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The recognition of DNA double-stranded breaks or single-stranded DNA gaps as a precondition for cell cycle checkpoint arrest has been well established. However, how bulky base damage such as UV-induced pyrimidine dimers elicits a checkpoint response has remained elusive. Nucleotide excision repair represents the main pathway for UV dimer removal that results in strand interruptions. However, we demonstrate here that Rad53p hyperphosphorylation, an early event of checkpoint signaling in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is independent of nucleotide excision repair (NER), even if replication as a source of secondary DNA damage is excluded. Thus, our data hint at primary base damage or at UV damage (primary or secondary) that does not need to be processed by NER as the relevant substrate of damage-sensing checkpoint proteins.  相似文献   
Kinetic properties of Streptococcus pneumoniae hyaluronate lyase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Streptococcus pneumoniae hyaluronate lyase is a surface antigen of this bacterial pathogen, which causes significant mortality and morbidity in human populations worldwide. The primary function of this enzyme is the degradation of hyaluronan, a major component of the extracellular matrix of the tissues of practically all vertebrates. The enzyme uses a processive mode of action to degrade hyaluronan to a final product, an unsaturated disaccharide hyaluronan unit. This catalysis proceeds via a five-step proton acceptance and donation mechanism that includes substrate binding, catalysis, release of the disaccharide product, translocation of the remaining hyaluronan substrate, and proton exchange with microenvironment. Based on the analysis of the three-dimensional structure of the native enzyme and its complexes with hexasaccharide substrate and disaccharide product, several residues have been chosen for mutation studies. These mutated residues included the catalytic residues Asn349, His399, Tyr408, and residues responsible for substrate binding and translocation, Arg243 and Asn580. The comparison of the kinetic properties of the wild-type with the mutant enzymes allowed for the characterization of every mutant and the correlation of the kinetic properties of the enzyme with its structure. The comparison of the wild-type hyaluronate lyase with other polysaccharide-degrading enzymes, the hydrolases endonuclease and glucoamylase, shows striking similarity of K(m)s for all of these different enzymes.  相似文献   
Pathogens that can be transmitted between different host species are of fundamental interest and importance from public health, conservation and economic perspectives, yet systematic quantification of these pathogens is lacking. Here, pathogen characteristics, host range and risk factors determining disease emergence were analysed by constructing a database of disease-causing pathogens of humans and domestic mammals. The database consisted of 1415 pathogens causing disease in humans, 616 in livestock and 374 in domestic carnivores. Multihost pathogens were very prevalent among human pathogens (61.6%) and even more so among domestic mammal pathogens (livestock 77.3%, carnivores 90.0%). Pathogens able to infect human, domestic and wildlife hosts contained a similar proportion of disease-causing pathogens for all three host groups. One hundred and ninety-six pathogens were associated with emerging diseases, 175 in humans, 29 in livestock and 12 in domestic carnivores. Across all these groups, helminths and fungi were relatively unlikely to emerge whereas viruses, particularly RNA viruses, were highly likely to emerge. The ability of a pathogen to infect multiple hosts, particularly hosts in other taxonomic orders or wildlife, were also risk factors for emergence in human and livestock pathogens. There is clearly a need to understand the dynamics of infectious diseases in complex multihost communities in order to mitigate disease threats to public health, livestock economies and wildlife.  相似文献   
Anopheles gambiae populations in west Africa are complex, being composed of multiple, sympatric subpopulations. Recent studies have failed to reveal significant genetic differences among subpopulations, stimulating a debate regarding the levels of gene flow among them. The observed homogeneity may be the consequence of substantial contemporary gene flow or it may be that reproductive isolation is complete, but too recent for the accumulation of significant levels of genic divergence. Here, we report the results of a study estimating contemporary levels of gene flow between An. gambiae subpopulations by analysing females and transferred sperm removed from their reproductive systems. A total of 251 female and associated sperm extracts was analysed from a single site in Mali. Two molecular forms of An. gambiae, the M- and S-forms, occurred in sympatry at this site. Overall, we found very strong positive assortative mating within forms, however, we did observe significant hybridization between forms. In the M subpopulation 2/195 females (1.03%) contained sperm from S-form males and in 55 S-form females we found one female containing M-form sperm (1.82%). We also identified a mated M xS hybrid adult female. From mating frequencies, we estimate the Nem between the M- and S-form at 16.8, and from the adult hybrid frequency at 5.6. These values are consistent with our earlier estimate, based on FST for 21 microsatellite loci in which Nem = 5.8. We conclude that the general lack of genetic divergence between the M and S subpopulations of An. gambiae can be explained entirely by contemporary gene flow.  相似文献   
We have adapted a real space refinement protocol originally developed for high-resolution crystallographic analysis for use in fitting atomic models of actin filaments and myosin subfragment 1 (S1) to 3-D images of thin-sectioned, plastic-embedded whole muscle. The rationale for this effort is to obtain a refinement protocol that will optimize the fit of the model to the density obtained by electron microscopy and correct for poor geometry introduced during the manual fitting of a high-resolution atomic model into a lower resolution 3-D image. The starting atomic model consisted of a rigor acto-S1 model obtained by X-ray crystallography and helical reconstruction of electron micrographs. This model was rebuilt to fit 3-D images of rigor insect flight muscle at a resolution of 7 nm obtained by electron tomography and image averaging. Our highly constrained real space refinement resulted in modest improvements in the agreement of model and reconstruction but reduced the number of conflicting atomic contacts by 70% without loss of fit to the 3-D density. The methodology seems to be well suited to the derivation of stereochemically reasonable atomic models that are consistent with experimentally determined 3-D reconstructions computed from electron micrographs.  相似文献   
A total of 7,806 nucleotide positions derived from one mitochondrial and eight nuclear DNA segments were used to provide a robust phylogeny for members of the order Artiodactyla. Twenty-four artiodactyl and two cetacean species were included, and the horse (order Perissodactyla) was used as the outgroup. Limited rate heterogeneity was observed among the nuclear genes. The partition homogeneity tests indicated no conflicting signal among the nuclear genes fragments, so the sequence data were analyzed together and as separate loci. Analyses based on the individual nuclear DNA fragments and on 34 unique indels all produced phylogenies largely congruent with the topology from the combined data set. In sharp contrast to the nuclear DNA data, the mtDNA cytochrome b sequence data showed high levels of homoplasy, failed to produce a robust phylogeny, and were remarkably sensitive to taxon sampling. The nuclear DNA data clearly support the paraphyletic nature of the Artiodactyla. Additionally, the family Suidae is diphyletic, and the nonruminating pigs and peccaries (Suiformes) were the most basal cetartiodactyl group. The morphologically derived Ruminantia was always monophyletic; within this group, all taxa with paired bony structures on their skulls clustered together. The nuclear DNA data suggest that the Antilocaprinae account for a unique evolutionary lineage, the Cervidae and Bovidae are sister taxa, and the Giraffidae are more primitive.  相似文献   
Temperature influences the specific dynamic action (SDA), or rise in oxygen uptake rate after feeding, in eurythermal and stenothermal crustaceans by changing the timing and the magnitude of the response. Intra-specific studies on the eurythermal crab, Carcinus maenas, show that a reduction in acclimation temperature is associated with a decrease in SDA magnitude, resulting from an increase in SDA duration but a decrease in peak factorial scope (the factorial rise in peak SDA over prefeeding values). Inter-specific feeding studies on stenothermal polar isopods revealed marked differences in SDA response between the Antarctic species, Glyptonotus antarcticus and the Arctic species, Saduria entomon. Compared to S. entomon held at 4 and 13 degrees C, the SDA response in G. antarcticus held at 1 degrees C was characterised by a lower absolute oxygen uptake rate at peak SDA and an extended SDA duration. At peak SDA, whole animal rates of protein synthesis increased in proportion to the postprandial increase in oxygen uptake rate in the Antarctic and the Arctic species. Rates of oxygen uptake plotted against whole animal rates of protein synthesis gave similar relationships in both isopod species, indicating similar costs of protein synthesis after a meal, despite their differences in SDA response and thermal habitat.  相似文献   
Tet(O) belongs to a class of ribosomal protection proteins that mediate tetracycline resistance. It is a G protein that shows significant sequence similarity to elongation factor EF-G. Here we present a cryo-electron microscopic reconstruction, at 16 A resolution, of its complex with the E. coli 70S ribosome. Tet(O) was bound in the presence of a noncleavable GTP analog to programmed ribosomal complexes carrying fMet-tRNA in the P site. Tet(O) is directly visible as a mass close to the A-site region, similar in shape and binding position to EF-G. However, there are important differences. One of them is the different location of the tip of domain IV, which in the Tet(O) case, does not overlap with the ribosomal A site but is directly adjacent to the primary tetracycline binding site. Our findings give insights into the mechanism of tetracycline resistance.  相似文献   
Brucella abortus strain RB51 is an approved brucellosis vaccine for use in cattle that may have potential as an oral vaccine for use in elk (Cervus elaphus) and/or bison (Bison bison). This study was designed to determine effects of strain RB51 on deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus), a nontarget species that could have access to treated baits in a field situation. In February 1994, 90 mice were orally dosed or intraperitoneally injected with 1 x 10(8) colony forming units strain RB51 and 77 controls were similarly dosed with sterile saline. At weekly intervals through early April 1994, 4 to 6 mice from each group were euthanized, gross necropsies performed, spleens and uteruses cultured, and tissues examined histologically. All orally inoculated mice cleared the infection by 6 wk post-inoculation (PI). While most of the injected mice cleared the infection by 7 wk PI, a few required 9 wk. There were minimal adverse effects attributable to strain RB51. Apparently, strain RB51 would not negatively impact P. maniculatus populations if it were used in a field situation. Also, deer mice appear to be able to clear the vaccine in 6 to 9 wk, thus the probability of these mice transmitting the vaccine to other animals is low.  相似文献   
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