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The marked decline in serum dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) with age is believed to play a role in health problems associated with aging, these health issues being potentially preventable or reversible by the exogenous administration of DHEA. In the present study, liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) and gas chromatrography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) were used to measure the serum levels of DHEA and 11 of its metabolites in seventy-five 60-65-year-old Caucasian women who received 3g of 0.1%, 0.3%, 1.0% or 2.0% DHEA cream or placebo applied twice daily on the face, upper chest, arms and legs. The serum levels of DHEA increased 574% over control at the 2.0% DHEA dose while the sum of the androgen metabolites androsterone glucuronide (ADT-G), 3alpha-androstenediol-3G (3alpha-diol-3G) and 3alpha-diol-17G increased by only 231%. On the other hand, serum testosterone and dihydrosterone were increased by 192% and 275%, respectively, above basal levels compared to 139% and 158% for estrone and estradiol. Such data show that the transformation of exogenous DHEA in postmenopausal women is preferentially into androgens rather than into estrogens. On the other hand, the present data indicate that serum DHEA measurements following DHEA supplementation in postmenopausal women are an overestimate of the formation of active androgens and estrogens and suggest a decreased efficiency of transformation of DHEA into androgens and estrogens with aging.  相似文献   
Alper I  Frenette M  Labrie S 《Fungal biology》2011,115(12):1259-1269
The dimorphic yeast Geotrichum candidum (teleomorph: Galactomyces candidus) is commonly used to inoculate washed-rind and bloomy-rind cheeses. However, little is known about the phylogenetic lineage of this microorganism. We have sequenced the complete 18S, 5.8S, 26S ribosomal RNA genes and their internal transcribed spacers (ITS1) and ITS2 regions (5126 nucleotides) from 18 G. candidum strains from various environmental niches, with a focus on dairy strains. Multiple sequence alignments revealed the presence of 60 polymorphic sites, which is generally unusual for ribosomal DNA (rDNA) within a given species because of the concerted evolution mechanism. This mechanism drives genetic homogenization to prevent the divergent evolution of rDNA copies within individuals. While the polymorphisms observed were mainly substitutions, one insertion/deletion (indel) polymorphism was detected in ITS1. No polymorphic sites were detected downstream from this indel site, that is, in 5.8S and ITS2. More surprisingly, many sequence electrophoregrams generated during the sequencing of the rDNA had dual peaks, suggesting that many individuals exhibited intragenomic rDNA variability. The ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 regions of four strains were cloned. The sequence analysis of 68 clones revealed 32 different ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 variants within these four strains. Depending on the strain, from four to twelve variants were detected, indicating that multiple rDNA copies were present in the genomes of these G. candidum strains. These results contribute to the debate concerning the use of the ITS region for barcoding fungi and suggest that community profiling techniques based on rDNA should be used with caution.  相似文献   
The Streptococcus thermophilus virulent pac-type phage 2972 was isolated from a yogurt made in France in 1999. It is a representative of several phages that have emerged with the industrial use of the exopolysaccharide-producing S. thermophilus strain RD534. The genome of phage 2972 has 34,704 bp with an overall G+C content of 40.15%, making it the shortest S. thermophilus phage genome analyzed so far. Forty-four open reading frames (ORFs) encoding putative proteins of 40 or more amino acids were identified, and bioinformatic analyses led to the assignment of putative functions to 23 ORFs. Comparative genomic analysis of phage 2972 with the six other sequenced S. thermophilus phage genomes confirmed that the replication module is conserved and that cos- and pac-type phages have distinct structural and packaging genes. Two group I introns were identified in the genome of 2972. They interrupted the genes coding for the putative endolysin and the terminase large subunit. Phage mRNA splicing was demonstrated for both introns, and the secondary structures were predicted. Eight structural proteins were also identified by N-terminal sequencing and/or matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Detailed analysis of the putative minor tail proteins ORF19 and ORF21 as well as the putative receptor-binding protein ORF20 showed the following interesting features: (i) ORF19 is a hybrid protein, because it displays significant identity with both pac- and cos-type phages; (ii) ORF20 is unique; and (iii) a protein similar to ORF21 of 2972 was also found in the structure of the cos-type phage DT1, indicating that this structural protein is present in both S. thermophilus phage groups. The implications of these findings for phage classification are discussed.  相似文献   
Specific inhibition of type 1 3beta-HSD is of particular interest since it will allow us to control the formation of androgens and estrogens in peripheral target tissues without affecting type 2 3beta-HSD, which is responsible for the biosynthesis of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids in the adrenals. The high homology between types 1 and 2 3beta-HSD is a major difficulty in the development of specific inhibitors through classical chemical synthesis. In this report, we describe the use of small interference RNA (siRNA) to specifically inhibit human type 1 3beta-HSD. We have constructed three DNA vector-based RNAi vectors that allow us to produce three RNA duplexes of 21 nucleotides targeting three different coding regions of human type 1 3beta-HSD mRNA. The resulting constructs were co-transfected into HEK-293 cells with a vector expressing type 1 3beta-HSD. The results indicate that while the two duplexes that target sequences in the 5'-region do not have a strong inhibitory effect, the duplex that targets the 3'-region efficiently inhibits 3beta-HSD activity. Up to 98% inhibition has been observed. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing successful inhibition of steroidogenic enzymes using siRNA technology.  相似文献   
The aldo-keto reductase (AKR) human type 3 3alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (h3alpha-HSD3, AKR1C2) plays a crucial role in the regulation of the intracellular concentrations of testosterone and 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5alpha-DHT), two steroids directly linked to the etiology and the progression of many prostate diseases and cancer. This enzyme also binds many structurally different molecules such as 4-hydroxynonenal, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and indanone. To understand the mechanism underlying the plasticity of its substrate-binding site, we solved the binary complex structure of h3alpha-HSD3-NADP(H) at 1.9 A resolution. During the refinement process, we found acetate and citrate molecules deeply engulfed in the steroid-binding cavity. Superimposition of this structure with the h3alpha-HSD3-NADP(H)-testosterone/acetate ternary complex structure reveals that one of the mobile loops forming the binding cavity operates a slight contraction movement against the citrate molecule while the side chains of many residues undergo numerous conformational changes, probably to create an optimal binding site for the citrate. These structural changes, which altogether cause a reduction of the substrate-binding cavity volume (from 776 A(3) in the presence of testosterone/acetate to 704 A(3) in the acetate/citrate complex), are reminiscent of the "induced-fit" mechanism previously proposed for the aldose reductase, another member of the AKR superfamily. We also found that the replacement of residues Arg(301) and Arg(304), localized near the steroid-binding cavity, significantly affects the 3alpha-HSD activity of this enzyme toward 5alpha-DHT and completely abolishes its 17beta-HSD activity on 4-dione. All these results have thus been used to reevaluate the binding mode of this enzyme for androgens.  相似文献   
For this study, an in-depth review of the classification of Lactococcus lactis phages was performed. Reference phages as well as unclassified phages from international collections were analyzed by stringent DNA-DNA hybridization studies, electron microscopy observations, and sequence analyses. A new classification scheme for lactococcal phages is proposed that reduces the current 12 groups to 8. However, two new phages (Q54 and 1706), which are unrelated to known lactococcal phages, may belong to new emerging groups. The multiplex PCR method currently used for the rapid identification of phages from the three main lactococcal groups (936, c2, and P335) was improved and tested against the other groups, none of which gave a PCR product, confirming the specificity of this detection tool. However, this method does not detect all members of the highly diverse P335 group. The lactococcal phages characterized here were deposited in the Félix d'Hérelle Reference Center for Bacterial Viruses and represent a highly diverse viral community from the dairy environment.  相似文献   
Healthy postmenopausal women aged 60-65 years (n=150) were randomized to receive twice daily application on the skin of 3g of a 0.3% dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) or placebo emulsion for 12 months. Serum DHEA and eleven of its metabolites were measured at screening and on day 1, as well as at 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months to study long-term metabolism. While serum DHEA and androst-5-ene-3beta, 17beta-diol (5-diol) increased by 203% and 178%, respectively, on average, during the 12-month period, the sum of concentrations of the metabolites of androgens, namely androsterone glucuronide (ADT-G), androstane-3alpha,17beta-diol-3G and -17G increased by only 71% while usually non statistically significant changes of 30%, 17% and 20% were observed for estrone (E(1)), estradiol (E(2)) and E(1) sulfate (E(1)-S), respectively. Despite the return of serum DHEA to normal premenopausal values with the present DHEA treatment regimen, the 65% decrease in the androgen pool found in this group of postmenopausal women is in fact corrected by only 24%, thus remaining 41% below the values found in normal premenopausal women. In fact, the changes in serum DHEA observed after percutaneous DHEA administration are a 186% overestimate of the true changes in androgen formation while the overestimate of estrogen production is even much higher. On the other hand, the pharmacokinetics of the steroids are stable over the 12-month period with no significant induction or decrease of activity of the enzymatic systems transforming DHEA predominantly into androgens.  相似文献   
Faucher F  Cantin L  Luu-The V  Labrie F  Breton R 《Biochemistry》2008,47(32):8261-8270
The 5beta-reductases (AKR1D1-3) are unique enzymes able to catalyze efficiently and in a stereospecific manner the 5beta-reduction of the C4-C5 double bond found into Delta4-3-ketosteroids, including steroid hormones and bile acids. Multiple-sequence alignments and mutagenic studies have already identified one of the residues presumably located at their active site, Glu 120, as the major molecular determinant for the unique activity displayed by 5beta-reductases. To define the exact role played by this glutamate in the catalytic activity of these enzymes, biochemical and structural studies on human 5beta-reductase (h5beta-red) have been undertaken. The crystal structure of h5beta-red in a ternary complex with NADP (+) and 5beta-dihydroprogesterone (5beta-DHP), the product of the 5beta-reduction of progesterone (Prog), revealed that Glu 120 does not interact directly with the other catalytic residues, as previously hypothesized, thus suggesting that this residue is not directly involved in catalysis but could instead be important for the proper positioning of the steroid substrate in the catalytic site. On the basis of our structural results, we thus propose a realistic scheme for the catalytic mechanism of the C4-C5 double bond reduction. We also propose that bile acid precursors such as 7alpha-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one and 7alpha,12alpha-dihydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one, when bound to the active site of h5beta-red, can establish supplementary contacts with Tyr 26 and Tyr 132, two residues delineating the steroid-binding cavity. These additional contacts very likely account for the higher activity of h5beta-red toward the bile acid intermediates versus steroid hormones. Finally, in light of the structural data now available, we attempt to interpret the likely consequences of mutations already identified in the gene encoding the h5beta-red enzyme which lead to a reduction of its enzymatic activity and which can progress to severe liver function failure.  相似文献   
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