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Aquatic organisms are often exposed to dramatic changes in salinity in the environment. Despite decades of research, many questions related to molecular and physiological mechanisms mediating sensing and adaptation to salinity stress remain unanswered. Here, responses of Vaucheria erythrospora, a turgor‐regulating xanthophycean alga from an estuarine habitat, have been investigated. The role of ion uptake in turgor regulation was studied using a single cell pressure probe, microelectrode ion flux estimation (MIFE) technique and membrane potential (Em) measurements. Turgor recovery was inhibited by Gd3+, tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA), verapamil and orthovanadate. A NaCl‐induced shock rapidly depolarized the plasma membrane while an isotonic sorbitol treatment hyperpolarized it. Turgor recovery was critically dependent on the presence of Na+ but not K+ and Cl? in the incubation media. Na+ uptake was strongly decreased by amiloride and changes in net Na+ and H+ fluxes were oppositely directed. This suggests active uptake of Na+ in V. erythrospora mediated by an antiport Na+/H+ system, functioning in the direction opposite to that of the SOS1 exchanger in higher plants. The alga also retains K+ efficiently when exposed to high NaCl concentrations. Overall, this study provides insights into mechanisms enabling V. erythrospora to regulate turgor via ion movements during hyperosmotic stress.  相似文献   
Nutrient acquisition in the mature root zone is under systemic control by the shoot and the root tip. In maize, exposure of the shoot to light induces short-term (within 1–2 min) effects on net K+ and H+ transport at the root surface. H+ efflux decreased (from −18 to −12 nmol m−2 s−1) and K+ uptake (∼2 nmol m−2 s−1) reverted to efflux (∼−3 nmol m−2 s−1). Xylem probing revealed that the trans-root (electrical) potential drop between xylem vessels and an external electrode responded within seconds to a stepwise increase in light intensity; xylem pressure started to decrease after a ∼3 min delay, favouring electrical as opposed to hydraulic signalling. Cutting of maize and barley roots at the base reduced H+ efflux and stopped K+ influx in low-salt medium; xylem pressure rapidly increased to atmospheric levels. With 100 m m NaCl added to the bath, the pressure jump upon cutting was more dramatic, but fluxes remained unaffected, providing further evidence against hydraulic regulation of ion uptake. Following excision of the apical part of barley roots, influx changed to large efflux (−50 nmol m−2 s−1). Kinetin (2–4  µ m ), a synthetic cytokinin, reversed this effect. Regulation of ion transport by root-tip-synthesized cytokinins is discussed.  相似文献   
Transition metals such as copper can interact with ascorbate or hydrogen peroxide to form highly reactive hydroxyl radicals (OH?), with numerous implications to membrane transport activity and cell metabolism. So far, such interaction was described for extracellular (apoplastic) space but not cytosol. Here, a range of advanced electrophysiological and imaging techniques were applied to Arabidopsis thaliana plants differing in their copper‐transport activity: Col‐0, high‐affinity copper transporter COPT1‐overexpressing (C1OE) seedlings, and T‐DNA COPT1 insertion mutant (copt1). Low Cu concentrations (10 µm ) stimulated a dose‐dependent Gd3+ and verapamil sensitive net Ca2+ influx in the root apex but not in mature zone. C1OE also showed a fivefold higher Cu‐induced K+ efflux at the root tip level compared with Col‐0, and a reduction in basal peroxide accumulation at the root tip after copper exposure. Copper caused membrane disruptions of the root apex in C1OE seedlings but not in copt1 plants; this damage was prevented by pretreatment with Gd3+. Our results suggest that copper transport into cytosol in root apex results in hydroxyl radical generation at the cytosolic side, with a consequent regulation of plasma membrane OH?‐sensitive Ca2+ and K+ transport systems.  相似文献   
Gall formation is a specialised form of phytophagy that consists of abnormal growth of host plant tissue induced by other organisms, principally insects and mites. In the mainly parasitoid wasp subfamily Doryctinae, gall association, represented by gall inducers, inquilines and their parasitoids, is known for species of seven genera. Previous molecular studies recovered few species of six of these genera as monophyletic despite their disparate morphologies. Here, we reconstructed the evolutionary relationships among 47 species belonging to six gall‐associated doryctine genera based on two mitochondrial and two nuclear gene markers. Most of the Bayesian analyses, performed with different levels of incomplete taxa and characters, supported the monophyly of gall‐associated doryctines, with Heterospilus (Heterospilini) as sister group. Percnobracon Kieffer and Jörgensen and Monitoriella Hedqvist were consistently recovered as monophyletic, and the validity of the monotypic Mononeuron was confirmed with respect to Allorhogas Gahan. A nonmonophyletic Allorhogas was recovered, although without significant support. The relationships obtained and the gathered morphological and biological information led us to erect three new genera originally assigned to Psenobolus: Ficobolus gen.n. (F. paniaguai sp.n. and F. jaliscoi sp.n. ), Plesiopsenobolus gen.n. (Pl. mesoamericanus sp.n. , Pl. plesiomorphus van Achterberg and Marsh comb.n. , and Pl. tico sp.n. ), and Sabinita gen.n. (S. mexicana sp.n. ). The origin of the gall‐associated doryctine clade was estimated to have occurred during the middle Miocene to early Oligocene, 16.33–30.55 Ma. Our results support the origin of true gall induction in the Doryctinae from parasitoidism of other gall‐forming insects. Moreover, adaptations to attack different gall‐forming taxa on various unrelated plant families probably triggered species diversification in the main Allorhogas clade and may also have promoted the independent origin of gall formation on at least three plant groups. Species diversification in the remaining doryctine taxa was probably a result of host shifts within a particular plant taxon and shifts to different plant organs. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:0021F253‐4ABA‐4EAA‐A7A9‐FC0AD1932EA3  相似文献   
Nyssidium jiayinense , a new species of the extinct genus JSyssidium , Cercidiphyllaceae, is described from the Palaeocene of north-east China. The infructescences of the fossil are paniculate with 14–22 follicles in individual racemose branches. The follicles occur in pairs with opposite ventral sutures. The follicle wall is three-layered, with a thin epidermis. Mesocarp fibres are longitudinal and endocarp fibres transverse. The distinct features of the infructescence structure differ from all other fossil Cercutiphyllum-like plants and living Cercidiphyllum . The fossil provides new morphological evidence supporting the hypothesis that the follicle clusters in extant Cercidiphyllum evolved by reduction from an elongated inflorescence.  相似文献   
We used the European Forest Information Scenario Model (EFISCEN) to project the development of forest resources for 15 European countries from 2000 to 2100 under a broad range of climate scenarios, which were based on the a1fi, a2, b1 and b2 storylines of the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Each climate scenario was associated with consistent land-use change and wood demand assumptions. Climate change-induced growth changes were incorporated into the calculations by scaling inventory-based stem growth in EFISCEN by net primary productivity estimated from the Lund–Potsdam–Jena dynamic global vegetation model. The impact of changes in wood demand, climate and forest area were studied separately, and in combination, in order to assess their respective effects. For all climate scenarios under consideration, climate change resulted in increased forest growth, especially in Northern Europe. In Southern Europe, higher precipitation in spring and the projected increased water-use efficiency in response to rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations mitigated the effects of increasing summer drought. Climate change enhanced carbon sequestration in tree biomass. The climate change-induced increase in tree growth led to a faster increase in growing stocks compared with the simulation using current climate. As productivity decreased in higher stocked forests, the positive impact of climate change began to level off during the second half of the 21st century in the scenarios where wood demand was low. Afforestation measures had the potential to increase growing stock and annual increment; however, large areas were needed to obtain notable effects. Despite noticeable differences in the growth response between the climate scenarios, changes in wood demand proved to be the crucial driving force in forest resource development. Tree carbon stocks increased by 33–114% between 2000 and 2100 when only changes in wood demand were regarded. Climate change added another 23–31% increase, while changes in forest area accounted for an additional increase of 2–40%. Our results highlight potential future pathways of forest resource development resulting from different scenarios of wood demand, land use and climate changes, and stress the importance of resource utilization in the European forest carbon balance.  相似文献   
Auxin Stimulates Cl-Uptake by Oat Coleoptiles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of auxin on net ion fluxes near parenchyma of oatcoleoptiles were studied using the non-invasive MIFE systemto measure specific ion fluxes using ion selective microelectrodes.Application of 10 µM1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) for3 h caused doubling of coleoptile segment growth, without changingthe pH of the unbuffered bathing solution from pH 5.4 duringthat time. Short term experiments revealed that auxin led toan immediate three-fold increase of chloride influx to 1200nmol m-2s-1, maintained for at least 1 h. In the first minutesafter auxin application, proton fluxes were small (-25 nmolm-2s-1, an efflux) and tended to decrease, whereas potassiumand calcium fluxes changed little, fluctuating from -100 to0 nmol m-2s-1and from -15 to 0 nmol m-2s-1, respectively. Itis suggested that one target of auxin action in plant cellsis the plasma membrane chloride transport system mediating increasedchloride uptake.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Auxin, chloride transport, ion flux,Avena sativaL., oat.  相似文献   
Transposable elements in clonal lineages: lethal hangover from sex   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Long-term coevolution of transposable elements (TEs) in sexual hosts leads to evolution of extremely active and dangerous mutagens kept in tenuous check by host-derived mechanisms and via natural selection against TE-rich genomes. To the extent that sexual reproduction and recombination are important in maintaining a stable TE copy number and a tolerable mutation load, the switch to clonality from sexual reproduction can be extremely damaging and, generally, should lead to clonal lineage extinction. Surprisingly however, the loss of powerful selective mechanisms constraining TEs can be beneficial in the short-term by immediately eliminating selective load and possibly promoting the early success of clonal lineages. The clonal lineages that do survive in the long-term must find a way to eliminate or domesticate TEs. Indeed bdelloid rotifers, which are ancient asexuals, do appear to have lost most of the otherwise wide-spread TEs and might have domesticated others. The path to this TE-free haven is anything but clear at the moment. We have considered a novel scenario of instantaneous inactivation of TEs by starting off with a genome carrying repressive host alleles for all TEs in the genome. We show that such a scenario appears plausible and provide some limited empirical evidence in its support.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79 , 33–41.  相似文献   
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