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Few studies have found strong evidence to suggest that ecotones promote species richness and diversity. In this study we examine the responses of a high‐Andean bird community to changes in vegetation and topographical characteristics across an Andean tree‐line ecotone and adjacent cloud forest and puna grassland vegetation in southern Peru. Over a 6‐month period, birds and vegetation were surveyed using a 100 m fixed‐width Distance Sampling point count method. Vegetation analyses revealed that the tree‐line ecotone represented a distinctive high‐Andean vegetation community that was easily differentiated from the adjacent cloud forest and puna grassland based on changes in tree‐size characteristics and vegetation cover. Bird community composition was strongly seasonal and influenced by a pool of bird species from a wider elevational gradient. There were also clear differences in bird community measures between tree‐line vegetation, cloud forest and puna grassland with species turnover (β‐diversity) most pronounced at the tree‐line. Canonical Correspondence Analysis revealed that the majority of the 81 bird species were associated with tree‐line vegetation. Categorizing patterns of relative abundance of the 42 most common species revealed that the tree‐line ecotone was composed primarily of cloud forest specialists and habitat generalists, with very few species from the puna grassland. Only two species, Thlypopsis ruficeps and Anairetes parulus, both widespread Andean species more typical of montane woodland vegetation edges, were categorized as ecotone specialists. However, our findings were influenced by significant differences in species detectability between all three vegetation communities. Our study highlights the importance of examining ecotones at an appropriate spatial and temporal scale. Selecting a suitable distance between sampling points based on the detection probabilities of the target bird species is essential to obtain an unbiased picture of how ecotones influence avian richness and diversity.  相似文献   
1. Per‐capita resource availability in aquatic habitats is influenced directly by consumer density via resource competition and indirectly via delayed resource competition when temporally non‐overlapping cohorts of larvae exploit the same resources. In detritus‐based systems, resources are likely to be influenced by the age of the aquatic habitat, as detritus changes in quality over time and may be replenished by new inputs. 2. For aquatic insects that exploit detritus‐based habitats, feeding conditions experienced during immature stages can influence fitness directly via effects on development and survivorship, but also indirectly by influencing adult traits such as fecundity and longevity. 3. Larval habitat age and prior resource exploitation were manipulated in a field experiment using the container mosquito Aedes triseriatus. 4. It was found that A. triseriatus from older habitats had greater larval survival, faster development and greater adult longevity. Exploitation of larval habitats by a prior cohort of larvae had a significant negative effect on subsequent cohorts of larvae by delaying development. 5. It is suggested that extended conditioning of detritus probably resulted in conversion of recalcitrant resources to more available forms which improved the quality of the habitat. 6. In a parallel study, evidence was found of carry‐over effects of habitat age and prior exploitation on adult longevity for A. triseriatus and Aedes japonicus collected from unmanipulated aquatic habitats. 7. These results indicate the importance of detritus dynamics and the discontinuous nature of resource competition in these mosquito‐dominated aquatic systems.  相似文献   
WE wish to report that reconstituted sperm whale myoglobin prepared by the method of Breslow1 (except that pH 2 was found sufficient to remove all the haem) (I) crystallizes2 in a different habit from those prepared by the method of Rossi-Fanelli et al.3 (II) using haemin of Sigma lot 77B-0220 and our own 57Fe photoporphyrin preparation and the native myoglobin (III). Although all three form type A3 monoclinic prisms, the best developed plane is [001] for II and III, it is [100] for I. There seems to be great interest in reconstituted haemoproteins4,5, so it is important that crystallization habit may be a sensitive test for subtle changes in protein structures.  相似文献   
Abstract: We studied breeding dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis), yellow-rumped warblers (Dendroica coronata), and spruce-nesting birds from 1997 to 1998 among forests with different levels of spruce (Picea spp.) mortality following an outbreak of spruce beetles (Dendroctonus rufipennis) in Alaska, USA. We identified species using live and beetle-killed spruce for nest sites and monitored nests to determine how the outbreak influenced avian habitat selection and reproduction. We tested predictions that 1) nesting success of ground-nesting juncos would increase with spruce mortality due to proliferation of understory vegetation available to conceal nests from predators, 2) nesting success of canopy-nesting warblers would decrease with spruce mortality due to fewer live spruce in which to conceal nests, and 3) both species would alter nest-site selection in response to disturbance. Juncos did not benefit from changes in understory vegetation; nesting success in highly disturbed stands (46%) was comparable to that in undisturbed habitats throughout their range. In stands with low spruce mortality, nesting success of juncos was low (5%) and corresponded with high densities of red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus). Yellow-rumped warblers nested exclusively in spruce, but success did not vary with spruce mortality. As disturbance increased, nesting warblers switched from selecting forest patches with high densities of live white spruce (Picea glauca) to patches with beetle-killed spruce. Warblers also placed nests in large-diameter live or beetle-killed spruce, depending on which was more abundant in the stand, with no differences in nesting success. Five of the 12 other species of spruce-nesting birds also used beetle-killed spruce as nest sites. Because beetle-killed spruce can remain standing for >50 years, even highly disturbed stands provide an important breeding resource for boreal forest birds. We recommend that boreal forest managers preserve uncut blocks of infested forest within managed forest landscapes and practice partial harvest of beetle-killed spruce rather than commercial clear-cutting of infested stands in order to sustain breeding bird populations until natural reforestation occurs. Because breeding densities do not always reflect fitness, assessing impacts of a massive natural disturbance should include measuring impacts of changes in vegetation on both reproductive success and predator-prey dynamics.  相似文献   
Abstract Relative abundance is one factor that influences selection of prey by insectivorous mammals and lizards. Ants and termites are extremely abundant over most of inland Australia. Their patterns of abundance are also broadly similar across climatic gradients, being most and least abundant in seasonally arid (tropic and sub-tropic) and temperate mesic regions, respectively. All else being equal (e. g. mechanisms of prey defence, palat-ability, availability), animals that eat many termites should also eat many (adult) ants. The present study asks three questions: (i) What is the diversity of specialized ant-eaters (>50% volume)?; (ii) Does specialization vary with climate?; and (iii) Are ants and termites eaten in broadly similar proportions (using an earlier study on termites). Of the mammals, only the echidna (Tachyglossus aculeatus) in mesic regions, and probably the marsupial mole (Notoryctes typhlops) in the arid zone and the striped possum (Dactylopsila trivirgata) in mesic regions are ant-specialized. Ant-specialization in mammals shows no pattern with regard to climate. Of the lizards, only four agamid lizards are ant-specialized: Moloch horridus (arid, semi-arid), Ctenophorus fordi (arid, semi-arid), Ctenophorus isolepis (arid) and Ctenophorus maculatus (arid). Specialization on ants by lizards is greatest in the arid zone (4 spp.); no lizard species were found to be ant-specialists in mesic regions. In the arid and semi-arid zone, two mammals each specialize on termites and one on ants; in mesic regions, two mammals specialize on ants and one on termites. Specialized insectivorous mammals thus demonstrate no marked preference for either termites or ants. Lizards, in contrast, are markedly termite-specialized (4 ant-specialist spp., 16 termite-specialist spp.), and specialization is greatest in the arid zone (16 spp.). Greater specialization on termites than on (adult) ants in lizards is explained with reference to differences in prey defence and palatability between ants and termites. Consumption of ant brood (eggs, larvae, pupae) appears to be associated with a fossorial foraging mode (the marsupial mole N. typhlops; spp. of Aprasia lizards; spp. of blindsnakes Ramphotyphlops).  相似文献   
1. In large deep oligotrophic lakes, the shallow nearshore waters may provide the most important habitat for animals to feed and breed, and it is this area of the lake where humans are most likely to have initial impacts as the shoreline is developed. Nutrients in fertilizers, sediments and sewage effluents are likely to be rapidly intercepted by nearshore algae at the lake edge, having heterogeneous effects nearshore before offshore effects are noted. 2. Here we examined the spatially explicit effects of residential development on nearshore periphyton communities in three large deep oligotrophic lakes that have all experienced modest residential development in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. We demonstrate that substantial nearshore changes in the basal food web are detectable even with low levels of shoreline development. These changes can potentially affect whole‐lake food web dynamics. 3. For our primary study site (Lake Crescent, Washington, USA), we found that algal biomass and accumulation of detritus were higher at developed sites. In addition, both macroinvertebrate and periphyton communities exhibited a shift in composition with more detritivores and filamentous green algae at developed sites. These differences were more pronounced during the spring than at other times of year. 4. A complementary investigation of field patterns in Priest Lake and Lake Pend Oreille (Idaho, USA) suggested that, although spatial and temporal patterns were idiosyncratic, indicators of productivity and the presence of filamentous green algae were generally higher at developed sites across lakes. 5. Stable isotope signatures and water column nutrients were not useful in distinguishing developed and undeveloped sites, increasing the potential usefulness of periphyton monitoring during early stages of lake development. 6. A laboratory investigation suggested that common macroinvertebrate grazers assimilated a much greater proportion of diatoms than the filamentous green algae that are associated with fertilization at developed sites. 7. These findings have at least two clear implications: (i) periphyton may be used to detect human impacts before disturbance is evident in offshore monitoring programmes and (ii) nearshore impacts in response to modest residential development have the potential to disrupt lake food web dynamics.  相似文献   
Cultures of Tetrahymena pyriformis strain ST were exposed to 300 μg chloramphenicol/ml or 15 μg ethidium bromide/ml for 48 hr. Qualitative assessments of electron micrographs reveal that the abundance of mitochondrial cristae decreases greatly. By equating the spatial characteristics of the organism with those of a prolate spheroid, the distribution and abundance of mitochondria were quantified. Such characterizations reveal that the size of individual mitochondria decreases by 35–60% and that the number of mitochondria/cell increases ~8 fold. The observations are discussed in terms of coordinated mitochondrial and nuclear genetic activities.  相似文献   
Differences between individuals collected from sun and shade populations could result from either somatic or genetic differences, particularly in populations of perennial plants. Our objective in this study was to separate somatic from genetic differences. We collected Anthoxanthum odoratum and Plantago lanceolata from sun and shade populations and made measurements on both vegetatively propagated clones and seed progeny from each clone. The parental populations differed in a wide range of physiological and morphological traits. However, only photosynthetic capacity was significantly different between both the original sun and shade populations and their seed progeny. In both species, plants from the sun population had higher photosynthetic capacities than those from the shade population when grown in a common environment. This demonstrates that there was genetic differentiation between the sun and shade populations. Photosynthetic capacity of parents and offspring also differed, suggesting a somatic effect. Since many of the original clones were virus-infected, but all but one of the offspring were virus-free, this might have been a result of virus infection. However, in spite of the fact that the parents and offspring clones were propagated vegetatively so that the plants were at the same developmental stage at the time of measurement, we cannot rule out the possibility that differences in age of cell lines could also have been a factor.  相似文献   
A number of studies in recent years have attempted to elucidate the effects of learning and environmental change on brain biochemistry, especially protein synthesis1. There has also been much interest in the circadian rhythms exhibited by animals, at both the behavioural and biochemical levels (for a review see ref. 2). It therefore seemed of interest to determine whether or not such cyclical responses are reflected in intrinsic rates of protein synthesis. We describe here a diurnal rhythmicity in the incorporation of tritiated lysine into various brain regions and the liver.  相似文献   
Interest in bay scallop conservation has resulted in organized stock enhancement efforts and increased attention to fisheries management issues. Genetic markers can facilitate the monitoring of enhancement efforts, characterization of wild populations, and optimize hatchery practices. We have identified eight polymorphic simple sequence repeat markers including one dinucleotide, six trinucleotide and one compound dinucleotide repeats, in expressed sequence tags generated from multiple bay scallop cDNA libraries. The numbers of alleles range from two to five. The expected and observed heterozygosities range from 0.093 to 0.720 and 0.095 to 0.600, respectively.  相似文献   
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