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It seems increasingly clear that insulin is a hormone that doesnot occur exclusively in vertebrates. Several independent reportsnow exist giving evidence of insulin production in the digestivetissues of both deuterostomian and protostomian invertebrates.Cells with some light-microscopical and ultrastructural characteristicsof vertebrate B-cells have also been observed. Recently, evidencehas been obtained that insulin can act as a hypoglycemic hormone,promoting glycogen synthesis, also in a protostomian invertebrate,the gastropod mollusc, Strophocheilus oblongus. The endocrine pancreas of the cyclostomes occupies a key positionin the comparative endocrinology of the islet parenchyma andin the evolution of insulin production. It may represent anevolutionary link between the presumably gut-connected dispersedinsulin-producing cells of deuterostomian invertebrates andthe pancreatic islets of gnathostomian vertebrates. This hypothesiswas supported by the fact that cells with light-microscopicaland ultrastructural similarities to the islet B-cells were observedin the bile duct mucosa of the hagfish, Myxine glutinosa. However,immunofluorescent studies with antisera against human insulinand C-peptide did not show any immunoreactive material outsidethe B-cells of the endocrine pancreas. Particular attentionwas paid to elucidate the biological significance of the largecystic cavities that are so typical for the cyclostomian isletparenchyma. The working hypothesis that they may contain storedinsulin, proinsulin (or even "proto-proinsulin") was not supportedby immunofluorescence, autoradiographic, or ultrastructuralinvestigations, nor by proinsulin assays. It is possible thathagfish islet B-cells contain zinc, despite the fact that theamino acid residue in B10-position is aspartic acid insteadof histidine. The biosynthesis of hagfish insulin shows a patternsimilar to that in gnathostomes. Its rate is related to theambient temperature and at 11 C the conversion of proinsulinto insulin lasts several days.  相似文献   
A phylogenetic approach was performed to infer whether variation in conspicuous colour-patterns of a poison frog (Dendrobatidae: Dendrobates tinctorius ) has evolved neutrally or under selection. Colour and pattern were split into components that were separately analysed and subsequently re-grouped via principal component analysis. This revealed four different 'displayed' factors on the dorsal and lateral views versus one 'concealed' factor on the ventral view. Based on the assumption that current patterns of trait variation contain information about the evolutionary history of the phenotype, we correlated these trait components to a neutrally evolving gene fragment (cytochrome b ). The concealed factor was significantly correlated with the marker fragment, which identified it as having evolved under genetic drift. Noncorrelation of all displayed factors with the marker may indicate the evolution of colour patterns on dorsum and flanks under selection. In our example, colour pattern should therefore be regarded as a multicomponent signal system.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 433–444.  相似文献   
Extreme environments are often considered a predation refuge for organisms living in them. In southern Mexico several species of poeciliid fishes are undergoing incipient speciation in a variety of extreme (i.e. permanently dark and/or sulphidic) freshwater systems, and previous research has demonstrated reproductive isolation between populations from sulphidic and adjacent benign habitats. In the present study, we investigated bird predation rates (measured as successful captures per minute) in two sulphidic surface and several benign surface habitats, to test the hypothesis that extreme habitats are predation refuges. We found capture rates to be approximately 20 times higher in sulphidic environments: probably facilitated by extremophile poeciliids spending most of their time at the water surface, where they engage in aquatic surface respiration as a direct response to hypoxia. Even birds that are usually not considered major fish predators regularly engage in fish predation in the toxic habitats of southern Mexico. Our results demonstrate that extreme environments do not necessarily represent a refuge from predation, and we discuss the general importance of predation in driving incipient speciation in these systems. Finally, we hypothesize that natural selection via avian predation may play an important role in maintaining reproductive isolation between divergent poeciliid populations. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 417–426.  相似文献   
1. Using an extensive data set from 18 river restoration projects in the lower mountain ranges of Germany and 5462 river reaches in their surroundings, we estimated the spatial extent of the regional fish species pool from which restored river reaches are colonised. 2. Restoration resulted in a marginally significant increase in fish species richness; however, restored reaches still deviated markedly from natural reference conditions. Nearly all (96.6%) species occurring in restored reaches were present in reaches within a distance of 5 km up‐ or downstream of the restored reach. 3. Species richness in restored reaches was correlated with species richness within a 5‐km species pool. This relationship was more pronounced for common than for rare fishes and applied to both the total number of fish species at the restored reach and the number of additional fish species that were not present at unrestored conditions. 4. The richness of the regional species pools was greatly impoverished. On average, only 50% of all species considered to represent natural reference assemblages were present. The limited success in establishing natural fish assemblages in restored reaches was attributed to spatial limitation (e.g. due to fragmentation) and an impoverished regional species pools from which restored reaches recruit. 5. We recommend that integrated river restoration management should consider not only the abiotic prerequisites of successful restorations, but also the structure and quality of the regional species pool.  相似文献   
1. Nitrogen retention in wetlands provides an example of an ecosystem function that is desired by human society, and is a rationale for the creation of wetlands to decrease nitrogen fluxes from nitrate‐loaded river catchments to coastal waters. 2. Here, we tested the impact of different vegetation states on species diversity and nitrogen retention during 4 years in surface‐flow wetlands receiving nitrate‐rich water. Tall emergent vegetation or submerged vegetation was introduced to six experimental wetlands each and six wetlands were left as unplanted controls for free development of vegetation. This resulted in three vegetation states dominated by emergent vegetation, by a mixture of submerged vegetation and filamentous green algae or by filamentous green algae. 3. Species diversity (species richness and Shannon diversity) of plants was initially lowest in free development wetlands, but during the study became lower in the emergent vegetation wetlands than in the other wetlands. Diversity of macroinvertebrates was initially lower in the submerged vegetation wetlands than in the other wetlands, but this difference disappeared during the study. Nitrogen retention was consistently higher in emergent vegetation wetlands than in the other wetlands throughout the study. 4. We conclude that plant diversity in wetlands dominated by tall emergent vegetation gradually became lower than in other wetlands, due to dominant species competitively excluding other plants. However, these wetlands were more efficient at removing nitrogen than those dominated by filamentous algae or submerged macrophytes. 5. Management of wetlands often aims to decrease the dominance of tall emergent vegetation for the benefit of plant species diversity and habitat heterogeneity. Our results demonstrate a biodiversity benefit, but also show that this strategy may decrease the ability of wetlands to remove nitrogen. In this case, there is no support for the hypothesis that biodiversity enhances ecosystem function.  相似文献   
It is attempted determine the diet breadth and to quantify the predator pressure by Ocypus similis (F.) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), a dominant species of the rove beetle fauna in a winter wheat field. Laboratory and field experiments were conducted to determine the range of prey taxa and the consumption of a whole predator generation (including larvae) during its activity in the field. In laboratory experiments, adults and larvae of O. similis fed on a variety of prey except spiders and larvae of soldier beetles (Cantharidae), but they preferred millipedes as food (Diplopoda: Julidae, Polydesmidae). This preference could also be observed in the field. Although the predator population reached its maximum density in April, highest predator pressure occurred in June because of high consumption rates during the second larval stage. Adult beetles and the individuals of the second larval stage contributed both about 1/3 to total population consumption. Predation by adult beetles was mainly restricted to early spring and summer while larval consumption was highest from April to July. The staphylinids reduced the population density of diplopods by 7–35%. Because millipedes are an important part of the decomposer community, predator activity may lead to a decrease of decomposition rates.  相似文献   
1. Fungal endophytes are ubiquitous associates of virtually all plant species. Although many studies have focused on the role of these microorganisms as mediators of plant–herbivore interactions, these studies have usually been conducted using short‐term experiments. 2. Truly effective defences against herbivores may require normal functioning of the plant, as excised leaves may be less resistant as compared with those still attached to the plant. Yet, most studies investigating possible effects of endophytes in conferring host resistance to herbivores have been conducted with plant parts rather than intact plants. 3. Using the root endophytic fungus (Acremonium strictum)—broad bean (Vicia faba)—generalist herbivore (Helicoverpa armigera) model, we conducted experiments to examine whether endophyte effects on herbivory would depend on the experimental setting used in the investigation and whether they would translate into a subsequent generation of the herbivore. 4. Acremonium strictum negative effects on the fitness of H. armigera first generation were more evident when the larvae foraged freely on inoculated intact whole plants than when offered leaf discs of inoculated plants. Furthermore, these effects were carried over into H. armigera second generation reared on an artificial diet. 5. Acremonium strictum could not be re‐isolated from V. faba leaves; hence direct contact between the endophyte and the insect could be excluded. Alternatively, loss of volatiles or inhibitory effects of compounds that were stronger in situ might have caused changes in larval feeding and performance on leaf discs as compared with intact plants, regardless of infection status. 6. We suggest that the reduction in fitness parameters of H. armigera across two generations is caused indirectly via an endophyte‐triggered reduction in plant quality.  相似文献   
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