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Thirty-four children with lactic acidosis and Leigh encephalopathy due to cytochrome C oxidase (COX) deficiency distributed in 28 families have recently been identified in northeastern Quebec, particularly in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean (SLSJ) region. The segregation analysis was consistent with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. The incidence was estimated at 1/2,063 live births between 1979 and 1990, and the carrier rate was estimated at 1/23 inhabitants in SLSJ. In SLSJ, the places of origin of the COX-deficient children and their parents did not show a clustered nonuniform distribution. The genealogical reconstruction of 54 obligate carriers identified 26 ancestors common to all of them. Twenty-two were 17th-century Europeans, suggesting that the COX-deficient gene was introduced in the French-Canadian population by early settlers. These results support the hypothesis of a founder effect for COX deficiency in northeastern Quebec. Clinical findings are reported for 15 of these COX-deficient patients, age 6 mo to 11 years. Moderate developmental delay, hypotonia, ataxia, strabismus, and mild facial dysmorphism were frequent. Eleven children died in episodes of fulminant metabolic acidosis. The patients had elevated blood and cerebrospinal fluid lactate levels, decreased blood bicarbonate levels, and normal blood pH. Leigh disease and microvesicular steatosis of the liver were present in all affected patients for whom postmortem examination was performed. This biochemically uniform group of patients showed a wide range of clinical severity.  相似文献   
A 13 1/2 year-old girl with short stature and very few Turner stigmata revealed 45,X/46,XX mosaicism with 90%–100% 46,XX cells in three sequential blood lymphocyte cultures. Molecular investigation of the parental origin of her X chromosomes revealed homozygosity for paternal X markers and an absence of maternal markers. Luteinizing hormone response to growth hormone releasing hormone was increased. Impaired gonadal function and shortness of stature in this case could be a result of the mild mosaicism with a 45,X cell line and/or is a consequence of the paternal-only origin of her X chromosomes.  相似文献   
This study validates the use of ambulatory EMG monitoring as a measure of exercise compliance. The model rehabilitative exercise used was the Prone Back Extension. Thirty-two undergraduate volunteers were videorecorded as they performed the exercise alone in a closed room. The correlation between a direct observation count of the number of repetitions and an independent EMG-based count was .95. EMG amplitude was examined by repetition and gender with regression and ANOVA. There were significant gender differences in the amplitude of EMG across repetitions. There were no significant differences by gender in the declining slope of amplitude across repetitions. This slope may represent a typical fatigue curve. Thus, not only the occurrence but also the intensity of exercise can be quantified.  相似文献   
The nature and evolution of positive emotion is a major question remaining unanswered in science and philosophy. The study of feelings and emotions in humans and animals is dominated by discussion of affective states that have negative valence. Given the clinical and social significance of negative affect, such as depression, it is unsurprising that these emotions have received more attention from scientists. Compared to negative emotions, such as fear that leads to fleeing or avoidance, positive emotions are less likely to result in specific, identifiable, behaviours being expressed by an animal. This makes it particularly challenging to quantify and study positive affect. However, bursts of intense positive emotion (joy) are more likely to be accompanied by externally visible markers, like vocalisations or movement patterns, which make it more amenable to scientific study and more resilient to concerns about anthropomorphism. We define joy as intense, brief, and event-driven (i.e. a response to something), which permits investigation into how animals react to a variety of situations that would provoke joy in humans. This means that behavioural correlates of joy are measurable, either through newly discovered ‘laughter’ vocalisations, increases in play behaviour, or reactions to cognitive bias tests that can be used across species. There are a range of potential situations that cause joy in humans that have not been studied in other animals, such as whether animals feel joy on sunny days, when they accomplish a difficult feat, or when they are reunited with a familiar companion after a prolonged absence. Observations of species-specific calls and play behaviour can be combined with biometric markers and reactions to ambiguous stimuli in order to enable comparisons of affect between phylogenetically distant taxonomic groups. Identifying positive affect is also important for animal welfare because knowledge of positive emotional states would allow us to monitor animal well-being better. Additionally, measuring if phylogenetically and ecologically distant animals play more, laugh more, or act more optimistically after certain kinds of experiences will also provide insight into the mechanisms underlying the evolution of joy and other positive emotions, and potentially even into the evolution of consciousness.  相似文献   
The leaves of the Crassulacean acid metabolism plant Cotyledon orbiculata have a waxy coating which is highly reflective but can be easily removed by brushing. This provided an ideal system in which to investigate the role of epidermal wax as a possible photoprotectant. Removal of the wax, prior to exposure to natural sunlight, resulted in substantial decreases in Fv/Fm and in severe cases evidence of photoinhibitory damage, as indicated by a rise in Fo. Leaves from which wax had been removed also showed higher conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin than waxed leaves. Recovery of brushed leaves over a 12 day period was correlated with an increase in the total pool of xanthophyll cycle components. This study suggests that the presence of highly reflective wax on the epidermis may confer significant photoprotection to plants exposed to high solar radiation environments.  相似文献   
Medium chain hydrolase (MCH) is an enzyme which regulates the chain length of fatty acid synthesis specifically in the mammary gland of the rat. During lactation, MCH interacts with fatty acid synthase (FAS) to cause premature release of acyl chains, thus providing medium chain fatty acids for synthesis of milk fat. In this study we have investigated the ability of rat MCH to interact with the phylogenetically more distant FAS structure present in plant systems and to cause a perturbation of fatty acid synthesis. Inin vitro experiments, addition of purified MCH to rapeseed homogenates was found to cause a significant perturbation of fatty acid synthesis towards medium chain length products. The rat MCH gene was expressed in transgenic oilseed rape using a seed specific rape acyl carrier protein (ACP) promoter and a rape ACP plastid targeting sequence. Western analysis showed MCH protein to be present in transgenic seed and for its expression to be developmentally regulated in concert with storage lipid synthesis. The chimaeric preprotein was correctly processed and immunogold labelling studies confirmed MCH to be localized within plastid organelles. However, fatty acid analysis of oil from MCH-expressing rape seed showed no significant differences to that from control seed.  相似文献   
Arrestins are important scaffolding proteins that are expressed in all vertebrate animals. They regulate cell-signaling events upon binding to active G-protein coupled receptors (GPCR) and trigger endocytosis of active GPCRs. While many of the functional sites on arrestins have been characterized, the question of how these sites interact is unanswered. We used anisotropic network modeling (ANM) together with our covariance compliment techniques to survey all the available structures of the nonvisual arrestins to map how structural changes and protein-binding affect their structural dynamics. We found that activation and clathrin binding have a marked effect on arrestin dynamics, and that these dynamics changes are localized to a small number of distant functional sites. These sites include α-helix 1, the lariat loop, nuclear localization domain, and the C-domain β-sheets on the C-loop side. Our techniques suggest that clathrin binding and/or GPCR activation of arrestin perturb the dynamics of these sites independent of structural changes.  相似文献   
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