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The imperial pheasant Lophura imperialis was described in 1924 from a captive pair that was obtained in Vietnam, and that became the sole founders of a captive line in France. Always considered a highly endangered and mysterious species, and despite concerted searches, L. imperialis was not found again in the wild until one was trapped in 1990, and the captive population gradually died out. Its status as a distinct species was unquestioned until the late 1990s when the possibility of a hybrid origin was raised. To elucidate the taxonomic status of L. imperialis , we studied all the existing museum specimens, carried out captive hybridization experiments, and analysed mitochondrial DNA and microsatellites. All these lines of evidence demonstrate congruently and conclusively that L. imperialis is an occasional hybrid between silver pheasant L. nycthemera and Edwards's pheasant L. edwardsi, with the 1990 bird probably being a hybrid between L. nycthemera and Vietnamese pheasant L. hatinhensis. Thus L. imperialis has no taxonomic standing and should be removed from lists of species of conservation concern. However, hybridization with L. nycthemera may pose a further threat to the survival in the wild of the endangered L. edwardsi and L. hatinhensis .  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 573–600.  相似文献   
Until recently, Sellocharis paradoxa Taubert, the only species of this Genisteae genus, was known solely by the isotypes. Recent new collections in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, have enabled data on chromosome number and karyotype morphology to be obtained for the first time. S. paradoxa has 2 n  = 20 chromosomes, and a bimodal asymmetrical karyotype, composed of one pair of long ( c . 6.3 µm) metacentric, five pairs of shorter acrocentric, and four pairs of shorter telocentric chromosomes ranging from c . 3.7 to 2.7 µm. The chromosome number and karyotype morphology of S. paradoxa do not fit into the Genisteae pattern. Existing information is so far insufficient to answer evolutionary questions about its origin and phylogenetic relationships, but the uniqueness of this taxon, first indicated by its peculiar leaf arrangement, and now supported by its uncommon karyological constitution, strongly suggests that the suprageneric taxonomic position of S. paradoxa should be re-evaluated.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 223–226.  相似文献   
Abstract.  Several parasitic wasps of the Pimplinae (Ichneumonidae) use self-produced vibrations transmitted through plant substrate to locate their concealed immobile hosts (lepidopteran pupae) by reflected signals. This mechanosensory mechanism of host location, called vibrational sounding, depends on the physical characteristics of the plant substrate and the wasp's body and is postulated to depend on ambient temperature. Adaptations of two parasitoid species to thermal conditions of their habitats and the influence of temperature on the trophic interaction during host location are investigated in the tropical Xanthopimpla stemmator (Thunberg) and compared with the temperate Pimpla turionellae (L.). Plant-stem models with hidden host mimics are offered to individual wasps under defined temperature treatments and scored for the number and location of ovipositor insertions. Significant effects of temperature are found on host-location activity and its success. The tropical species possesses an optimum temperature range for vibrational sounding between 26 and 32 °C, whereas the performance decreases both at low and high temperatures. The temperate species reveals substantial differences with respect to performance at the same thermal conditions. With increasing temperature, P. turionellae shows a reduced response to the host mimic, reduced numbers of ovipositor insertions, and decreased precision of mechanosensory host location. In the tropical X. stemmator , the female wasps are able to locate their host with high precision over a broad range of ambient temperatures, which suggests endothermic thermoregulation during vibrational sounding. Environmental physiology may therefore play a key role in adaptation of the host location mechanism to climatic conditions of the species' origin.  相似文献   
During the Iron Age, sea trade in the Mediterranean increased, particularly with the expansion of Phoenician and Greek colonies in the Western Mediterranean. A side effect of these human movements was the involuntary dispersion of commensal species, such as the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus). One archaeological layer dated from the 4th Century BC, coming from an Iberian village located in the Mediterranean coast of Spain, contained a large and reliable accumulation of small mammals. The presence of the house mouse was highly suspected within this layer. To assess its abundance quantitatively, we used a geometric morphometrics approach of the first lower molar contour using elliptical Fourier analysis. We also increased the power of the discrimination between the Algerian mouse (Mus spretus) and the house mouse by combining a dimension reduction approach together with different validation procedures. The relative importance of age, sex, and geographical origin onto the shape and form of the lower molar contour was also investigated. The results obtained demonstrate the presence and the dominance of the house mouse in the landscape surrounding the Iberian village in the 1st Millennium BC, only a few centuries after its arrival in the Western Mediterranean Basin. A cross‐validated linear discriminant function considering different Mediterranean populations suggest Morocco and France as the most probable geographical origins for the Algerian mouse, and Tunisia for the origin of house mice in North‐Eastern Spain. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 483–497.  相似文献   
Endogenous polyamine content of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus , as well as the activity of its biosynthetic enzymes in relation to mycelia ageing were investigated in this work. Polyamines in free, PCA-soluble and insoluble conjugated forms, are present in Paxillus involutus mycelia in relatively high amounts and the ratio of putrescine to spermidine is age-dependent. Both arginine- and ornithine-decarboxylases are present, but putrescine biosynthesis proceeds mostly via ornithine decarboxylase and decreases with the age of mycelia. There was a large release of free polyamines from mycelia which showed age-dependent features. Clear polyamine uptake was observed in 2-wk-old mycelia and no competition between putrescine and cadaverine was detected. Putrescine uptake seems to reduce ornithine decarboxylase activity, but does not affect arginine decarboxylase.  相似文献   
A study of the spore wall of Encephalitozoon hellem was performed on thin sections, freeze-fracture, and deep-etched samples to obtain information on spore wall organization and composition. Our observations demonstrate that the spore wall is formed by an inner 30–35 nm electron-lucent endospore and an outer 25–30 nm electron-dense exospore. The exospore is a complex of three layers: an outer spiny layer, an electron-lucent intermediate lamina and an inner fibrous layer. Freeze-fracture and deep-etching techniques reveal that the intermediate lamina and the inner fibrous layer result from the different spatial disposition of the same 4-nm thick fibrils. In thin sections the endospore reveals a scattered electron-dense material that appears in the form of trabecular structures when analyzed in deep-etched samples. The presence of chitin in the exospore is discussed.  相似文献   
Amaranthus hypochondriacus embryo sac development was investigatedbefore and after fertilization. During the early stages of development,the young embryo sac displays three antipodal cells at the chalazalpole that degenerate very early in the maturation process, beforethe synergids and egg cell are completely differentiated. Themature embryo sac is composed only of the female germ unit.The synergid cells organize a filiform apparatus accompaniedby the presence of mitochondria and dictyosomes with numerousvesicles. The involvement of the synergids in transport andsecretory functions related to pollen tube attraction and guidance,are discussed. The egg cell is located at the micropylar polenear the synergids and displays exposed plasma membranes atthe chalazal pole. The fertilized egg cell does not exhibitmarked changes after fertilization except for the closure ofthe cell wall. The central cell is the largest cell of thisvery long embryo sac. The fused nucleus is close to the eggapparatus before fertilization and displays a remarkable chalazalmigration after gamete delivery. The ultrastructure of the centralcell cytoplasm and the numerous wall ingrowths around this cellsuggest an important role in nutrient transportation. Aftergamete delivery, the embryo sac displays electron dense bodiesthat aggregate within the intercellular space between the synergids,egg cell and central cell. These bodies, that appear in theembryo sac of several plants, are probably involved in gametedelivery for double fertilization. The possibility of biparentalinheritance of mitochondria in this plant is also discussed.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Amaranthus hypochondriacus, grain amaranth, embryo sac, fertilization.  相似文献   
Abstract.  Eggs laid in the laboratory by T. guasayana (Wygodzinsky & Abalos 1949) adults collected from wild biotopes in Santiago del Estero (Argentina) were exposed to fluctuating temperatures, and 172 egg batches, involving 1574 eggs, completed development. Their development times were fitted to the linear degree-day model and three nonlinear models ( devar , Lactin, and Rueda). Parameter values and 95% CL were estimated. The lower development threshold is estimated to be 15 °C (linear devar model) and 17.5 °C (Lactin model), and the temperature resulting in the shortest development time is estimated to be between 26 °C (Lactin model) and 37 °C (nonlinear devar model). The thermal death point by the Lactin model is 34.4 °C, and conforms well with other studies. Differences between the present results and those of other studies for T. guasayana are discussed in terms of the maternal effects, the influence of experimental conditions, and the rate summation effect. Using the climatic conditions of the natural environment of T. guasayana , the results are interpreted in terms of physiological adaptation. A generalized development rate response of T. guasayana eggs to increasing temperature is proposed, with three ranges: between 10 and 14.8 °C development rate increases in an accelerating way; between 14.8 and 29.2 °C development rate increases more or less linearly, and between 29.2 and 34 °C development rate decreases.  相似文献   
A common characteristic of many invasive herbivorous insects is their ability to utilize a broad range of host plants. By using various hosts in phenological succession, multivoltine herbivores may increase the number of successful annual generations, at the same time as potentially increasing their overall fitness. To achieve such success, herbivores must be able to develop efficiently on the nutritional resources offered by their hosts. The oriental fruit moth Cydia (= Grapholita) molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is one of the most damaging invasive insect species. Peach (Prunus persica) is its primary host, whereas the pome fruits apple (Malus × domestica Borkh) and pear (Pyrus communis) are considered as secondary hosts. In many parts of its geographical range, including southern Europe, populations of the moth switch from peach to apple or pear orchards during the growing season. The present study tests whether this temporal switch is supported by the physiological capability of the larvae with respect to developing efficiently on fruits of these taxonomically‐related host plants. Larvae are reared on peach, apple or pear fruits; several life‐history traits are measured; and correlations between the traits are calculated. The results obtained show that larvae do not have the same physiological capability with respect to using apple or pear fruits as hosts compared with using peach fruit. Pear fruit in particular is a sub‐optimal diet. These findings suggest that, in the case of continuous geographical expansion, concomitantly with global warming, apple orchards might support oriental fruit moth populations better than pear orchards, and that the switch onto novel hosts might be accompanied by restricted population growth.  相似文献   
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