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Previous studies have identified proteins from tunicates (invertebrate members of the Phylum Chordata) that have physicochemical and functional properties similar to those of the inflammatory cytokine, interleukin 1 (IL-1). Here we characterize one of those proteins from the tunicate, Styela plicata, that can stimulate tunicate and mammalian cell proliferation, activate phagocytosis, increase interleukin 2 (IL-2) secretion by mammalian peripheral blood mononuclear cells and enhance IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) expression by mammalian EL-4.IL-2 cells. Partial amino acid sequence data showed that the S. plicata protein resembles three C-type lectins (TC14, TC14-1 and TC14-2) from a closely related tunicate species, Polyandrocarpa misakiensis. Its similarity to carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs) from P. misakiensis lectins suggests that the S. plicata protein modulates the activities of mammalian immunocompetent cells by interacting with carbohydrate moieties of glycosylated cell surface receptors.  相似文献   
Summary Crypts of the lingual tonsil were investigated in 10 male and female Macaca fascicularis by use of correlated light and scanning-electron microscopy. Counting of crypt openings provided an estimate of the total number of respective crypto-lymphatic units, which were found to range from 20 to 39. Crypt openings appeared in three distinct morphological varieties, i.e. circular, oval or slit-like. Tonsillar units existed individually or were arranged in a rosary fashion below a slit-like mucosal fold serving as a common exit. Although the crypt epithelium was generally non-keratinized, individual cells showing a surface pattern similar to that of the keratinized cells could be encountered. The crypt epithelium was frequently fragmented and showed heavy mononuclear cell infiltration and surface discontinuities, with lymphoid cells coming in contact with luminal contents. The crypt lumen either appeared as a simple epithelial invagination or existed as a complex, cavernous pouch with many blind-ending diverticula. The lumen contained a mixture of exfoliated epithelial cells, leucocytes and bacteria. The secretory ducts of the posterior lingual glands opened occasionally at various levels into the crypt lumina or independently to the exterior.  相似文献   
Fructans are widely distributed in Asteraceae from floras with seasonal growth and are thought to be involved in drought and freezing tolerance, in addition to storage function. Reserve organs of Vernonia herbacea and Viguiera discolor, from the cerrado, and of the perennial herb Smallanthus sonchifolius, endemic to Andean region, store over 80% inulin, with different DP (35, 150, and 15, respectively). The fructan pattern in Asteraceae species could be explained by characteristics of their respective 1-FFTs. Hydrolases and fructosyltransferases from S. sonchifolius, V. herbacea and V. discolor were analyzed in plants at the same environmental conditions. The higher 1-FEH activities found in the species with lower DP, S. sonchifolius and V. herbacea reinforce the hypothesis of the involvement of 1-FEH in fructan profile and suggest that the high DP fructan of V. discolor is a consequence of the low affinity of its 1-FEH to the native long chain inulin. Long term incubation with sucrose suggested that the affinity of 1-FFT of V. discolor for 1-kestose is low when compared to that of V. herbacea. Indeed 1-FFT from V. discolor was shown to be an hDP 1-FFT, preferring longer inulins as acceptors. Conversely, 1-FFT from V. herbacea seems to have a higher affinity for short fructo-oligosaccharides, including 1-kestose, as acceptor substrates. Differences in fructan enzymes of the three Asteraceae provide new information towards the understanding of fructan metabolism and control of carbon flow between low and high DP fructans.  相似文献   
We have mapped the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring resistance to sorghum downy mildew (Peronosclerospora sorghi; SDM) and Rajasthan downy mildew (P. heteropogoni; RDM), two species of DM prevalent throughout India. QTL mapping was carried out on a backcross population of 151 individuals derived from a cross between CM139 (susceptible parent) and NAI116 (highly resistant to both SDM and RDM). Heritability estimates were 0.74 for SDM and 0.67 for RDM. Composite interval mapping combined with a linkage map constructed with 80 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers resulted in the identification of three QTLs (one each on chromosomes 2, 3 and 6) for SDM resistance and two QTLs (one each on chromosomes 3 and 6) for RDM resistance, all of which were contributed by NAI116. The significance of the major QTL on chromosome 6 (bin 6.05) that confers resistance to diverse DMs in tropical Asia, including SDM and RDM in India, was also verified. The results confirmed that some common QTLs contribute to both SDM and RDM resistance, while additional loci might specifically govern resistance to SDM. The QTL information generated in this study provide information that will aid in undertaking an integrated breeding strategy for the transfer of resistance to SDM and RDM in maize lines using marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Molecular modeling and energy minimisation calculations have been used to investigate the interaction of chromium(III) complexes in different ligand environments with various sequences of B-DNA. The complexes are [Cr(salen)(H2O)2]+; salen denotes 1, 2 bis-salicylideneaminoethane, [Cr(salprn)(H2O)2]+; salprn denotes 1, 3 bis- salicylideneamino-propane, [Cr(phen)3]3+; phen denotes 1, 10 phenanthroline and [Cr(en)3]3+; en denotes eth- ylenediamine. All the chromium(III) complexes are interacted with the minor groove and major groove of d(AT)12, d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 and d(GC)12 sequences of DNA. The binding energy and hydrogen bond parameters of DNA-Cr complex adduct in both the groove have been determined using molecular mechanics approach. The binding energy and formation of hydrogen bonds between chromium(III) complex and DNA has shown that all complexes of chromium(III) prefer minor groove interaction as the favourable binding mode.  相似文献   
Sulfide and sulfonyl derivatives of 1,2,4-oxadiazoles were synthesized and screened by MTT assay on the prostate cancer cells, DU-145. Six compounds were identified as potential anti-prostate cancer agents with IC(50) values ranging from 0.5 to 5.1μM. These compounds exhibited good activity on the androgen independent cells PC-3, while the results were moderate on androgen dependent LNCaP cells, suggesting the possibility of a mechanism of action different from that of the bioisosteric bicalutamide. Also a very low cytotoxicity was observed on non-cancerous cells MCF-10A.  相似文献   
Ionizing radiation is an important genotoxic agent. Protecting against this form of toxicant, especially by a dietary component, has several potential applications. In the present study, we have examined the ability of vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde), a naturally occurring food flavouring agent, to inhibit radiation-induced DNA damage measured as strand breaks under in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo conditions besides the possible mechanisms behind the observed protection. Our study showed that there was a concentration-dependent inhibition of the disappearance of super-coiled (ccc) form of plasmid pBR322 (in vitro) upon exposure to 50 Gy of gamma-radiation. Presence of 0.5 mM vanillin has a dose-modifying factor (DMF) of 6.75 for 50% inactivation of ccc form. Exposure of human peripheral blood leucocytes (ex vivo) to gamma-radiation causes strand breaks in the cellular DNA, as assessed by comet assay. When leucocytes were exposed to 2 Gy of gamma-radiation there was an increase in parameters of comet assay such as %DNA in tail, tail length, 'tail moment' and 'Olive tail moment'. The presence of 0.5 mM vanillin during irradiation significantly reduced these parameters. Damage to DNA in mouse peripheral blood leucocytes after whole-body exposure of mice (in vivo) to gamma-radiation was studied at 1 and 2 h post-irradiation. There was recovery of DNA damage in terms of the above-mentioned parameters at 2 h post-irradiation. This was more than that observed at 1 h. The recovery was more in vanillin treated mice. Hence our studies showed that vanillin offers protection to DNA against radiation-induced damage possibly imparting a role other than modulation of DNA repair. To examine the possible mechanisms of radioprotection, in terms of radiation-derived radicals, we carried out the reaction of vanillin with ABTS*(+) radical spectrophotometrically besides with DNA peroxyl and carbonyl radicals by using pulse radiolysis. Our present investigations show that vanillin has ability to protect against DNA damage in plasmid pBR322, human and mouse peripheral blood leucocytes and splenic lymphocytes besides enhancing survival in splenic lymphocytes against gamma-radiation, and that the possible mechanism may involve scavenging of radicals generated during radiation, apart from modulation of DNA repair observed earlier.  相似文献   
The significant role that estrogens play in spermatogenesis has opened up an exciting area of research in male reproductive biology. The realization that estrogens are essential for proper maintenance of spermatogenesis, as well as growing evidence pointing to the deleterious effects of estrogen-like chemicals on male reproductive health, has made it imperative to dissect the role estrogens play in the male. Using a model estrogen, diethylstilbestrol (DES), to induce spermatogenic cell apoptosis in vivo in the male rat, we provide a new insight into an estrogen-dependent regulation of the Fas-FasL system specifically in spermatogenic cells. We show a distinct increase in Fas-FasL expression in spermatogenic cells upon exposure to diethylstilbestrol. This increase is confined to the spermatid population, which correlates with increased apoptosis seen in the haploid cells. Testosterone supplementation is able to prevent DES-induced Fas-FasL up-regulation and apoptosis in the spermatogenic cells. DES-induced germ cell apoptosis does not occur in Fas-deficient lpr mice. One other important finding is that spermatogenic cells are type II cells, as the increase in Fas-FasL expression in the spermatogenic cells is followed by the cleavage of caspase-8 to its active form, following which Bax translocates to the mitochondria and precipitates the release of cytochrome c that is accompanied by a drop in mitochondrial potential. Subsequent to this, activation of caspase-9 occurs that in turn activates caspase-3 leading to the cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase. Taken together, the data indicate that estrogen-like chemicals can precipitate apoptotic death in spermatogenic cells by increasing the expression of spermatogenic cell Fas-FasL, thus initiating apoptosis in the same lineage of cells through the activation of the apoptotic pathway chosen by type II cells.  相似文献   
A fuzzy guided genetic algorithm for operon prediction   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Motivation: The operon structure of the prokaryotic genome isa critical input for the reconstruction of regulatory networksat the whole genome level. As experimental methods for the detectionof operons are difficult and time-consuming, efforts are beingput into developing computational methods that can use availablebiological information to predict operons. Method: A genetic algorithm is developed to evolve a startingpopulation of putative operon maps of the genome into progressivelybetter predictions. Fuzzy scoring functions based on multiplecriteria are used for assessing the ‘fitness’ ofthe newly evolved operon maps and guiding their evolution. Results: The algorithm organizes the whole genome into operons.The fuzzy guided genetic algorithm-based approach makes it possibleto use diverse biological information like genome sequence data,functional annotations and conservation across multiple genomes,to guide the organization process. This approach does not requireany prior training with experimental operons. The predictionsfrom this algorithm for Escherchia coli K12 and Bacillus subtilisare evaluated against experimentally discovered operons forthese organisms. The accuracy of the method is evaluated usingan ROC (receiver operating characteristic) analysis. The areaunder the ROC curve is around 0.9, which indicates excellentaccuracy. Contact: roschen_csir{at}rediffmail.com  相似文献   
On exposure to visible light, riboflavin and lumiflavin produced reactive oxygen species such as singlet oxygen and superoxide radicals. The reaction was found to be time- and concentration-dependent. Both riboflavin and lumiflavin, upon illumination, showed mutagenic response in the umu test as well as in the Ames/Salmonella assay with Salmonella typhimurium TA102. The mutagenic response was partially abolished by superoxide dismutase while sodium azide did not have any effect. No mutagenicity was observed if the compounds were not illuminated. The results suggested the involvement of superoxide radicals in light-induced mutagenicity of riboflavin as well as lumiflavin.  相似文献   
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