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The sulfhydryl content of protein and the tension at the surface were measured for starfish oocytes from the first meiotic division to the cleavage stage. A cyclic change in both the protein-SH and the tension at the surface was found to accompany the division cycle, including the first and second meiotic divisions. It is concluded that the unequal meiotic divisions share the same character with the equal divisions of cleavage, with respect to changes both in the protein-SH and the tension at the surface.  相似文献   
Reinitiation of meiosis in starfish oocytes requires the continuous presence of 1-methyladenine (1-MeAde) in the surrounding medium for a definite period. The length of the 'hormone-dependent phase' (HDP) in Asterina pectinifera , which was defined as the time necessary for induction of 50% germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), was found to be about 11 min at 17°C, and 8 min at 20°C. Repeated treatments for shorter periods with 1-MeAde revealed that the action of this agent was cumulative, and that stable intermediate states between the unstimulated and fully stimulated levels existed during the HDP. Measurement of the stiffness of oocytes also demonstrated this stable intermediate state. Thus, there may be a factor(s) in the cytoplasm that accumulates continuously during the HDP and triggers GVBD when it reaches a critical level(s). When dithiothreitol (DTT) was used as an artificial maturation-inducing agent, the intermediate state was far less stable, suggesting a difference in the modes of action of 1-MeAde and DTT. Isotonic CaCl2, the Ca2+ ionophore (A 23187) and methylxanthines, which are known to cause increase in intracellular Ca2+, had additive effects with 1-MeAde. These results suggest that part of the action of 1-MeAde is to release Ca2+ in the oocyte cytoplasm.  相似文献   
  • 1 In the spring, females of the leaf beetle Gonioctena sibirica deposited larvae on the ventral surface of growing young leaves situated on the apical position of shoots of the willow Salix bakko.
  • 2 The parent females remained with the larvae usually on the underside of the basal part of leaves, facing toward the base of shoots. When other arthropods approached, the females temporarily moved towards these intruders, showing aggressive behaviour such as swinging the body or stamping the legs. Many females remained with their larvae until the larvae grew into the final (fourth) instar. No female produced an additional brood in the field.
  • 3 Broods from which parent females were experimentally removed suffered higher mortality than those in which females were left intact. Arthropods such as spiders and ants were observed preying on the larvae. In contrast, the survivorship of broods from which females were removed and intruders were excluded with a sticky substance applied to the base of twigs was not different from that of control broods. These results demonstrate that the main mortality factor of offspring is pedestrian arthropod predators and females physically repel the predators.
  • 4 Potentially alternative reproductive strategies, such as producing a large number of offspring by iteroparity and/or larger brood(s) with less or no care, seem to be inhibited in G.sibirica by larval dependence on growing young leaves which are temporally limited and by ovoviviparity which may have limited brood size.
Cytoplasmic ATPase of sea urchin eggs was partially purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography, gel-filtration chromatography and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The specific activity increased to 0.7 μmole/min/mg protein indicating 100 fold purification. The ATPase had a sedimentation constant of 12S and was highly specific for ATP. The enzyme fraction contained neither (Na, K)-ATPase, Ca-ATPase, oligomycin-sensitive ATPase, phosphatases, nor myosin. This cytoplasmic ATPase was inhibited by a low concentration of vanadate (V). Half-maximal inhibition was observed at a vanadate concentration of 1 μM at low ionic strength. The inhibition was almost totally reversed by addition of norepinephrine. The vanadate-sensitivity of cytoplasmic ATPase decreased with increasing KCl concentration. The activation by Mg2+ or Ca2+, and dependence of the activity on KCl concentration characteristic of dyneins from sea urchin sperm flagella and the embryonic cilia were observed with cytoplasmic ATPase. These results allowed the cytoplasmic ATPase to be classified as a dynein. In addition, this designation was reinforced by the fact that an oligomeric 23S form of cytoplasmic dynein was identified in the cytoplasm as well as in the isolated mitotic apparatus.  相似文献   
  1. Several factors affecting sporulation of a wild yeast, Hansenulasaturnus, especially carbon sources and the carbon-nitrogenratio of sporulation medium were studied.
  2. The sporulationis stimulated at a certain definite C/N ratioof glucose medium.
  3. Several carbon sources such as ethanol, acetate, lactate,glycerol,succinate, glucose, gluconate and citrate are utilizedby theorganism both for growth and sporulation.
  4. The numberof spores in an ascus depends on the C/N ratio ofthe medium.An increase in the ratio stimulates the yield of2-and 3-sporedasci, especially of the former. One-spored ascibecome abundantas this ratio decreases.
  5. Lysine promotes sporulation in anacetate medium, and its presencein a large amount in glucosemedium also stimulates sporulation,while a small amount isinhibitory. When lysine was employedas the sole nitrogen source,most of the asci were 1-spored.
  6. It is discussed that sporulationof yeast is induced by a balanceof metabolism, rather thanby one definite "sporulation substrate".
1 Present address: Laboratory of Microbiology, Department ofAgriculture, T{circumflex}hoku University, Sendai. (Received May 23, 1961; )  相似文献   
Cell Culture of Spermatogenic Cells from Amphibians   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Cell culture of spermatogenic cells from the primary spermatocyte stage to the early, midspermatid stage has been established for the Japanese newt, Cynops pyrrhogaster (1–4, 10, 11) and for Xenopus laevis (2, 3, 5, 17, 18). The results of many investigations suggest that sperm maturation in vitro for each species proceeds along the same pathway and under the same temporal control as in vivo . Since the shape and size of mature sperm of these two species are very different, comparative studies would enable us to elucidate the mechanisms by which sperm morphology is determined. The results obtained from in vitro studies of spermatogenesis in Cynops and Xenopus demonstrate that there are common and species-specific features.  相似文献   
Calcium Deposition in Idioblasts of Mulberry Leaves   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Large, rounded idioblasts were observed in adaxial leaves ofmulberry plants; they were clearly distinguishable from epidermal,trichome and parenchyma cells. The size and density of idioblastsvaried according to leaf age. Cytological features of idioblastswere as follows: the outermost region (‘cap’) ofidioblasts was situated on the adaxial surface as a dome-likeprotrusion; a cylindrical protuberance extended from the capregion to the inner part of the idioblast; in idioblasts frommature leaves a crystal mass was suspended from the lower tipof the cylindrical protuberance. Elemental analysis of idioblastsdemonstrated that silicon (Si) was localized in both the capregion and the cylindrical protuberance but calcium (Ca) waspresent in the large crystal, indicating site-specific cellularlocalization of Ca and Si within an idioblast. Histochemicalassays showed that a distinct Ca crystal filled the vacuolesof idioblasts in mature leaves, while immature leaves had manyidioblasts without Ca deposition. The increase in the Ca contentof leaves was directly proportional to the increase in leafage and appeared to be closely related to the Ca sink capacityof the developing idioblast vacuoles. The maximum sink capacitywas quantified to be approximately 40 ng per idioblast whenmulberry plants were grown hydroponically with excess Ca.Copyright1999 Annals of Botany Company Morus alba, idioblast, Ca deposition, Ca sink capacity, silicon, X-ray microanalysis, histochemistry, scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   
Several cell types migrated cut from small pieces of newt testes cultivated in vitro. Flat fibroblastic cells migrated out within a few days. Then, secondary spermatogonia, identified by the presence of germ cell-specific substances and by the shape and appearance of their nucleus and subcellular organelles, migrated out over the sheet of fibroblastic cells. Sertoli cells co-migrated with secondary spermatogonia, maintaining a similar cellular arrangement to that of testicular cells in vivo. Mitosis of secondary spermatogonia both in clusters and as single cells was frequent from the third day until about 2 weeks after inoculation. During mitosis, active and periodic rotation of chromosomes was observed. Identification of the cell types and studies on their behavior were performed by electron microscopy and phase contrast microscopy.  相似文献   
The content of arginine phosphate was measured following fertilization of sea-urchin eggs and starfish oocytes. In sea-urchin eggs, a rise in the level of arginine phosphate occurred within 2 min after insemination: this was not accompanied by any detectable alteration in the level of ATP. On the other hand, the level of arginine phosphate in starfish oocytes did not change on fertilization.  相似文献   
Abstract:  The scalpelliform genus Stramentum is described from upper Turonian–Coniacian (Upper Cretaceous) strata in the Mikasa area, Hokkaido (Japan), documenting the first record of the genus from the north-west Pacific Realm. The single articulated skeleton, which is horizontally embedded in a dark grey laminated mudstone, is specifically indeterminate because capitular plates are missing. However, peduncular morphology resembles that of S. ( S .) pulchellum (Sowerby Jr), which has been described from the Cenomanian–Turonian of Europe. The present record from Japan demonstrates that this cirripede genus had a wider geographic distribution than previously assumed during the youngest phase of its radiation.  相似文献   
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