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The limitations of the hypothetico-deductive (H-D) method of inductive confirmation are described, and an alternate method, the hypothetico-analog (H-A) method is described in detail. The H-A method can be characterized as a modified and supplemented form of the simple H-D method, and is proposed as being more appropriate for archaeological inference. Aspects of the H-A method that are given particular attention include the establishment of boundary conditions for reference classes, plausibility considerations, multiple working hypotheses, bridging arguments, and criteria for selecting alternative hypotheses . [scientific method, archaeological inference, hypothetico-analog method, inductive confirmation]  相似文献   
Cytoplasmic pH (pHc) in Chara corallina was measured (from [14C]stribution)as a function of external pH (pH0)and temperature. With pH0near 7, pHc at 25?C is 7.80; pHcincreases by 0.005 pH units?C–1 temperature decrease, i.e. pHc at 5 ?C is 7.90. WithpH? near 5.5, the increase in pHc with decreasing temperatureis 0.015 units ?C–1 between 25 and 15?C, but 0.005 units?C–1 between 15 and 5?C. This implies a more precise regulationof pHc with variations in pHo at 5 or 15 ?C compared with 25?C. The observed dp Hc/dT is generally smaller than the –0.017units ?C–1 needed to maintain a constant H+/OH–1,or a constant fractional ionization of histidine in protein,with variation in temperature. It is closer to that needed tomaintain the fractional ionization of phosphorylated compoundsor of CO2–HCO3 The value of dpHc/dT has importantimplications for several regulatory aspects of cell metabolism.These include (all as a function of temperature) the rates ofenzyme reactions, the H+ at the plasmalemma(and hence the energy available for cotransport processes),and the mechanism for pHc regulation by the control of bidirectionalH+ fluxes at the plasmalemma.  相似文献   
A laboratory test was developed to assess the sensitivity of field populations of Phytophthora infestans to metalaxyl. Discs of potato leaf tissue were floated upon solutions of the fungicide at different concentrations and inoculated with spores. The extent of symptom development was noted after incubation under standard conditions for 5–6 days. In preliminary experiments growth of isolates of P. infestans obtained from culture collections was severely inhibited in discs treated at 2 μg/ml. By contrast the development of an isolate obtained from a crop in Eire in which blight control with metalaxyl had failed, and known to be markedly less sensitive in vitro, was unaffected in discs treated at 100 μg/ml. During the summer of 1980, 234 samples of P. infestans were obtained from 20 sites in south-west England, 10 of which had received sprays containing metalaxyl and 10 of which had not. All samples were sensitive to metalaxyl applied at 2 μg/ml. In 1981, 35 sites within the same area, 30 of which had received sprays containing either metalaxyl or ofurace (a related fungicide), were similarly surveyed. Most of the 79 samples of P. infestans examined proved sensitive and at all sites the amount of blight was small. However, at three sites, including one not treated with acylalanine fungicides, strains were found which were unaffected by 100 μg/ml metalaxyl in leaf disc tests. These findings are discussed in relation to the development of resistant blight in other areas and to the use of fungicide mixtures.  相似文献   
Bayesian analyses for a multiple capture-recapture model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SMITH  PHILIP J. 《Biometrika》1991,78(2):399-407
The vacuolar pH (pHv) and the cytoplasmic pH (pHc) of the marinegiant-celled green alga Chaetomorpha darwinii were measuredby pH microelectrode techniques on extracted vacuolar sap, andby the [I4C]DMO distribution method respectively. Equilibrationof DMO occurred with a half-time of about 2 h, with an apparentPDMO of 3.6 x 10–5 cm s–1, but the vacuolar concentrationof free, undissociated DMO was always less than the externalconcentration. The explanation offered for freshwater giant-celledalgae of net DMO leakage across the plasmalemma cannotapply to Chaetomorpha darwinii, since electrically-driven DMOexit from the cytoplasm should be similar across the plasmalemmaand the tonoplast in these cells with large, vacuole-positivepotential differences across the tonoplast. pHc was accordinglycomputed assuming either tonoplast or plasmalemma equilibrationof DMO, with correction for DMO metabolism within the cell.pHc was 8.0–8.3 in the light in artificial seawater (pHoabout 8.0), was some 0.5 units lower in the dark, and was slightlylower with an external pH of 7. Vacuolar pH was 6.5–6.9,without consistent effects of illumination or of external pHof 7 rather than 8. While µH+ at the tonoplast was similarto that in giant-celled freshwater algae (although with a greatercontribution from relative to pH), µH+ at the plasmalemmawas less than 8 kJ mol–1, i.e. less than one-third ofthe value in freshwater green algae. µNa+ was some 13kJ mol–1 at the plasmalemma. The possibility that theprimary active transport process at the plasmalemma of Chaetomorphadarwinii (and certain other marine algae) is Na+ efflux ratherthan H+ efflux is discussed.  相似文献   
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