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The genus Prosopis (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae), comprises 44 species widely distributed in arid and semi-arid zones. Prosopis pallida (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Kunth and P. juliflora (Sw.) DC. are the two species that are truly tropical apart from P. africana, which is native to tropical Africa (Pasiecznik et al. 2004), and they have been introduced widely beyond their native ranges. However, taxonomic confusion within the genus has hampered exploitation and better management of the species. The present study focusses primarily on evaluating the genetic relationship between Prosopis species from the section Algarobia, containing most species of economic importance, though P. tamarugo from section Strombocarpa is also included for comparison. In total, 12 Prosopis species and a putative P. pallida × P. chilensis hybrid were assessed for their genetic relationships based on RAPD markers and microsatellite transferability. The results show that P. pallida and P. juliflora are not closely related despite some morphological similarity. Evidence also agrees with previous studies which suggest that the grouping of series in section Algarobia is artificial.  相似文献   
Morphological data and molecular data from the chloroplast trn H- psb A region and nuclear ribosomal ITS region are used to test the hypothesis that the problematic Canary Island endemic Convolvulus floridus var. virgatus is a hybrid between the endemic species C. floridus and C. scoparius . Analysis of mean leaf length and width of 58 individuals indicates that accessions referable to C. floridus var. virgatus are intermediate between the parental taxa in leaf dimensions. Direct sequencing of the ITS region of C. scoparius and C. floridus revealed two species-specific ribotypes distinguished by 10 base differences. Examination of ITS chromatograms for putative hybrids revealed polymorphisms at those sites that are diagnostic between species in all except one putative hybrid. Morphological intermediacy and ITS additivity therefore support the hybrid status of C. floridus var. virgatus . An analysis of intraindividual ITS variation confirmed the co-occurrence of both parental ribotypes in putative hybrids and demonstrated that some hybrid individuals contained chimaeric ITS types. It is proposed that chimaeric ITS types are the result of recombination following backcrossing. Sequencing of the trn H- psb A region revealed four haplotypes. Three were, for the most part, confined to C. floridus and putative hybrids although one C. scoparius accession was also found to share this haplotype. The remaining haploype was only found in C. scoparius and putative hybrid accessions. Patterns of haplotype distribution between parental and hybrid accessions suggest multiple, bidirectional hybridization events between C. floridus and C. scoparius . The nomenclature of the hybrid is discussed and the necessary new name C.  ×  despreauxii is proposed.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 187–204.  相似文献   
Wild horses (Equus caballus) are a non‐native species occupying over 2800 km2 of the nationally significant Australian Alps National Parks. We estimated key demographic parameters (fecundity, adult and juvenile survival and annual finite population growth rate) over 3 years and related these to horse body condition and available food for three populations under natural conditions, and found a trend consistent with food limitation. The populations were independent, with different site characteristics and occupied areas, identified by land managers, as areas of concern about possible conservation impacts. Annual fecundity and juvenile survival varied across sites averaging between 0.21 and 0.31 female young per adult female, and 0.83 and 0.90 per annum, respectively, and annual adult survival was consistent across sites averaging 0.91 per annum. One population was increasing (λ = 1.09 year?1; 95% CI 1.04–1.14) and two populations were stable (λ ~ 1.0 year?1). Mean body condition of horses was positively correlated with mean pasture biomass rank. Across the three populations, fecundity, recruitment, body condition and annual finite population growth rate were lowest when mean pasture biomass rank was lowest and conversely highest when pasture rank was highest. We conclude that food limitation appears to be operating across these three sites. We used our results to assess the sensitivity of annual finite rate of increase (λ) to changes in key demographic parameters and found that λ was most sensitive to a change in adult survival, with the second most sensitive parameter being fecundity. Thus, if the aim of management is to reduce the size of the wild horse population then targeting adult survival is most important, followed by fecundity. Finally, we estimated the linear, negative, numerical response for wild horses between annual λ and horses per unit pasture biomass.  相似文献   
Current agriculture in Europe is predominantly reliant upon external inputs, such as fertilisers and pesticides, rather than upon soil processes, for the resources it needs for crop growth. Inputs of fertilisers have environmental disbenefits, some of which have been highlighted by the introduction of the Water Framework Directive. Here we review the scope to improve current production systems so as to reduce environmental impact while broadly maintaining productivity. The review focuses upon both the potential impacts of means of increasing soil nutrient supply, in the absence of fertilisers, and the potential impact on nutrient uptake of modifications to the functioning of the root system. Assessments of the functioning of the root system must allow for all root types and for the contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The development of productive systems based around soil processes will thus depend upon both better management of soil processes, especially when they relate to holding nutrients such as nitrogen within the system, and to developments in understanding roots and their associated microbes.  相似文献   
Abstract Plants that rely on other plants for support (i.e. epiphytes and vines) are common in many forest ecosystems. However, they are poorly understood relative to terrestrial plants, especially in the Southern Hemisphere. To help bridge this gap, we evaluated the diversity and distribution of vascular epiphytes and vines on seven common tree species in a conifer‐broadleaf forest on New Zealand's North Island. Ground‐based surveys of 274 host trees were used to test whether epiphyte and vine diversity increased with tree diameter, and whether diversity‐diameter relationships differed among host tree species. Occurrence patterns of individual epiphyte and vine species were also assessed. We first evaluated the accuracy of ground‐based inventories by comparing surveys of trees made from the ground to those made from a canopy walkway. On average, 1 in 10 species of epiphytes and vines were unseen from the ground. However, sampling accuracy did not differ among the three host tree species growing along the walkway, suggesting unbiased comparisons could be made between hosts. Results from ground‐based surveys showed that species diversity of epiphytes and vines increased with host tree diameter. However, epiphytes showed stronger diversity‐diameter relationships than vines. Epiphyte diversity increased markedly in four host species and less strongly in the remaining three host species. Conversely, vines showed weak diversity‐diameter relationships in all host species. Occurrence patterns of individual species helped to explain diversity‐diameter relationships. All common epiphyte species occurred more frequently on large trees, regardless of host species, but occurrence patterns in most vine species were unrelated to tree size. Rather, the vines often showed strong host ‘preferences’. Overall results illustrate a rich diversity of distributional patterns in New Zealand's epiphytes and vines, and suggest that a similarly diverse set of ecological and evolutionary processes are responsible for them.  相似文献   
Polymorphic microsatellite loci were identified in order to determine paternity in a captive population of the zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata. Primer sets from 93 published passerine microsatellite sequences were tested for cross‐species amplification. Thirteen loci were found to be polymorphic, of which, eight displayed null alleles and one locus (Ase50) was found to be Z‐chromosome linked.  相似文献   
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