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1. We studied the effect of flea infestation on the pattern of tick (Ixodes ricinus and Ixodes trianguliceps) infestation on small mammals. 2. We asked (1) whether the probability of an individual host being infested by ticks was affected by its infestation of fleas (number of individuals and species) and (2) whether the abundance and prevalence of ticks in a host population was affected by the abundance, prevalence, level of aggregation, and species richness of fleas. 3. The probability of a host individual being infested by ticks was affected negatively by flea infestation. At the level of host populations, flea abundance and prevalence had a predominantly positive effect on tick infestation, whereas flea species richness had a negative effect on tick infestation. 4. The effect of flea infestation on tick infestation was generally greater in I. ricinus than in I. trianguliceps, but varied among host species. 5. It can be concluded that the effect of fleas on tick infestation of small mammals may be either negative or positive depending on the level of consideration and parameters involved. The results did not provide support for direct interactions between the two ectoparasite taxa, but suggested population and community dynamics and the defence system of the hosts as possible factors.  相似文献   
Sun bear ( Helarctos malayanus ) frugivory and fruiting phenology was investigated in a lowland dipterocarp forest in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Two mast fruiting events, both coinciding with El Niño/Southern Oscillation events, occurred 4 years apart, resulting in large fluctuations in fruit availability. Sun bear fruit availability decreased from 13 trees ha−1 fruiting month−1 during the mast fruiting to 1.6 trees ha−1 fruiting month−1 during the intermast period. Almost 100% of sun bear diet consisted of fruit during mast fruiting period, whereas sun bear diet was predominantly insectivorous during intermast periods. The majority of sun bear fruit trees displayed 'mast-fruiting' and 'supra-annual' fruiting patterns, indicating sporadic productivity. Sun bears fed on 115 fruit species covering 54 genera and 30 families, with Ficus (Moraceae) being the main fallback fruit. The families Moraceae, Burseraceae, and Myrtaceae contributed more than 50% to the sun bear fruit diet. Sun bear fruit feeding observations were unevenly distributed over forest types with more observations in high-dry forest type despite fewer fruiting events, possibly due to a side-effect of high insect abundance that causes bears to use these areas more intensively. The possible evolutionary pathways of sun bears in relation to the Sundaic environment are discussed.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 489–508.  相似文献   
Mabeau, S. and Kloareg, B. 1987. Isolation and analysis of thecell walls of brown algae: Fucus spiralis, F. ceranoides, F.vesiculosus, F. serratus, Bifurcaria bifurcata and Laminariadigitata.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 1573–1580. Cell walls were isolated from six marine brown algae, Fucusspiralis, F. ceranoides, F. vesiculosus, F. serratus, Bifurcariabifurcata (Fucales, Phaeophyta) and Laminaria digitata (Laminariales,Phaeo-phyta). Yields of isolated cell walls ranged from 35–45%of thallus dry weight. Walls were composed mainly of alginatesand sulphatcd fucans, the proportions of which correlated withspecies zonation in the intertidal region. This result is consistentwith the hypothesis that the sulphated fucans are associatedwith the adaptation of macroalgae to the intertidal environment.Comparing the chemical composition of isolated cell walls withthat of whole plants, we conclude that alginic acid is mainlypart of the fibrillar wall while a significant proportion ofthe sulphated fucans probably belongs to the intercellular spacematrix. Since ascophyllan-like polysaccharides were more abundantin the fucan extracts from the isolated cell walls than fromthe whole plants, it is suggested that differences in the structureof fucans might be related to differences in their localizationthroughout the tissue. Key words: Cell walls, Phaeophyta, sulphated fucans  相似文献   
Petiole heat-girdle treatments (followed by a 5 min 14CO2 assimilation)were performed on mature leaves of Vicia faba, in order to assesstheir effect on the partitioning of photo-assimilates to theminor vein phloem. Whole leaf autoradiographic evidence indicateda high leaf-to-leaf variation in the image intensity over theminor veins (relative to the mesophyll/epidermal background)in both control and heat-girdled groups of leaves. The averagedegree of minor vein labelling in heat-girdled leaves, however,was found to be significantly lower than that in controls. Comparativeassessment of vein labelling was based on microscopic densityreadings of silver grains over veinal and interveinal regionsin autoradiographic images. Investigations into the cause ofthis alteration in vein labelling indicated no involvement ofan inhibition of apoplasmic phloem loading, as both heat-girdledand control leaves of Vicia were shown to have comparable minorvein uptake of exogenously supplied 14C-sucrose. Heat-girdlingwas shown, however, to increase significantly the partitioningof recently fixed carbon into the insoluble (mainly starch)fraction relative to the ethanol-soluble fraction, within 12min of the treatment. We suggest that this carbon partitioningchange can primarily account for the change in vein labelling,since an increase in the insoluble fraction would result in(1) more 14C-activity remaining in the leaf mesophyll and (2)less 14C-activity going into the mesophyll export pool, andthus, less 14C-sucrose being transferred to the minor vein region.Additionally, although leaf export was completely halted inheat-girdled leaves, 14C-activity was found within the majorveins as far as the point of petiole heat-girdling (followinga 5 min assimilation and 4 h chase). Apparently, continued (butlimited) solution flow within the sieve elements is maintainedby transport pathway unloading within the treated leaves. Key words: Phloem loading, carbon partitioning, heat-girdle, Vicia faba  相似文献   
Systematic studies on the family Phytoseiidae were first conducted at the beginning of the 20th century but increased greatly after the Second World War. Various classifications have been proposed based on different characters such as: dorsal, ventral, and leg chaetotaxy; the shape of ventrianal and sternal shields; the shape of the insemination apparatus (spermatheca) and spermatodactylus; the number of teeth on the movable digit of chelicera; and dorsal and ventral adenotaxy. The genus concepts developed over the last five decades can be divided into two main categories or hypotheses. The first, supported mainly by Chant and McMurtry, focuses on dorsal and ventral chaetotaxy, and the genera so defined usually include a great number of species. The second category, proposed by Athias‐Henriot, considers the shape of the insemination apparatus as the key character, and the genera so defined usually include a limited number of species. From a diagnostic point of view, both classifications have a valid structure, but the question investigated herein was: which of the two classifications or hypotheses fits phylogenetic evolution? To answer this, we conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses (using the genes ITS and 12S rRNA) on the genus Neoseiulus, which has been subjected to classification based on the two main genus concepts. The results showed that the first hypothesis (Chant and McMurtry) leads to polyphyly of the genus Neoseiulus, while the second (Athias‐Henriot) leads to paraphyly of the genus. The results show that acarologists who first decided that the insemination apparatus was of evolutive importance could be correct as the shape of the insemination apparatus seems to better fit evolutive clades than dorsal and ventral chaetotaxy. The morphology of this organ, however, must be more accurately studied to better define homologies. The present paper investigates the two main hypotheses proposed until now for classification of Phytoseiidae and thereby opens the way for improved classification. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 165 , 253–273.  相似文献   
A half century ago the State of Hawaii began a remarkable, if unintentional, experiment on the population genetics of introduced species, by releasing 2431 Bluestriped Snappers (Lutjanus kasmira) from the Marquesas Islands in 1958 and 728 conspecifics from the Society Islands in 1961. By 1992 L. kasmira had spread across the entire archipelago, including locations 2000 km from the release site. Genetic surveys of the source populations reveal diagnostic differences in the mtDNA control region (d = 3.8%; φST = 0.734, P < 0.001) and significant allele frequency differences at nuclear DNA loci (FST = 0.49; P < 0.001). These findings, which indicate that source populations have been isolated for approximately half a million years, set the stage for a survey of the Hawaiian Archipelago (N = 385) to determine the success of these introductions in terms of genetic diversity and breeding behaviour. Both Marquesas and Society mtDNA lineages were detected at each survey site across the Hawaiian Archipelago, at about the same proportion or slightly less than the original 3.4:1 introduction ratio. Nuclear allele frequencies and parentage tests demonstrate that the two source populations are freely interbreeding. The introduction of 2431 Marquesan founders produced only a slight reduction in mtDNA diversity (17%), while the 728 Society founders produced a greater reduction in haplotype diversity (41%). We find no evidence of genetic bottlenecks between islands of the Hawaiian Archipelago, as expected under a stepping‐stone model of colonization, from the initial introduction site. This species rapidly colonized across 2000 km without loss of genetic diversity, illustrating the consequences of introducing highly dispersive marine species.  相似文献   
Abstract: During the last two decades, a range of microfossils have been collected from strata of Late Cretaceous (Coniacian–Maastrichtian) age. The name gilianelles has been coined to accommodate these microproblematica. On the basis of many thousands of specimens, typical features of this group have now been assessed. Distinctive traits are calcareous unilocular, basically axially symmetrical test, in the size range 80–200 μm, with a single‐layered wall of radially arranged crystals, 15 μm thick, the outer surface with a crochet‐like nanostructure, a small‐sized aperture (one tenth of test diameter), situated on the upper surface in vivo. Secondary criteria include modification of axial test symmetry into radial or bilateral symmetry, development of expansions, either spiny or laminar and presence of longitudinal and latitudinal ornament. To date, 60 taxa have been described from northern Spain to northern Germany and from Central America. Evolutionary patterns of gilianelles are diverse, with both short‐ and long‐ranging forms, some of which comprise lineages that were affected by a marked crisis dated at about 73 Ma. This event is here illustrated by the tribe Coraliellini, of which a key taxon, Coraliella cognatio, is described as new. Previous interpretations of Gilianelles as dinoflagellate cysts are discussed and rejected.  相似文献   
Morphological structure and optical properties of the wings of Morphidae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The morphological structure and optical properties of the wings of 14 species of Morphidae have been investigated. Most of the scales of the iridescent species of Morphidae (Lepidoptera) present a very particular structure. The ground scales, responsible for the major part of the optical properties, are covered by a very regular set of longitudinal ridges. The ridges themselves are constituted by a superposition of lamellae that act locally as a multilayered structure. This very specific morphology leads to both interferences and diffraction effects. The first one is responsible of the brilliant blue coloration of the males, while the second one diffracts this colored light at a very large angle. These two phenomena give to the butterfly a very effective long-range communication system. The morphological characteristics of the scales of the various species are presented in detail. Two types of optical measurement were performed on the iridescent wings of 14 different species of Morphidae: spectroscopic measurements under various incidences and gonioscopic measurements for a given incidence angle and wavelength. The first allows a determination of the index of refraction of the cuticular material. The second leads to the drawing of spatial diffraction maps. It shows that most of the reflected light is diffracted laterally over a very large angle (90° 〈 0 〈 120°, according to the different species) and that this repartition depends of the polarization of incident light. As predicted by previous calculations, the dissymmetric structure of the ridge is responsible for the separation of the polarization modes in the various diffraction orders.  相似文献   
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