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菱属(Trapa L.)的系统分类一直存在较大分歧,至今还没有一个比较公认的分类系统。黑龙江和图们江流域是菱属物种多样性的重要分布区之一,为了揭示该流域菱属植物的地理分布格局和形态多样性,我们进行了大量实地调查和研究。结果显示,从该地区28个湖中共采集到菱属11个种及8个种内变异类型,表明它们具有丰富的形态多样性;结合查阅菱属354份标本资料,共获得92个分布地点数据;采集到的11个物种的地理分布格局呈不均衡性,其中细果野菱(Trapa maximowiczii Korsch.)分布最广,野菱(Trapa incisa Siebold et Zucc.)、兴凯菱(Trapa khankensis Pshennikova)和科热夫尼科夫菱(Trapa kozhevnikovirum Pshennikova)为狭域分布种;东部乌苏里江和图们江流域是菱属物种多样性的分布中心,可能是第四纪冰期避难所;菱属植物多数种间形态特性相对稳定,东北菱(Trapa manshurica Fler.)、耳菱(Trapa potaninii V.Vassil)、丘角菱(Trapa japonica Fler.)、西伯利亚菱(Trapa sibirica Fler.)和细果野菱共有8个种内形态变异类型;种群内多数分类性状稳定,种群间形态变异较明显;菱属植物分布格局不均衡和种内形态变异的形成可能与基因流的扩散限制有关。本研究结果为进一步澄清菱属分类混乱问题奠定了基础,进一步结合分子标记技术研究系统演化关系将对揭示菱属的进化历史具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Despite the observation first made by von Mohl in 1856, thatepidermal cells greatly influence stomatal aperture, subsequentstudies have failed to pay adequate attention to epidermal cellviability or to quantify the degree of its influence on aperturein epidermal strips and leaf sections. Using Vicia faba stripsand leaf sections we found the following: (i) a non-linear relationshipbetween aperture and guard cell contact with live epidermalcells; (ii) epidermal cell viability on isolated strips hada threshold at about 25 °C; (iii) epidermal strips withdead epidermal cells had wider apertures and lower variabilitythan strips with live cells or intact leaf sections; (iv) afterepidermal cell viability was accounted for, stomatal aperturesshowed no significant differences between isolated strips orstrips removed from leaf sections treated in the same manner;(v) highly variable apertures appeared to be the normal conditionof the intact leaf. Caution should therefore be used in interpretingstomatal behaviour from epidermal strips without first takinginto account mechanical interactions between the guard and surroundingepidermal cells. Vicia faba L, broad bean, epidermal strips, leaf impressions, stomata, guard cells, temperature effects  相似文献   
Abstract Vicia faba plants grown under water deficit were found to have guard cells considerably smaller than those of plants grown under well-watered conditions. Stomala of plants adapted to drought conditions have been observed in past studies to maintain opening at plant water potentials lower than those of plants not so adapted. By employing the geometric interpretation of the mechanical advantage (Wu, Sharpe & Spence, 1985), an anatomical/mechanical basis was found that helps explain how such opening in drought conditions can occur. The geometry and resulting mechanical properties of small stomata, in contrast to larger stomata, give them the capability of opening or maintaining open pores with lower guard cell turgor pressures, relative to the turgor of the surrounding epidermal cells.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: The effect of thallous acetate has been examined on the growth of 23 strains of lactobacilli representing 13 different species. All strains grew satisfactorily in both broth and agar media containing 0.1% of thallous acetate. Of the 18 other organisms also examined the growth of the streptococci was unsuppressed, staphylococci, a micrococcus, B. licheniformis and Pr. mirabilis were partially inhibited and strains of Bact. coli, B. cereus, Chr. prodigiosum and Ps. fluorescens were almost completely inhibited by that concentration. By its use a valuable selective medium for isolating lactobacilli from natural habitats of mixed flora was obtained, other organisms, with the exception of streptococci, being almost completely eliminated.  相似文献   
Physiological characteristics of 45 strains of anaerobic cocci isolated from the rumen, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, caecum and faeces of pre-ruminant and ruminating calves and cows were examined. Among these strains were unusually anaerobic strains of Streptococcus bovis , Gram negative cocci resembling Megasphaera elsdenii but not fermenting lactic acid and strains resembling Coprococcus catus. The amino acid composition of the cell wall peptidoglycans of these and strains of anaerobic streptococci was determined.  相似文献   
Human histatins are a family of low-M(r), neutral to very basic, histidine-rich salivary polypeptides. They probably function as part of the nonimmune host defense system in the oral cavity. A 39-kb region of DNA containing the HIS1 and HIS2 genes was isolated from two human genomic phage libraries as a series of overlapping clones. The nucleotide sequences of the HIS1 gene and part of the HIS2(1) gene were determined. The transcribed region of HIS1 spans 8.5 kb and contains six exons and five introns. The HIS1 and HIS2(1) genes exhibit 89% overall sequence identity, with exon sequences exhibiting 95% identity. The two loci probably arose by a gene duplication event approximately 15-30 Mya. The HIS1 sequence data were also compared with that of STATH. Human statherin is a low-M(r) acidic phosphoprotein that acts as an inhibitor of precipitation of calcium phosphate salts in the oral cavity. The HIS1 and STATH genes show nearly identical overall gene structures. The HIS1 and STATH loci exhibit 77%-81% sequence identity in intron DNA and 80%-88% sequence identity in noncoding exons but only 38%-43% sequence identity in the protein-coding regions of exons 4 and 5. These unusual data suggest that HIS1, HIS2, and STATH belong to a single gene family exhibiting accelerated evolution between the HIS and STATH coding sequences.   相似文献   
Recently, decreased activity levels have been observed in pigs treated postoperatively with transdermal delivery of fentanyl (TD-fentanyl) after isoflurane anaesthesia. Whether the change in behaviour is related to opioid-induced sedation or to insufficient pain relief remains to be investigated. This study was therefore undertaken to evaluate the effect of TD-fentanyl 50 μg h-1 on the activity level with and without isoflurane anaesthesia. Eight pigs (25.4 ± 5.2 kg) were submitted to a cross-over study and given two treatments; 1) fentanyl patch applied after 30 minutes of anaesthesia (treatment A/F) and 2) fentanyl patch without anaesthesia (treatment F). The pigs' behaviour was observed from a video recording instantaneously every 10 minutes for 24 h before treatments and up to 72 h after the patch attachment. Venous blood samples were taken 1, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after the patch application. The behaviour recordings showed that TD-fentanyl did not produce sedation in any pig. No differences were found between the two treatments in activity level, weight gain or serum fentanyl concentration. This concentration measured after 24 h was 0.27 ± 0.11 ng ml-1 and 0.47 ± 0.40 ng ml-1 in the A/F and F group, respectively.  相似文献   
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