for the black-footed ferret. We therefore used spotlight surveys and live-trapping in conjunction with a robust mark-recapture estimator to improve abundance monitoring for the black-footed ferret, one of North America's most endangered carnivores. We estimated abundance of the black-footed ferret at Shirley Basin, Wyoming, USA, using correlated density estimates and Program MARK. We compared our results to 2 indices of relative abundance, minimum number alive and predicted number of ferrets from litter counts. The correlated density estimate for the black-footed ferret (R = 229; 95% CI = 161–298) was similar to minimum number alive (R = 192) and predicted number of ferrets from litter counts (R= 235). The efficiency and effectiveness of survey methods we used for the black-footed ferret were high by carnivoran standards. Our results suggest that the sampling approach we utilized can be implemented for a fraction of the cost and effort required to generate 2 indices of relative abundance for the black-footed ferret. Although we recommend managers implement a similar survey approach to monitor abundance of reintroduced populations of the black-footed ferret, analysis with sparse data sets will be problematic. Until the black-footed ferret becomes widespread and abundant at a reintroduction site, spotlighting will remain preferable as a means to generate indices of distribution and relative abundance for the black-footed ferret.  相似文献   
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