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魔芋甘露寡糖是一种具有肠道菌群调节作用的新型食品添加剂.本研究首次通过酶解与有机溶剂沉淀法制备了低分子质量的甘露寡糖(聚合度2~7),并对这类寡糖进行了长期毒性与遗传毒性评价.在长期毒性试验中,以大鼠为实验对象,分低、中、高(2.25,5.25,7.50 g/kg)药物剂量组和阴性对照组,连续灌胃给药90天.一般状况观察、生化指标、血液学指标、病理学等与对照组比较均无显著性差异,而大体解剖观察发现,部分大鼠的肝脏与肾脏形态发生变化,但这些变化均在正常范围内,且其他各项指标差异均无统计学意义.此外,一系列实验包括小鼠骨髓微核实验、Ames试验、小鼠精子畸变试验均未发现低分子质量甘露寡糖有明显的遗传毒性.试验结果提示,本研究方法获得的低分子质量甘露寡糖在本实验条件下未发现长期毒性与遗传毒性.  相似文献   
Abstract The salivary gland (SG) of female Dermacentor silvarum consists of salivary ducts and lots of acini.
From the basis capituli to the end of the gland, the ducts can be divided into three parts, namely, central duct, major branch ducts and the lobular ducts, and the acini is spherical-like structures attached to various ducts. The central duct parallels with trachea. The surface of the acini is wrinkly and many small tracheae distributed on the acini. In unfed female, the length of SG is short (547.33 μm) and extends on the first day after feeding, and reaches its maximum value (1109.40 μm) on the 3rd day after feeding, while copulation has justly completed. From the 3rd day after feeding to the first three days after engorgement, no apparent change in length of the gland is observed. On the 4th day after engorgement, it shortens sharply (500.00 μm). The diameter of the acini of unfed female is also short (45.24 μm), it increases gradually during feeding and reaches its maximum (74.10 μm) on the 5th day after feeding. After engorgement, the acini becomes atrophic slowly and degenerated sharply on the 4th day.  相似文献   
There are two purposes in displaying spatial genetic structure. One is that a visual representation of the variation of the genetic variable should be provided in the contour map. The other is that spatial genetic structure should be reflected by the patterns or the gradients with genetic boundaries in the map. Nevertheless, most conventional interpolation methods, such as Cavalli-Sforza's method in genography, inverse distance-weighted methods, and the Kriging technique, focus only on the first primary purpose because of their arbitrary thresholds marked on the maps. In this paper we present an application of the contour area multifractal model (CAMM) to human population genetics. The method enables the analysis of the geographic distribution of a genetic marker and provides an insight into the spatial and geometric properties of obtained patterns. Furthermore, the CAMM may overcome some of the limitations of other interpolation techniques because no arbitrary thresholds are necessary in the computation of genetic boundaries. The CAMM is built by establishing power law relationships between the area A (> or =rho) in the contour map and the value p itself after plotting these values on a log-log graph. A series of straight-line segments can be fitted to the points on the log-log graph, each representing a power law relationship between the area A (> or =rho) and the cutoff genetic variable value for rho in a particular range. These straight-line segments can yield a group of cutoff values, which can be identified as the genetic boundaries that can classify the map of genetic variable into discrete genetic zones. These genetic zones usually correspond to spatial genetic structure on the landscape. To provide a better understanding of the interest in the CAMM approach, we analyze the spatial genetic structures of three loci (ABO, HLA-A, and TPOX) in China using the CAMM. Each synthetic principal component (SPC) contour map of the three loci is created by using both Han and minority groups data together. These contour maps all present an obvious geographic diversity, which gradually increases from north to south, and show that the genetic differences among populations in different districts of the same nationality are greater than those among different nationalities of the same district. It is surprising to find that both the value of p and the fractal dimension alpha have a clear north to south gradient for each locus, and the same clear boundary between southern and northern Asians in each contour map is still seen in the zone of the Yangtze River, although substantial population migrations have occurred because of war or famine in the last 2,000 or 3,000 years. A clear genetic boundary between Europeans and Asians in each contour map is still seen in northwestern China with a small value of alpha, although the genetic gradient caused by gene flow between Europeans and Asians has tended to show expansion from northwestern China. From the three contour maps another interesting result can be found: The values of alpha north of the Yangtze River are generally less than those south of the Yangtze River. This indicates that the genetic differences among the populations north of the Yangtze River are generally smaller than those in populations south of the Yangtze River.  相似文献   
A method for coupling capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) with rapid membrane chromatography purification (RMCP) was established for the analysis of vitellogenin (VTG) in male fish plasma induced with 17ss-estrodiol. CZE analyses of purified VTG were performed in a buffer containing 25 mM sodium borate (pH 8.4). A 50 microm i.d. fused-silica capillary was used for separation and the detection was carried out by UV-diode array at 214 nm. Inter- and intra-assay variabilities of the proposed method were less than 10.06 and 1.95%, respectively. The method has good linear relationship over the scope of 15-2250 microg/ml with a correlation coefficient of R2 = 0.9965 and a detection limit of 7.0 microg/ml. The established CZE method was also applied to directly separate and identify VTG from fish plasma. The results indicated this method could minimize interferences from plasma proteins, allowing the detection of at least 62.5 microg/ml of VTG proteins in total proteins. This is a rapid and easy method to determine the quantity and purity of VTG compared to Bradford method and SDS-PAGE.  相似文献   
Stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD) is an integral membrane protein of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that catalyzes the formation of monounsaturated fatty acids from saturated fatty acids. Recent studies suggest that SCD is a key regulator of energy metabolism and has implications in dislipidemia and obesity. Four SCD isoforms (SCD1-4) have been identified in mouse. In human, only one SCD isoform has been characterized so far. Here we report that the previously reported human ACOD4 gene encodes a distinct stearoyl-CoA desaturase, hSCD5. GenBank database mining revealed orthologues of hSCD5 in the primates, but not in the rodents. In transiently transfected 293 cells, hSCD5 co-localized with calnexin on ER membrane. Microsome fractions prepared from hSCD1 and hSCD5 transfected cells displayed similar delta 9 desaturase activity. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis suggested that hSCD5 was abundantly expressed in adult brain and pancreas. These data suggested that hSCD5 plays a role distinct from that of hSCD1 during development and in normal physiological conditions.  相似文献   
Angiopoietin-like protein 4 (Angptl4) is a recently identified circulating protein expressed primarily in adipose tissue and liver. Also known as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-gamma angiopoietin-related, fasting induced adipose factor, and hepatic fibrinogen/angiopoietin-related protein, recombinant Angptl4 causes increase of plasma very low density lipoprotein levels by inhibition of lipoprotein lipase activity. Similar to angiopoietins and other angiopoietin-like proteins, Angptl4 contains an amino-terminal coiled-coil domain and a carboxyl-terminal fibrinogen-like domain. We report here that Angptl4 is evolutionarily conserved among several mammalian species and that full-length Angptl4 protein is an oligomer containing intermolecular disulfide bonds. Oligomerized Angptl4 undergoes proteolytic processing to release its carboxyl fibrinogen-like domain, which circulates as a monomer. Angptl4's N-terminal coiled-coil domain mediates its oligomerization, which by itself is sufficient to form higher order oligomeric structure. Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of Angptl4 in 293 cells shows that conversion of full-length, oligomerized Angptl4 is mediated by a cell-associated protease activity induced by serum. These findings demonstrate a novel property of angiopoietin-like proteins and suggest that oligomerization and proteolytic processing of Angptl4 may regulate its biological activities in vivo.  相似文献   
大肠埃希菌耐药与抗菌药物使用量的相关性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨大肠埃希菌的耐药率与多种抗菌药物使用量之间的相关关系。方法计算主要抗菌药物每百床日的用药频度(DDDs),以及温州医学院附属第一医院院内感染大肠埃希菌的耐药率,并采用多元线性回归的方法进行分析。结果大肠埃希菌对头孢他啶的耐药率与头孢哌酮和头孢克罗的用量呈负相关,与头孢他啶的用量呈正相关;对庆大霉素的耐药率与头孢他啶、哌拉西林的用量里负相关;对亚胺培南的耐药率与哌拉西林用量呈正相关,与季度呈负相关;对复方新诺明的耐药率与阿米卡星用量呈正相关;对呋喃妥因的耐药率与头孢他啶、去甲万古霉素用量呈负相关。结论在大肠埃希菌耐药水平和抗菌药物使用量之间存在相关关系。  相似文献   
引入CpG基序的汉滩病毒G2糖蛋白基因的克隆及表达   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
构建汉滩病毒G2糖蛋白的真核表达载体,并加入可增强小鼠免疫刺激作用的CpG基序,检测其可否在真核细胞中表达。参照Genebank中汉滩病毒M的全基因序列设计引物,引物两端引入可增强小鼠免疫刺激作用的CpG基序及双酶切位点,通过聚合酶链反应(PCR)获得含CpG基序的G2片段,并将其与T载体pMD18-T相连,测序后克隆至真核表达载体pcDNA3.1 上,将此真核表达载体以脂质体法转染至真核细胞Vero-E6中,利用间接免疫荧光法(IFA)检测发现转染后的Vero-E6中出现特异性的绿色荧光。结果表明本实验成功构建了汉滩病毒包膜糖蛋白G2的重组体。  相似文献   
一株放线菌代谢产物除草活性的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从土壤中分离筛选出1株编号为Z40的链霉菌菌株,其代谢产物具有明显的除草活性。室内生物测定结果表明,Z40菌株发酵液干物质的除草活性主要表现为抑制生长作用。对反枝苋的主根和主茎生长抑制中浓度(EC50)分别为276.76 mg/L和1 609.37 mg/L,对狗尾草的主根和主茎生长抑制中浓度分别为501.81mg/L和629.01 mg/L。浓度为10 000 mg/L对油菜的萌发抑制率和主茎生长抑制率均为100.00%,而对小麦的生长发育没有明显影响。田间试验结果表明,Z40菌株代谢产物对稗、狗尾草、铁苋菜的防治效果均在80%以上,抑制率分别为80.30%,81.59%和88.71%。  相似文献   
遥感技术在大亚湾区域土地利用类型监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何章莉  史合印  邢前国  潘伟斌 《生态科学》2006,25(4):371-374,384
文章综合利用了Landsat系列卫星不同传感器(MSS、TM、ETM )的遥感资料对1979至2004年20多年间的大亚湾周边的植被陆地、非植被陆地以及水域等土地利用类型的相关变化进行了定量监测与评估。遥感监测结果表明,在过去的二十多年间,大亚湾周边植被覆盖总体保持相对稳定,但非植被陆地由1991年的5.1%左右上升到2004年的10.5%左右,水体面积也相应降低了5%左右,表现出“人进水退”的总体变化格局,该变化特征与该区域过去的环境政策、经济活动发展历程有关。通过将人类对区域环境影响的方式、力度和土地利用类型的变化建立一种对应关系,可以预测以后的开发建设活动对土地利用类型的影响,并应用到区域环境影响评价中去。  相似文献   
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