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1. Nitrogen retention in wetlands provides an example of an ecosystem function that is desired by human society, and is a rationale for the creation of wetlands to decrease nitrogen fluxes from nitrate‐loaded river catchments to coastal waters. 2. Here, we tested the impact of different vegetation states on species diversity and nitrogen retention during 4 years in surface‐flow wetlands receiving nitrate‐rich water. Tall emergent vegetation or submerged vegetation was introduced to six experimental wetlands each and six wetlands were left as unplanted controls for free development of vegetation. This resulted in three vegetation states dominated by emergent vegetation, by a mixture of submerged vegetation and filamentous green algae or by filamentous green algae. 3. Species diversity (species richness and Shannon diversity) of plants was initially lowest in free development wetlands, but during the study became lower in the emergent vegetation wetlands than in the other wetlands. Diversity of macroinvertebrates was initially lower in the submerged vegetation wetlands than in the other wetlands, but this difference disappeared during the study. Nitrogen retention was consistently higher in emergent vegetation wetlands than in the other wetlands throughout the study. 4. We conclude that plant diversity in wetlands dominated by tall emergent vegetation gradually became lower than in other wetlands, due to dominant species competitively excluding other plants. However, these wetlands were more efficient at removing nitrogen than those dominated by filamentous algae or submerged macrophytes. 5. Management of wetlands often aims to decrease the dominance of tall emergent vegetation for the benefit of plant species diversity and habitat heterogeneity. Our results demonstrate a biodiversity benefit, but also show that this strategy may decrease the ability of wetlands to remove nitrogen. In this case, there is no support for the hypothesis that biodiversity enhances ecosystem function.  相似文献   
It is attempted determine the diet breadth and to quantify the predator pressure by Ocypus similis (F.) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), a dominant species of the rove beetle fauna in a winter wheat field. Laboratory and field experiments were conducted to determine the range of prey taxa and the consumption of a whole predator generation (including larvae) during its activity in the field. In laboratory experiments, adults and larvae of O. similis fed on a variety of prey except spiders and larvae of soldier beetles (Cantharidae), but they preferred millipedes as food (Diplopoda: Julidae, Polydesmidae). This preference could also be observed in the field. Although the predator population reached its maximum density in April, highest predator pressure occurred in June because of high consumption rates during the second larval stage. Adult beetles and the individuals of the second larval stage contributed both about 1/3 to total population consumption. Predation by adult beetles was mainly restricted to early spring and summer while larval consumption was highest from April to July. The staphylinids reduced the population density of diplopods by 7–35%. Because millipedes are an important part of the decomposer community, predator activity may lead to a decrease of decomposition rates.  相似文献   
1. Fungal endophytes are ubiquitous associates of virtually all plant species. Although many studies have focused on the role of these microorganisms as mediators of plant–herbivore interactions, these studies have usually been conducted using short‐term experiments. 2. Truly effective defences against herbivores may require normal functioning of the plant, as excised leaves may be less resistant as compared with those still attached to the plant. Yet, most studies investigating possible effects of endophytes in conferring host resistance to herbivores have been conducted with plant parts rather than intact plants. 3. Using the root endophytic fungus (Acremonium strictum)—broad bean (Vicia faba)—generalist herbivore (Helicoverpa armigera) model, we conducted experiments to examine whether endophyte effects on herbivory would depend on the experimental setting used in the investigation and whether they would translate into a subsequent generation of the herbivore. 4. Acremonium strictum negative effects on the fitness of H. armigera first generation were more evident when the larvae foraged freely on inoculated intact whole plants than when offered leaf discs of inoculated plants. Furthermore, these effects were carried over into H. armigera second generation reared on an artificial diet. 5. Acremonium strictum could not be re‐isolated from V. faba leaves; hence direct contact between the endophyte and the insect could be excluded. Alternatively, loss of volatiles or inhibitory effects of compounds that were stronger in situ might have caused changes in larval feeding and performance on leaf discs as compared with intact plants, regardless of infection status. 6. We suggest that the reduction in fitness parameters of H. armigera across two generations is caused indirectly via an endophyte‐triggered reduction in plant quality.  相似文献   
The present study examines some of the ecological factors that might exert selection on floral morphology in Senecio jacobaea , a self-sterile composite which exhibits geographic variation in the frequency of rayed and discoid individuals. Regression analyses of phenotypic data from a large, segregating hybrid population, established in a semi-natural (garden) environment and studied over a 2-year period, revealed a negative relationship between the size of the rays and the average germination rate of the maternal seed crop, a pattern that can be attributed to the reduced germination speed of achenes from ray florets. There was no effect of ray size on the amount of cross-pollination achieved, the proportion of heads infested by larvae of seed flies ( Pegohylemyia ) and the amount of resources retained for the next flowering season. The lack of resource costs was also apparent in a manipulation experiment with greenhouse-grown plants of the rayed phenotype: artificial removal of all rays at the early bud or flowering stage had no detectable effect on subsequent flower and fruit development, regardless of whether the plants experienced high or low water stress. Given these and other observations, I hypothesize that plant-animal interactions and resource costs sometimes play a minor role in exerting selection on flower morphology and that spatially varying selection on germination behaviour accounts for some of the morph frequency variation in S. jacobaea.  相似文献   
The microbial conversion of organic nitrogen (N) to plant available forms is a critical determinant of plant growth and carbon sequestration in forests worldwide. In temperate zones, microbial activity is coupled to variations in temperature, yet at the ecosystem level, microbial N mineralization seems to play a minor role in determining patterns of N loss. Rather, N losses often appear to vary with seasonality in hydrology and plant demand, while exports over longer periods are thought to be associated with increasing rates of anthropogenic N deposition. We analyzed long‐term (21–32 years) time series of climate and stream and atmospheric chemistry from two temperate deciduous forest watersheds in the southeastern USA to understand the sensitivity of internal forest N cycles to climate variation and atmospheric deposition. We evaluated the time series with a simple analytical model that incorporates key biotic constraints and mechanisms of N limitation and cycling in plant–soil systems. Through maximum likelihood analysis, we derive biologically realistic estimates of N mineralization and its temperature sensitivity (Q10). We find that seasonality and long‐term trends in stream nitrate (NO3) concentrations can in large part be explained by the dynamics of internal biological cycling responding to climate rather than external forcing from atmospheric chemistry. In particular, our model analysis suggests that much of the variation in N cycling in these forests results from the response of microbial activity to temperature, causing NO3 losses to peak in the growing season and to accelerate with recent warming. Extrapolation of current trends in temperature and N deposition suggests that the upturn in temperature may increase future N export by greater than threefold more than from increasing deposition, revealing a potential direct effect of anthropogenic warming on terrestrial N cycles.  相似文献   
Floral scent composition and emission are often related to olfactory abilities, preferences and activity times of pollinating agents. However, most studies have focused on species with one pollinator type, and little is known about species with mixed pollination systems. We investigated the temporal variation in flower visitor activity and flower scent emission of Silene otites (Caryophyllaceae), a species regarded as being nocturnal and pollinated by moths and mosquitoes. We found, however, that S. otites is not only visited at night by moths and mosquitoes, but also by a wide range of day‐active insects. Furthermore, both the intensity and composition of floral scent change during the course of the day. Total scent emission reached its maximum in the early hours of the night when compounds known to be attractants for moths and/or mosquitoes, such as lilac aldehyde, benzaldehyde, phenylacetaldehyde and 2‐phenylethanol, dominated the scent. However, although less intensive, emission continued during the day. In the early morning, α‐pinene, hotrienol, 2‐phenylethanol and δ‐3‐carene were the dominant scent compounds. (E)‐β‐Ocimene, hotrienol and benzyl alcohol contributed proportions of at least 10% before midday when flies, such as syrphids, were abundant flower visitors, whereas linalool and hotrienol contributed to the scent with at least 10% each in the afternoon when bees also contributed to flower visits. We conclude that, in S. otites, the changing emission patterns are ‘in tune’ with the olfactory abilities, preferences and activity times of its day‐ and night‐active potentially pollinating flower visitors. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 169 , 447–460.  相似文献   
1. River restoration projects usually aim at improving the physical habitat for aquatic organisms. The extent to which biogeochemical processes and microbial activities are intensified in restored river reaches remains uncertain. 2. Here, we investigated the relationships between the distribution and composition of organic carbon (OC), bacterial secondary carbon production and extracellular enzymatic activity (EEA) in the ground water below a restored riparian section of the River Thur, Switzerland, relative to a channelised section. The spatiotemporal variability in the stable C isotopic ratio, dissolved OC polydispersity (the distribution of molecular mass in a mixture of molecules) as well as bacterial abundance, EEA and secondary production were investigated in different process zones. 3. At high river discharge, humic as well as low molecular weight amphiphilic substances infiltrated into the subsurface in a zone dominated by the pioneer plants Salix viminalis (willow bush). Concurrently, bacterial abundance, EEA and secondary carbon production increased at this location. 4. The willow plants leached bioavailable substrates into the ground water when the water table was high. The flood‐driven soil–groundwater coupling stimulated EEA and bacterial secondary production of the suspended groundwater bacterial community. 5. Establishing riparian habitat diversity adds hot spots of OC inputs during flood events, potentially providing valuable ecosystem services (e.g. degradation of organic pollutants) that accompany.  相似文献   
Abstract A plant culture system allowing growth of aseptic roots has been designed. One version of the system comprises vessels developed for plant root-microorganism interaction studies in series. A second version has been built for measurements of different physiological parameters of the shoot and root system during growth periods of at least 2 months. The system was tested by determining soluble organic carbon glucose and sucrose in the root exudates of rape plants (Brassica napus L.) grown for 3 weeks in the culture system. The plants were cultivated with a sterile or a non-sterile root system, or with a root system infected with Verticillium dahliae Kleb.  相似文献   
Abstract: Large carnivores potentially change their behavior following physical capture, becoming less responsive to the attractants that resulted in their capture, which can bias population estimates where the change in behavior is not appropriately modeled. We applied occupancy models to efficiently estimate and compare detection probabilities of previously collared grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) with bears captured at DNA hair-snag sites that were not previously collared. We found that previously captured bears had lower detection probabilities, although their detection probabilities were still >0, implying that they were still visible to be sampled via the DNA hair-snag grid, which was able to detect finer differences in capture probabilities of previously collared bears compared with Huggins closed-captures population models. To obtain relatively unbiased population estimates for DNA surveys, heterogeneity caused by previous live capture should be accounted for in the population estimator. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):589–595; 2008)  相似文献   
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