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Across many dryland regions, historically grass‐dominated ecosystems have been encroached upon by woody‐plant species. In this paper, we compare ecosystem water and carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes over a grassland, a grassland–shrubland mosaic, and a fully developed woodland to evaluate potential consequences of woody‐plant encroachment on important ecosystem processes. All three sites were located in the riparian corridor of a river in the southwest US. As such, plants in these ecosystems may have access to moisture at the capillary fringe of the near‐surface water table. Using fluxes measured by eddy covariance in 2003 we found that ecosystem evapotranspiration (ET) and net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide (NEE) increased with increasing woody‐plant dominance. Growing season ET totals were 407, 450, and 639 mm in the grassland, shrubland, and woodland, respectively, and in excess of precipitation by 227, 265, and 473 mm. This excess was derived from groundwater, especially during the extremely dry premonsoon period when this was the only source of moisture available to plants. Access to groundwater by the deep‐rooted woody plants apparently decouples ecosystem ET from gross ecosystem production (GEP) with respect to precipitation. Compared with grasses, the woody plants were better able to use the stable groundwater source and had an increased net CO2 gain during the dry periods. This enhanced plant activity resulted in substantial accumulation of leaf litter on the soil surface that, during rainy periods, may lead to high microbial respiration rates that offset these photosynthetic fluxes. March–December (primary growing season) totals of NEE were ?63, ?212, and ?233 g C m?2 in the grassland, shrubland, and woodland, respectively. Thus, there was a greater disparity between ecosystem water use and the strength of the CO2 sink as woody plants increased across the encroachment gradient. Despite a higher density of woody plants and a greater plant productivity in the woodland than in the shrubland, the woodland produced a larger respiration response to rainfall that largely offset its higher photosynthetic potential. These data suggest that the capacity for woody plants to exploit water resources in riparian areas results in enhanced carbon sequestration at the expense of increased groundwater use under current climate conditions, but the potential does not scale specifically as a function of woody‐plant abundance. These results highlight the important roles of water sources and ecosystem structure on the control of water and carbon balances in dryland areas.  相似文献   
1. We evaluated whether the surprisingly weak biological recovery associated with declines in acid deposition were related to drought‐induced re‐acidification of streams. We used test site analysis (TSA) to characterise temporal changes (1995–2003) in the degree and nature of impairments to stream benthic macroinvertebrate (BMI) communities influenced by acid deposition and drought. 2. The BMI communities in four historically impacted test streams were compared with communities in 30 minimally impacted reference streams. Six multivariate (e.g. ordination axes scores) and four traditional (e.g. % Diptera) summary metrics were used to describe BMI communities. Using all metrics simultaneously (i.e. Mahalanobis or generalised distance), the TSA provided a single probability that a test community was impaired. If a test community was significantly impaired, a further analysis was done to identify the metric(s) important in distinguishing the test community from reference condition. 3. Results of the TSAs indicated that the generalised distances between test communities and the reference condition were inversely related to stream water pH (n = 36). The TSAs also indicated ordination metrics based on BMI abundance were important in distinguishing significantly impaired communities from reference conditions. Temporal trends indicated that there has been short‐term recovery of these BMI communities, but that overall improvements have been hampered by acid or metal toxicity associated with drought‐induced re‐acidification of the streams. 4. Our use of a variety of summary metrics to obtain a single statistical test of significance within the context of the reference‐condition approach provided a simple and unambiguous framework for evaluating the biological condition of test sites.  相似文献   
1. The introduction of trout to montane lakes has negatively affected amphibian populations across the western United States. In northern California’s Klamath–Siskiyou Mountains, introduced trout have diminished the distribution and abundance of a native ranid frog, Rana (=Lithobates) cascadae. This is primarily thought to be the result of predation on frog larvae. However, if trout feed on larval aquatic insects that are available to R. cascadae only after emergence, then resource competition may also affect this declining native amphibian. 2. Stomach contents of R. cascadae were compared between lakes that contained trout and those from which introduced trout were removed. Total prey mass in stomach contents relative to frog body mass was not significantly different between lakes with fish and fish‐removal lakes, but in the former R. cascadae consumed a smaller proportion of adult aquatic insects. The stomach contents of fish included larvae of aquatic insects that are, as adults, eaten by R. cascadae. 3. Rana cascadae consumed fewer caddisflies (Trichoptera) and more grasshoppers (Orthoptera) at lakes with higher densities of fish. At lakes with greater aquatic habitat complexity, R. cascadae consumed more water striders (Hemiptera: Gerridae) and terrestrial spiders (Araneae). 4. We suggest that reductions in the availability of emerging aquatic insects cause R. cascadae to consume more terrestrial prey where trout are present. Thus, introduced trout may influence native amphibians directly through predation and, indirectly, through pre‐emptive resource competition.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Data were compiled from the literature and our own studies on 24 ant species to characterise the effects of body size and temperature on forager running speed.
2. Running speed increases with temperature in a manner consistent with the effects of temperature on metabolic rate and the kinetic properties of muscles.
3. The exponent of the body mass-running speed allometry ranged from 0.14 to 0.34 with a central tendency of approximately 0.25. This body mass scaling is consistent with both the model of elastic similarity, and a model combining dynamic similarity with available metabolic power.
4. Even after controlling for body size or temperature, a substantial amount of inter-specific variation in running speed remains. Species with certain lifestyles [e.g. nomadic group predators, species which forage at extreme (>60 °C) temperatures] may have been selected for faster running speeds.
5. Although ants have a similar scaling exponent to mammals for the running speed allometry, they run slower than predicted compared with a hypothetical mammal of similar size. This may in part reflect physiological differences between invertebrates and vertebrates.  相似文献   
We assessed the ability of several populations of the metal-hyperaccumulator species, Thlaspi caerulescens , to mobilize non-labile cadmium in soils historically contaminated by Pb/Zn mine spoil or sewage sludge. Radio- labile Cd was determined chemically as an ' E -value', [Cd E ], and biologically as an ' L -value', [Cd L ]. For comparison, chloride-extractable Cd, [Cdchlor], was also determined using 1 M CaCl2 as a single-step soil extractant. Values of [Cd L ] were measured for six populations of T. caerulescens that varied substantially in their ability to assimilate soil Cd, and a non-accumulator species with a similar growth habit, Lepidium heterophyllum . Seeds were sown in soil spiked with 109Cd and grown for 9–12 wk in a controlled environment room. Values of [Cd L ] were determined from the specific activity of 109Cd and concentration of Cd in the plant leaves. For the six soils studied, [Cd E ] ranged from 4.9 to 49% of total soil Cd [CdT]. Values of [Cd L ] were, in general, in close agreement with both [Cd E ] and [Cdchlor] and substantially less than [CdT]. However, [Cd L ] showed no correlation with the concentration of Cd in plant tissue, [Cdshoot]. This suggests that, in the soils studied, T. caerulescens did not mobilize non-labile soil Cd by producing root exudates or altering rhizosphere pH. The results imply that there may be significant restrictions to metal bioavailability, even to hyperaccumulator species, in heavily contaminated soils in which a large proportion of the metal may be present in 'non-labile' forms.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. How populations respond to environmental change depends, in part, on the connection between environmental variance during early life stages and its effect on subsequent life‐history traits. For example, environmental variation during the larval stage can influence the life histories of organisms with complex life cycles by altering the amount of time spent in each stage of the life cycle as well as by altering allocation to life‐history traits during metamorphosis. 2. The effects of larval energetic resources on developmental timing, adult mass, fecundity, mating success, and allocation to adult body structures (thorax, abdomen, wings) were examined in an aquatic caddisfly (Agrypnia deflata Milne, Trichoptera: Phryganeidae). Larval energetic reserves were manipulated by removing larval cases just prior to pupation. In the first experiment, cases of all individuals were removed just prior to pupation; experimental individuals were required to build a new case whereas control individuals were allowed to re‐enter their case without building. In the second experiment, energy differences were maximised between the two treatments by supplementing the larval diet of the control group and removing cases and not supplementing the diet of the experimental group. 3. Male and female development time, adult mass, and female fecundity were not influenced by case removal or diet supplementation. In contrast, allocation to adult body parts indicated a trade‐off between abdominal and thoracic mass among case‐removal females, suggesting that, under larval resource stress, females adjust resource allocation during metamorphosis to alleviate potential negative impacts on clutch size. In addition, latency to copulation increased when cases were removed, indicating larval resource stress could influence male mating success. 4. This study suggests that, under larval energetic stress, the negative impacts on female reproduction might be mitigated by re‐allocating resources during metamorphosis, whereas male allocation strategies might not be as flexible as female strategies.  相似文献   
Abstract: Nonlethal management alternatives are needed to minimize bird depredation of agricultural crops. We conducted 8 caged feeding tests and 2 field studies to evaluate 2 registered fungicides (GWN-4770, Gowan Company, Yuma, AZ; Quadris®, Syngenta Crop Protection, Greensboro, NC), a neem oil insecticide (Aza-Direct®, Gowan Company), and a novel terpene formulation (Gander Gone, Natural Earth Products, Winter Springs, FL) as avian repellents. For all candidate repellents, red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) discriminated between untreated and treated rice during preference-testing in captivity. We observed a positive concentration-response relationship among birds offered rice treated with 2,500 ppm, 5,000 ppm, 7,500 ppm, 11,000 ppm, or 22,000 ppm GWN-4770. Relative to pretreatment, blackbirds consumed 34% and 77% less rice treated with 11,000 ppm and 22,000 ppm GWN-4770, respectively, during the concentration-response test. Maximum repellency among other tested compounds was <40% during the concentration-response test. Blackbirds consumed 28% of rice seeds treated with 20,000 ppm GWN-4770 and 68% of untreated seeds broadcast within rice fields in southwestern Louisiana, USA. We observed 50% fewer unprotected seedlings than those treated with 10,000 ppm GWN-4770 within a drill-seeded rice field in southeastern Missouri, USA. The manufacturer subsequently applied for a United States patent for the active ingredient of GWN-4770 as an avian repellent. Although additional registration criteria and formulation optimization must be satisfied to enable the commercial availability of GWN-4770 as an avian repellent, additional efficacy studies of GWN-4770 and other promising repellents under extended field conditions are warranted for protection of newly planted and ripening rice.  相似文献   
In 1992, tourist hunting in the Selous Game Reserve generated 1.28 million dollars for the Tanzanian government, of which 0·96 million dollars were returned to wildlife conservation. Lions ( Panthera leo ) are one of three critical species for tourist hunting, consistently generating 12%–13% of hunting revenue from 1988 to 1992. Because of their ecological and economic importance (and intrinsic value), it is important that lion quotas be set so that offtake is sustainable. The population density of lions in Selous ranges from 0·08 to 0·13 adults km−2, comparable to unhunted ecosystems. The adult sex ratio (36–41% male) and the ratio of cubs to adults (29% cubs) are similar to those of unhunted populations. The ratio of lions to hyaenas is lower in heavily hunted areas (0·17 lions/hyena) than in unhunted areas (0·43 lions/hyena). Hunting levels between 1989 and 1994 took 2·7–4·3% of adult males annually, which is sustainable. The current quota is 10–16% of the adult male population, which exceeds natural mortality rates for male lions. To remain stable if the quota was filled, the population would have to compensate via increased fecundity, increased juvenile survival, or an altered sex‐ratio. Compensation occurs in Selous by producing (or raising) more male than female cubs (66–81% of juveniles are male). Only 28% of the Selous quota was filled in 1992. The percentage of quota filled (both in Selous and nationwide) has dropped since 1988 as quotas have increased. The current intensity of lion hunting in Selous is sustainable, but the quota cannot be filled sustainably.  相似文献   
Evidence indicates that small heat-shock proteins (Hsps) areinvolved in stress tolerance, but the specific cell componentsor functions that small Hsps protect or repair are mostly unidentified.We recently showed that the chloroplast small Hsps of higherplants (1) are produced in response to many environmental stresses(e.g., heat, oxidative, and high-light stress); and (2) protect(but do not repair) photosynthetic electron transport in vitroduring stress, specifically by interacting with the oxygen-evolving-complexproteins of Photosystem II (PSII) within the thylakoid lumen.However, in vivo evidence of the importance of these Hsps tophotosynthetic stress tolerance is lacking. Here we report positiverelationships between chloroplast small Hsp production and PSIIthermotolerance in (1) a heattolerant genotype of Agrostis palustris(bentgrass) and a heat sensitive genotype which lacks one ormore chloroplast small Hsps produced by the tolerant genotype;(2) ecotypes of Chenopodium album (lambs quarters) from thenorthern vs. southern U.S. (New York vs. Georgia); and (3) nineLycopersicon (tomato) cultivars/species differing in heat tolerance.These in vivo results are consistent with our previous in vitroobservations and indicate that genetic variation in productionof the chloroplast small Hsp is an important determinant ofphotosynthetic and, thereby, whole-plant thermotolerance. Recently,we showed that the mitochondrial small Hsp of plants protectsrespiratory (specifically Complex I) electron transport in vitroduring heat stress, and here we present evidence for previouslyunidentified small Hsps in mitochondria of mammal (rat) cellswhich also protect Complex I during heat stress. These resultssuggest that the mitochondrial small Hsps, like the small chloroplastHsps, are general stress proteins that contribute significantlyto cell and organismal stress tolerance.  相似文献   
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