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STEPHEN HUNTER 《Ibis》1991,133(4):343-350
While ashore King Penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus are fed upon by a guild of five predator-scavenger seabirds. During the winter (April-October) male Southern Giant Petrels Macronectes giganteus killed an estimated 6430 (11.2%) of Marion Island's King Penguin chicks, although most birds only scavenged in the colonies. The rate of predation varied, with peaks in April-May and in September. The proportion of successful attacks was 22.7%. There was a strong correlation between colony size and the rate of accumulation of chick corpses. Kelp Gulls Larus dominicanus and Lesser Sheathbills Chionis minor also scavenged penguin corpses but Northern Giant Petrels M. halli and female Southern Giant Petrels rarely entered the colonies. During the summer predation was mainly by Sub-Antarctic Skuas Catharacta lonnbergi which took eggs and small chicks.  相似文献   
Removal of the micronuclei of Paramecium tetraurelia and Paramecium jenningsi by micropipetting generates amicronucleate cell lines. These cell lines go through a period of growth depression for several dozen fissions, but they gradually recover. Amicronucleate cells in the depression period characteristically exhibit abnormal oral development, particularly reduction in the length of the buccal cavity and an abnormal pattern of the oral membranelles. To test the notion that the macronucleus is involved in the recovery of amicronucleate cell lines, DNA demethylation drugs were administered to amicronucleates in the depression period. After at least 4 fissions, the treated amicronucleates were assessed for their progress in recovery by scoring the proportion of cells with normal oral membranelles. Cvtidine analogues which demethylate cytosine specifically at the 5 position, namely 5-azacytidine, 5-aza-2'- deoxycytidine and 5-fluoro-2'-deoxycytidine. promoted recovery of the amicronucleates. Cytidine, 6-azacytidine, 2'-fluoro-2'-deoxy-cytidine and cytosine-β-D-arabinofuranoside did not. These results suggest that (i) 5-methylcytosine is present in the macronucleus of these Paramecium species, probably in small amounts and (ii) recovery of amicronucleates involves demethylation of macronuclear DNA. This implies that in normal cells the micronuclei are involved in maintaining the macronuclear DNA in a methylated state and hence the inactivation of the macronuclear sequences that are to be employed for stomatogenic recovery. A general mechanism for the control of gene expression may therefore be employed for the regulation of specific sequences.  相似文献   
1. Clones of Daphnia longispina (O.F.M.), collected from ponds with different levels of predation, were monitored using video techniques in order to test the effects of temperature and visual cues on vertical migration behaviour.
2. Endogenous rhythms were found to have a part in the control of vertical migration in some clones but responses were highly variable.
3. Low temperature caused a marked increase in the amplitude of vertical migration in D. longispina , consistent with field studies.
4. Clones from ponds with fish predators had larger vertical migration amplitudes than clones from ponds with no fish, providing further evidence for the genetic basis of this mechanism.  相似文献   
Abstract: Aerial surveys have been used to estimate abundance of several wild bird species including wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo). We used inflatable turkey decoys at 3 study sites in the Texas Rolling Plains to simulate Rio Grande wild turkey (M. g. intermedia) flocks. We evaluated detectability of flocks and errors in counting flock size during fixed-wing (Cessna 172) aerial surveys using logistic and linear regression models. Flock detectability was primarily influenced by flock size and vegetative cover, and errors in counting flock size were primarily influenced by size of flocks. We conducted computer simulations to evaluate the accuracy and precision of fixed-wing aerial surveys and examined power to detect trends in population change. Our simulations suggested abundance estimates from fixed-wing aerial surveys may be underestimated by 10-15% (2.0-4.8% CV). Power analyses suggested that fixed-wing aerial surveys can provide sufficient power (>0.80) to detect a population change of 10-25% over a 4-5-year period. We concluded fixed-wing aerial surveys are feasible on ecoregion scales.  相似文献   
Abstract The birds nest fern, Asplenium nidus, contributes greatly to the epiphytic biomass in the canopies of both south‐east Asia and tropical north Queensland rainforests. It is generally believed that their abundance and their capacity to store water is an important feature for habitat fragmentation in the canopy. We investigated the microclimate of A. nidus and the effects of severe drought periods on the A. nidus population over a 20‐year period, hypothesizing that water availability is the most important factor controlling the population under drought conditions. One of two neighbouring A. nidus plants of the same size and age was irrigated artificially before, during and after a significant dry period in 2000. By monitoring the microclimate within and around both ferns we were able to estimate that four continuous weeks of rainless weather completely dried out the accumulated humus of the non‐irrigated A. nidus fern. Prolonged dry periods were shown to kill the roots of A. nidus, which attach the fern to the bark and eventually the affected A. nidus on verticals stems fell to the ground. Periods longer than 8 weeks may even kill adult plants sitting in more protected branch forks. Analysis of the whole A. nidus population within the 1‐ha Canopy Crane plot and the determination of the morphological age of all plants enabled an evaluation of the historical development of the population. The oldest plant originated in 1985, just 1 year after the longest recorded drought for the site. We suspect that the 1984 drought killed every A. nidus plant within the study plot. Years with low recruitment coincide with years with long drought periods.  相似文献   
Australia has lost more native mammal species than any other country in the past two centuries, and this record of loss looks likely to worsen over the next few decades. Small‐ to medium‐sized mammals are declining in both distribution and density across large tracts of northern Australia's tropical savannas, including within protected areas. The most likely causes are a combination of changed fire patterns, the impacts of introduced herbivores and predation by feral cats. Here, in contrast to the prevailing trend across northern Australia, we report the recovery of native mammals in response to a large‐scale (>40 000 ha) destocking experiment carried out at Mornington Wildlife Sanctuary in the central Kimberley, north‐west Australia. Following the removal of introduced herbivores from 2004, the species richness and abundance of small native rodents and dasyurids increased significantly across all sampled habitats over the next 3 years. We discuss the implications of these results for guiding land management and applied research to help to reduce the impending risk of mammalian extinctions in northern Australia.  相似文献   
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