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Cell populations of Tetrahymena pyriformisGL were kept in nutrient-free (Losina) milieu and treated with different (10−6–10−21 M) concentrations of serotonin, histamine or insulin for 30 min. Following that the hormone (serotonin and adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) content of the cells were measured by immunocytochemical flow cytometric method. Serotonin reduced histamine when applied in 10−12 and 10−15 M concentrations, while elevated ACTH levels when applied in 10−6, 10−9 and 10−21 M concentrations. Histamine reduced serotonin concentration at 10−9–10−21 M concentrations and increased ACTH in 10−6 M. Insulin elevated both hormones’ content in each concentration except at 10−12 M. The results demonstrate that (1) in nutrient-free conditions the hormonal effects differ from that of nutrient-rich (tryptone + yeast) condition; (2) there is an optimal hormone concentration, which causes the strongest effect and this is different for each hormones; (3) the hormone receptors of Tetrahymena are very sensitive; as they react to zeptomolar concentrations. Such small concentration is even more effective than higher ones. Since hormones must become highly diluted in the natural environment of Tetrahymena, it seems that such low concentrations are the actual physiological concentrations.  相似文献   
The acaricidal effects of 55 strains of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin, 1883 (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) isolated from paddocks of cattle farms were evaluated in two Rhipicephalus microplus (Canestrini 1887) (Ixodida: Ixodidae) populations, of which one was multi‐resistant and one was susceptible to chemical acaricides. Percentage mortality and reproductive efficiency indices in R. microplus were evaluated by adult immersion tests at a dose of 1 × 108 conidia/mL for each fungal strain. Some strains were selected to calculate lethal concentrations to kill 50% (LC50) and 99% (LC99) of engorged ticks. Strains MaV22, MaV26 and MaV55 induced 100% mortality in R. microplus on day 14. Strains MaV05, MaV09 and MaV22 caused mortality of >90% from day 12 onward in both tick populations. The most effective acaricidal fungal strain, MaV55, inhibited egg laying by 54.86 and 55.86% in acaricide‐resistant and ‐susceptible R. microplus populations, respectively. None of the fungal strains had statistically significant effects on larval hatching. In conclusion, nine strains of M. anisopliae demonstrated high acaricidal effects against R. microplus and reduced its egg laying. No differences in acaricidal effects were observed between the two populations of ticks tested.  相似文献   
The apple tree is known to have an isohydric behaviour, maintaining rather constant leaf water potential in soil with low water status and/or under high evaporative demand. However, little is known on the xylem water transport from roots to leaves from the two perspectives of efficiency and safety, and on its genetic variability. We analysed 16 traits related to hydraulic efficiency and safety, and anatomical traits in apple stems, and the relationships between them. Most variables were found heritable, and we investigated the determinism underlying their genetic control through a quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis on 90 genotypes from the same progeny. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that all traits related to efficiency, whether hydraulic conductivity, vessel number and area or wood area, were included in the first PC, whereas the second PC included the safety variables, thus confirming the absence of trade-off between these two sets of traits. Our results demonstrated that clustered variables were characterized by common genomic regions. Together with previous results on the same progeny, our study substantiated that hydraulic efficiency traits co-localized with traits identified for tree growth and fruit production.  相似文献   

Low temperature is amongst the most influential abiotic stress factors, having deep impact on plant growth, yield and productivity. Studies on beneficial effects of certain biologically active substances, S-methylmethionine (SMM) and salicylic acid (SA) have provided a lot of valuable information regarding their role to counteract harmful effects of environmental stresses such as chilling. To obtain a more complex and stable defence compound with an extended range of stress-protective effect, the new derivative S-methylmethionine salicylate (MMS) was synthesised from the natural, biologically active substances SMM and SA. Since both original materials have complex stress-protective roles, the new compound was expected to combine the effects of original substances and to stabilise the unstable SMM in the new compound, thus providing an extended stress tolerance. Photosynthetic efficiency and accumulation of stress-related metabolites (polyamines and flavonoids) were measured in chilled and control plants, with and without MMS pretreatment, and expression changes of several genes involved in the cold stress response were analysed by quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) and a detailed microarray study. Our data show how the MMS combines the effect of SMM and SA on molecular level, causing numerous changes in the gene expression pattern and metabolite content. MMS gives rise to a better physiological condition, thus it could provide an alternative, environmental friendly way to enhance the plants defence mechanisms against stressors. As MMS is more stable than SMM, it promises easier, more long-lasting and more cost-effective usage in agriculture, with a complementing effect of SA.

A new genus and species of antlion‐like fossil lacewing, Guyiling jianboni gen. et sp.n. (Insecta: Neuroptera) are described based on a single specimen from the Yixian Formation (Liaoning Province, China; Early Cretaceous). The new taxon exhibits derived traits such as distally dilated antennae and well‐developed anterior Banksian line (known in Myrmeleontidae), but also genuine plesiomorphies (at the level of Myrmeleontiformia), such as the divergence of a distinct CuA1 stem from MP2 + CuA1 (forewing), and a basal origin of MA (diverging from RP + MA; both wing pairs). This combination is unique among the ‘Palaeoleontidae’, a group better considered as a paraphyletic assemblage of various stem‐Myrmeleontiformia. The wing morphology of the new species is considered in the light of a survey of wing venation topological homologies (and implied transformations) among several Neuroptera families. The survey includes a revision of the holotype of Leptolingia jurassica Ren (Grammolingiidae; Jiulongshan Formation, Daohugou locality, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China; middle Jurassic). The forewing morphology of Guyiling jianboni gen. et sp.n. demonstrates that the fusion of MP2 with CuA, and the differentiation of CuA into two distinct main stems (namely CuA1 and CuA2) are traits shared with Myrmeleontidae and Ascalaphidae (and possibly Nemopteridae). However, the survey also demonstrates that a fusion of MP2 with CuA occurred repeatedly among Neuropterida, although by means of various modalities (namely translocation vs regular fusion). The ‘pectinate fusion’ of CuA(1) with MP2 [i.e. CuA1 has no distinct stem and emits successive branches from MP2 + CuA(1) partim] is a further step in this fusion, and occurred repeatedly as well (at least in the hind wings of Osmylidae and Nymphidae, and both fore‐ and hindwings of a sub‐group of Myrmeleontiformia including Myrmeleontidae and Ascalaphidae, and possibly Nemopteridae). It is anticipated that the current contribution will constitute useful background information for further studies, focusing on particular transformation cases, ideally including a documentation of intraspecific variation.  相似文献   
We studied the distribution and spread of the invasive social wasp Vespula germanica in Argentina, focusing on the contribution of queen dispersal to territorial expansion. Vespula germanica is native to Eurasia and has invaded several regions of the world, including Southern Argentina. Flight potential of field‐collected queens was measured using flight mills. Also, by means of an extensive survey we estimated the rate of spread by analysing the relationship between years since arrival and distance from the introduction locality. The mean distance flown by wasp queens in flight mills was 404.7 ± 140.8 m (mean ± SE, n = 59), while the rate of spread of V. germanica was estimated at 37.2 ± 2.1 km year?1 (mean ± SE, n = 67), although faster towards the south. The observed spread rate of V. germanica wasps in Argentina confirms the invasive potential shown by several Hymenoptera species worldwide. Still, a stratified geographical expansion pattern does not match observed queen dispersal abilities, suggesting that human‐aided transport of hibernating queens is the central driver of the current distribution of these wasps. We suggest that despite several life‐history traits known for social insects that contribute to successful invasion, wasp spread must still rely strongly on human mediated pathways. This observation sheds light on those factors that are crucial for managing invasions of this and related pestiferous wasps.  相似文献   
Studies on personality traits conducted during the past decade indicate that there is a set of emotion-related traits on which individuals differ. Moreover, other studies showed that there are some abilities related to the processing of both emotions and emotional information, referred to as the concept of emotional intelligence. The authors of the article evaluated one hundred adults (ranging in age from 20–50) using the French version of a series of scales to measure stable emotionrelated traits and emotional intelligence. The results showed that these instruments provide accurate internal consistency and reliability, and that there are significant relationships between the individual emotional characteristics observed. A factorial analysis conducted with varimax rotation underlined five primary factors identified as: Clear-sightedness of emotions, Emotional richness, Identification, Understanding and Emotional control. The average emotional profiles based on these five primary factors depend on gender and age. In particular, the female and the oldest participants showed a greater emotional richness. The examination of these five factors should lead to a better understanding of the relationships which exist between these emotional characteristics and cognitive performances, and their involvement in clinical syndromes.  相似文献   
Many serious ecosystem consequences of climate change will take decades or even centuries to emerge. Long‐term ecological responses to global change are strongly regulated by slow processes, such as changes in species composition, carbon dynamics in soil and by long‐lived plants, and accumulation of nutrient capitals. Understanding and predicting these processes require experiments on decadal time scales. But decadal experiments by themselves may not be adequate because many of the slow processes have characteristic time scales much longer than experiments can be maintained. This article promotes a coordinated approach that combines long‐term, large‐scale global change experiments with process studies and modeling. Long‐term global change manipulative experiments, especially in high‐priority ecosystems such as tropical forests and high‐latitude regions, are essential to maximize information gain concerning future states of the earth system. The long‐term experiments should be conducted in tandem with complementary process studies, such as those using model ecosystems, species replacements, laboratory incubations, isotope tracers, and greenhouse facilities. Models are essential to assimilate data from long‐term experiments and process studies together with information from long‐term observations, surveys, and space‐for‐time studies along environmental and biological gradients. Future research programs with coordinated long‐term experiments, process studies, and modeling have the potential to be the most effective strategy to gain the best information on long‐term ecosystem dynamics in response to global change.  相似文献   
Factors related to bacterial environment of nests are of primary interest for understanding the causes of embryo infection and the evolution of antimicrobial defensive traits in birds. Nest visitors such as parasites could act as vectors for bacteria and/or affect the hygienic conditions of nests and hence influence the nest bacterial environment. In the present study, we explored some predictions of this hypothetical scenario in the great spotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius)–magpie (Pica pica) system of brood parasitism. Great spotted cuckoos visit the nests of their magpie hosts and frequently damage some of the host eggs when laying eggs or on subsequent visits. Therefore, it represents a good system for testing the effect of nest visitors on the bacterial environment of nests. In accordance with this hypothesis, we found that the bacterial load of magpie eggshells was greater in parasitized nests, which may suggest that brood parasitism increases the probability of bacterial infection of magpie eggs. Moreover, comparisons of bacterial loads of cuckoo and magpie eggs revealed that: (1) cuckoo eggshells harboured lower bacterial densities than those of their magpie hosts in the same nests and (2) the prevalence of bacteria inside unhatched eggs was higher for magpies than for great spotted cuckoos. These interspecific differences were predicted because brood parasitic eggs (but not host eggs) always experience the bacterial environments of parasitized nests. Therefore, the results obtained in the present study suggest that parasitic eggs are better adapted to environments with a high risk of bacterial contamination than those of their magpie hosts. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 836–848.  相似文献   
A large array of communication signals supports the fission/fusion social organization in chimpanzees, and among them the acoustic channel plays a large part because of their forest habitat. Adult vocalizations convey social and ecological information to their recipients allowing them to obtain cues about an ongoing event from calls only. In contrast to adult vocalizations, information encoded in infant calls had been hardly investigated. Studies mainly focused on vocal development. The present article aims at assessing the acoustic cues that support individual identity coding in infant chimpanzees. By analyzing recordings performed in the wild from seven 3‐year‐old infant chimpanzees, we showed that their calls support a well‐defined individual vocal signature relying on spectral cues. To assess the reliability of the signature across the calls of an individual, we defined two subsets of recordings on the basis of the characteristics of the frequency modulation (whimpers and screams) and showed that both call types present a reliable vocal signature. Early vocal signature may allow the mother and other individuals in the group to identify the infant caller when visual contact is broken. Chimpanzee mothers may have developed abilities to cope with changing vocal signatures while their infant, still vulnerable, gains in independence in close habitat. Am. J. Primatol. 75:324‐332, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
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