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Irrigation of paddy fields to arsenic (As) containing groundwater leads to As accumulation in rice grains and causes serious health risk to the people worldwide. To reduce As intake via consumption of contaminated rice grain, identification of the mechanisms for As accumulation and detoxification in rice is a prerequisite. Herein, we report involvement of a member of rice NRAMP (Natural Resistance‐Associated Macrophage Protein) transporter, OsNRAMP1, in As, in addition to cadmium (Cd), accumulation through expression in yeast and Arabidopsis. Expression of OsNRAMP1 in yeast mutant (fet3fet4) rescued iron (Fe) uptake and exhibited enhanced accumulation of As and Cd. Expression of OsNRAMP1 in Arabidopsis provided tolerance with enhanced As and Cd accumulation in root and shoot. Cellular localization revealed that OsNRAMP1 resides on plasma membrane of endodermis and pericycle cells and may assist in xylem loading for root to shoot mobilization. This is the first report demonstrating role of NRAMP in xylem mediated loading and enhanced accumulation of As and Cd in plants. We propose that genetic modification of OsNRAMP1 in rice might be helpful in developing rice with low As and Cd content in grain and minimize the risk of food chain contamination to these toxic metals.  相似文献   
The fact that there is a demonstrable unity of origin of themeristematic tissues in ferns, and that developments of an adventitiouscharacter are rare or absent, has led to the view that the youngsoral receptacle, or placenta, is a special kind of meristem,now described as a sporogenous meristem. These meristems originateas growth centres in the leaf marginal meristem, the latterbeing now recognized as an organized formative region sharingmany of the properties and functions of the shoot apical meristem.According to the nature of the growth relationships in the marginalmeristem after the onset of the reproductive phase, sporogenousmeristems may remain in a marginal or intramarginal position,or they may come to occupy a superficial position on the abaxialside of the leaf. In those species in which the further growthof the leaf margin is more or less completely inhibited as sorusdevelopment proceeds. the mature sori occupy marginal or intramarginalpositions: on the other hand, in species in which marginal growthis sustained, the sori eventually occupy superficial positionson the abaxial leaf surface. Thus the phylogenetic shift ofsori from a marginal to a superficial position, as envisagedby evolutionary morphologists of an earlier period, has nowbeen shown to take place in the inidividual species ofSuperficialsas an onto-genetic development. Information of this kind isconsidered to be of special value and interest in that it admitsof a convergence of the ideas that have emerged from both morphogeneticand phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   
The Arabidopsis thaliana accession Shahdara (Sha) differs from Landsberg erecta (Ler) and other accessions in its responses to drought and low water potential including lower levels of proline accumulation. However, Sha maintained greater seedling root elongation at low water potential and a higher NADP/NADPH ratio than Ler. Profiling of major amino acids and organic acids found that Sha had reduced levels of all glutamate family amino acids metabolically related to proline, but increased levels of aspartate‐derived amino acids (particularly isoleucine), leucine and valine at low water potential. Although Sha is known for its different abiotic stress response, RNA sequencing and co‐expression clustering found that Sha differed most from Ler in defence/immune response and reactive oxygen‐related gene expression. HVA22B and Osmotin34 were two of the relatively few abiotic stress‐associated genes differentially expressed between Ler and Sha. Insensitivity to exogenous glutamine and a different expression profile of glutamate receptors were further factors that may underlie the differing metabolism and low water potential phenotypes of Sha. These data define the unique environmental adaptation and differing metabolism of Sha including differences in defence gene expression, and will facilitate further analysis of Sha natural variation to understand metabolic regulation and abiotic/biotic stress interaction.  相似文献   
Arctic ecosystems are especially vulnerable to global climate change as temperature and precipitation regimes are altered. An ecologically and socially highly important northern terrestrial species that may be impacted by climate change is the caribou, Rangifer tarandus . We predicted the current and potential future occurrence of two migratory herds of caribou [Rivière George herd (RG) and Rivière-aux-Feuilles (RAF) herd] under a Canadian General Circulation Model climate change scenario, across all seasons in the Québec–Labrador peninsula, using climatic and habitat predictor variables. Argos satellite-tracking collars have been deployed on 213 caribou between 1988 and 2003 with locations recorded every 4–5 days. In addition, we assembled a database of climate (temperature, precipitation, snowfall, timing and length of growing season) and habitat data obtained from the SPOT VEGETATION satellite sensor. Logistic regression models indicated that both climatic and physical habitat variables were significant predictors of current migratory caribou occurrence. Migratory caribou appeared to prefer regions with higher snowfall and lichen availability in the fall and winter. In the summer, caribou preferred cooler areas likely corresponding to a lower prevalence of insects, and they avoided disturbed and recently burnt areas. Climate change projections using climate data predicted an increased range for the RAF herd and decreased range for the RG herd during 2040–2069, limiting the herds to northeastern regions of the Québec–Labrador peninsula. Direct and indirect consequences of climate change on these migratory caribou herds possibly include alteration in habitat use, migration patterns, foraging behaviour, and demography, in addition to social and economic stress to arctic and subarctic native human populations.  相似文献   
We describe a new genus and new species of Cyphophthalmi from north-eastern India, from the unexplored and extremely wet region lying between China, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Bhutan. Meghalaya annandalei   sp. nov. , from the Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunāchal Pradesh, is an interesting Cyphophthalmi, with eyes located anterior to the ozophore, a modified tibia of leg III of males, and a robust subtriangular adenostyle. The new genus has overall resemblance to the members of the family Stylocellidae, but also has important differences for other characters, which resemble those of the members of the other tropical families Ogoveidae and Troglosironidae. The discovery of additional specimens belonging to other undescribed species indicates the need for arachnological research in that part of south-eastern Asia.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 151 , 663–670.  相似文献   
The breeding systems of an obligate outbreeder (Plantago lanceolata)and an obligate inbreeder (P. patagonica) were compared. Outbreedingin the former and inbreeding in the latter species is achievedby self-incompatibility and preanthesis cleistogamy, respectively.The difference in breeding system is accompanied by a differencein the pollen output, pollen to ovule ratio, stigma and anthersize, and seed weight. P. ovata, a third species known onlyin cultivated form, is intermediate. This species has two typesof plants, some of which are protogynous and others where stigmareceptivity and anther dehiscence synchronize. Although thedifferences between the two intraspecific variants are not large,they nevertheless suggest that the species is in evolutionaryflux. Domestication is known to have modified the breeding systemin many crop plants and there is evidence that, in P. ovata,a start in this direction has already been made. Plantago lanceolata, P. ovata, P. patagonica, protogyny, anther, stigma, pollen to ovule ratio  相似文献   
In Pisum sativum, the completely penetrant leaflet development (lld) mutation is known to sporadically abort pinnae suborgans in the unipinnate compound leaf. Here, the frequency and morphology of abortion was studied in each of the leaf suborgans in 36 genotypes and in presence of auxin and gibberellin, and their antagonists. Various lld genotypes were constructed by multifariously recombining lld with a coch homeotic stipule mutation and with af, ins, mare, mfp, tl and uni-tac leaf morphology mutations. It was observed that the suborgans at all levels of pinna subdivisions underwent lld-led abortion events at different stages of development. As in leafblades, lld aborted the pinnae in leaf-like compound coch stipules. The lld mutation interacted with mfp synergistically and with other leaf mutations additively. The rod-shaped and trumpet-shaped aborted pea leaf suborgans mimicked the phenotype of aborted leaves in HD-ZIP-III-deficient Arabidopsis thaliana mutants. Suborganwise aborted morphologies in lld gnotypes were in agreement with basipetal differentiation of leaflets and acropetal differentiation in tendrils. Altogether, the observations suggested that LLD was the master regulator of pinna development. On the basis of molecular markers found linked to lld, its locus was positioned on the linkage group III of the P. sativum genetic map.  相似文献   
1.  As a result of the role that temperature plays in many aquatic processes, good predictive models of annual maximum near-surface lake water temperature across large spatial scales are needed, particularly given concerns regarding climate change. Comparisons of suitable modelling approaches are required to determine their relative merit and suitability for providing good predictions of current conditions. We developed models predicting annual maximum near-surface lake water temperatures for lakes across Canada using four statistical approaches: multiple regression, regression tree, artificial neural networks and Bayesian multiple regression.
2.  Annual maximum near-surface (from 0 to 2 m) lake water-temperature data were obtained for more than 13 000 lakes and were matched to geographic, climatic, lake morphology, physical habitat and water chemistry data. We modelled 2348 lakes and three subsets thereof encompassing different spatial scales and predictor variables to identify the relative importance of these variables at predicting lake temperature.
3.  Although artificial neural networks were marginally better for three of the four data sets, multiple regression was considered to provide the best solution based on the combination of model performance and computational complexity. Climatic variables and date of sampling were the most important variables for predicting water temperature in our models.
4.  Lake morphology did not play a substantial role in predicting lake temperature across any of the spatial scales. Maximum near-surface temperatures for Canadian lakes appeared to be dominated by large-scale climatic and geographic patterns, rather than lake-specific variables, such as lake morphology and water chemistry.  相似文献   
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