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Abstract:  British Llandovery crinoids remain poorly known. Three species are documented herein that were originally described, but not published, by W. H. C. Ramsbottom. Clematocrinus ramsbottomi Fearnhead sp. nov. (Tortworth Inlier, Gloucestershire; Telychian) has a heteromorphic column, N434243414342434, radices directed away from the crown, and ten long, uniserial arms with a pustular aboral sculpture and long, slender pinnules. Clematocrinus spp. are widely distributed in the Silurian of England. Ptychocrinus mullochillensis Fearnhead and Donovan sp. nov. (Girvan district, Strathclyde; Rhuddanian) is the second report of this Upper Ordovician–Lower Silurian genus from outside North America. Although incompletely known, this species is distinguished by its hidden infrabasals, 20 arms and sunken interbrachial plates with a strongly stellate sculpture. Petalocrinus bifidus (Bather MS) Donovan and Fearnhead sp. nov. (Woolhope Inlier, Herefordshire; Telychian) is locally common enough to give its name to a mappable lithostratigraphic unit, the Petalocrinus Limestone. Unlike other Petalocrinus species known from the Silurian of China, northern Europe and North America, the fused arms of P. bifidus are divided in two by a proximal adoral ridge and an associated distal notch. Unlike extant crinoids, Petalocrinus probably lived as a rheophobe; the fused arms may have acted to deter predators.  相似文献   
ACCELERATED erythropoiesis is associated with the production of reticulocytes of excessive size, perhaps as the result of skipped divisions during erythroid cell proliferation in the bone marrow1. Isotopic studies have been interpreted as showing that these “stress reticulocytes” are short-lived and are replaced by progressively smaller cells with more normal life spans1–6. It has recently been suggested, however, that stress reticulocytes are not destroyed in toto but are made smaller by a process of remodelling or surface fragmentation7; loss of only portions of these cells could explain most of the isotopic findings, although the residual cells might remain intact.  相似文献   
Benthic marine invertebrates with planktonic larvae may exhibitAllee effects in reproduction or recruitment. Hydrodynamic considerationsand experimental evidence suggest that species broadcastinggametes suffer greatly reduced fertilization efficiencies asdensities decline. There is also evidence for some species,including the red sea urchin, that post-dispersal recruitmentsuccess declines at low densities of adults, if adults provideshelter from predators or other sources of mortality. Speciesdisplaying strong Allee effects may be susceptible to catastrophicpopulation collapses with slight increases in mortality dueto harvesting or natural causes. A simple two patch logisticmodel suggests that the establishment of a harvest refuge isnecessary to prevent collapses and maintain sustainable catchesat high levels of harvesting effort. A more detailed, age structuredmodel based on the biology of the red sea urchin, Strongylocentrotusfranciscanus produces similar results. Effects of harvestingstrategies are sensitive to Allee effects caused by both fertilizationefficiency and the disruption of adult spine canopies. Theoreticalrequirements for the size and spacing of marine reserves dependsupon the dispersal abilities of the target species. Multiplereserves, spaced more closely than the average larval dispersaldistance, appear to be an effective and conservative strategyfor maintaining healthy populations and sustainable levels ofharvest.  相似文献   
We compare the performances of local and global rules for smoothingparameter choice, in terms of asymptotic mean squared errorsof the resulting estimators. In some instances there is surprisinglylittle to choose between local and global approaches; our analysisidentifies contexts where the differences are small or large.This work motivates development of smoothing rules that forma ‘half-way house’ between local and global smoothing.There, interpolation provides a basis for partial local smoothing.A key result shows that interpolation on even a coarse gridcan produce a very good approximation to full local smoothing.Our theoretical and numerical results lead us to suggest linearinterpolation of a bandwidth obtained by integral approximationson discrete intervals.  相似文献   
We examined the survival, size, and agonistic behaviour of faster and slower developing rainbow trout ( Salmo gairdneri ) in an artificial stream channel with a simulated redd. The analysis was performed at two levels: between three full-sib families genetically marked at a hexosaminidase locus, and within families segregating for a regulatory allele Pgml-t(b) that is associated with faster developmental rate. The families differed significantly in their hatching times but showed little variation in emergence times. Fishes with the Pgml-t(b) allele hatched and emerged significantly earlier than their full-sibs without the allele. Despite the mortality of at least 50% of emerged fishes in the selection experiment, there was no significant difference in survival between either the three families or fishes with different genotypes at the Pgml-t locus. However, fishes from the faster developing family and those with the Pgml-t(b) allele had significantly higher levels of agonistic behaviour and had a tendency to be larger than slower developing individuals.  相似文献   
The development of Catananche caerulea pollen grains from theearly free microspore stage to the formation of the male germunit has been studied using the scanning electron microscope.The differentiation of the elaborate ectexine from primexineand the accompanying cytoplasmic changes in the microsporesare described. Changes in the tapetum, reflecting first theformation of sporopollenin precursors and then of pollenkitt,are also described. The origin of taxonomically important featuresis discussed. Catananche caerulea, Compositae: Lactuceae, microspore mitosis, male germ unit, ontogeny, primexine differentiation, scanning electron microscopy  相似文献   
Animal Migrations: Endangered Phenomena   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Current conservation research focuses on diminishing speciesdiversity, minimal viable populations, and on the successivedemise of habitats and populations that leads species to extinction.In this paper we utilize the monarch butterfly's remarkablemigration and overwintering biology as a paradigm of a new conservationtheme: endangered phenomenon. An endangered phenomenon is aspectacular aspect of the life history of an animal or plantspecies involving a large number of individuals that is threatenedwith impoverishment or demise; the species per se need not bein peril, rather, the phenomenon it exhibits is at stake. Weenvision the near future with increasing numbers of speciesreduced in range and so constrained in numbers that they canno longer exhibit these characteristic spectacles.  相似文献   
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