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It is often assumed that strong selection pressures give rise to trade-offs between body condition and time in long-distance migrating birds. Birds that are 'behind schedule' in fuel deposition or moult should delay departure, and this should result in a negative correlation between initial condition and departure date. We tested this hypothesis in the Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris migrating from north-west Australia to eastern Asia en route to Siberia. Great Knot gain mass and moult into breeding plumage before leaving northern Australia in late March and early April, and fly 5400–6000 km to eastern China and Korea. We radiotracked 27 individuals (17 males and ten females) to determine departure dates; 23 migrated and four remained in Australia. We characterized body condition at capture using body mass, predicted pectoral muscle mass (based on ultrasound estimates of the size of the pectoral muscles) and breeding plumage scores. Residual condition indices were uncorrelated, indicating that at the individual level, variation in one fuelling component was not strongly associated with variation in the other components. Birds that did not depart had lower residual body mass and breeding plumage indices than those that did migrate; these four birds may have been subadults. Neither sex, size nor the condition indices explained variation in departure date of migrants. Reasons for this are explored. Departure dates for northward migrating waders indicate that the migration window (span over which birds depart) decreases with proximity to the northern breeding grounds. We suggest that migration schedules become tighter as birds get nearer to the breeding grounds. Thus the lack of a relationship between condition and departure date in Great Knots may reflect the fact that the departure episode under study is the first one in sequence and is still 4–8 weeks before breeding.  相似文献   
The impact of predation by an avian predator (great crested grebe Podiceps cristatus) and a predatory fish (perch Perca fluviatilis) on a common resource, the small planktivorous fish smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) was studied in Lake IJsselmeer, The Netherlands, in July–October 1985–1988. At this time of the year the grebes are in simultaneous wing-moult and therefore temporarily flightless. Four factors limit the predation pressure by grebes: (1) an underwater visibility threshold of c. 40 cm Secchi depth is the lower limit at which large numbers attend the moulting site, (2) a lower density threshold of exploitable smelt biomass of c. 30 kg/ha determines the actual fishing areas, (3) a fish size threshold of 6.5 cm total length further limits prey availability, and (4) the vertical movements of the prey impose a strong (diel) time constraint on the birds, allowing only crepuscular foraging. Perch, the other main predator in this system, is less restricted in its foraging. Perch were found to be in direct competition with the grebes, preying heavily on the juvenile smelt. Over the 4 years of study 90% of all predation from 15 July to 15 October (72–233 kg/ha) was due to perch. The high level of predation by birds and fish was only possible due to a continuous immigration of smelt into the area (1.45 kg/ha per day). In three of the four years, however, the combined predation by fish and birds surpassed the immigration rate of the prey, which led to a strong reduction in smelt stocks in the study area. A conceptual model is developed to describe the different sets of constraints on the grebes' foraging. First, the state of eutrophication in relation to the weather condition determines the degree of algal blooms, and thus underwater visibility, in late summer. This is the major factor governing the numbers of grebes on the moulting area. Second, the size of the population of predatory fish determines the overall food availability (biomass and size distribution of smelt). These factors are partly interconnected and related to human action (pollution, fisheries). It is suggested that, despite deteriorating visibility conditions, the largest moulting site for grebes in Europe at Lake IJsselmeer exists because the stocks of predatory fish are kept low by overfishing.  相似文献   
Knots Calidris canutus live highly seasonal lives, breeding solitarily on high arctic tundra and spending the non-breeding season in large social flocks in temperate to tropical estuaries. Their reproductive activities and physiological preparations for long flights are reflected in pronounced plumage and body mass changes, even in long-term captives of the islandica subspecies (breeding in north Greenland and northeast Canada and wintering in western Europe) studied in outdoor aviaries. The three to four fattening episodes in April-July in connection with the flights to and from the high arctic breeding grounds by free-living birds, are represented by a single period of high body mass, peaking between late May and early July in a sample of ten captive islandica knots studied over four years. There are consistent and synchronized annual variations in basal metabolic rate and thermal conductance in three islandica knots. Basal metabolic rate was highest during the summer body mass peak. Within the examined individuals, basal metabolic rate scales on body mass with an exponent of about 1.4, probably reflecting a general hypertrophy of metabolically expensive muscles and organs. Any potential effect of moult on basal metabolic rate was obscured by the large seasonal mass-associated variations. In breeding plumage, insulation (the inverse of thermal conductance) was a factor of 1.35 lower than in winter plumage. This was paralleled by the dry mass of contour feathers being a factor of 1.17 lower. In this subspecies the breeding season is indeed the period during which the costs of thermoregulation are lowest. In captive knots seasonal changes in basal metabolic rate and thermal conductance likely reflect an anticipatory programme adaptive to the variable demands made by the environment at different times of the year.  相似文献   
This paper describes the kinetics of fibroblastic colony forming units (CFU-f) in murine blood after phenylhydrazine-induced haemolytic anaemia and their subsequent migration into haemopoietic organs. Murine blood contained 5.3 +/- 0.8 CFU-f per 10(6) nucleated cells. Absence of particle ingestion and factor VIII-related antigen in addition to the enzyme pattern in CFU-f-derived cells confirmed that these cells did not have a macrophage-like or endothelial nature. Phenylhydrazine treatment of mice resulted in a 3-fold increase in blood CFU-f numbers which was accompanied by increases in blood cellularity and granulocyte-macrophage progenitor numbers. When both partners of CBA/N and CBA/T6T6 mice in parabiosis had been treated with phenylhydrazine, spleens and femoral bone marrow of both mice were shown to contain partner-derived CFU-f. These data suggest that circulating CFU-f represent a stromal cell population which can migrate into haemopoietic organs.  相似文献   
Female mimics are known from many species, but permanent, non-conditional, alternative mating strategies are only known from an isopod, a fish, a lizard and a bird. The single bird example refers to lek-breeding ruffs Philomachus pugnax, a shorebird for which two strategies (independent and satellite) have been known for over 50 years. Ruffs also provided the single case of an animal with two, rather than three, permanent alternative mating strategies. Here, we describe a rare female-like morph of ruffs: the 'missing' third alternative mating strategy, which we have called 'faeder'. Faeders are slightly larger than females and in late April have testes 2.5 time the size of testes of normal males. On leks in aviaries and in the wild they appear to combine feminine and masculine behaviours. Faeders may represent the ancestral, care-giving, male strategy, but their relatively large testes suggest that currently they behave as sneakers.  相似文献   
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