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以“农普”12号菜豆幼苗为材料,采用1mmol·L-1的水杨基氧肟酸(SHAM)抑制交替呼吸途径活性,探讨了在CuCl2胁迫下交替呼吸途径对菜豆幼苗叶片光系统Ⅱ的保护作用。结果表明,随着CuCl2胁迫浓度的增加,菜豆幼苗叶片潜在最大光化学效率Fv/Fm、光适应下叶片的最大光化学效率Fv'/Fm'、PSⅡ的实际光化学效率Y(Ⅱ)以及光化学猝灭系数qP、叶绿素含量均呈下降趋势,而非光学猝灭系数NPQ和交替呼吸途径的容量水平则呈上升趋势。较之在CuCl2处理下的菜豆幼苗,用交替呼吸途径抑制剂预处理后的菜豆再置于CuCl2的胁迫下,则会导致Fv/Fm、Fv'/Fm'、Y(Ⅱ)、qP以及叶绿素含量的进一步下降和NPQ的进一步上升。上述观察表明,在CuCl2胁迫下交替呼吸途径可以缓解PSⅡ光化学效率的下降、维持PSⅡ反应中心的开放程度、减少天线色素的热耗散以及缓解叶绿素含量的降低,从而保护菜豆叶片光系统Ⅱ免受CuCl2胁迫的伤害。  相似文献   
时嵩  唐启义  傅强  彭奇  程家安 《昆虫学报》2011,54(7):778-785
摘要: 为明确金属元素在白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera (Horváth)体内的分布及其含量动态, 将白背飞虱长翅成虫在实验室中用超纯水分别饲养0, 24, 48, 96 h后测量其体重变化; 并用电感耦合等离子体质谱(inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, ICP-MS)检测各个处理虫体内12种金属元素(Cu, Zn, Cd, Mn, Ca, Fe, Na, As, U, Mg, K和Pb)的含量。以白背飞虱整个体重(W)、 有机体组织重量(O)、 体内可排泄内容物重量(E)及可排泄内容物排出体外的速率(r)为参数, 构建其体重变化的修正指数模型Wt=O+E(1-r)t。基于白背飞虱体内金属元素总含量(WCt)为有机体组织内含量(OC)和可排泄内容物中含量(EC)按两者百分率(OPt和EPt)加权之和, 即WCt=OC·OPt+EC·EPt, 分别估计白背飞虱体内组织和可排泄内容物中金属元素含量。模拟分析结果表明: Cu, Zn, Cd, Mn和Ca这5种元素在白背飞虱组织内的含量显著高于其可排泄内容物中的含量(P<0.05), 表明这些金属元素可被昆虫有机体组织吸收、 积累, 并稳定地存在于昆虫的有机体组织之中。Fe, Na, As, U, Mg, K和Pb这7种元素在白背飞虱有机体组织内的含量与其可排泄内容物中的含量接近, 其在有机体组织中和可排泄内容物中的分布差异不显著(P>0.05), 以相对平衡状态存在于白背飞虱有机体组织和可排泄内容物中。该分析方法可能为其他小型和微型昆虫体内金属元素的分布、 积累、 排泄的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
干旱胁迫对宁夏枸杞生长及果实糖分积累的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章研究不同干旱胁迫下宁夏枸杞生长及果实糖分积累的变化规律,为宁夏枸杞在干旱地区高产栽培提供参考依据。采用盆栽控水试验,设置正常灌水、轻度干旱、中度干旱和重度干旱处理,研究了干旱胁迫对宁夏枸杞植株生长、生物量分配以及果实糖分积累的影响。结果表明:干旱抑制宁夏枸杞新稍、果实、株高和地径的生长:随着干旱程度加剧,根和茎中干物质分配率逐渐升高,而枝条、叶和果实中干物质分配率大幅降低;轻度干旱有利于果实发育过程中果糖的积累,中度和重度干旱胁迫则不利于成熟期果糖和蔗糖积累;干旱胁迫明显降低成熟期转化酶、蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)和蔗糖合成酶(SS)的活性;果实发育过程中果糖的含量与SPS和转化酶活性存在极显著相关。可见,在果实发育期,土壤含水量为田间持水量55%以上,能促进宁夏枸杞果实中糖分积累,有效提高果实品质。  相似文献   
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder mediated by the cells and molecules of both the innate and adaptive immune systems. Autologous cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cell infusion is considered an effective and safe cancer treatment and is licensed for this use in China. Accumulated evidence indicating that CD3+CD56+ cells are significantly decreased in psoriatic patients prompted us to investigate if the restoration of CD3+CD56+ cells may be beneficial for psoriatic patients. We designed a clinical trial for psoriasis treatment that involved CIK cell infusion because CIK cells include a large amount of CD3+CD56+ T cells (NCT01894373 at www.clinicaltrials.gov). Six patients with severe psoriasis were initially enrolled, and four of them exhibited markedly lower levels of CD3+CD56+ cells in their peripheral blood (PB) relative to healthy donors. CIK cell infusion-associated toxicity was not observed in any infusion. The percentage of CD3+CD56+ cells in the PB markedly increased and the psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) synchronously decreased in four patients with lower CD3+CD56+ cell contents, and two of them obtained a more than 4-month PASI75 after completing a four-cycle treatment. However, a decrease in the CD3+CD56+ cells was observed concomitantly with disease recurrence after short-term amelioration. In contrast, no obvious improvement was observed in the two patients with nearly normal CD3+CD56+ cells in the PB before treatment. These observations suggest that the normalization of the CD3+CD56+ cell level may improve the skin lesions of severe psoriasis and warrant further clinical trials for severe psoriasis using repeated CIK adoptive immunotherapy.  相似文献   
李斌  李明玉  杜志烨  汪开顺  肖凯  王鑫  石杨  姬红丽  陈稷  黄进 《广西植物》2022,42(11):1811-1821
水稻成蛋白基因成员OsFH1在水稻根毛的生长发育中起着关键作用,这一过程受到环境因素的调控,当前的研究对环境因素如何与OsFH1互作调控水稻根毛的机制尚未阐明。为探索水稻成蛋白成员是否在环境因素介导的osfh1突变体根毛表型恢复中发挥作用,该研究使用1/2 MS液体培养液与1/2 MS固体培养基处理osfh1突变体,通过qRT-PCR技术分析成蛋白家族成员表达量,并对成蛋白家族进行生物信息学分析。结果表明:(1)与野生型相比,在液培中osfh1突变体主根根毛缺失,地上部分较短,侧根数量增加,在固体培养中osfh1突变体根毛缺失表型得到恢复。(2)与野生型相比,当osfh1突变体从液培到固培环境时,OsFH16表达量下降,OsFH17表达量上升,并且差异显著。(3)OsFH1、OsFH16、OsFH17都是第一类成蛋白亚家族成员,都具有生长素、赤霉素以及厌氧等与环境胁迫相关顺式作用元件,并且预测到OsFH1、OsFH16和OsFH17定位于质膜行使功能。(4)OsFHs在不同组织的表达模式分析表明,OsFH1在根部表达水平较高,而OsFH16、OsFH17在根部表达量相对较低。综上认为,由于OsFH16、OsFH17、OsFH1之间亲缘关系较高,调控模式相近且三者都可能在细胞质膜上行使功能,因此OsFH16、OsFH17可能参与环境因素与osfh1共同改变根毛表型这一过程。该研究结果为解析环境与osfh1基因共同调控水稻根毛发育机制奠定了一定理论基础,为探索植物成蛋白基因功能提出了新方向。  相似文献   
SUNHONG  WEIKANGSHI 《Cell research》1996,6(2):155-166
Human gastric cancer MKN-45 cells which are resistant to TGF-β growth inhibition and possess TGF-β type I and type Ⅲ receptors,but not type Ⅱ receptors,have been used as a model system to reconstitute these cancer cells with TGF-β RII cDNA.The results of these experiments indicated that the reexpression of TGF-β RII gene in MKN-45 cells can restore their sensitivity to TGF-β growth inhibition,decrease their growth rate,reduce their cloning efficiency in soft agar and tumorigenicity in nude mice in stable transfectants,in comparison with their control MKN-45 cells.Among different RII transfectants,their difference in the changes of these parameters,as a result of the regain of autocrine negative growth control by TGF-β,is roughly proportional to their level of expression of transfected RII mRNA.From these data,it is concluded that the inactivation of TGF-β RII gene is related to the escape of growth control by TGF-β in MKN-45 cells.The importance of the study of the interplay of TGF-β and its receptor system in the negative growth control of gastric cancer,and possibly also of other cancers,is discussed.  相似文献   
We quantied intraspecic variation and covariation of leaf mass per area (LMA), leaf dry matter concentration (LD), leaf frost sensitivity (LFS) and Fv/Fm of leaves of 8 Lithocarpus dealbatus populations across the geographical distribution from north to south to determine the magnitude and whether it is related to environmental conditions, latitude and mean annual temperature. The results showed that the total variation (coefcient of variation) of LMA, LD, LFS and Fv/Fm were 160%, 177%, 211% and 401% respectively. The total intraspecic variation was contributed by the difference among populations, individuals and leaves. The difference among populations accounted for the largest total variation in LMA, LD and Fv/Fm, whereas the difference among leaves accounted for the largest total variation in LFS. On population level, LMA was significantly positive related to the latitude and Fv/Fm was significantly negative, but LD and LFS were not related to the latitude. LMA decreased while Fv/Fm increased significantly with the increase of mean annual temperature. LD was a downward quadratic variation, and LFS was upward with the increase of mean annual temperature. The principal component analysis of four functional traits showed that no population was located nearer to the origin of the first and second principal component, and populations at the edge of distribution area located at both sides of the first principal component axis. The results suggested that the environmental variation in the distribution could cause intraspecic variation of functional traits. There is no population could represent a species in functional traits. When an average trait value for species is considered and trait comparisons are done among species, intraspecific variation of traits could not be ignored.  相似文献   
哺乳仔猪中伪狂犬病病毒鄂A株对细胞凋亡的诱导或抑制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过人工感染伪狂犬病病毒阴性的健康仔猪 ,取实验组和阴性对照组仔猪的咽部扁桃体、胸腺、颈部淋巴结、腹股沟淋巴结、大脑、小脑、嗅球、三叉神经节等组织作样本。通过电子显微镜观察、DNA梯谱和原位末端脱氧核苷酸标记等试验进行细胞凋亡分析 ,结果发现实验组仔猪的淋巴组织细胞呈现典型的细胞凋亡的特征 ,而神经组织中无。这一结果表明 :伪狂犬病病毒感染诱导大量淋巴细胞凋亡 ,造成仔猪免疫功能低下 ,导致大量死亡 ,这可能是伪狂犬病病毒急性感染致病机制之一 ;同时也证实伪狂犬病病毒通过抑制神经细胞的凋亡 ,在神经组织中建立潜伏感染并终生带毒。  相似文献   
贵州省波蚱属三新种记述(直翅目:短翼蚱科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述采自贵州省波蚱属三新种:即拟西藏波蚱Bolivaritettixparatibetanissp.nOV.、长跗波蚱Bolivaritettlxdolichotarsus sp.nov.及齿背波蚱Bolivaritettixdentanotasp.nOV.。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所及河北大学博物馆。  相似文献   
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