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The Common Birds Census documents changes in the populations of the more abundant British land birds. Here we analyse the CBC data for various English passerines to discover the separate effects of weather and of density-dependent feedback on their annual population changes. Density dependence is generally apparent in the data from woodland plots, less so in those from farmland. There are clear effects of weather, particularly in farmland. Prolonged snowfall in winter reduces populations of most species; frost and low temperatures appear much less important. Rainfall in March and April increases numbers censused in the spring but this may be an artefact. We discuss ways in which analyses such as these should be taken forward.
We consider whether this work is respectable science, arguing that monitoring through the CBC goes much further than mere surveillance of numbers, that such monitoring is important in wildlife management, and that density dependence is not a bankrupt paradigm. Long-term data gathering is an essential part of ecological science, even in programmes not designed at the outset to test specific hypotheses.  相似文献   
Central to most models of population regulation is the ideathat the degree of intraspecific competition is in some wayproportional to the availability of limiting resources. Althoughlaboratory research has demonstrated a number of proximate mechanismsby which behavior might affect population growth, little isknown about the resources that are actually limiting populationdensity in the field or about how animals might compete forthem. Long-term field studies reveal that the white-footed mouse,Peromyscus leucopus, exhibits two types of pronounced changesin density: intra-annual (seasonal) and inter-annual. The formerseem to be due ultimately to climate and the lack of winterbreeding, but populations often decline sharply in late summerin the midst of plentiful food; fall recruitment of new animalsis density-dependent and usually poor. Differences in peak densitiesfrom one year to the next as high as 13-fold have been recorded. Weather, shelter, and food are possible ultimate limiting resources.Food has received themost attention, but supplemental feedingexperiments have yielded mixed results. A review of the socialbehavior of this polygnous species suggests that each sex islimited by different combinations of factors. Females may defenda food source and nest sites; males may search actively forfemales at low adult densities, covering large areas, and defendaccess to females at high adult densities. Additional long-term field studies are needed, both to providedirection to laboratory research on proximate mechanisms andto provide the data base for understanding the role of weather,food, and shelter as ultimate limiting factors. Enough short-termstudies have been published to permit comparisons across habitatsand through time which will give a better perspective on climateand habitat variables. Field experiments are necessary to demonstratethe operation of proximate behavioral, physiological, and geneticmechanisms of population regulation in natural populations.  相似文献   
Multilocus DNA fingerprinting provides a cost-effective means to rapidly assay genetic variation at many loci. While this makes the technique particularly attractive for studies of evolution and conservation biology, fingerprint data can be difficult to interpret. Measurement errors inherent with the technique force investigators to group similar-sized alleles (bands) into discrete bins before estimating genetic parameters. If too little error is accounted for in this process homologous alleles will not be grouped in a common bin, whereas overestimated error can produce bins with homoplasic alleles. We used simulations and empirical data for two frog species ( Rana luteiventris and Hyla regilla ) to demonstrate that mean band-sharing ( S¯xy ) and heterozygosity ( H ¯E) are a function of both bin width and band profile complexity (i.e. number and distribution of bands). These estimators are also sensitive to the number of lanes included in the analysis when bin width is wide and a floating bin algorithm is employed. Multilocus estimates of H ¯E were highly correlated with S¯xy and thus provide no additional information about genetic variation. Estimates of population subdivision ( F ^ and Φ^ST) appeared robust to changes in bin size. We also examined the issue of statistical independence for band-sharing data when comparisons are made among all samples. This analysis indicated that the covariance between band-sharing statistics was very small and not statistically different from zero. We recommend that sensitivity analyses for bin size be used to improve confidence in the biological interpretation of multilocus fingerprints, and that the covariance structure for band-sharing statistics be examined.  相似文献   
The morphology of Paranemertes sanjuanensis sp.n., a new monostiliferous hoplonemertean from San Juan Island, Washington, is described. As in other members of the genus, P. sanjuanensis has numerous eyespots, a proboscis sheath that extends one-half to two-thirds the length of the body, well-developed cephalic and subepidermal glands, and two distinct layers of longitudinal muscles in the body wall of the cerebral region. A precerebral septum is absent, as only fibers from the inner longitudinal layer extend into the proboscis. The cerebral sense organs are well developed and lie just anterior to the brain. The esophagus opens into the rhynchodaeum and leads posteriad, into a highly folded stomach. The intestinal caecum is short and lacks anteriorly directed pouches. Gravid females have numerous ovaries in the posterior two-thirds of their bodies. The proboscis is relatively large and contains an average of 5 reserve stylet sacs, each of which contains 2 to 3 stylets. The stylets are stout and have prominent, helically-arranged grooves.  相似文献   
Methacrylate embedding followed by resin removal has been used for the first time to visualize a membrane-associated antigen at the tissue level. Monoclonal antibody JIM 84 was used to stain the Golgi apparatus of gymnosperm (conifer) embryos by light microscope immunocytochemistry. Specificity of labelling was confirmed by electron microscope immunocytochemistry using LR-white resin. GA staining was evident in all stages of white spruce somatic embryo development from immature to mature. Some regions of the somatic embryos (e.g. root cap/suspensor region) stained more vigorously than other regions (hypocotyl/cotyledon end). GA also stained in roots of Monterey pine and Douglas fir. Unlike the situation in most angiosperms, JIM 84 antigen appears to be absent from the conifer plasma membrane. However, it appears to be present in representatives of both major classes of higher plants.  相似文献   
1. We assessed the patterns of amphibian species richness and distribution in relation to water chemistry over a large geographical area in 1992–94.
2. Thirteen amphibian species were observed at 180 ponds, with mean species richness 3.5 ± 0.13 species per pond (range zero to nine). Water samples were collected from 143 ponds, analysed for fifteen chemical variables, and further analysed by multivariate statistical techniques.
3. Water in the study area was hard, alkaline and well-buffered against pH change, and most ponds were eutrophic. Amphibian species richness was negatively correlated with five chemical variables (chloride, conductivity, magnesium, total hardness, turbidity).
4. Principle components analysis reduced the data set to four chemical components that explained 65.4% of the variance in the original variables. Principle component scores were retained for use in further multivariate tests. Multiple regression accounted for only 19.0% of the variance in amphibian species richness. Discriminant function analysis (DFA) was used to determine if water chemistry variables discriminated among species, but it was only able to classify 17.5% of cases correctly. DFA was also used to determine if water chemistry distinguished between used and unused sites for individual species. DFA was moderately successful, classifying 61–77% of cases correctly.
5. General water chemistry appears to play only a minor part in affecting amphibian species richness in south-western, Ontario. However, chemical variables may be helpful to distinguish between used and unused sites for some species.  相似文献   
Dehydrins are a family of proteins that accumulate in response to abiotic stresses. Little is known about the biochemical functions of these proteins. It is known that the Arabidopsis dehydrin, ERD14, is activated by phosphorylation to bind calcium and other ions. To begin to categorize the Arabidopsis dehydrins into functional families, we determined whether representative members of the dehydrin sub families share the properties of ERD14. When phosphorylated in vitro with casein kinase II; recombinant COR47, and ERD10 (and ERD14) become activated to bind calcium. ERD14 exhibited the highest calcium-binding activity followed by ERD10 and COR47. These dehydrins, when isolated from cold-treated Arabidopsis plants were also shown to have phosphorylation-dependent, calcium-binding activity. RAB18 showed very little calcium binding activity, even though it was phosphorylated by casein kinase II. XERO2 was not phosphorylated with CKII and did not bind calcium. Competition studies suggest that other divalent cations may bind to the dehydrins COR47, ERD10, and ERD14. Utilizing matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization – time of flight mass spectroscopy (MALDI-TOF), we determined that the poly serine region located in all three calcium-binding family members (COR47, ERD10, and ERD14) is the most likely phosphorylation site responsible for the activation of calcium binding. These results are consistent with a distinct biochemical function for the acidic subclass of dehydrins (COR47, ERD10, and ERD14) as ion (calcium)-interacting proteins.  相似文献   
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